Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1341
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
Colonial hot 55 is situated on the north side of Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg. It is designated on early plats of the city by the number "55" and "Gale [Galt]".
The earliest known owner of Lot 55 was Jacob Flournoy, goldsmith, who sold the lot with houses thereon in 1712 to Susanna Allen, ordinary keeper. Flournoy may have acquired the property from the Trustees of the City. Allen kept an ordinary each year thereon until her death in 1720. In 1734 the executors of Allen conveyed the property to John White, glazier, In November, 1735 White sold a portion on the southeast, four hundred and eighty square feet, to John Peter Wagnon, perukemaker. The part cut off was 20' x 24' with all hereditaments belonging, and also an outhouse sixteen foot square which Wagnon agreed to "remove and fix" at his own expense. Wagnon in a few months sold to Andrew Anderson, perukemaker, who remained on the site and operated his shop for sixteen years. In July, 1752 Anderson sold the lot with shop thereon, to William Peake, barber and wigmaker. Peake was in partnership with James Currie. Currie operated the Williamsburg shop while Peake seemed to be at a shop in Yorktown. In January, 1755 Peake conveyed the lot with shop thereon to Alexander Craig, sadler and harness maker. For many years Craig operated his business at this stand. (Upon his death in 1776 Alexander Purdie, printer of the Virginia Gazette, stated that Craig had "carried on the saddling business, in all its branches, to a greater extent than any one ever did before in this colony.")
In 1737 John White sold the western portion of Lot 55 to John Pasteur, barber and perukemaker. Pasteur held the property only a few months when he conveyed to Gabriel Maupin [II] and Mark Cosby. Upon Cosby's death in 1752, certain provisions in his will indicated that on the lot was a shop which he bequeathed to Blovet Pasteur, jeweler, and also a house. During Cosby's lifetime he paid half the cost "of building an addition to the Shop." Following his death, his executor, Alexander Craig, rented out the house several years prior to the time, 1771, when Maupin sold to Craig.
From 1771 the entire lot was owned by Craig. At his death in 1776 the estate held it until ca 1752 when Dr. John M, Galt became the owner. Galt or his heirs were owners until the late 1530's when Archibald Foster or his heirs were owners. Peter A. H. Bellet bought from the Foster heirs. Them was a suit concerning legal fee simple ownerships of the Fosters and Bellet. Around 1545 John H, Barlow had come into possession. He, apparently, was owner until 1561. Both Bellett and Barlow had a store and dwelling thereon.
The Frenchman's Map of Williamsburg (1752) shows buildings on what seems to be Lot 55 thus: large rectangular building facing Duke of Gloucester Street with two smaller buildings bordering upon the western boundary and three small buildings on the extreme northern bounds of the lot.
The Bucktrout Map (1803) and the College Map (1791?) both indicate "55" and "Gale [Galt? on Lot 55.
See: Colonial Williamsburg's architectural drawings of archaeological findings discovered in 19--, Illustration #1 of the report.
Figure 1
Block 17
Colonial Lot 55 is situated on the north side of Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg. Late eighteenth and early nineteenth century plats of the city indicate "55" and "Gale [Galt]" on the lot. See: Tyler's adaptation of the College Map (1791?) opposite page.
Research has failed to find the time at which Jacob Flournoy,1 goldsmith, acquired the lot. It is possible that he obtained it from the trustees of Williamsburg. How long he had been in possession prior to January 31, 1712, is not known but on that day he conveyed the lot with houses thereon to Susanna Allen. (Deed to follow chronologically in the report).
According to one source, Flournoy, a French Huguenot, came to Virginia via Holland and London. A list of passengers from London to James River in 1700 gives: "Jacob Fleurnoir, sa femme, 2 garcons and 2 fille."2 Another source states that Flournoy, a "Master goldsmith, emigrated to Virginia with wife and children, from London and after a voyage of fourteen months arrived at Richmond and soon settled 2 at Manakin on the James River. Jacob was soon joined by his nephew, Jean-Jacques (1686-1740), son of Jacques."1 A secondary source gives: "Jacob Flournoy, the Immigrant. From the Geneva Genealogy: Jacques Flournoy, as above, born in 1608, who married Judith Pucrary, was the father of Jacob Flournoy, born January 5, 1663, and who married three times. He went to Virginia in 1700, and established himself near Williamsburg. Here is an extract from his letter to my father, written from his plantation at Manakin Town, May 16th, 1704: It will soon be four years since he arrived with his family, which then consisted of his second wife and his two sons, Francis and Jacques (James), besides one daughter, named Jane Frances, born in Berlin. She was, perhaps, the wife of Ashurst _________. His daughter, Mary, whom he brought from Geneva, died in London a month or six weeks before they embarked for Virginia. His young daughter by his second wife died during the voyage, which took them fourteen weeks to make. He with his family was sent to the end of all the English Plantations to claim the land which the King had granted, being 50 acres of land 'a head. His second wife died there, and he remained a widower with his three children for two years and four months. He married the third time Thursday, December 9, 1703, a Hollander, born at The Hague, like himself about forty years of age, named Madeline Prodhom, the widow of Moise Verreuil, a French merchant at Rouen."2
The Land Registry Books at the Virginia Land Office, Richmond, show that on March 29, 1705 Jacob Flournoy began to enter land. The first and only entry was for 133 acres in Henrico County.3
3Jacob Flournoy may have come to Williamsburg soon after the city was incorporated and in that period when lots were first allocated to individuals. He was living in the city in 1712 and owned a lot on which houses had been erected when he conveyed to Susanna Allen,1 innkeeper:
[January 31, 1712][ed.-/13]
[Jacob Flournoy, goldsmith, Wmsburgh,
Susanna Allen, spinster, Wmsburgh,
Consideration: £61 1 shilling 6 pence]"THIS INDENTURE made the last day of January in ye Eleventh Year of ye reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE... One Thousand, Seven hundred and Twelve BETWEEN Jacob Flournoy of ye City of Williamsburgh Goldsmith of ye one part and Susanna Allen of ye sd City Spinster of ye other part WITNESSETH that ye sd Jacob Flournoy for & in consideration of ye Sun of Sixty One pounds, One Shilling & Six pence Currt Money of Virginia to him in hand paid at & before ye Ensealing and delivery of these Presents...: And also for & in consideration of the further Sum of Eighty Eight pounds, Eighteen Shillings & Six pence of the like Currt Money of Virginia secured to be paid by the sd Susanna to the sd Jacob. He ye sd Jacob bath granted, bargained, Sold, Aliened, enfeoffed & Confirm'd... unto ye sd Susanna Allen & her heirs all that Lott or half Acre of Ground lying & being in ye said City of Williamsburgh on ye North side of the Street called Duke of Gloucester Street & bounded on the South by ye sd Street, On ye East by ye Lott late of Richard Wharton2 Esqr deced On ye North by Nicholson's Street & on ye West by ye Lott or Land of John Serjanton together with all & Singular ye houses, buildings, Yards, Orchards, & Gardens to ye sd Lott belonging & also ye Reversion & Reversions, Remainder & Remainders, Right, Title... TO HAVE & TO HOLD.., unto ye sd Susanna Allen her heirs & for Ever... And further that he ye sd Jacob Flournoy shall & will acknowledge this present Deed of bargain & Sale unto ye sd Susanna Allen her heirs & Assigns. And that Magdeline ye wife 4 of ye sd Jacob shall relinquish her right of Dower in ye Premisses before ye General Court of this Colony or before ye County Court of York when he ye sd Jacob shall be thereunto required & Lastly that he ye sd_ Jacob Flournoy & his heirs shall & will at any time during ye Space of Seven Years next Ensueing ye date hereof on ye reasonable request of ye sd Susanna Allen... Make, Acknowledge & Execute unto ye sd Susanna her heirs & Assigns such further & Other conveyances, & Assurances in the Law for ye better conveying & Assuring of ye Premisses as by ye sd Susanna her heirs or Assigns or her or their Council learned in ye Law shall be reasonably Advised, devised or required. In Wittness whereof ye sd Jacob Flournoy bath hereunto Sett his hand & Seal ye day & Year first above written.
Jacob Flournoy Seal
Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Wil: Robertson
James Sheilds
Jno TimberlakeJanuary the 31st 1712[/13] Received of Susanna Allen the Sum of Sixty One Pounds One Shilling & Six pence Currt Money of Virginia in Part of the Consideration Money within mentioned by me
Jacob FlournoyWittness
Wil: Robertson
James Sheilds
Jno TimberlakeFebruary ye 16th 1712 Received of Susanna Allen ye Sum of Ten Pounds being part of ye Consideration Money within mentioned by me Jacob Flournoy At a Court held for York County 16th Feb= 1712 Jacob Flournoy in Open Court Presented & Acknowledged ye within Deed for One Lott or half Acre of Land lying in Wmsburgh to Susanna Allen, together with ye receipts Endorsed thereon. As also appeared Geo: Baskervyle who by Vertue of a Power of Attorney from Magdelene Flournoy wife of ye sd Jacob relinquished ye sd Magdelen's right of Dower in ye sd Land & on ye sd Susanna's Nocon they are Admitted to Record
Teste Phi: Lightfoot Cl Cur[Allen from Flournoy Bond]
KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents that I Jacob Flournoy of ye City of Wmsburgh Goldsmith am held & firmly bound unto Susanna Allen of ye sd City Spinster in ye Sum of Three hundred Pounds Currt Money of Virginia to be paid to ye sd 5 Susanna Allen her Execrs Adminrs or Assigns. To ye which payment well & truly to be made, I bind Myself, my heirs, Execrs & Adminrs jointly Severally firmly by these Presents: Sealed with my Seal: Dated this last day of January in ye Eleventh Year of ye reign of our Sovereign Lady ANNE... Anno Domi: 1712. [ed.-/13]
THE CONDITION of this Obligation is Such that if ye Above bounden Jacob Flournoy his heirs, Execrs & Admrs: shall well & truly keep, observe, perform & fullfill all & Singular ye Grants, Clauses, Covenants, Articles & Agreements mentioned & Comprised in One Deed of Bargain & Sale bearing Even date with these Presents wch on ye part of ye sd Jacob Flournoy his heirs... ought to be kept, performed & fullfilled with ye sd Susanna Allen... for ye Assuring & warranting ye Lott, or half Acre of Land with ye houses... Then this Obligation to be Void or Else to remain in full force & Vertue
Jacob Flournoy Seal1Witness
Wil: Robertson
James Sheilds
Jno Timberlake"[Recorded February 16, 1712 Court][ed.-1712/13]
The above deed of conveyance indicates that Flournoy was no longer in possession of the property which is described as "... all that Lott or half Acre of Ground lying & being in ye said City of Williamsburgh on the North side of the street called Duke of Gloucester Street & bounded on the South by ye sd Street, On ye East by ye Lott late of Richard Wharton Esqr deced On ye North by Nicholson Street & on ye West by ye Lott or Land of John Serfanton..." Though the lot is not numbered in this conveyance, from its location between Wharton and Serjanton, definite location is established.2
Susanna Allen is believed to have been the daughter of William Allen and Mary Hunt, a daughter of William Hunt, a Frenchman who settled in Charles City County.3
6The earliest date which would indicate her residence in Williamsburg was November 24, 1710 when she was granted license to keep an ordinary "at her house in Williamsburgh lying in this county."1 She was required (as all ordinary keepers were) to provide "good, wholesome and cleanly lodging and dyat for travelers, and stabbleage, fodder and provender or pasturage as ye season shall require for their horses...and during ye term of one year shall not suffer or permit any unlawful gaming in her house or on ye Sabbath Day suffer any person to tipple or drink more than is necessary."
