Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1396
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
When it was decided to use Prentis Store site for the reconstruction of a typical eighteenth century Virginia store, I began to collect material for a report on such a store. Reports had already been prepared on the site, and on the Blair-Prentis-Cary partnership: Miss Mary Stephenson's research report on Block 18, Colonial Lot #46, prepared in 1954, contains all we have discovered on the history of the lot and its buildings; Mr. William Keener's 102-page report of 1957, entitled "The Blair-Prentis-Cary Partnership: The Store and its Operation," contains all he could discover, from surviving business papers and accounts, on the store itself. My phase of research was considered a long-range project, and has been sandwiched between other more immediate projects of varying lengths, which have come up from time to time.
The surviving Prentis Papers contain a financial history of the store, including reports to the stock-holders from 1734-1778, and the annual amounts spent on goods from Great Britain and on goods in this country. Unfortunately, no Prentis orders for goods, day-books, ledgers, or invoices have survived; so it was necessary, first, to search various manuscript collections for individual accounts with the firm, to determine the type of store the firm ran. The firm, the oldest in continuous operation in colonial Williamsburg, did not advertise in Virginia Gazettes, as less established or newly-arrived merchants did, whenever a new cargo from Great Britain was received. 2 However, a search through a wide range of manuscript collections and contemporary merchants' accounts produced enough individual accounts with the Prentis firm to prove that the store was similar to several others in Williamsburg, and sold the amazingly wide variety of articles handled by other Virginia merchants of the eighteenth century.
I have now gone through numerous manuscript letter-books, ledgers, day-books, invoices, and inventories, of other Virginia merchants of the Prentis period, as well as newspaper advertisements, and, of course, the surviving collection of Prentis papers; and have some twelve index-boxes full of notes--arranged chronologically and alphabetically. I have also tried to get, through our English research worker, illustrative material on shop exteriors, interiors, shelving, displays of wares, packaging, etc., of course first gathering together from our own graphic arts collections, what was available here. There are still gaps to be filled, if possible, with this type of material. However, what I have to date has been made available to the architects, and has been gone over by Mr. Frank, Mr. Buchanan, and one or two others.
Lately I have been going through the quarterly returns of the Naval Officers for the several Virginia ports of entry, these having been recently obtained on microfilm from the British Public Record Office. This is the only source I know of to establish in detail what came into Virginia from the other colonies; and provides information on the non-European goods carried by Virginia merchants. These records are detailed, hard to read (sometimes almost illegible), and work on them cannot be hurried. I am, while gathering data from them concerning the store, also gathering data on furniture and furnishings, which came into Virginia from other colonies, for Mr. Graham. It would be ridiculous to have to make two separate studies of this difficult but important source. I have been making notes from these returns, in all spare time not given to other work, during this summer, and have to date covered the 1755-1767 period. I hope to carry it through to 1774 or 1775.
3As to the form in which I plan to present the material: My present plan is to prepare a report on the type of Virginia store the Prentis business represented, generalizing on the largest portion of the articles which came (usually semi-annually) from Great Britain; and also on the goods and wares supplied by other colonies and locally. Details as to these items will appear in an appendix. Illustrative material as to various types of shelving, counters, and displays will be included. Unfortunately, such pictures and prints are for the most part British, and indicate the British type of specialty shop (i.e. milliner, draper, mercer, pewterer, silversmith, hatter, shoemaker, grocer, etc.); the Virginia-type of store was not a British institution. However the illustrations will be helpful in the various aspects of the Virginia store, as many details pictured may have been followed here.
To this portion of my report, I plan to append a very long, alphabetical list of items sold in the Virginia store: Kinds of fabrics; articles of haberdashery (cloaks, gloves, hose, trimmings, stocks, fans, caps, bonnets, etc.); boots and shoes; saddles and bridles; books and stationery supplies; pewter ware; glass ware; china, stone, and earthen ware; iron and brass ware; hardware, tools, and cutlery; needles, sewing thread and silk, knitting needles, thimbles, scissors, pins; and such grocery items as wines and spirits, tea, coffee, chocolate, all kinds of spices, dry and mixed mustard, oil and vinegar, olives and capers, anchovies, candied and preserved ginger, sweetmeats, candied orange and lemon peel and citron, almonds (candied and in shell), raisins, currants, figs, tobacco and snuff, candles, soap, sugar, molasses, etc. Each item will be described from contemporary dictionaries and encyclopaedias when possible; its use or uses will be noted; its price-range and method of sale, as well as any variety as to color, etc., will be mentioned. As this glossary will comprise at least several hundred items, this portion of the report will take a long time, although I have already made a good beginning on each item involved.
