Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1395
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
To: H. R. Shurtleff, Director, Department of Research and Record.
From: Herbert S. Ragland, In Charge of Archaeological Work.
Subject: Foundations of "Pitt-Dixon House" etc., on Colonial Lot
No. 47.
Submitted herewith is an archaeological drawing showing foundations recently uncovered by excavation on Colonial lot No. 47, located on the N. E. Corner of Duke of Gloucester and Colonial Streets.
Remains of foundations and basement walls of two old buildings have been found. However, because of the limited amount of money authorized for archaeological excavation of this site, an amount insufficient to fully explore and completely uncover all foundations on the lot, the excavations were made in such a manner as to secure first, if possible, the plan and principal dimensions of any foundation found, data which might be obtained without completely uncovering the foundations, and second, the less essential information, such as interior basement walls, basement steps, etc., data which cannot be obtained without completely excavating the site.
This method was followed until the appropriation was expended, when the work was stopped with the site only partially excavated.
The front portion of the western half of the lot was explored by trenching, and two foundations were found and considerable information about them ascertained. However, the basement of the front foundation, "A", was only partially excavated, the basement of foundation "B" was not excavated, the rear of the whole lot and the eastern part of the front of the lot, where a modern foundation is exposed, was not excavated at all. Much additional 2 information, I think, would be secured by completely uncovering the foundations found and by excavating the remainder of the lot. According to the records there were at least six buildings on the lot. Foundations of two only have been found.
Foundation "A" apparently is colonial, for the bond is English and the mortar oyster shell. Foundation of front entrance steps and landing was found at 1. At 2, outside cellar entrance, which had been bricked up was discovered. However, the steps were not completely uncovered so the rise and tread and length of the flight could not be determined. The statement in the records that there was a Kitchen and cellar underneath the house is apparently confirmed by the fact that only two basement rooms are indicated by the foundations, and that the size of the eastern room and the large fireplace opening in the chimney foundation uncovered at 3, indicate that it was a Kitchen. Remains of two layers of paving were found in the room.
The piece of the front wall found at 4 and the wall and chimney foundation found at 5 apparently were built at a later period than the original walls, for the footings are several feet above the basement floor. However, the brickwork appears to be very old.
A complete foundation of an outbuilding was found at "B", including chimney foundation at 6, and basement steps at 7. The basement was not excavated.
Herbert S. Ragland