It is not known where Susanna Allen kept ordinary prior to acquiring Flournoy's property. She may have rented the place from Flournoy. At any rate, ordinary license was granted to her in 1711 and every succeeding year until her death in 1720.2
There were certain regulations laid down which tavern keepers were legally required to observe. Below are the lodging and liquor rates for 1710:
Each dyett £0.-.- |
Lodgeing for Each person £0.0.7 ½ |
Stableroom & fodder for Each horse pr night £0.0.7 ½ |
Stableroom & fodder Sufficient for Each horse 24 hours £0.0.11 ¼ |
Each Gallon of Corn £0.0.7 ½ |
Wine of Virginia Produce pr Quart £0.5,- |
Canary & Sherry pr Quart £O.4.4 ½ |
Red & White Lisbon pr Quart £0.3.1 ½ |
Western Island Wine pr Quart £0.1.10 ½ |
French Brandy pr Quart £0,4,- |
French Brandy Punch or french Brandy £0,1.3 |
Rum & Virginia Brandy pr Quart £0.2.- |
Virginia Midling Bear & Cyder pr Quart £0,0.3 ¾ |
Pensilvania Bear & Rogers's best Virga Aile £0.0.6 |
English Bear pr Quart £0.4.-"3 |
In January, 1710/11 Susanna Allen was plaintiff in four suits concerning debts.1 In October, 1711 she "preferred a Claim to the Court for £2,12 due for accommodating Sevl men on their way to the fortifications at York town the sd Allen haveing made Oath that She performed the Same by the Governrs direction & that She has received no Satisfaction thereof--It is ordered to be transmitted to the Assembly for Allowance."2 In December, 1711 "Among the Claimes of York County the Council propose that the Claime of Susanna Allen for dyeting the ffrench prisoners & the marines that guarded them be allowed."3
William Byrd of "Westover" referred to Susanna Allen in his Diary:
February 20, 1712 [Westover]
"I rose about 7 o'clock and said my prayers... Su Allen came to buy cider and made us some spirits
..."April 19, 1712 [Williamsburg]
"...Several of our young gentlemen were before Mr. Bland this morning for a riot committed last night at Su Allen's and A-T-K-S-N's, but came off with paying 10 shillings apiece..."4
In July, 1713 Susanna Allen was fined for "keeping a disorderly house":
"Susanna Allen haveing (been) presented by the Grand jury for keep a marryed man Constant Compy & keeping a disorderly house the latter not appearing agt her is discontinued, but upon hearing the 8 Evidence on the former It is the opinion of the Court & accordingly ordered that She be fined five hundred pounds of Tobo to the Parish of Bruton to be paid to the Church wardens at their next Levy for the use of the sd Parish als by distress: & that She pay Costs."1Her conduct, apparently, did not interfere with getting another ordinary license the next year.
Also, in 1713 there is evidence in the records that Henry Cary,2 Junior, had done some carpenter's work for Allen which had amounted to £34.8.0. At the May 13, 1713 Court for York County, settlement of a suit brought by Cary against Allen was decided thus:
"In the accon upon the Case between Henry Cary Junr plt & Susanna Allen deft for £34,8.0 due for Carpenters work & Materials found (sic) & performed att the Alts [defts?] house wch She assumed to pay & issue being Joyned a jury (to witt) James Hubbard Mathew Peirce Robt Cobbs Junr Saml Hide Walter Butler Peter Goodwin... & Benjamin Moss were Sworn to try the Issue & they haveing heard the evidence... their Verdict... to be delivered to the next Court."3
This work done by Cary is very significant as he was a builder of note in the city.
From the records to follow, it is apparent that Susanna Allen rented her ordinary (or another house) to John Timberlake4 who kept an ordinary for seven months and three weeks prior to his death. As Susanna Allen owned no other property in the city, it seems reasonable to infer that Timberlake operated on her lot.
9In June, 1714. Timberlake applied for an ordinary license.1
In October, 1714 Allen who was executrix for Timberlake, returned to the court a part of the items of the estate which she had "made use from the day he dyed." The items follow:
"The Invoy Mr Jno Timberlake deced Octor ye 23d 1714 as returned to Court | £35.-.- |
Acct of ye Liquors Made Use of from ye day he dyed 6 oz of Madera Wine | 2.4.- |
To 10 bottles of Sower Wine at 4d pr bott | -.3.4 |
To 30 lb of Sugar | -.15.- |
To 10 lb of Currans | -.6.3 |
To 4 bushels of Meale | -.12.- |
To 5 bushels of Oats | -.7.6 |
To Cash recd of Mr Carving | 4.-.- |
To Cash recd of Ye Governour | 6.4.- |
To Cash recd of Mr Cavendy | -.10.- |
To Cash recd of Hanah Tyler | -.4.- |
To Cash recd of Mad: Waley | -.4.- |
To Cach recd of Tho: Stoner | -.5.- |
To Cash recd of Jno Brodnax | -.2.6 |
In November, 1714 Allen made the following oath to the Court:
"Susanna Allen came into Court & made Oath that John Timberlake dyed without makeing will so farr as She knows or believes & She haveing together with Francis Sharpe & David Cunningham her Securitys entered into bond for her true & faithfull administering the sd Timberlake's Estate & Acknowledged the Same in Court which bond is admitted to record and on her mocon Certificate is granted her for obtaining Letters of Administration in due form.
Ambrose Cobbs, Richard Kendall, Nathl Crawley & James Hubberd or any three of them being first Sworn before a Justice of the Peace of the County are appointed to meet Some time before the next Court at Susanna Allens in Williamsburgh and Inventory & appraise all Such Estate of Jno Timberlake deced as Shall be Shewn to them by the adminrx & make report thereof to the next Court."3
On December 13, 1714 an inventory-and appraisement was made which was recorded on December 20, 1714.4
10In June, 1715 a final settlement was presented by Allen to the Court:
"The Estate of Jno Timberlake decd is to Susanna Allen Admrx of ye sd Estate | [Dr] |
To Seven Months three weeks Rent, Household Goods with Cattle & an Servant boy at 35/ pr Anno | £22.-.- |
To his keeping in Sickness with a Nurse 23d days | 2.-.- |
To his funeral | 2.-.- |
... | |
To paid Anne Granger Servt Wages by Judgmt & fees | 2.12.10 |
... | |
To paid for Bacon for ye Use of his house | 2.-.- |
To paid ye Bucher [sick for beef for ye sd Use | 2.10.- |
To Majr Holloway for Corne (sic) | 3-10.- |
To being his Security to Geo: Harvy for Corn & Weate | 5.2.- |
To being his Security to Rich: Bland | 1.15.- |
To Cloathing his Runaway Servt | 1.-.- |
... | |
To being his Security to Mr Chissell [Chiswell] | 9.9.- |
To being his Security to Mr Blare [Blair] | 21.-.-"1 |
From this list of items we gather that Timberlake had two or three servants, that one was, possibly, a cook, that he served bacon, beef, corn bread and wheat breads at his ordinary and that he owed several prominent people in the city. It is, also, apparent that Timberlake rented from Allen the seven months three weeks prior to his death.
On February 17, 1715 Susanna Allen gave James Bates a deed of trust upon her property:
[February 17, 1715]
[Susanna Allen, Innholder, Williamsburg,
James Bates,2 Bruton Parish, Merchant,
Consideration: 5 shillings Current Money of Virginia]"... All that her Lott or half Acre of Land Situate, lying & being in ye sd City of Wmsburgh on ye North Side of ye Street called Duke of Gloucester's Street & bounded on ye South Side by ye sd Street, On ye East by ye Lott late of Richd Wharton Esqr decd, On ye North Side by Nicholson's Street & On 11 ye West by ye Lott or Land of Mr Tho: Jones, together with all & Singular ye houses, buildings & Erections of what kind or fashion Soever... And also ye Reversion & Reversions, Remainder & Remainders thereof TO HAVE & TO HOLD... with ye sd James Bates... unto ye End & term of One whole Year from thence next Ensueing... for Ever, in ffee Simple...
Susanna Allen (Seal)"1[Recorded February 20, 1715
York County court
[February 20, 1715]
[Release Deed from same parties
Consideration: £150 Sterling Money of Great Britain]"...
to her ye sd Susanna Allen & to her Severall Creditors by her Order in paymt of her just Debts by ye sd James Bates well & truly paid, ye receipt whereof She ye sd Susanna doth hereby Acknowledge herself therewith fully contented & paid & of Every part & parcell thereof Both hereby Clearly Acquitt, Exonerate & discharge... for ye betty, furthr & more perfect better & Surer conveying & transfferring of ye sd before granted Land & premisses... unto ye sd James Bates... for Ever... In Witness...
Susanna Allen (Seal)Sealed & Delivered in ye presence of Us
John Clarke
Hen: Holdcraft
Jacob Godwinhis mark"2[Recorded York County court February 20, 1715]
From 1715-1717 James Morris, carpenter, worked on buildings for Susanna Allen:
"1715 James Morris His Account (with Thomas Jones) | |
... | |
To 15 days work of myself at Susanna Allen's & other places | £2.5.-"3 |
"1716 Auguest 20, York County Court: | |
James Morris plt vs Susanna Allen dft | Cr |
for build ye House by Agreemt | £24.-.- |
for 16 Load of Wood | -.8.- |
12 | |
for yr Assumt for Colo Byrd | -.10.- |
for Carting from ye landing | -.2.6 |
for Yr | 2.4.10 |
27.5.5"1 |
(Morris was granted judgment against Allen for £27.5.5 at March 19, 1715/16 Court.)2 During this period Susanna Allen was becoming involved by debts. Frequent suits were filed against her in the court order books.
It is not known where Morris erected the house for Susanna Allen. It must have been on the lot she owned.
On December 17, 1716 the Court ordered that "Susanna Allen be taken into custody by the Sherif for absenting herself from divine service..."3
Allen had not settled with James Morris by September, 1717 as the letter below indicates:
"Sep the 28. 1717
James Morris pray pay to Daniel Peegram the Sume of 10 pound four Shillings and I Shall aLowe it in your aCount pray pay this not Open Sight and Let no more trobill i mean just by you and i hope you done the Same
Susanna AllenAccept by Me
James Morris"4
Daniel Pegram was a carpenter. He must have worked for Susanna Allen on the house.
Adding to Allen's disturbances Elizabeth Cain, runaway servant, was ordered to be whipped at the public whipping post and given twenty lashes on her bare back.5 However, in July, 1717 Allen won a suit 13 brought by Francis Sharp which stated that she owed ham £10--the debt was converted to her use with "40 loads of firewood."1 In May, 1716 she lost a suit as plt. vs Henry Lightfoot for £115 current money and £733 tobacco.2
In 1718 a suit: Thomas Jones plt vs Susanna Allen dft, indicates that Jones "held a mortgage on her land in Wmsburgh" and that David Cunningham and Timothy Sullivant agreed to go security for her. Jones was granted judgment for £110 Sterling.3
Susanna Allen's lot up to this date had never been described by number. However, a conveyance by Thomas Jones and Henry Holdcraft, attorneys of William Wharton, to John Marot, stated that their lot lay "on Duke of Gloucester Street in the city of Williamsburg on the North side of the street opposite to the dwelling house of the said Marot and adjoining to the lots of Susanna Allen and described in the plan of the said city by the figures 56..."4
Allen was granted license for her ordinary in May, 1719.5
On March 2, 1719/20 the will of Susanna Allen of Williamsburg, was witnessed by James Menzies, Andrew Laprade and James Spence.6 It was ordered recorded on May 16, 1720. A Copy follows: 14
"IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Susanna Allen of the City of Wmsburgh & County of York in the Colony of Virga Spinster... make this my last Will & Testamt in manner following... ITEM my will is that Within a Convenient time after my decease my houses & Lotts in Wmsburgh be sold in the best Manner by my Execrs for ready Money or Otherwise at their Obscretion & the produce thereof to be Equally divided between David & Jane Cunningham1 Orphans of David Cunningham decd ITEM I Give to the sd two Orphans One feather bed & furniture with two prs Sheets I Also Give unto each of the Orphans one Pottle & one Quart Tankard of Silver the same being in the hands of MrArchibald Blair I Also do give the sd David one large Bible & to the sd Jane two Small Bibles ITEM I WILL that my Negroe Man named Cooper be imployed on the Plantation of the sd Orphan David... Untill... Comes of Age & then I Give the sd Negro unto the sd David & his heirs for ever ITEM I WILL that my servt boy Named Alexander Stinson be kept on the plantation for the Uses Aforesd or sold by Out Cry at the Discretion of my Execrs ITEM THAT all the Rest of my personal Estate of what Nature soever be sold by publick Auction in such Maner as my Execrs Shall Think proper & the produce (all my Just Debts being duely paid) to be divided Equally between the two Orphans above named LASTLY I Do Constitute & Appoint my Good friends Thos Jones & Wm Robertson Gents to be Execrs of this my Last Will & Testamt hereby Makeing Void all former wills by me heretofore made & declaring this Only to be my last will & Testamt IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal this 2d day of March in the Year of our Lord Christ 1719.
Susanna Allen (Seal)[Witnesses]
Saml Cobbs
Jas Menzies
Andr Laprade
Jas Spence"2
[Recorded York County court, May 16, 1720.]
On March 5, 1720/21 an inventory and appraisement of Allen's estate was made. It was offered to court by Thomas Jones and William Robertson on July 18, 1721.3 The appraisement was £184.-.1. The final 15 settlement of the estate was not entered into the court records until January, 1724.1 There are items as amounts paid for servant wages, funeral charges, coffin, cost for writing will, and for many bills which she owed at the time of her death: The largest amount which she owed an individual was £30.17.8 ¼ (to Colonel Bird [Byrd].) There were only small amounts credited (aside from the total sale of the personal property, £184.-.1 cited above.) There was nothing left over for heirs except the sale of her real estate.