4As to how long it will take me to complete the work: If I have comparatively few interruptions, I may be able to complete the first part of the report (a study of the store) in about six months. It will take about two more months to finish going through the Naval Returns I have been working on this summer. I can give no definite answer to the length of time required for the completion of the glossary; some of the desired details are not easily found. However, if it could be determined what will be sold in the active part of the reconstructed store, I could concentrate first on those items, and return to my alphabetical approach afterwards.
When I last heard plans for the store, the question of reproducing the imported-grocery-type of goods was being considered, as being something not now offered by Colonial Williamsburg, and something that would not conflict with the Craft House business. If authentic packaging could be established for certain items (and this, except in the case of bottled table wines, will not be easy to do), such things as black and green teas, attractively packed in contemporary-type canisters, ginger in small ginger-jars, sweetmeats, almonds, possibly spices, and of course light wines, in reproduced bottles, might have public appeal. In any event, when I last heard the matter discussed, that idea was being considered; and the remainder of the store was to be set up as a display, depicting the typical eighteenth century Virginia store [It was, incidentally, NEVER CALLED A "GENERAL STORE" in the eighteenth century. That is a term developed later in the nineteenth century.]
As of possible interest to those concerned, I am attaching a summary of two items which may give an idea of the range covered by a typical Virginia store: (1) Summary, in order given, of a 1770 "Inventory" of a Virginia store, taken a month or two before the fall shipment arrived from Great Britain; (2) Summary of an "Invoice" of the fall cargo, as packaged and shipped from Glasgow. Undoubtedly, some of the cargo would have been stored in a warehouse, or warehouses, and brought to the store as needed.
5I would like to request a decision on two points:
M. R. M. G.
Copies to:
Mr. Graham
Mr. Geiger
Mr. Harbour
Mr. Frank
Mr. Buchanan
Mr. Alexander
Mr. Kendrew
[Goods shipped on the "PEGGIE" from Glasgow, were ordered by the Virginia firm of Briggs & Blow in the spring of 1770, and were landed at Gray's Creek on the Surry side of the James River, in the early fall of 1770. They were purchased in Glasgow for Briggs & Blow by Hugh Warden, merchant. A smaller shipment of goods from London arrived at about the same time. The first page of the "PEGGIE'S" invoice, listing goods shipped in "Sheeted Box 1" is missing. It evidently contained Linens of various prices, amounting to £ 56:14:11-½, the total being brought forward to page two, which begins with "Sheeted Box 2." MG]
"Sheeted Box 2. LINENS & SHEETINGS." [41 "pieces" at prices ranging from 11-1/2 pence to 2/10. Described as 3/4, 7/8, 4/4, and 9/8, "Brown Scotts Sheeting" and "White Irish do." Yardage of each piece apparently varied from 43 yards to 216 yards, at prices from 11 1/2 pence to 2/10 a yard. Total for "Linens & Sheeting" in shipment £89:2:10, including 11/ added for "Box Sheet & Rope"]
"Sheeted Box 3. CLOTHS LINES [sic] & Ca." [This box included some additional linen--15 pieces of "Scotts" and "Irish" sheeting; 4 pieces of Broadcloth (claret, light blue, claret, dark blue, "superfine"); 2 pieces Wilton Cloth; 2 pieces German Serge; 1 piece "Single Purple Printed Cotton," 1 piece "Black & White" and 1 piece "Black & Red" ditto; 3 dozen pair "Plaid Hose."]
"Bale 4" and "Bale 5. OZNS" [These two bales each contained 9 pieces of Scotts Oznaburgs, one containing 1010 (probably yards, but possibly ells), the other 1089-1/2, at 6-½d and 7-1/2d respectively. Additional charge for "Wrapper, Sheet Rope &c."]
2."Bale 6. COTTONS." [10 pieces Kendall Cotton (200 yds. @ 1/) and 9 pieces of same (180 yds. @ 1/1. Added charge for "rapper" 11/10, and for "Sheet & Rope" 5/.]
"Sheeted Box 7. CHECKS &c." [4 pieces Cotton Checks (74-½ yards in all at 1/2); 4 pieces fife Checks (100 yards at 7-1/4d); 1 piece Buckram (25 yards @ 8-½d); 11 pieces of Shalloons (yardage not noted.)]
[Box 7] "HANDK'FS." [26 dozen & 5 dozen "Check Handkerchiefs" ranging in price from 5/6 a dozen to 12/ a dozen.]
" "PINNS" [12-1/2 dozen "Pinns" and "1 doz. Fifty do"; "1 doz. Minnekin do." Also 1 Groce Shirt Buttons round headed"]
" "LAWNS & Ca." [6 pieces of "7/8 Lawn; also ½ doz. Table Cloths; 1 pound "Prussian Blew"; 1 pound Nutmegs.]
" "COMBS" [6 dozen Ivory Combs priced
from 6/3 to 14/ a doz.; 7 dozen Horn Combs from 1/1 to 2/4
a dozen; 2 dozen Combs with Cases from 3/6 to 5/6 a dozen.]
" "RIBBONS &c." [1 dozen Hatters Bowstrings, coarse & fine; 3 dozen Necklaces; 6 pieces 4d Ferritt, sorted; 1 dozen Men's & 1 dozen Women's "Shamie Gloves"; 2 groce Binding; 6 doz. 6d figur'd Ribbons and 12 dozen 10d ditto; ½ piece 8d black Padusoy Ribbons; 1 piece colored ditto and ½ piece each of pink, black satin, white, and light blue ribbons.]
"large Scarlett Cardinals Gimpt," and 1 Black ditto; "6 Scarlet
Luping, 6 ditto Gimp"; 6 Purple Cardinals; 6 purple Cloaks.]
"PRINTED HANDKS" [4 dozen Printed Handerchiefs (priced from 14/ to 27/ a dozen; 2 pieces Flowered Silk Gauze; 2 pieces Plain Silk Gauze; 1 piece Narrow Cap Lace; 1 piece Broad Cap Lace.]
" "BUTTONS &c." [2-½ Bags "best Basket Buttons", 4 Bags "Campains for Duffells"; 2 Bags "drab for Woolen"; 1 Bag Blue ditto; ½ lb. Silk Twist; 2 oz. fine hair ditto; 4 pounds best London Twist; 3 dozen Wax Necklaces, with box for Necklaces.]
"Sheeted Box 8 WORSTED HOSE &c." [9 dozen "Mens Plain Yarn Hose"; 2 dozen "Ribbed ditto"; 1 dozen "Plain Worsted" and 1 dozen "Ribbed Worsted" ditto; 7 pairs "Silk & Worsted" Hose; 2 dozen "Plain Gray Worsted" Hose; 1 dozen Women's Hose "with Silk Clocks"; 1 dozen "Mens Tand Leather Gloves"; 2 dozen Women's "White Graind Gloves & Mitts" and 2 dozen Women's "Plain Gloves & Mitts." [sic]
" "GLOVES &c." [See above. Also 1
doz. Women's "fine Coloured Gloves & Mitts" and 1 doz. Women's
"fine Purple Gloves." "A fish Skin for Hatters use" and 6
Hatters' Brushes (described as hard,
slopping, soft, tipping.)]
" "NUNS THREAD" [9-½ pounds at varying prices.]
" "GARTERS LACES & TAPES" [7 dozen Tapes described as "Plain," "Common diaper" and "fine"; 4 dozen Laces, described as "Silk Laces," "7/4 Cotton Laces" and "Thread 9/4"; 4 groce of Garters--3 groce described as printed, "Figured," "Scarlett," and "highland"; 2 dozen "Figured Pleated Stocks"; 4 pair "best Buckskin Breeches."]
" "STAYS" [6 pair "Girls Canvas Stays" 6 pair Women's Stays and 2 pair "Packthread" stays.]
4."BORDS" [2 dozen "Black Satin Hatts Gimpt"; 1 dozen "Plain Bords" and 1 dozen "Flowered ditto"; 3 dozen Barcelona Handkerchiefs (1 dozen described as "Black" and 1 as "Check'd")]
" "MANCY SHOES" [sic]. 1 dozen "fine Black Mankey Shoes," 1 dozen "White Red & Blue" ditto; ½ dozen Girls ditto; also 2 dozen Bottles Snuff."
"Cask 9. SADLARY." [2 "Womans entire side Saddles"; 2 Mens "fullwelted Hogskin" and 4 Mens "plain Leather" Saddles; Bridles (2 dozen Snaffle, ½ dozen Pelham and ½ dozen half-curb); 1 dozen Stirrup Leathers; 1 dozen Cruppers; 1 dozen Coat Strops; ½ dozen Sirsingles; 1 groce Girth Buckles; 4 pieces Girth webb; 1 dozen double Girths; 1 dozen "Womans brownrand Shoes"; 1 dozen "Womans' fine Shoes & Pumps"; 1 dozen "Mens common Shoes"; 1 dozen "Mens fine Shoes"; 1 dozen "Channel Pumps."]
"Cask 10. SADALRY." [2 "Womans Hunting side Saddles"; 8 Mens Saddles at different Prices; 3 "Cloth Housen lac'd," 3 "drab ditto Fringed"; 4 dozen single Girths; 2 dozen "Silver Saddle Nails"; 2 "dozen Common ditto" 1 dozen Snaffle Bitts.]