From Allen's inventory and appraisement we know that her house had a celler.2
Whether the property was rented out by Allen's executors prior to its sale is not known from existing records. There was a period of thirteen years in which the real estate was held by the executors. On November 10, 1734 it was conveyed to John White,3 of James City County, glazier:
[November 16, 1734]
[Executors of Susanna Allen
John White, James City County, Glazier,
Consideration: £100 1 shilling Current Money
of Virginia]"THIS INDENTURE made the Sixteenth day of November... MDCCXXXIV BETWEEN Thomas Jones and William Robertson [executors]...of the last Will and Testament of Susannah Allen late of the said City Spinster decd of the one part and John White of the County of James City Glazier of the other part Whereas the said Susannah Allen did by her last Will and Testament bearing Date the Second of March in the year MCDCCXIX declared her Will to be that within a Convenient time after her decease her Houses and Lotts in Williamsburgh should be Sold in the best manner by her Executors for ready mony or otherwise at their discretion and the produce thereof to be equally 16 divided between David and Jane Cunningham Orphans of David Cunningham decd and of her said last Will and Testament did Constitute the said Thomas Jones and William Robertson her Executors as by the same Testament,., may now fully appear And Whereas before the Sale of the Houses and Lott whereof the said Susannah Allen died Seized the said David Cunningham one of the Devisees aforesaid departed this Life an Infant Intestate and without Issue--whereby the produce of the said House and Lotts became due and payable to the said Jane Cunningham now the Wife of the said John White And Whereas the said Houses and Lotts were set up at public Sale and were purchased by the said John White as highest bidder for the Sum of One hundred pounds one Shilling Currt mony NOW this Indenture Witnesseth That the said Thomas Jones and William Robertson for and in Consideration of the Sum of five Shillings Currt mony to them in hand paid by the said John White and for and in Consideration of their ac-quitting and discharging the said Thomas Jones and William Robertson of and from all Claim and demand the said John or Jane his Wife have or may have in and-to-the Bequest aforesaid of the produce arising by the said Lotts and Houses And in pursuance of the.., powers and Authority given them by the last Will and Testament of the said Susannah Allen have bargain'd Sold Alien'd and confirmed unto the said John White all that Lott of Ground lying and being on the North side of Glouster Street in the City of Williamsburgh described in the plan of the said City by the Number 55 being the Lott or Lotts whereof the said Susannah Allen died Seized and the same... mention'd in the afore recited Will with all Houses Buildings Gardens Orchards... To have and to hold the said Lott of Ground And all other the premises herein before bargain'd and Sold... unto the said John White his Heirs and Assigns... for ever...
Thomas Jones (L.S.)
Wil Robertson (L.S.)"1...
[Recorded York County court
November 18, 1734]
In the above conveyance the lot is numbered (55) and described as "on the North side of Glocester Street" in Williamsburg. It states also, that John White, glazier, had married Jane Cunningham, one of the heirs of Susanna Allen, and that the other heir, David 17 Cunningham, had died prior to the sale of the property.
From November, 1734/35 to August 28, 1771 Lot 55 is divided--each section being owned by several different people. (When reading the report, please refer to the chart at beginning of the report showing changes in the two sections.)
On November 18, 1734/35 John White conveyed 480 square feet of the South East part of Lot 55 to John Peter Wagnon,1 Williamsburg perukemaker:
[November 18, 1734/5]
[John White of James City County, Glazier,
John Peter Wagnon, Williamsburg, perukemaker,
Considerations £15 Current Money of Virginia]"...a certain Dividend of Ground containing four hundred and Eighty Square foot being part of a Lott lately belonging to Susanna Allen on Duke of Gloucester Street in the said City of Williamsburgh and numbered in the plan of the said City by the figures 55 Beginning in the South East part of the said Lott and measuring about twenty foot on the front Line and twenty four foot backwards to include the said Quantity With all privileges profits and Hereditaments to the said Dividend belonging... of the said Jots White and Jane his Wife And also and Outhouse of the Dimensions of Sixteen foot Square now on the aforesaid Lott which the said John Peter Wagnon shall at his own expense remove and fix on the said Dividend To have and to hold... unto the said John Peter Wagnon his Heirs and Assigns... for ever...
John White (LS)
Jane White (LS) her markSealed and deliver'd in presence of
John Coulthard
Matthew Shields
John Dupree his mark"1[Recorded York County court November 18, 1734/5]
In the above quoted conveyance, John Peter Wagnon is given a piece of the lot, 480 square feet, beginning in the southeast part of the property, measuring 20 feet on the front and 24 feet backwards (north) to include all houses thereon--which piece took in an outhouse 16 feet square. This outhouse Wagnon agreed to remove and fix at his own expense.
Wagnon's purchase appeared thus:
Figure 2
[May 17, 1736]
[John Peter Wagnon, Williamsburg, perukemaker,
Andrew Anderson, Williamsburg, perukemaker,
Consideration: £40 Current Money of Virginia]"THIS INDENTURE made the 17th day of May... One thousand seven hundred & thirty six BETWEEN John Peter Wagnon of the City of Williamsburg Peruke maker of the one part and Andrew Anderson of the City of Williamsburg aforesaid Peruke maker of the other part WITNESSETH... that for & in consideration of the sum of forty pounds current money to him in hand by the said Andrew Anderson... He the said John Peter Wagnon HATH granted bargained & sold, a certain peice or parcel of Land containing four hundred & eighty square feet being part of a Lot lately belonging to Susanna Allen on Duke of Gloucester Street in the said City of Williamsburg & numbered in the plan of the said City by the figures 55, beginning in the South 19 East Corner of the said Lot & measuring thence twenty feet on the front Line and twenty four feet backwards to include the said Quantity together with one Messuage or tenement on the said peice or parcel of Land lately erected & built. With all privileges... TO HAVE & TO HOLD... for ever...
Jno Peter WagnonSealed & delivered
in the presence of
Robt Will
William Harrison"1[Recorded York County court
May 17, 1736]
Wagnon had, evidently, erected a small building on a part of the lot.
At the June 21, 1736 Court held in York County, Sarah Wagnon, wife of John Peter Wagnon, relinquished her right of dower in the conveyance to Anderson, dated May 17, 1736.2
Wagnon had made changes during his ownership. The value had changed from £15 to £40. Building an outhouse may have caused this change of valuation.
In June, 1744 Anderson and Mary, his wife, gave a mortgage to Thomas Creas for 250 pounds secured by Henry Wetherburn, Mark Cosby and John Baskerville--which mortgage covered his "two lots on the north side of Nicholson Street" (272 & 273) and "also his shop on the Main street with the ground thereto belonging."3 (This reference to shop, of course means Anderson's part of Lot 55.)
In September, 1745 Anderson advertised in the Virginia Gazette thus:
" Just imported, by the Subscriber, living in Williamsburg, in the Neptune, Cant. Dansie, from 20 LONDON,
A Choice Parcel of best Hairs, and other Materials, for making all Sorts of Wigs, 8cc prepared by the best Hands in London. Any Gentlemen or others, may depend on being faithfully served, after the newest Fashions, and as reasonable as from London, by
Their very humble Servant,
Andrew Anderson.N. B. Whereas my honest Neighbour, that has advertis'd for Two or Three Journey-men has lately seduced One from my Service, in a clandestine and undermining Manner: which I am well persuaded, that no Man but one of his Principle; would have done: Therefore it's to be hoped, that one of the Number he has advertised for, will come into my Service, in Lieu of him who has been so villanously cajol'd as above, who ma depend on having good Encouragement, from
Andrew Anderson."1
In September, 1746 Anderson had the following notice in the Virginia Gazette:
"JUST Imported, by the Subscriber in Williamsburg, in the Shin Hamilton, Capt. Seaton, from LONDON, A Choice Parcel of best hairs and other Materials for making all sorts of Wigs, prepared by the best Hands in England, Any Gentlemen or others may depend on being faithfully served, after the newest Fashion,
By their very humble Servant,
Andrew Anderson.N.B. The Subscriber has good Florence Oil, and fine Hair Powder, to sell."2
The period 1750-52 seems to find Anderson in serious financial difficulties. There were suits against him in which he lost.3
In the Ms Virginia Gazette Day Book (1750-1752) for June, 1752 there is evidence that Anderson paid the printer five shillings, nine pence "For advertising his Shop."4 This issue of the newspaper is not extant.
21In July, 1752 Anderson and wife, Mary, conveyed his part of Lot 55 [southeast to William Peake,1 barber of Yorktown:
[July 8, 1752]
[Andrew Anderson & Mary, his wife,
William Peake, barber and wigmaker, Yorktown
Consideration: £100 Current Money of Virginia]" THIS INDENTURE made the Eighth day of July... (1752 Between Andrew Anderson of the City of Williamsburgh Barber and Wig Maker and Mary his Wife of the one part and William Peake of the Town of York Barber and Wigmaker of the other part WITNESSETH that the said Andrew Anderson and Mary his Wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of One hundred Pounds Current Money to the said Andrew Anderson by the said William Peake in hand paid at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents... HAVE Granted Bargained Sold... unto the said William Peake ALL that Messuage or Shop Scituate and being on the Main Street in the said City of Williamsburgh with the Ground thereunto belonging, it being the same Shop wherein the said Andrew Anderson for many Years last past hath carried on his Business of Barber and Wig Maker... To have and to hold the said Messuage or Shop with the Appurtenances unto the said William Peake his Heirs and Assigns... And these Presents further Witness that the said Andrew Anderson for the Considerations aforesaid Hath Bargained and Sold... unto the said William Peake Two long Tables one Sink and one Cistern now in the said Shop and Used in the said Business of a Barber...
Andw Anderson (L.S.)
Mary Anderson (L.S.)...
Memorandum That on the Eighth day of July 1752 the within Named Andrew Anderson delivered Peaceable and Quiet Possession... of the Shop Ground and 22 Premises within mentioned unto the within named William Peake in the Presence of
J. Palmer
John Holt
Alexr Finnie"1[Recorded York County court
July 20, 1752]
In the sixteen years of Anderson's ownership the value had changed from £40 to £100. Note mention of table, cistern and sink.
In less than six months following Anderson's sale to Peake, Anderson had died. His inventory and appraisement made November 25, 1752 listed many items which he had used in his barber and wigmaking shop. Though he was not keeping shop on Lot 55 at the time of his death, we include these wigmaking items because, no doubt, they were in his shop on Lot 55 prior to the sale to Peake: "43 Black Ribbon Roses for Wiggs, a Wig Caul, some Remnant of Ribbons, some bleached Hair, a Case with 21 Razors, 3 Cases with 7 Razors, a Hone, straps, 5 womens curls, 5 boxes and remnants of hair, 3 barbers blocks and pressing irons, a case of lancets, a case of tooth drawers and instruments, money scales, weights and inkstand, 4 wigs, 1 tale, and a chest."2
In August, 1752 Peake along with James Currie carried a notice in the Virginia Gazette stating that he had "lately settled in the Shop belonging to Mr. Anderson":
[August 21, 1752]
" THE Subscribers having settled in the Shop lately belonging to Mr. Anderson, in Williamsburg, gives this public Notice, That they shall be glad to serve all Gentlemen and Others, that are pleased to favour them with their Custom; where they may depend on being supplied with good brown Wigs, Ties, Grizles, Grays, Bobs, or Cues, off all Sorts, (as reasonable as can be imported from London) at the lowest Price, with the Allowance 23 of 5 per Cent, on prompt Payment.
We, the Subscribers, beg the Favour of Gentlemen and others, that are indebted to us, to pay their respective Debts, that it may enable us to discharge ours, which will very much oblige.
Their humble Servants,
William Peake
James Currie."1
In September, 1752 James Currie advertised that he was in Williamsburg and Mr. Peake was in Yorktown where hairs "all ready curl'd and well prepared... most of them far below the London Prices" could be supplied:
[September 29, 1752]
A FRESH Cargoe of live human Hairs, all ready curl'd and well prepared by the best Hands in London, most of them far below the London Prices, of the same Goodness and Quality. N.B. As the Importer proposed to leave the Country soon, Encouragement will be given to such as are inclined to purchase in the Wholesale Way. Enquire at Mr. Peake's in York, or Mr. Currie's in Williamsburg, for the Hairs."2
In November, 1752 Peake gave a deed of trust on his property in Williamsburg to Mary Catton:
[November 20, 1752]
[William Peake, Yorktown, barber,
"THIS INDENTURE made the twentieth day of November... One thousand seven hundred & fifty two... Between William Peake of the Town and County of York Barber of the one part and Mary Catton of the County of Warwick Widow of the other part WHEREAS the said William Peake by his certain Writing Obligatory bearing Date the second day of this Instant November did bind himself unto the said Mary Catton in the Just 24 and full Sum of Ninety two Pounds twelve Shillings and four Pence Current Money with Condition for the Payment of Forty six Pounds six Shillings two Pence.., upon demand as by the said Bond... He the said William Peake, HATH Granted Bargained... ALL that Messuage or Shop Scituate and being on the Main Street in the City of Williamsburgh with the Ground thereunto belonging It being the same Shop which the said William Peake purchased of Andrew Anderson and Mary his Wife And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents... And all the Estate Right Title.,. together with two long Tables one Sink and one Cistern now in the said Shop and purchased therewith from the said Andrew Anderson TO HAVE & TO HOLD... unto the said Mary Catton her Heirs and Assigns To the only proper Use and behoof... PROVIDED always and these Presents axe upon this Condition that if the said William Peake his Heirs Executors or Administrators shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Mary Catton her Executors Administrators or Assigns the said Forty six Pounds six Shillings and two Pence with the lawful Interest now due... at or upon the second day of November next ensuing the date of these Presents... then this Present Indenture and every thing therein contained shall cease... and become void... AND LASTLY It is Agreed between the said Parties that until default shall be made in the Payment of the said Sum of Money and Interest... it shall and may be lawful to and for the said William Peake his Heirs and Assigns to Occupy Possess and Enjoy the said Bargained and Sold Premisses with the Appurtenances without the Molestation or disturbance of her the said Mary Catton or any Person claiming under her IN WITNESS whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their Hands and Affixed their Seals the day and Year first above written.