"Casks 11 & 12 PEWTER TIN COPPER" [2 dozen Pewter Dishes, sorted (81 lbs.); 4 dozen Pewter Plates; 2-1/3 dozen Quart Basons; 2 dozen hard [metal] Table and 2 dozen Tea Spoons; 1 dozen "hard Mettal Plates"; 6 Bell Metal Skillets (47 lbs. 5 oz.); 6 Pewter Candle Molds; 6 half-pint, 6 pint, and 6 quart Pewter Measures; 6 pint and 6 quart Sauce Pans; 12 "Tin Kettles with Bales"; 12 Milk "Panns"; 6 Cullenders; 1 dozen tall Candlesticks; ½ dozen "Tin Struck Lanthorns"; 1 dozen Nutmeg Graters; 1 dozen Pepper Boxes; 1 dozen Funnells; 6 Painted Sugar Boxes; 6 Copper Tea Kettles (18 lbs.); 1 dozen "Copper Coffee Potts"; 1 Copper Kettle (31 lbs.), Bale for ditto.]
5."Chest 13. HATTS." [4 dozen "Boys Felts" at from 8/ to 10/ a dozen; 2 dozen "Youths Felts" at 12/ a dozen; 9 "Castor Hatts" at from 4/ to 10/ each; 1 lb. best "Hatt Looping"; 2 pieces "Broad ditto"; 1 "Knot best Button looping"; 1 groce "Hatt bands"; 6 dozen Mens Felts at from 13/6 to 30/ a dozen.]
"Cask 14. CUTLARY." [16 dozen "Table Knives" priced from 2/ to 4/ a dozen; 4 dozen "Cuttoe knives," at 2/ to 2/6 a dozen; 1 dozen "Pistol Haft" knives at 4/6 a dozen; 1 dozen Pruning Knives at 5/9 a dozen; 1 dozen 2-bladed and 1 dozen 4-bladed knives; 1 dozen Rasor blade Knives; 1 dozen "Conseald fleems ditto; 6 dozen Penknives, at from 1/6 to 7/6 a dozen; 1 dozen Butcher Knives; 2 dozen Shoe Knives; 1 dozen "Crooked" Knives; 2 dozen Lancetts; 1 dozen "Rasors with Cases" at 10/6 and 20/6 a dozen; "2 Cases ea qt 2 Rasors & Strop"; 1-½ doz. "Womans Scizors"; 1/2 doz. Horse ditto; 1 groce "black Ivory sleve Buttons"; 1 card "Bristol stone in Silver" and 1 Card "Peeble" sleeve buttons; 1 double groce "Plain Gilt Buttons"; 1 double groce "Carved Buttons"; 1 dozen "Square Ink Potts"; ½ dozen Leather Ink Potts; 1 doz. Ink Powder; 1 doz. Rasor Strops; 1 dozen Hones, sorted; 2 dozen Snuff Boxes; 1 dozen Paper Snuff Boxes; 1 dozen Steel Spurrs; 1 groce "Womans Thimbles," 3 doz."Penchback do with Steel tops"; 1/2 groce Taylors Thimbles; 1 dozen Trumps; 1/2 dozen Curry Combs and 1/2 dozen Brushes; 1 dozen Buckle Brushes; 4 pair hand Bellows; 1 dozen Temple Spectacles & Cases; 1 doz. Stock Locks No. 1; 1 dozen ditto No. 4; ½ doz. "Plaited" Stock Locks - 10 inch; ½ dozen ditto - 11 Inch; 6 pair Tongs & Shovels; 2 pair Stilyards - 160; 2 pair Stilyards - 250; 3 pair Money Scales & Weights; 3 dozen Pad Locks (1 with double bolt); 3 setts "desk Mounting"; 1 dozen Watch Keys; ½ dozen Gilt Seals and ½ dozen "fine" ditto; 12 Watch Chains; 8 handsaws at from 2/4 to 5/2 each; 2 best "Tenant Saws" at 4/6 each; 4 dozen handsaw files; 1 dozen X-saw files, 3 doz. Pitt saw files; 3 dozen files 6. (described as "flatt," "halfround" and "round"); 1 dozen "halfround wood Rasps"; ½ dozen Marking Pens; 1 dozen "2-foot Rules"; 1 groce "Auls"; 1 groce Tacks; 2 doz. "Aul Handles"; 2 doz. Shoe Brushes; 1 dozen Cloth Brushes; 1 dozen Whitewash Brushes; 2 dozen Taylors Shears and ½ dozen large ditto; 1 groce Sleeve Buttons; 1 dozen Trumps; ½ dozen Gun Locks; 1/2 dozen Shoe Hammers; ½ dozen Pinchers; ½ dozen Nippers; 2 dozen "Peging Auls"; 2 dozen Handles for ditto; 2 dozen Taper Bitts; 2 dozen Drawing Knives; ½ dozen Lathen (lathing) Hammers; 1 dozen Claw Hammers (No. 4 and No. 9); 2 dozen "double bitted Gimbletts" and 3 dozen larger; 1 dozen Chest Locks; 1 doz. Cupboard Locks; 1 dozen Closet Locks; 1 dozen Bolts; 1 dozen Saddle Bag Locks; 1-½ doz. "Chamber door Locks with Nobbs"; 2 dozen door Latches with Nobbs"; 3 dozen Augers (1/2 doz. half-inch, 1 doz. 3/4 inch, 1 doz. 4/4 inch, ½ doz. 1-1/4 inch).]
"Cask 15. HARDWARE" [6-½ dozen setts of Shoe Buckles (described as "Steel," "Plain Yellow," and "plain square Setts"); 4 dozen Knee Buckles (described as "Plain Yellow," and "Steel"); 1-½ dozen Stock Buckles (½ doz. described as "White Stock" buckles); 500 Fishing Hooks; 4 pounds "Nitting Needles sorted"; 1 dozen Gun Hammers; 1 dozen Candlesticks (½ doz. described as "Iron" at 3/6 a dozen, and ½ doz. not described at 7/6 a dozen); 7 "Box Irons with Heaters" at from 2/8 to 4/9 each; 4 pair "Sad Irons"; 1 dozen Chest Hinges; 1 doz. "small Brass Hinges with 1 Gro. Screw Nails & Brass Pinns"; 1 doz. "dovetail Hinges" at 5/; 2 dozen H hinges at from 6/ to 8/ a dozen; 3 dozen HL Hinges at from 8/ to 24/ a dozen; 1 dozen "Turners Chizzels & Gouges"; 2 dozen Plain Irons; ½ doz. Socket Gouges; 2000 Common Needles; 500 Whitechappel Needles; 500 "Square" needles for Glovers; 200 large Darning Needles; 2 dozen "neat Gun worms"; 1 dozen large 7. Brick-layers Trowels; 2/3 dozen large "Plaistering" Trowels; 2 dozen "Heading Chizzels" (described as ½ Inch, 4/4 Inch and 1-¼ inch); 3 dozen "Penchback Thimbles Steel tops"; ½ doz. Cupboard Locks; 2"11-Inch 5 Bitted Banbury Locks, for Cellar doors, for trial," 2 12-Inch ditto.]
"Straw Bundle 16. SAWS" [2 "X-cutt Saws 6 feet with fur[niture]"; 2 "Pittsaws with ditto."]
"Cask 17. NAILS" [10,000 2d Nails; 10,000 Saddle Tacks; 10,000 3d Nails.]
"Cask 18. NAILS" [50,000 4d Nails.]
"Cask 19. NAILS" [44,000 6d Nails.]
"Cask 20. NAILS" [28,000 8d Nails.]
"Cask 21. NAILS." [22,000 10d Nails.]
"Cask 22. NAILS" [10,000 20d Nails.]
"Cask 23. NAILS" [10,000 Brads.]
"Matted Bale 24. ROPE" [4 "Coyle Bed Cord Rope 1 Cwt 2 Qr 22 lib." 2 halfcoyl "Traudg" [?] Rope.]
"Matted Bundle 25. TWINE" [11 Bundles "Seyne Twine" 200 lbs. ]
"Sheeted Box 26. BOOKS" [2 dozen "Dyches Spelling Books"; 1 doz. Prayer Books; 1 doz. Testaments; 1 doz. Common Bibles; 1 doz. "Primmers"; 2 "large Quarto Bibles"; 1 large "ditto with Cutts"; 12 "Salmons Grammers"; 3 Baileys Dictionarys; 1 "Young Builders Architect"; 3 "Wyches Dictionary"; 6 "Fishers Arithmeticks"; 3 "Paradise Lost"; 3 "Salmons Gazeteers"; 6 "Young Mans Companions"; 6 "Whole Duty of Man"; 1 "Shearlock on Death"; 1 "Shearlock on Judgment"; 2 doz. "Historys"; 8. 1 "Ledger" 7 qrs Rul'd "with Alphabet"; 1 Journal 7 qrs ruled; 12 Blank Books (of 1, 2, and 3 Qrs., respectively; 5 Reams Writing Paper, at from 6/9 to 13/ a ream.]
"[Box or Cask ?] 27; POTTS &c." [19 Potts sorted from 1 to 12 Gls (wt. 4C 6 Qr 7 lib.); 30 Iron Skillets No. 1, 30 ditto No. 2, and 30 ditto No. 3 (wt. 2 C:0:0).]