Mary Catton,3 widow of Warwick County
Consideration: £92 12 shillings 4 pence current money of Virginia on condition to pay £46 6 shillings 2 pence]
William Peake (L.S.)1"...
[Recorded York County court
November 20, 1752]
William Peake was still operating in Yorktown in July, 1754. A notice in The Virginia Gazette stated that he had on hand "A FRESH Assortment of HAIRS, and other Materials for Making Wigs." He signed it from "York-Town, July 16, 1754."2
25On January 20, 1755 Peake conveyed the Williamsburg lot to Alexander Craig,1 sadler:
[January 20, 1755]
[William Peake, barber and wigmaker
Alexander Craig, Williamsburg sadler,
Consideration: £87 Current Money of Virginia]"THIS INDENTURE made the twentieth Day of January... [1755] BETWEEN William Peake of the Town of York Barber and Wigmaker and Abigail his Wife of the one part and Alexander Craig of the City of Williamsburgh Sadler of the other part WITNESSETH that... in Consideration of the Sum of Eighty Seven Pounds Current Money to the said William Peake by the said Alexander Craig in hand paid... doth release.., for ever... ALL that Messuage or Shop Situate and being on the Main Street in the said City of Williamsburgh with the Ground thereunto belonging which the said William Peake purchased of Andrew Anderson and Mary his Wife by Indenture of Bargain and Sale bearing Date the eighth day of July One thousand seven hundred and fifty two.,. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.., forever... in fee Simple... IN WITNESS...
William Peake (L.S.)"2[Recorded York County Court
January 20, 1755]
In order to make the conveyance legal in fee simple, Mary Catton acknowledged in court the same day that William Peake had paid her £46.5.2 (principal and interest due on a mortgage made November 20, 1752 by Peake to her) and gave up forever all "Estate Title... of in and to the shop and ground in the said Mortgage..."3
James Currie, who, in August, 1752, with William Peake had notified the public that they were "settled in the Shop lately belonging to Mr. Anderson",4 continued there until after he bought a shop from Dudley Digges, formerly the shop of Dr. Kenneth McKenzie. 26 In October, 1755 Alexander Craig credited James Currie in his account book with "By Shop rent pd £12...[rest of page torn]."1
In Craig's Ms Account Book (1761-1762) there is this memorandum:
"1763 June 9-September 31In erecting "the new shop" items such as 3000 shingles, nails of various kinds, lime, floor boards, glass, lead, cash paid for sawyers, mention of a smoke house, and several accounts paid carpenters: Benjamin Powell, and John Saunders, and Simon Whitaker, brick layer. Statement cannot be made that this shop built by Craig was on the southeastern part of Lot 55 acquired by him in 1755 from William Peake. However, it seems reasonable to assume that the shop may have been on this lot.3
Memorandum of Sundrys Advanced for Materials towards
the new shop..."2
In 1764 Craig bought many items from the Virginia Gazette office such as almanacs, books, quires of paper, vials red ink, morocco leather, quills &c.4
In November, 1737 White conveyed his part of Lot 55 (Western 27 part) to John Pasteur,1 barber and perukemaker of Williamsburg. (White, evidently, had removed to Elizabeth City County by this date.) The conveyance follows:
[November 21, 1737]
[John White, glazier, Elizabeth City County
John Pasteur, barber and perukemaker, Williamsburg,
Consideration: £40 Current Money of Virginia]" THIS INDENTURE made the XXIth day of November in the Year of our Lord MDCCXXXVII BETWEEN John White of the County of Elizabeth City Glazier and Jane his Wife of the one part and John Pasture of the City of Williamsburg Barber and Perukemaker of the other part WITNESSETH That the Said John White and Jane his Wife for and Consideration of the sum of Forty Pounds current Money of Virginia to them in hand paid at and before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents... HAVE granted bargained... and confirmed unto the Said John Pastur, his Heirs and Assigns forever ALL that Lott of Ground lying on the North Side of the Main Street in the said City of Williamsburg: numbered in the plan thereof by the figures 55, which formerly belonged to Susannah Allen and Since purchased by the said John White of the Executors of the Said Susannah WITH all Houses Yards Gardens... thereunto belonging or in any wise Appertaining except A certain part of the Said Lott at the South east corner thereof which the Said White lately Sold to John Peter Wagnon and by the Said Wagnon also conveyed to Andrew Anderson And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents issues and profits.,. Estate right title and property... TO HAVE and to HOLD... for ever...
John White (Seal)
Jane * White (Seal) her mark
Sealed and Delivered
In presence of
John Roberts
Thomas PhillipsTest
Matt Hubbard Cl Cur"2
Truly Recorded
[Recorded York County Court
November 21, 1737]
We include Pasteur's barber's tools &c as taken from his inventory (1741) though he was not operating on this lot at his death. This list shows what he used in his peruke making and barber's 28 shop.1
Pasteur held the lot only a few months when he conveyed to Gabriel Maupin2 and Mark Cosby3 in fee simple. The conveyance to follow, let us realize, was the western and lamer part of Lot 55:
[January 15, 1737/38]
[John Pasteur, Williamsburg peruke maker,
Gabriel Maupin & Mark Cosby of York County,
Consideration: £40 Current Money of Virginia]" THIS INDENTURE made the XVth day of January MDCCXXXVIII BETWEEN John Pasteur of the City of Williamsburg Peruke Maker of the one part and Gabriel Maupin and Mark Cosby of the County of York of the other part WITNESSETH that the said John Pasteur for and in Consideration of the Sum of Forty pounds Current Money of Virginia to him in hand paid At and before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents... HATH granted bargained Sold Enfeoffeed... unto the said Gabriel & Mark their Heirs & Assigns for Ever All that Lott of Ground lying on the North side of the Main Street in the said City of Williamsburg numbered in the Plan thereof by the Figures 55 which said Lott of Ground was lately purchased by the said John Pasteur of John White and Jane his Wife by Deed of Bargain and Sale bearing Date the XXIst day of November MDCCXXXVII Recorded in the said County Court of York With all Houses Yards Gardens... thereunto belonging except as in the aforementioned Deed is excepted (Relation being thereunto had may more fully & at large appear) AND the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders Rents... of the said Lot... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted premisses with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Gabriel and Mark... for Ever... 29 IN WITNESS whereof the said John Pasteur interchangeably hath set his hand and Seal the day &
Year first above Written.
Jane [sic] Pasteur (seal)
Martha Pasteur (seal)In presence of
Wm Tayloe
John Gibbons
John Dupree his markAt a Court held for York County Jany the 15th 1738. This deed of Bargain & Sale was presented and acknowledged in Court by John Pasteur and Martha his wife (the said Martha being first privily examined and Voluntarily assenting thereto) And it was Ordered to be recorded.
Matt Hubard Cl CurMemorandum
It is agreed between the named Gabriel Maupin & Mark Cosby that right of Survivorship shall not take place between them But that in Case of the Mortalty (sic) of either of them the Heirs or Assigns of the party so dying shall have & enjoy an equal part of the Lands premisses & Appurtenances within mentiond in Common with such Survivor In Witness... they have hereunto set their hands & Seals this 15th day of Jany 1738
Gabriel Maupin (S)
Mark Cosby (S)"1[Recorded York County Court
January 15, 1738]
In July, 1752 changes came which involved part ownership of the western part of Lot 55. Mark Cosby died leaving a will in which he made certain bequests as to his part-ownership of the lot with shop thereon:
[Will of Mark Cosby]
[July 1, 1752]
"... ITEM I give and bequeath unto Blovet Pasteur2 the shop where he now occupys to keep and to hold the Shop only making repairs as shall be reasonable but if he should leave the said Shop then to return to the free hold... ITEM I give and bequeath unto Gabriel Maupin son of Gabriel and Judith his Wife all my whole Estate both real and Personal to him forever after the two Legacies above mentioned being satisfied But if it should please God that the said Gabriel should die before he Attain to 30 the Age of twenty one Years or should not have neither Heir nor Heirs lawfully begotten... then my desire is that the said whole Estate both real and Personal as aforesaid shall be Inherited by my friend Mr Alexander Craig1 and Mary his Wife to them forever Craig and Hugh Orr appointed executors]...
Mark Cosby (L.S.)Signed Sealed Published
and Declared in Presence of
Thomas Hornsby
Robt Nicholson
Jno Coke."2[Recorded York County Court
August 17, 1752]
Though Cosby's will does not state that the parents of young Maupin were dead, they undoubtedly were. (Could find no will or statement of their death in court records.) Cosby's executors' accounts to follow with the final settlement of the estate, show that Cosby had taken "Gaby" under his protection in 1750. Cosby paid for "Gaby's" board, clothing, education &c. Accounts to follow:
"1750 Mr Mark Cosby Dr
I settled with Mr Cosby ye 8th of Decr 1750 & paid him ye Ballance due to him on his own Acct. Mrs Pasteur's Estate & a small acct of Mr Maupins Personal Estate & my Acct agt him for Boarding himself & Gaby Maupin begins as follows their years not being done did not settle about that & his rent of the House is upon the other side--
To Gabys Board washing & Lodging from 25th June 1750 £10.-.- To Do for your self from ye 21st July 1750 18.-.- 1751 April 27 ... To Sundrys advanced for you when you were sick 2.6.10 ... 1752 Aug 8th [wig for Gaby, shoes for Gaby, shoes for self...] PER CONTRA Cr 1750 By Rent of your House from ye 3d Octr 1750 @ 20 pound pr Annum 31 1751 Cr July 21 By Accts this day settled 264.19.5 Aug 8 By Rent of the House &c to this day from the 2d of Octr 14.-.- By an Acct in his book agt me ending this 8 of Augt 34.18.2"1
In June, 1754 Craig wrote to Theoderick Bland from Williamsburg regarding some harness work he was doing for Bland:
I have sent your harness & as the Crests [?] you sent did not match & one of your own so much Broke I have sent three I had by me which with one of your own will soot I think better than the 2 other pairs & as I come by them Cheap I shall charge but six pounds for the whole though I told you it would be the same without any Brass Mrs Campbell told me she would talk with Mr Hugh Miller about your order & then give me an answer which I shall acquaint you soon
Your most Obedt Sert
Alexr Craig
Wmsburg June 12th 1754"2(I shall Observe your order about yr saddle)
The legal settlement of Cosby's estate was recorded in York County records on November 17th 1755, Alexander Craig, executor. Some of the items undoubtedly, apply to Cosby's property on Duke of Gloucester Street (western part of Lot 55) Research could discover no other property in Williamsburg owned by Cosby but these items (given below) seem to refer to a plantation owned by Cosby. The settlement records follow:
[Settlement of estate of Mark Cosby]
[1752] August 12, 1752 "The Estate of Mark Cosby decd Dr To funeral charges £ 3.4.6 To Paleing the Lot 0.3.6 To repairing the Stable 0.9.0 32 Dr To half the Charges of building addition to the Shop being Mr Cosbys Agreement with me £ 7.10.- To Cash to Mrs Pasteurs Estate 24.19.9 ½ To 8 Bushels of Lime Bricks & repairing Chimneys 0.5.- To 36 Panes of Glass 1.16.- To paid Mr Robinson for Gabys College fee 0.17.2 To 10 days Labourors Work & board in raising the Barn 0.15.- To a Wigg for Gaby 1.1.6 To 1100 Clapboards & Carting Do for the barn 3.6.- To Mr Walker for teaching Gaby to Write & Cypher 1.10.- To John Saunders for building the Stable 16.18.- Wm McKay for teaching Gaby to Write & Cypher 0.10.9 To a Hat for Gaby 0.9.- To making 2 Shirts for Gaby 0.4.- To 1 pr Shoes Do 0.5.6 1754 To 2 pair Shoes for Gaby 0.12.- To Stockings & Boots for Gaby 0.7.6 To Mr Millers Account of Cloaths for Gaby 1.15.1 To 2 ¾ Yards Linnen for Waistcoats Do 0.6.9 To John Didups Account for Gabs 2.1.9 £431.17.8 ¼ 1752 pr Contra CR Aug 16 By Cash in the House when he died 11.1.8 1753 Aug 12 By Rent of the House 1 Year 20.0.0 By Cash in the hands of Alexr Craig after Settling Mr Cosbys Account with him 86.2.11 By Rent of the Plantation till Christmas 1753 6.-.- By Blovet Pasteur 8.5.- 1754 Aug 12 By a Years Rent of the Houses and Plantation 26.-.- 1755 Aug 12 By Rent of the House 20.-.- 33 By Hugh Orr for Wages of Joe £10.-.- £431.17.8 ¼"1
From the above quoted settlement, Cosby was charged with half the cost of building addition to the shop.2 Whether all the lime, bricks, repairs to chimneys, panes of glass, building barn, stable &c was to Cosby's part of Lot 55 cannot be established.