"Cask 28." [42 Cart Brushes sorted.]
"Bundle 29" [18 frying Pans, long handle.]
"Cask 30 HOES" [5 dozen Narrow Hoes priced from 18/ to 22/ a dozen.]
[Note: This cargo totalled £729:2:5, without freight, cartage, insurance, interest, etc., which brought the total of above up to £784:7:2. MG]
The Briggs and Blow ledger in which the above "INVOICE" for the vessel "PEGGIE" from Glasgow is recorded, also includes an invoice for "CHINI EARTHEN & STONE WARES" dated November, 1770, and bought of Andrew Sym & Company of Glasgow. The invoice included:
11 dozen "delph Bowls"; (1 doz. 2-quart, 3 doz. 3-pint,
1 doz. 2-pint, 4 doz. 1-pint, 2 doz. ½-pint.)
½ dozen "White Stone Chamber Potts"
1 dozen "Brown Muggs"
2 "White Stone Tea Potts"
1 "Red Chani do"
1 " do Milk Pott"
3 doz "half Pint white Stone Mugs"
1 doz Pint do
2 "White Stone Sugar dishes"
2 "Setts do Tea Cups &
2 do "Milk Potts"
3 do "Mustard Potts"
1 Punch Strainer
2 doz. "Cream Collo Soop Plates"
1 doz. do Shallow
3 do "Coffee Potts"
4 do "Milk Potts"
3 do Sugar dishes
1 "Sett do "Coffee Cups & Saucers Twist hand."
3 do Do
4 do "Tea Do
1 "Sett Blue & White Chani"
1 do
1 do Blue & White Bowl
1 do Coloured
6 Vinegar Cruets
3 "half Pint Glass Cans"
1 doz "Tall wine Glasses"
1 doz "White Stone Soop Plates"
6 two-Gallon Stone Bottles
3 "Creem Collo Tea Potts
1 doz. "Pocket Bottles."
Briggs and Blow also ordered goods from London, in the fall of 1770, as well as more goods from Glasgow early in 17710 An "INVOICE by the MATTY, Caste Fox, from LONDON," dated December, 1770, included the following:
Bales 1 & 2 [containing "OZNABGS" shipped on the MATTY, by Edward & Reine Paine of London. 37-1/2'lieces" of Oznaburgs, "Hessian," etc., containing 2183 ells]
Trunk 3 ["RUSHIA, CHENTS, LAWN & CAMBK" from
Edward & Reine Paine of London, containing 9 pieces "Russia drab";
4 pieces brown and 2 pieces white "Russia Sheeting"; 7 pieces
"E11 wide Calicoe (described as "Purple," "White,"
"Purple & Coperplate," "Blue & Copp.," "Three-Colour");
4 pieces of "yard wide" Callicoe (described as "China blue,"
"3-Colour," "2-Colour," "5-Colouri); 6 pieces of
"demy" Cambricks and 6 pieces of "Clears." "Black Trunk
& ca" 18/.]
[Invoice totalled £129:19:6 with added freight, primage, commission, etc.
bringing it up to £136:15: 9.]
Barrel #7 PEPPER [Bought of David Pugh, London, Dec. 7, 1770. ]
100 lbs. | £ 6: 5:- |
Barrel | -: 2: 6 |
Entry | -:12: |
£ 6:19: 6 |
Boxes 5 & 6 GLASS [Bought of Benjn Oake (London)
"200 feet Crown Glass" 8 by 10 10_d" | £8: 6: 8 |
2 Boxes | -: 4: - |
£8:10: 8] |
Bundles 7 & 8 TRUNKS [Bought of William Wightwick, London, Dec. 13, 1770.
2 Nests Gilt Matted | £2:--.- | |
2 do Hair-brass Mounted | 3:17:-- | £5:17:--] |
Hogsheads 9 & 10 CROCKERY Bot of Robt Browne" [3 doz. "2 qt Water Jugs, 1 doz. 4-qt do; 18 2-Galls Bottles & Corks; 18 1-Gall. do; 12 2-qt do, 18 1-qt do." all totalling £4:8:1-½ inc. hogsheads.]
Bundles 11 & 12 "SIFTERS" [also bought of Robt Browne.] [2 doz. 5-pt Coarse; 4 doz. 5-pt fine; 4 doz, 4-pt "Lawn Searches." Cost with "Matting" £5:15:6.]