It is possible that Craig moved his residence into Cosby's house. His shop was next door. Cosby and young Maupin boarded with Craig prior to Cosby's death as above settlements indicate. Blovet Pasteur boarded, also, with Craig from 1752 to 1760:
"1752 | Blovet Pasteur | Dr |
Octr | To a Year Board of self | £14.-.- |
1753 | ||
Jany 14 | To Do of yr Boy & his lodging | 15.-.- |
Octr 3 | To a Years Board of self | 14.-.- |
[1754] | ||
Jany 14 | To yr Boys board & lodging a Year | 13.-.- |
Oct 3 | To a Years board of self | 14.-.- |
[1755] | ||
Jan 14 | To a Your Boys board & lodging 1 Year | 13.-.- |
1756 | ||
Oct 3 | To 1 Years board of Self | 14.-.- |
1757 | ||
Jan 14 | To a Years board Boy & lodging | 13.-.- |
Oct 3 | To Yr board | 14.-.- |
1758 | ||
Jan 14 | To a Year Boys board & lodging | 13.-.- |
Oct 3 | To Yr your own board | 14.-.- |
1759 | ||
Oct 3 | To a Years board of self | 14.-.- |
1760 | ||
May 15 | To boarding his Negro boy to 20th Novr | 4.-.- |
Nov 20 | To boarding himself to 3d Octr | 14.-.- |
To 1 Month & 17 days | 1.16.6 | |
£242.14.6 | ||
34 | ||
1754 | ||
Aug | "By a Silver pint Can | £7.-.- |
By a pr Silver Spurs | 2.5.- | |
By pr Gold Sleeve buttons | 7.9. | |
By 6 tea Spoons | 1.7.6 | |
£242.14.6"1 |
The above account of Pasteur's indicates that he boarded with Craig several years and that he was operating as a jeweler.
Though Craig owned a dwelling on York Road, it would have been more convenient for him to live next door to his shop and board Cosby, Pasteur and young Maupin.
In 1758 Craig wrote to Theoderick Bland concerning work on harness &c:
"The Bearer Nicholas Sim who formerly Lived with me as a Tanner & now going [sic] to settle in Petersburg will want some money which I owe him & not having the Cash at present obliges me to use the freedom of troubling you with yr Acct which if you'l pay to him will greatly Oblige
Yr most obliged hble Sert
Alexr Craig
Wmsburg June 5th 1758
To a pr harness for a shaft Chair with 2 Saddles To Theok Bland Esqre"2 £8.0.0
Several notices in newspapers for 1759, 1767, 1772 and 1777 indicate that Blovet Pasteur was still in business in Williamsburg though his location is not given except for 1767:
35[November 30, 1759]
"Just IMPORTED by the Subscriber, and to be SOLD reasonably, at his SHOP, in Williamsburg,
A CHOICE Assortment of Silver and Stone Work, consisting of Buckles, Buttons, &c, of the newest Fashions.
Blovet Pasteur."3
WILLIAMSBURG October 8, 1767.
"A CHOICE ASSORTMENT of JEWELLERY, SILVER WORK, &c, to be sold at my shop, next door below the Raleigh tavern, upon very reasonable terms.
Blovet Pasteur."1
This last notice locates Pasteur, definitely, on Lot 55, for the Raleigh Tavern was situated on Lot 54.
Blovet Pasteur must have moved his shop.2 Prior to August, 1771 Maupin sold his portion of Lot 55 (western part) to Alexander Craig:
[August 28, 1771]
[Gabriel Maupin, tavernkeeper, Williamsburg Dorcas, his wife, to
Alexander Craig, city sadler,
Consideration: £500 current money of Virginia]"... All that Lott or half Acre of Ground lying and being in the City of Williamsburg aforesaid in the Parish of Bruton and County of York and bounded on the South by Duke of Gloucester Street on the North by Nicholas [sic] Street on the East by the Lott of Mr Joseph Scrivenor3 and on the West by the Lott of Mr James Southall4 and is denoted in the Plan of the said City by the Figures 55, which said Lott the said Gabriel claims under the last Will and Testament of Mark Cosby deceased and as Heir at Law of Gabriel Maupin, his Father, deceased, Except a small part thereof purchased by the said Alexander of William Peake and Abigal his Wife... AND all Houses... forever...
Gabriel Maupin (L.S.)
Dorcas Maupin (L.S.)"5[Recorded York County Records
November 18, 1771]
Now, Alexander Craig by this last purchase had become full owner 36 of the entire lot. Craig died in January, 1776 leaving a will:
[Will of Alexander Craig]
[December 19, 1772]
I request my good Friends Doctor William Pasteur Doctor John Minson Galt and Mr Gabriel Maupin to act as my Executors of said Will.ITEM I desire of them to pay all the debts I owe as soon as can be first from the debts due to me, stock in Trade and whatever personal Estate may be thought by them most eligible to be first Sold and so afterwards any other part of my Real Estate may be sold till all debts I owe are paid, excepting that part which my beloved wife may choose for her third part. If she should choose that House next to Mr Robert Nicolson's belonging to me I Likewise desire it should be put in good Repair with the Kitchen Garden &c and that she shall have my Negro wench named Judy with necessary Household Furniture for her Life and if she does not choose that House I then leave it to my Executors and herself to fix upon her Residence with the same Addition to her third Part as of the above Negro Wench and Furniture.
I give my Grandson Alexander Dickie Galt that half of a lot of Land purchased of the Trustees of Colo Philip Johnson by his Father Doctor John Minson Galt and myself adjoining the Lands of Doctor William Pasteur and Mr William Pearson.
I Bequeath to my four daughters Judith, Mary, Lucretia and Ann to be equally divided amongst them all my Estates remaining.
Alexr Craig (LS)1...
[Recorded York County Court,
February 19, 1776]
Three newspapers in Williamsburg carried obituary notices of Craig's death.2 Purdie stated that Craig "[had] carried on the saddling business, in all its branches, to a greater extent than any one ever did before in this colony."
A month later, Craig's executors advertised the property on Lot 55 for sale. Though the description does not give the location or number of lot, from another notice (to follow February 7, 1777) it is obvious that Craig's estate was owner of Lot 55 in February, 1776.
37The February, 1776 notice follows:
This notice from the executors indicates that Craig had been living on the lot and had a saddlery and harness business thereon.[February 23, 1776]
"To be SOLD, to the highest bidders, on Wednesday the 6th of March, at the late dwelling--house of mr. Alexander Craig, deceased.
ALL his stock in trade, consisting of saddlery and harness furniture, &c, also a cart and horses, several cows, and some household furniture. Six months credit will be allowed... All persons indebted to the deceased are requested to make immediate payment, and those who have any demands will make them known, to
GABRIEL MAUPIN )executors"
Craig's will was recorded in York County Court records on February 19, 1776. On March 2, 1776 an appraisement of Craig's personal property was made.2 The appraisement gives a long, detailed list of sadlery items on hand, materials used, tools &c, with shelves, counters and a glass ease at the shop. The list indicates that at his death Craig had on hand for ready sale, many items such as harness, bridles, saddles, postillion whips and caps, &c.
On March, 23, 1776 "A warrant to the Exor's of Alexr Craig for £175.7.9 (was ordered paid by the House of Burgesses) for sundry Cartouch Boxes, &c., (which Craig had) furnished the army."3
A notice by the executors of Craig in February, 1777, indicates beyond doubt that Craig had occupied the house on Lot 55 as a dwelling:
[February 7, 1777]
" To be SOLD on Tuesday the 4th of March, at 4 o'clock in the Afternoon, to the highest Bidder, the lot and houses in the main Street in Williamsburg adjoining the Raleigh Tavern, where Mr. 38 Alexander Craig formerly lived. A House or Part of a Lot in Waller Street, with a Lot and Stable some little distance, therefrom. A Pasture of six or seven Acres enclosed, adjoining Mr Southall's Pasture, Also fifty Acres of woodland about five Miles from Town on the road to Jamestown. Half the Purchase money to be paid down, and for the Residue 12 months credit will. be allowed, the Purchasers giving Security to
JOHN M. GALT ) Executors
GABRIEL MAUPIN)We once more request the Favour of Persons indebted to the Estate to make immediate Payment, which will be of infinite Service to Mr. Craig's Family."1
Galt and Maupin, executors of Craig's estate, were still in the process of settling in October, 1783, when they advertised that "THOSE persons indebted to the estate of Alexander Craig, deceased, will take notice, that if they do not discharge their respective balances by the first day of November ensuing, that their account will be lodged in the hands of an attorney, in order to commence suit."2
However, some of the real estate of Craig's had been disposed of prior to this. Apparently, John M. Galt, son-in-law of Alexander Craig, had come into possession of Lot 55, formerly Alexander Craig's, ca 1782. The Williamsburg Land Tax records indicate that "John M. Galt" is charged with "1 lot--[value for tax purposes--£5.10.0"3 Dr. Galt's apothecary shop was located on a part of Lot 56.4
The Frenchman's Map of Williamsburg (1782) shows the buildings 39 on what appears to be Lot 55 in this way:1
Dr. Galt, evidently, owned the property from ca 1782 to his death in 1808. His estate held it to ca 1830 when it was conveyed to Archibald Foster.2 There were several deeds of trust and a suit before the property was finally sold at public auction in 1842. The only source found for these conveyances was located in the Southall Papers at William and Mary College. They follow:
Southall Papers, William and Mary College, folder 292: Legal Cases and Estates (two of more counties):[December 1, 1838]
[Archibald Foster estate (1815-1846) 84 pieces including copy of will. Chesterfield County, Gloucester County, Henrico County, Williamsburg and James City.
Frances Foster, executrix. Williamsburg 1st part Peter Bellett, Williamsburg, 2nd part Consideration: $1400]
"Witnesseth that Frances Foster... bath granted, bargained and sold... unto him the said Peter H.A. Bellett his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain lot of land situate lying and being in the City of Williamsburg on the north side of the main street, adjoining the Eastern end of the Raleigh Tavern, which was conveyed to the heirs of the said Archibald Foster by the heirs of John M Galt, on which lot the said Foster resided at the time of his death, together with all the Houses, buildings and improvements thereon, with all and singular the appurtenances to the same belonging..."
[Recorded in the Clerk's office of the Hastings Court, December 22, 1838]
In a suit by the creditors of Bellett, then deceased the complainants stated:
"that Although Archibald Foster had contracted 40 for the purchase of the said lot of land and buildings and had paid the purchase price, and though Frances Foster sold to Bellett and conveyed lot, that Archibald never had the legal title, but only an equitable estate therein; therefore Frances Foster could not convey the legal title to Bellett; nor could Bellett convey the title to McCandlish... That a certain William Browne and Sarah his wife and Alexander D Galt and Mary his wife, two children of John M, Galt, after the death of Archibald Foster by their deed, on July 2.4, 1832, conveyed two undivided thirds of the said land and buildings to the said Frances Foster, widow, and to and to the children of Archibald Foster... William C, Galt, another of the children and heirs of the said John M, Galt by his deed dated July 1833, conveyed to the widow and three children his title to said lot and buildings... (the lot and buildings were put up for sale at public auction]... the said Peter H, A. Bellett, agreed to pay fourteen hundred Dollars for the said Lot of Land and buildings, that after the purchase thereof, he expended in repairs thereon, as he informed your said oratrix, between four and five hundred dollars, and it is the opinion of competent judges that the trust premises are intrinsically worth, and if sold upon proper notice, and the usual credits would command, two thousand dollars or thereabouts--But in the present depressed state of money matters, and the unexampled pecuniary distress which every where prevails, your complainants believe, that whilst there is not the slightest danger of the property not bringing enough to pay the said debt, which is reduced, as your Complainants charge to less then five hundred dollars, a sale thereof at the present time, upon the short notice given, and for Cash, will result in a total sacrifice of the interest of all. concerned, except the creditor secured by the said deed... That the said trust property is most eligibly situated in the said City for a residence and store, & the main building consists of a dwelling house, and store house attached, being well arranged for the accommodation of two families, and therefore calculated to rent to great advantage--Your Complainants verily believe that at the present depreciated prices it would readily command a rent of one hundred and fifty dollars, and in ordinary good times would bring two hundred dollars rent. That the store part thereof if sold, separately from the residence would now command as your Complainants believe more than the amount due on said deeds, but they doubt extremely whether the whole premises, if 41 now sold, under the terms advertised, would command much more than the sum due... Your Complainants are advised and charge that in addition to the foregoing obstacles to a sale under the said deed, the following objections exist, and as they believe are well founded. First, the legal title to the said trust property, hitherto supposed to be in the said Peter H. A. Bellett by virtue of the deed of the said Frances Foster conveying as executrix aforesaid, is clearly in the said Archibald T, Joseph, and Mary C, Foster, heirs of the said Archibald Foster and Frances Foster deceased--For the title was conveyed directly to them as herein before stated from the heirs of John M. Gait deed and the deed of the said Frances Foster in her character of executrix aforesaid, did not pass even her own title derived as aforesaid; or if it did convey her own title, then it conveyed nothing as executrix, as it purports to convey only in one character, & that as executrix, To permit a sale with this closed hanging over the title, would greatly depreciate the price, even in the best of times... Fifthly Your Complainants charge that the said Frances Foster was indebted on account of the rent, use, & occupation of a portion of the said House conveyed as aforesaid, the sum of Twenty six Dollars, or thereabouts, which is a just discount or offset against the demand under the said deed, for which, so far as they are informed no credit has been given to the estate of the said Peter H, A, Bellett,.. That the title to the said land & buildings may be cleared and settled, by decreeing all proper conveyances from the said Archibald T, Joseph, & Mary C, Foster... before any sale thereof shall be made..."1
From this account of the involvements into which title to the property had fallen we learn that Peter H, A, Bellett2 had operated a store there for several years when he thought he was the owner, and that on the lot was a dwelling house, also.
42Bellett may have been operating the store on this location as early as 1836.1
We do not know how long Bellett continued on the location. According to insurance policies on the Raleigh Tavern (1823, 1830 and 1837) Archibald Foster or his estate owned the property,2 However, Williamsburg Land Tax records show that Frances Foster, [widow paid in 1834 tax on "a lot & buildings $1000 Via Arch'bd Foster decd, who purchased of the heirs of Jno M, Galt decd"3
In 1839 Peter A. H, Bellet owned"1 lot & buildings $1000 Via Frances Foster executrix."4 In 1840 this property had increased in value to $1200 for lot and building; $800 building.
By 1846 a policy on the Raleigh Tavern indicates "John H. Barlow on East,"5
In 1847 John H. Barlow had become owner of the Raleigh Tavern.
In 1855 a Williamsburg newspaper carried a notice of Barlow's business:
"Main Street, Williamsburg, Va.,
Next door to Raleigh Institute
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery,"6
In June, 1857 Barlow offered the Raleigh Tavern for sale. In August, 1857 it was sold to Robert Blassingham according to the 43 Weekly Williamsburg Gazette of August 12th.1
Barlow continued to own the house and store on Lot 55 to 1861. (Land Tax records stop). Barlow continued to live on the lot. Eliza Baker, an old negro woman was living back of the Raleigh Tavern on Nicholson Street when the tavern burned on December 11th, 1859. She stated that "Mr. Vest's new store was built where the Tavern was before it was burned. Mr. Barlow lived in bliss Lucy Vaiden's house, but his house wasn't hurt by the fire."2 (Miss Vaiden was living on Lot 55 in 1933)
Mr. John S, Charles, an old citizen of Williamsburg, wrote his recollections of the city during the Civil War period:
"...There are only two houses now standing on this square and facing on Duke of Gloucester Street that were there when the 'Raleigh Tavern' burned. The one now owned and occupied by Miss Vaiden, the other now owned and occupied by Mrs. Lee. The former presents much the same appearance that it did when the 'Raleigh' was burned, except that in the eastern end of this house Mr. John H, Barlow, the owner, conducted a general merchandise store. Mr. Barlow was for some time mayor of this city; held court every week-day, up at the court house; and dispensed justice with dispatch, and in such a manner that the violators of the law surely got their dues."3
Mrs. Victoria M. Lee, another old citizen of Williamsburg, in the early days of the Restoration made this comment about this lot and houses thereon:
"Between my home and the present Vaiden House was a very small, story and a half cottage... This house was the home, years later, of my son, and it was pulled down by Pox. Vaiden, to whom he sold it.
44To the west of this cottage was the Barlow House, a large, square, frame building, the present Vaiden home. This had no porch then and the door was not in the center as now, but in the eastern or right end of the house."1
For further details of ownership of lot 55, see Accounting Department records, Colonial Williamsburg.
In February, 1752 Peake advertised that he could supply "Wigs of any Kind" and that he would "keep Shop at Mr. William Dunn's" in Williamsburg. (Virginia Gazette, February 20, 1752)
In May, 1752 a suit between Peake, plt against Andrew Anderson dft, awarded Peake £8.8,3. (York Records, Judgments & Orders I, p 492)
Figure 4
[Lots] | [Tax value] | ||
"1782 | John M. Galt | 1 lot | £5.0.0 |
1806 | John M. Galt | 1 ¼ | $90.00 |
1808 | John M. Galt | 1 ¼ | 90.00 |
1810 | John M. Galt's estate | 1 ¼ | 90.00 |
1812 | John M. Galt's estate | 1 ¼ | 100.00 |
[1812-19 same owners & valuation] | |||
1834 | Frances Foster | 1 | $900 building; $1000 lot & buildings Via Arch'd Foster decd, who purchased of the heirs of Jno M. Galt decd. |
1839 | Peter A. H. Bellett | 1 | $900 building; $1000 lot & building Via Frances Foster executrix |
1840 | Peter A. H. Bellett | 1 | $800 building; $1200 lot & building Via Frances Foster ex: See transfers of 1839. |
1845 | John H. Barlow | 1 | $800 building; $1200 lot & building |
1849 | John H. Barlow | 1 | $1500 buildings; $1750 lot 7 buildings additional improvements |
1851 | John H. Barlow | 1 | $2000 building; $2300 lot & buildings" |
"1 Long Oval Table | £ |
1 large looking Glass | 2.10.0 |
1 Small Do | 0. 6.0 |
1 pr window Curtains | 0. 2.0 |
1 pr Small Iron doggs | 0. 4.0 |
1 pr Small money Scales | 0. 4.0 |
7 leather Chairs high backs | 2. 5.0 |
8 old Chairs | 1. 5.0 |
1 pr large doggs | 1. 0.0 |
1 pott Rack | 0. 1.0 |
3 brass pails | 2. 5.0 |
2 Tables 1 Chest & Lumber | 0.12.6 |
5 old Chairs | 0.15.0 |
[torn] Curtains | 0.55.0 |
[torn] Do | 1.0.0 |
[torn] | 0.10.0 |
[torn] jugs & 1 old Counterpin | 2.5.0 |
7 beds & 1 old quilt | 16.5.0 |
1 torn] Table & press bedsteads | 10.0.0 |
6 old Chairs | 1.5.0 |
2 old Chests | 0.8.0 |
1 bedstead & hyde | 0.10.0 |
1 Tea Kettle | 0.10.0 |
2 Sifters | 0.1.10 |
1 pr money Scales | 0. 7.6 |
130 lb old pewter @ 9d | 4.17.6 |
5 Tankards & 1-qt pott | 0.10.0 |
11 old Spoons | 0.1.3 |
1 looking Glass | 0.2.6 |
11 knives | 0.5.6 |
1 doz. Napkins 2 Table Cloths | 0.19.0 |
6 Course Towels 2 pillow Cases | 0. 9.6 |
14 pr Sheets | 7. 5.0 |
2 old Table Cloths 2 pillow Cases | 0. 5.0 |
1 press of Books | 0.10.0 |
2 Gowns & petticoats | 3.10.0 |
4 old Gowns | 1. 0.0 |
2 old Table Cloths | 0, 5.0 |
2 Muggs | 0.3.0 |
1 pr Dogs | 0.10.0 |
1 Close Stoole | 0.10.0 |
1 old Copper | 1.0.0 |
2 Spits 1 pestle 1 bell mettle Skillet 1 hash pan Casks Tubbs & other Lumber | 3.10.0 |
1 drawing knife 1 Coffee mill 1 earthern pott &c | 0.6.0 |
150 lb brown Sugar | 2. 5.0 |
4 oz Orange water | 1. 2.6 |
3 doz beer 0 7/ | 1. 4.6 |
1 pr Poniard | 0.10.0 |
1 firkin butter | 1.0.0 |
the Lumber in the Seller | 1. 0.0 |
1 bed & furniture | 5.10.0 |
4 plates torn] | 0.7.6 |
1 soop spoon [torn] | 0.0.6 |
1 Small Iron Pott | 0. 4.0 |
1 Copper box & Can[torn] | 0. 3.6 |
2 Chairs & [torn] | 0.12.6 |
2 Candlesticks [torn] | 0. 2.6 |
1 brass Ke[torn] | 11.0.0 |
227 lbs bacon @ 3d | 4.1.9 |
2 side Saddles | 1.10.0 |
1 Old Tumbler & Wheels | 2.5.0 |
1 pr old brass Scales | 0.3.0 |
1 Decanter | 0.2.0 |
1 large bible | 1.5.0 |
65 Ounces 4d wt Silver 4/6 | 13.12.6 |
1 Sword hilt wt 3 Oz 15d wt t 4/ | 0.15.0 |
Jack in the house | 13.10.6 |
£184.-.1" |
[Recorded July 18, 1720/11]
"On the mocon of Wm Robertson Gent John Blair Lewis Holland & Michael Archer or any two of them are appointed to state and Settle the Accts of ye Estate of Susanna Allen decd and make report thereof to the next Court."Ibid, p 324 May 17, 1725 Court
"Allen's Settlement returned by Wm. Robertson & admitted to record--"Ibid, p 341
To Cash d Cat Pulliam | £ -.15.- |
To pd Mary Cary for Wages | -.7.- |
To Do Anne Everet | -.3.4 |
To Do Robert Dyer | -.2.6 |
To Do Anne Williams | -.13.3 ¾ |
To Do Saml Hyde | -.17.8 ½ |
To Do Mary Dunn | 1.17.2 ½ |
To Do Michl Archer for funl Char | 6.12.10 ½ |
To Do Anne Frith | -.9.- |
To Do James Lewis | -.8.- |
To Do Lewis Delony for a Coffin | 1.10.- |
To Do Doct. Brown | 2.7.- |
To Do Wm Baily | 10.9.6 |
To Do Lewis Holland | -.2.8 |
To Jos Davenport for writg her Will | -.10.- |
To John Clayton Esqr | 2.10.- |
To Henry Holdcroft | 2.12.6 |
To Colo John Allen | 3.18.10 |
To ye Exrs Geo. Harvey pr Judgmt | 7.15.11 |
To Costs of Do 123 £Tob @ 12/6 | -.15.4 ½ |
To John Hames Flournoy on Acct Orld Jones | -.15.- |
To John Blair | 5.-.3 ¾ |
To Ann Griffis | -.13.6 |
To Mat Cuming | 8.12.6 |
To Wm Gordon | 12.1.9 |
To Wm Forbes pr Bond | 48.10.4 |
To Do pr Acct | 1.9.8 |
To Thomas Jarrall | 3.14.6 |
To John Taylor | 18.17.2 |
To Colo Ludwell | 9.4.9 |
To Capt Turner | 2.18.6 |
To John Dunken | -.15.- |
To James Bates being Sterl £2.4.2 ½ 15 pr Ct on Do -.6.7 | 2.10.10 |
To James Comerchan 258 lb Tobo @ 2d | 2.2.2 |
To Martin Hurdle | 1.4.3 |
To Wm Eddings | 4.3.- |
To Lewis Contess | 1.12.6 |
To Edward Jaquelin | 5.15.- |
"1710, | November 24th (York County records, Orders & Wills 14, p 40.) |
1711, | December 17th (Ibid, p 122) |
1712, | February 16th Ibid, p 234) |
1713, | February 15th (Ibid , p 311) |
1714, | March 21st (Ibid, p 397) |
1715, | March 29th (Ibid., p 495) |
1716, | May 21st (Ibid, Orders, Wills 14, p,501) |
1717, | May 20th (Ibid, Orders & Wills 15, p 114) |
1718, | March 18th (Ibid, p 222) |
1719, | May 18th (Ibid, p 427) |
June 29th | To 3000 Shingles | £ 2.8.- |
To nails &c | -.20.- | |
To carting Shingles | -.20.- | |
July 6 | The sawers began to work | |
Augst 6 | ||
To Carting 1 day, 8th half day | -.15.- | |
To 3 days of Jeffrey | -.5.- | |
[Augst] 8 | ||
To Carting half a day 9th To 1 day Do | -.15.- | |
[Augst] 15 | ||
To Carting 2 day | -.10.- | |
To Work of Will 2/ | -. 2.- | |
[Augst] 22 | ||
To Carting Lime 1 day | -.10.- | |
Sepr 2 | ||
To 1 M: 20_d nails of Tarpley &c | -.17.6 | |
To Carting frames 1/6 | -. 1.6 | |
5 M Shingling nails | [not extended] | |
To Lathing Nails 3/ 2M: flooring brads 39/ | 1.7.- | |
100 20d 18d, | -.-.6 | |
Glass at Mr Prentises | 1.7.6 | |
Do Do | -.12.6 | |
32 lb of Lead, 500 20_d brads 18/6 | 1.--.- | |
[Sepr] 31 | ||
To Cash to Thos Cowles for Sawers | 4.--.- | |
To Nails of John Lewis | 2. 9.2 | |
To Benj: Powel's Act | 31.6.6 | |
£49. 1.2 | ||
To James Atherton Do | [not extended] | |
To Simon Whitaker Do | 19.-.- | |
To Jno Saunders Act for Smoak house | -.13.7 | |
To 500 M: Shingles, omitted | -.8.-" |
[APPRAISEMENT of the Estate of Alexander Craig of
Williamsburg March 2, 1776]
Only items relating to Craig's harness & saddlery business copied.