Tierce 13 "CROCKERY" also apparently bought of Robt. Browne. [16 doz. "fine Painted Delph" (probably bowls--only size noted: ½-pint, 1-pint, 1-quart, 3-pints, 2-quarts.); 8 "Setts Creem Collo Cups & Saucers," 4 Setts "White Stone do; 3 doz, "White Coffee Cups wt handles," 3 doz. Brown ditto, 6 doz. "Creem Collo" ditto; 4 "Creem Collo Large Tea Potts" 2 do lesser, 4 do less; 12 "Creem Collo" Sugar dishes; 12 "Creem Collo Milk Potts-Covers"; 12 "Creem Collo Sauce Boats" (described as "Large," "Lesser" and Less"); 6 doz. "White Stone Patties" (patty pans); 1 doz, Blue & White Chamber Potts; 1 doz, "½-pint dutch Mugs"]
Tierce 14 "CROCKERY" [3 doz; "Creem Collo feather Edge flat Plates," 6 do do Soop; "2 Large oval dishes," 2 Lesser, and 2 Less; 1 doz blue & white "Pint dutch Mugs," 2 doz. Quart, and 1 doz. 2-Quart ditto; 11. 1 dozen "dutch Chamber Potts"; 2 dozen "¼-pint Tale Tumblers", 2 doz. ½-pint ditto, 1 doz. 1-pint ditto; 1 doz. 1-pint Mugs; 1 doz. "Tale Salts," 1 ditto "with 3 feet"; 6 "Neat Colld Salts"; 1-½ doz. "Tale Cruets wth Stoppers," 6 "Neat do with Ground Stoppers"; 6 dozen half-pint Pocket Bottles. Added charge "Waterage for Two Hhds brown Stone ware to Dephford, 2/."]
Such articles as spices, sugar, wines and spirits, beer and porter, and other grocery supplies, were imported from London; and much sugar, salt, rum, molasses, and wines from the islands (British plantation produce), came to Virginia by way of New England, New York, and Pennsylvania--also products or manufactures of those colonies such as rum, loaf sugar, fish, earthenware, iron ware, and wooden ware, etc.
[Summarized under headings in order given, which may or may not indicate the arrangement in store.]
"CLOTHS" [13 pieces, varying in length from 1-1/2 yards to 13 yards, of the following: Broadcloth (purple, black; claret, superfine red); Frieze (brown and scarlet); Bath Coating (brown); Wilton Cloth; Swanskin; Cadiz; blue Duffle.]
"SHALLOON, DURANTS &Ca." [14 pieces ranging in length from 1/2 yard to 30 yards of: Calimancoe (blue and brown); Shalloon (dark, scarlet, claret); Durants (claret and white); Tameys (yellow, pink, green, blue-and-green).]
"STOCKGS" [38 pair in all, described as "Singular Hose," "Plaid," "Worsted" (white, ribbed, and plain), Women's "Clockt."]
"LIGHT CLOTHS &Ca." [10 pieces, ranging in length from 1-¼ yards to 30 yards, of: Everlasting (black); Serge-denim (black and scarlet); stript Camblet; blue Duroys; light Sagathy; Nankeen; Damaskus.]
"CHECKS &Ca." [7 pieces (7 yards to 62 yards long) of Holland (brown and striped); fife Checks; Russia Drab; Russia Sheeting.]
"LINENS" [5 pieces of "Irish Linen," from 2/3 yard long to 25 yards long, at prices varying from 1/9 to 3/. ]
"OSNS." ["190 Ells German Osnaburgs, 58 yds Twell."]
2."HABERDASHRY & CONFECTIONARY &Ca" [14 Cloaks (Scarlet and Purple); 2 pair Girl's and 4 pair Women's Stays; 25 pair of Gloves (described as Women's Shammy, Colored and White, Men's Tann'd); 6 pair white and 9 pair brown "Thread Hose"; 1 Satin Bonnet; 14 Satin Hatts; 8 Leghorn Hatts; several yards of Blue Persian and Black Alamode; 18 Silk, or Silk and Thread, Handkerchiefs; 8 pieces Gartering; 2 pieces Black Satin Ribbon; several yards each of White Padusoy, White Persian, and Satin (white and flowered); 2 pieces-Silk Ferritt; 10 yards Stock Tape; 66 Cambrick Stocks at different prices; 5 dozen Plain Tapes.]
"THREADS &Ca ." [¾ lb. "hank'd Capwire"; 5-½ pounds of "Nuns Thread" at various prices; 12 yards "Hood Lace"; 2 Fans; 94 pounds of osnaburg Thread; 15 Bottles Snuff.]
"CALICOS LAWN & CAMBRK" [3 pieces of "Lawn" at varying prices; 2 yards "Book Muslin"; 3 pieces of "Cambrick" at varying prices; 4 pieces of "Calico" (28 to 7 yards in length) and 4 yards of "Calico Copperplate"; 6 yards Humhums; 2-½ yards "Stript Holland."