"1 sett Chair Harness | £ 3.10.0 |
8 doz: staples | 0.4.0 |
5 pr H Hinges | 0.15.0 |
4 Chair Bridles | 1.0.0 |
1 Cart Breeching | 0.8.0 |
8 pr bolts and Nutts | 1.0.0 |
... | |
1 Bridle and stirrup leathers &c | 0.3.9 |
1 pr Rope Traces | 0.8.0 |
43 lb Rope | 1.12.3 |
... | |
43 Saddle Trees | 10.10.0 |
5 doz: Tinn'd bridle bits | 6.2.10 |
37 pr Tined stirrups | 6.1.0 |
108 pr best polished Stirrups | 27.0.0 |
10 polished Curbs | 0.10.0 |
34 polished bradoon bits | 0.17.0 |
6 best polished Pelham bits | 1.16.0 |
10 Do | 3.8.0 |
40 best polished bits | 6.0.0 |
... | |
4 pieces Silk Ferrit | 1.4.2 |
... | |
4 ps and 8 yds. Orrice | 1.9.0 |
40 yds. Fringed Lace | 2.10.0 |
2 yds black Silk Velvet | 3.0.0 |
6 ¼ yds Cotton Velvet | 3.2.6 |
3 yds Saddle Cloth | 0.8.9 |
5 Chair saddle Cloths | 0.6.3 |
... | |
2 red sheep Skins | 0.4.0 |
1 ½ White Do | 0.5.6 |
5 Brown sheep skins | 0.12.6 |
1 pr plated stirrups | 1.0.0 |
2 p polished Youths stirrups | 0.8.0 |
1 pr plated spurrs | 0.10.0 |
1 sett Silver Tuft Nails | 0.10.0 |
4 Cart Saddle Trees | 0.8.0 |
59 ¾ lb skirt Leather | 5.19.6 |
3 p skirts &g | 0.15.0 |
2 ps Worsted Web | 1.0.0 |
... | |
34 yds diaper Web | 0.13.0 |
20 Girths and Surcingles | 1.12.0 |
41 Collar Needles | 0.3.5 |
20 postillion Thongs and Whip Cord | 0.7.6 |
2 long Thongs | 0.5.0 |
19 p spurr Rowels | 0.3.0 |
7 doz: and 4 Silk lashes | 1.2.0 |
4 Coach Pads | 0.16.0 |
7 Housing peices mounted | 4.4.0 |
... | |
20 Gro 4 ½ doz: tin'd buckles | 8.1.1 |
4 Gro 6 doz: and 9 brass inch buckles | 6.15.0 |
... | |
24 ½ sets Tuft Nails | 2.4.9 |
17 Horse Whip Nails | 0.1.6 |
... | |
30 ½ doz: starrs for Winkers | 4.8.3 |
19 ½ doz: brass Dees | 0.19.6 |
... | |
12 sets Watering rings and Hoops | 2.14.0 |
... | |
2800 brass Nails | 1. 6.6 |
... | |
10,400 Clout nails 40/ 15 doz: Screw knobs 36/ | 2.16.0 |
1650 Tacks 6/3 3 doz: Wood Screws 2/ | 0. 8.3 |
... | |
1 doz: Frickers | 0. 6.0 |
... | |
2 pr sliding Tongs | 0.3.9 |
1 Pinkny's brass Wheel | 0.7.6 |
1 Lot brass 4/ 1 do 8/ | 0.12.0 |
1 Box Saddlers Tools | 2. 0.0 |
... | |
1 Lot stirrup Iron | 0.6.0 |
Sandpaper | 0.2.6 |
... | |
3 pr Clamps | 0.7.6 |
... | |
3 Velvet Caps | 2.10.0 |
1 pr straps | 0. 2.6 |
1 Lot old Iron | 1.10.0 |
2 Leather Buckets | 1.0.0 |
1 Writing Desk and Frame | 0.15.0 |
Shelves Counters and Glass Case | 4.0.0 |
... | |
20 pieces Coach Corner Furniture | 2. 0.0 |
1 set Coach body Furniture | 1.10.0" |
£680. 8.10 |
[Recorded York County Court
April 15, 1776]
[Appraisement of the Estate of John Pasteur]
[Owner of the Western part of Lot 55 from 1737-1738. He died in 1741, not owner of this lot but it may be well to list from his inventory the barber and perukemaker tools &c as these, doubtless, were with him when he was owner of lot 55 west.]
November 16, 1741
"... | |
1 pewter Cistern 5/ some remnants of hair | £ 0.6.3 |
2Barbers blocks & stands 4/ | 0.5.3 |
3 Mounting blocks 7/6 13 razors 12/ | 0.19.6 |
4 Cards and 3 brushes 4/ 1 Vice 4/ | 0.8.0 |
1 Barbers hammer 1/3 1 Goose or Pressing Iron 2/6 | 0.3.9 |
... | |
1 parcel of old Curling pipes 3/ 1 old Chest 1/3 | 0.4.3 |
... | |
2 stools 2/ 1-old Trunk 1/3 | 0.7.3 |
1 St Augustinets Meditacions 1/ | 1.1.3 |
... | |
Grey & brown hair | 1.18.9 |
1 ps Bordering Ribbon, crowning do | 1. 0.0 |
10 Wigg carols 7/6 | 4.4.0 ¾ |
... | |
1 Barbers Table 7/6 1 Powder Frought 1/3 | 1.11.3 |
... | |
£126.16.2 ¼" |
[Recorded York County Court
February 15, 1741]
"To 1 doz small Pewter Plaites 14/ To doz: of large Ditto 7/6 | £ 1. 1.6 |
To 2 small pewter dishes, 1 pewter funnel, 2 pewter Salvers to a pewter pt pott To 3 Stew pans, to 6 brass Candlesticks | 1.12.0 |
To 1 Iron Pott & Pott Rack 1 frying pan 1 brass ladle | 0.11.0 |
To 18 patty pans 2 Tin [sic] pots 6 large pepper boxes, 2 small. Do 1 Saspan & 1 Lantorn | 0.11.0 |
To a parcell of Earthen Ware, to 4 Rackin bottles, 2 Crewits, 2 Tables 2 Table Cloaths 13 of Napkins | 5.11.0 |
To pr of Tables to play with to 28 Knives & forks | 1.10.0 |
To 3 Tables Cloath of Ozenbriges to a doz. of Do Napkins | 0.18.0 |
To a doz. of Pillows Cases & 7 pillows to 8 Drinking Glasses | 1.1.8 |
To a stone Ring to a New bedstead to doz of Earthen Cups | 0.14.6 |
To a New hatt & Wigg to a Coat & Westcoat to a Wicker bottle | 4.18.0 |
To 4 Casks to 3 doz: bottles of Sack to 6 Earthen pots | 3.14.3 |
To 7 bottles of Madayrous Wine, to 4 doz: & 11 Empty bottles To 1 hhd of Sydr | 1.8.4 |
To 1 old horse & Old Sadle & bridle | 2.15.0 |
223.6.3 |
[Recorded York County Court
December 20, 1714]
Dr. Lyon Tyler states in his genealogical magazine (Tyler's Quarterly, vol 2, p 113) that Susanna Allen was the daughter of William Allen and Mary Hunt, daughter of William taunt, a Frenchman from Charles City county. As Charles City County records were burned, it is impossible to get anything definite about William Allen. There was a William Allen who was appointed a pilot to the James River in 1704. Susanna Allen never married.
In the York County Court records for 1710 there is record that she was granted an ordinary licence "at her dwelling house in Wmsburgh lying in this County." From November 24, 1710 until her death in 1720 there are many suits by her as plaintiff and defendant--most of them for debts. Each year from 1710 until 1719 Susanna Allen applied for an ordinary licence to the court and was so granted.
An especially interesting item appeared in October 13, 1711 York Court when Susanna Allen, "preferred a Claim to the Court for £2.12 due for accommodating sevl men on their way to the fortifications at York town the sd Allen haveing made Oath that She preformed the Same by the Governrs direction & that She has received no Satisfaction thereof--It is ordered to be transmitted to the Assembly for allowance." In the Journal of the House of Burgesses (1702-1712) December 20, 1711: "Among the Claimes of York County the Council propose that the Claime of Susanna Allen for dyeting the ffrench prisoners & the marines that guarded them be allowed." The claim above was referred to the Council of November 24, 1712 and "Ordered that the Claim... Eighty one french prisoners, for which satisfaction hath been denyed by the House of Burgesses be paid out of her Majesty's Revenue of two shillings per hagshead."
In 1713 a suit between Susanna Allen and Henry Cary Junior was so recorded: "In the accon upon the Case between Henry Cary Junr plt & Susanna Allen deft for £34.8.0 due for Carpenters work & Materials found & performed abt the pits [sic defts?] house wch She assumed to pay & issue being Joyned a jury (to witt) James Hubberd Mathew Peirce... & Benjamin Moss were Sworn to try the Issue & they haveing heard the evidence... their Verdict... to be delivered to the next Court."
In 1716 James Morris, another carpenter or builder, erected some sort of a house for Susanna Allen for which agreement was made that it would cost £24.
In May, 1720 the will of Susanna Allen written March 2, 171920 was recorded in York County, with William Robertson and Thomas Jones, executors. An inventory of her personal property was sold and the total sales amounted to 2184.-.1. Her lot, #55, was not sold until November, 1734 by her executors. John White, glazier, was the buyer.
Sources used in these notes
Andrew Anderson was a barber and perukemaker in Williamsburg.
In August, 1731 Patrick Cheap, merchant, came into York County court and consented that Andrew Anderson be bound to Peter Wagnon for the "term of seven years to learn the business of Barber & Peruke Maker." Anderson must have been an indenture of Cheap's or else Anderson was a minor and Cheap was his guardian.
In November 1734-35 Wagnon purchased the eastern part of Lot 55 from John White and on that location operated his barber and perukemaking business until 1736 when he sold to Andrew Anderson.
In 1739 Anderson bought Lots 272 & 273 on Nicholson Street from the executors of Samuel Wilkinson. This was Anderson's dwelling in the city until his death in 1752.
In 1744 Anderson mortgaged both his dwelling house lots and his shop to secure Thomas Creas, gardener of William and Mary College. In November, 1751 Anderson mortgaged a part of his dwelling house property to Nathaniel Walthoe. By December, 1751 Walthoe had a fee simple deed to the portion of above cited property.
On March 26, 1751 Anderson made his will in which he requested that all of his estate--both real and personal--be sold and after the payment of his debts, the remainder be equally divided between his wife, Mary, and his two children, Robert and Andrew, (under age). The will was returned to York County court on November 20, 1752.
A few months prior to his decease, Anderson and wife, Mary, conveyed the shop (located on Main Street where he had conducted his business "for many years") to William Peake, barber of Yorktown.
By 1769 Andrew Anderson, son of Andrew Anderson, had become an apothecary, evidently, for, Edward Charlton, wigmaker and barber, then operating in Williamsburg, charged "Doctr Andrew Anderson" with wigs, ribbon, shaving &c amounting to "£22.8.0."
[Sources used in compiling these notes]
Alexander Craig, saddler, was born in 1717 according to an obituary notice.
The first date at which Alexander Craig's name appears in York County records was in February, 1748 when Benjamin Waller conveyed to Alexander Craig, sadler, a piece of land "on the North side of the Main Road leading from the city [of Williamsburg] towards Yorktown... said lot is denoted in the plan of the said city by the figures 25..." It is assumed that Craig built thereon very soon, for in July, 1748 in the settlement of the estate of James Cosby, evidence indicates that Cosby owed Craig: "To Alexr Craig's Acct---0.6.11." In November, 1748 Craig witnessed the will of John Stott. In 1750 he sold William Hunter a saddle, housing, bridle and circingle. In 1751 Craig advertised in the Virginia Gazette (no location of shop given) "Best Sole and Neats Leather, wax'd Calve Skins and Hides suitable for Coaches, Chaises, Couches, Portmantuas, and Chair Bottoms, in any quantity..." William Peake conveyed his shop on the Main Street (southeastern part of Lot 551 to Craig in 1755.
Prior to 1758, Craig seems to have owned Lots 1, 4 & 5 near the Capitol--which lots he sold to John Ferguson and Matthew Tuell, respectively. In 1760 Craig sold hots 2 & 3 to William Pearson, tanner. In 1763 Craig bought 3 1/8 acres of land just outside of the city from Matthew Moody. In 1767 Craig along with Edward Charlton, Gabriel Maupin and Blovet Pasteur was security for five lots of Thomas Craig "on the West side of the road leading from the Capitol in Williamsburg to Queen's Creek."
Two saddler and harness maker's account books of Craig's: (1749-1756 and 1761-1762) are extant. They show that Craig was in active business in Williamsburg during this period. Also, an account book of the Virginia Gazette (Sept. 3, 1756 & Nov. 4, 1763) shows that Craig had an active account with the newspaper in which he was furnished skins of Morocco leather, books, almanacs, quires of paper, ink, &e. From 1769 to 1773 Craig was charged in account by Edward Charlton, barber and wigmaker, for shaving and dressing, bob wigs, &c. (Charlton's account book is extant)
In 1770 Craig advertised for let "TWO DWELLING-HOUSES in this City, a little below the Capitol, being convenient for one Large, or two small families, with GARDENS to each..."
In 1771 he bought the western part of Lot 55 from Gabriel Maupin. By this purchase he became owner of the entire lot, having bought the eastern part in 1755.
His will, made December, 1772, was probated January, 1776. He was owner of Lot 55 and Lot 25 at his decease. In 1777 executors of Craig conveyed Lot 25 to William Hornsby. Sometime prior to 1782 John M. Galt had come into possession of Lot 55.
Notices of Craig's death appeared in the three Virginia Gazettes (in January 1776) then running in Williamsburg--all eulogizing his worth, honesty and benevolence.
Craig married Mary Maupin, daughter of Gabriel Maupin II. Their children were: Thomas, Judith, Mary, Lucretia, Ann and Sarah.
[Sources used in compiling these notes]
Dr. John M. Galt was the son of Samuel Galt, a covenanter, of Londonderry, Ireland, who came to Virginia about 1735, and married Lucy Servant. He was born in 1744, was educated at William and Mary College and studied medicine at Edinburgh and Paris in 176567. He was for a time a surgeon with the Hudson Bay Company. He settled in Williamsburg, Virginia, was a vestryman of Bruton Parish Church, member of the Committee of Safety for the city in 1774, and was visiting physician following the death of Dr. John DeSiqueyra at the Eastern State Hospital for Mental Patients in Williamsburg. This last position he held until his death in 1808. A long obituary notice appeared in a Richmond newspaper stating that Galt "died on June 12, 1808 in the 64th year of his age [who] for a period of forty years had practised Physic in Williamsburg and the surrounding country, with a reputation and success of very uncommon distinction..."
Dr. Galt married Judith Craig, daughter of Alexander Craig and Mary Maupin Craig. His children were: Dr. Alexander Dickie Galt who studied at William and Mary College and at Oxford as a private pupil of Sir Astley Cooper 1792-1794; Sarah Treball Galt who married William Browne, judge in Kentucky; and Judith Galt.
Dr. Galt owned part of Lot 56 and Lot 55 in Williamsburg. See: House Histories of these lots in Research Department, Colonial Williamsburg.
[Sources from which this sketch was compiled]
Gabriel Maupin was listed in the "Rolle des Francois, Suisses, Genevois, Alemans, et Flamans, embarques daps le navire nemme le Nasseau pour aller a la Virginie" in 1700, as "Gabriel Maupain femme et 3 enfans."
Maupin was in Williamsburg by March, 1708 where he was plaintiff in a suit for debt against Thomas Haly.
Maupin obtained a license to retail liquors ca 1711, after he was fined for not having a license in 1709. In May, 1711 Maupin was appointed constable of the lower precincts of Breton Parish in York County. Maupin bought the house of James Morris in 1718: "To Bell the house, at outcry, to Maupin" (Jones Papers, Reel 1,) Jones was administrator of James Morris, Williamsburg.
Maupin's will (according to Notes on the Maupin family in the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, vol VIII, p 216), was probated in the General Court, April 20, 1720 with his wife, Mary, as executrix. The General Court records were destroyed by fire in the Civil War, so no copy is in the York County records, nor do we know if the compiler of the above cited notes had ever seen a copy of the will. He states that Daniel, a son, married Margaret Via and lived in Albermarle County and had children: Gabriel, John Daniel, William Zachariah, Jesse, Mary, Jane and Peggy.
A Gabriel Maupin's widow, Mary, married Thomas Creas. A York County record for January 18, 1724 stated that Mary Creas, wife of Thomas, had two sons, Daniel and Gabriel, by her husband, Gabriel Maupin, deceased.
A Gabriel Maupin, son of Gabriel and Judith his wife, was bequeathed property in 1752 by Mark Cosby. A Gabriel Maupin (grandson of the emigrant), had a daughter, Marie who married Alexander Craig. He had a daughter, Judith Craig, who was baptized in August, 1749. A Mary, daughter of Gabriel and Easter Maupin, was baptized in Bruton Parish in 1766.
A Gabriel Maupin, son of Gabriel and Judith (and grandson of the emigrant), was a tavernkeeper in Williamsburg. His wife was Dorcas. This Gabriel Maupin purchased the "Market Square Tavern" and in 1771 made considerable additions and improvements to the property in order to facilitate tavernkeeping thereon. He also noted that his saddlery and harness making business would be carried on at another location. During the Revolutionary War he was keeper of the Public Magazine in Williamsburg holding the rank of Captain. He held this post until ca 1791.
No will has been found of Gabriel, the tavernkeeper. He died in 1800.
[Sources used in the above notes]
Figure 51
Gabriel Maupin Family Tree
Blovet Pasteur was the son of John (Jean) Pasteur and Mary ________. His father came from Genevois, Switzerland, to Virginia with the Huguenots in 1700 and settled first at Manakin, then came to Williamsburg, where, it is assumed, his son Blovet was born. Blovet was the eighth child.
The name of Blovet's wife was Mary ________. According to Valentine's account of the Pasteur family (vol IV, p 2285) Blovet had two children, William Pasteur, born 1768, (he settled in Fluvanna County) and Ann who married Granville Smith of Hanover, Chesterfield and Goochland Counties.
Blovet Pasteur was a jeweler. In the 1750 's he boarded with Alexander Craig, Williamsburg sadler. He paid £14 for himself per year, with £13 for board and lodging of his negro servant. He paid part of his board to Craig with buckles, silver pint can, pair gold sleeve buttons and six tea spoons.
In 1752 Mark Cosby, brother-in-law of Pasteur by will left "Blovet Pasteur the shop where he now occupies to keep and hold the shop only making repairs." This shop, no doubt, stood on part of Lot 55 near the Raleigh Tavern.
In 1759 Pasteur purchased most of two lots on Nicholson Street now known as Lots 272-273. He, evidently, continued to operate his shop on Lot 55 judging from this notice of 1767: "A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF JEWELLERY, SILVER WORK, &c to be sold at my shop, next door below the Raleigh tavern..."
He continued to live in Williamsburg according to the Williamsburg Land Tax Lists and personal property tax lists for the period, 1782-85 so indicate. By 1790 the Land Tax List refers to lots owned by his estate--which must indicate that he had died.
[sources used in compiling these notes]
Jean (or John) Pasteur, a native of Genevois, Switzerland, with Charles Pasteur and "sa femme" came to Virginia at the time of the Huguenot emigration in 1700 from Genevois. Pasteur's name was included in a list of emigrants who came in the fourth ship. He died in Williamsburg in 1741 leaving a will.
In 1703 John Pasteur bought neck cloths, silk and barrel of Indian corn from estate of John Casey, tailor, of York County. (Deeds, Orders, Wills 12, p 197).
He is listed in 1712 as "Perrywigmaker". (York County records, Deeds 2, p 397); in 1735 as "Perukemaker" (ibid, 4, p 408); in 1737 as "Barber and Perukemaker" and in 1741 (his will) as "Perukemaker." (Ibid, Deeds, Orders, Wills, #19, p 65).
Byrd in July, 1728 refers to "My Tenant Pasteur [who would pay Thomas Jones, exector of Richard King, Williamsburg,] £2.12.6 which Byrd owed to King's estate."
Pasteur was married twice. First, to Mary (last name not known, but thought to have been Blouet) who died March 25, 1727/28 leaving six children. (names to follow) Pasteur married the second time to Martha Harris, daughter of Thomas Harris of Henrico County. Children of John and Mary were: John James Pasteur, Norfolk perukemaker in 1741; Mary who married Mark Cosby; Magdalen who married Samuel Cosby; John, died 1726; Lucretia who, married Mathew Shields; Sarah, died 1734; The Reverend James, Norfolk County, died 1774; Blovet who lived in Williamsburg until ca 1790. Children of John and Martha were: William Pasteur, apothecary of Williamsburg, partner with Dr. John M. Galt, alderman for Williamsburg, Mayor and Revolutionary surgeon; Martha; Ann who married Thomas Craig of Williamsburg.
In 1714 Pasteur purchased from the trustees of the city of Williamsburg, one lot numbered 271 with the usual stipulation that he build a dwelling on the lot within 24 months or it would revert to the trustees. As he occupied the property until his death, it is evident that he built thereon within the prescribed time. Andrew Anderson bought Lots 272 & 273 in 1739. These lots lay on the north side of Nicholson Street.
Prior to his buying a lot from John White, he rented from William Byrd. Byrd in writing from Westover in July, 1728 to Thomas Jones, refers to the death of Richard King: "You will find Enclosed my last account with poor Mr Richard King, by which You will see how much I remained in his Debt. I have sent You a note on my Tenant Pasteur for that Summ being £2.12.6..." (Jones Papers, Library of Congress).
In 1735 Governor Gooch in writing to the Bishop of London concerning "Mr. Pasture [who] waits on your Lordship for holy orders; he was brought up- at our College, and for sometime was Usher to the School; He is the son of a very honest industrious Man, who lives in this Town, and though in low circumstances, breeds up a large Family with Reputation..." (Gooch Papers, vol 3 (1732-40) Virginia Historical Society trans.)
In 1737 Pasteur bought the shop which was located on the southeast part of Lot 55 from John White. He held it only a year, selling to Gabriel Maupin and Mark Cosby.
His inventory dated November 16, 1741, indicates that Pasteur was operating a shop at the time of his death, or still owned barber and perukemaking instruments. (York County Records, Deeds, Orders, Wills #19, p 86). Martha Pasteur died 1744.
[See: NAME DATA card by Nary Goodwin, Research Files for further details]
There was a John White who was living on land adjoining to John Page in 1679, in York County. He may have been the father of John White who was conveyed the property on the north side of Duke of Gloucester Street, Williamsburg, from Susanna Allen's estate in 1734. The last named John White married, probably, twice: first to Margaret who died prior to March 16, 172930; and second to Jane Cunningham, daughter of David Cunningham (died 1719). A petition in York County records indicates "that he [John White has lately intermarried with Jane Cunningham with Jane Cunningham whose Estate is in the hands of Thomas Jones & Saml Cobbs Exrs of her father's will... Land that executors be summoned to account at next court." In May, 1730 White became guardian for David Cunningham [jr] and received in his care the whole estate of the said orphan. Following his acquisition of Susanna Allen's property in 1734, White conveyed to John Peter Wagnon, perukemaker of Williamsburg, a certain portion of the lot (480 square feet and numbered 55 in the plan of the city). In 1737 White conveyed to John Pasteur, Williamsburg barber and perukemaker, the remaining part of Lot 55. At this time he had left Williamsburg as he styled himself from Elizabeth City County.
In 1728 White was granted Lot 47 from Christopher Degraffenreid. See: House History of Lot 47, Research Department.
[Sources used in preparation of these notes]