"TWIST THD, & Ca." [8 pr. knee Strops; ½ groce Thread Laces; 3 lbs. colored Thread; 1-3/4 lbs. "Rich Twist"; 1-1/2 lbs. Mohair; 3 hanks Silk; 2 packs Cards; 1 "Gilt Trunk."]
"SHOES" [6 pair Calimanco Shoes; 1 pair single channel Pumps; 8 pair Men's Leather Shoes.]
"BRIDLES &Ca." [5 pair "lac'd Housen"; 4 "Sirsingles"; 8 Girths; 1 Crupper; 1 pair "Stirup Leathers"; 26 Bridles (described as "half-curb," "fullcurb," "Pelong," "Snaffle"); 4 pair "Coat Strops"; 1 piece Girth Webb.]
"WHIPS & Ca." [18 "Lawn Search Bottoms," 30 "Sifter Bottoms"; 12 Whips (described as "Thong," "Switch," "Halfhunter," "¾-hunter"); 11 yards Buckram; 5 Saddle Cloths.]
3."BOOKS CARDS & Ca." [3 Looking Glasses (priced at from 6/6 to 10/6); 48 pair "Clothiers Cards," 3 pair "Wool Cards"; "6 Paper Pins"; 8 "Primmers"; 5 Psalters; 1 Prayer Book; 32 bunches "Gull Strings"; 1 Canister]
"COMBS" [75 Ivory Combs, at varying prices; 7 dozen Horn Combs; "4 Combs & Cases".]
"CUTLERY" [4 "Lancets & Cases"; 9 Razors at various prices; 2 Razors in Shagreen Cases; 2 groce of Shoe Tacks; 5 cards of Sleeve Buttons; 24 Penknives (9 of them "Pocket"); 3 Tin Candlesticks; 5 Curry Combs; 6 Horse Brushes; 1 Pepper Box; 25 Pad Locks at various prices; 7 Snuff Boxes; 1-½ doz. Ink Powder; 11 Stock Locks at varying prices; 1-½ dozen Women's and ½ groce Men's "Steel Thimbles"; 5-½ dozen "Perl Buttons"; 3 pair Knee Buckles; 3/4 pounds "Nitting Pinns" (Knitting Needles); 8 Pair Scizors (scissors); 6 pair Shoe Buckles; 2 Cork Screws; 1 groce "largest Gilt Buttons," 6-1/2 dozen Vest ditto; 2 groce Horn Buttons; 22 Bridle Bitts; 500 Fish Hooks; 10 pair Shears; 3 large Hones; 6 Razor Strops; 9 Horse Fleems; 2 dozen Table Butts; 16 pair Spectacles; 10 pair Temple; 5 Plain Irons; 5 Cuttoes; 8 dozen Cuttoes; 5 dozen Table Knives, from 2/ to 3/; 300 Gunflints; 2 Gun Locks; 17 Common Ink Potts; 21 Leather Ink Potts; 3 Nutmeg Graters; 2 Chest Locks; 1/2 dozen Spring Locks; 4 pair Snuffers; 1 dozen Round Files; 1 dozen small Locks; 4 groce Saddle Bosses; 4 pair Steel Spurrs; 5 Haspe Locks; Screws; 24 pair HL Hinges at varying prices; 1 Cupboard Lock; 2 pair Chest Hinges; 1 pair Gaskets; 3 Carpenters Com passes; 15 "X-saw files"; 10 Handsaws; 14 Augurs (1 Inch, 3/4 and 1/4); 22 Smiths "flatt files," at various prices; 1 Whipsaw; 1000 Needles.]
"ROPE" [1/4 lb. Bed Cord Rope; 40 Lbs. leading Lines.]
"PAINTS" [3/4 lbs. Lampblack; 7 pounds Spanish Brown; 12 pounds White Lead; 55 lbs. Copperas.]
4."PEWTER" [7 Pewter Basons (at 1/11 to 2/5 each); 2-½ dozen Pewter Plates; 27 lib. Dishes .... 1/2 doz. "Soop Spoons."]
"SPICES" [¾ pounds Cinnamon; 12 pounds Brimstone; 20 pounds Pepper; 40 pounds Salt Petre.]
"P.-SHOTT" [15 pounds Powder; 250 pounds Shott.]
"HATTS" ["1 fine Hatt"; 29 "felt Hatts" ranging in price from 1/4 to 2/1.]
"NAILS & Ca." [20,000 10d, 9,000 8d and 40,000 6d Nails.]
"AXES & HOES" [64 Broad Hoes; 74 Narrow Axes; 16 Broad Axes.]
"CROCKERY" [12 Chamber Potts; 3 Bowls; 16 Tumblers; 4 colored, 3 white & blue, and 2 white Pitchers; 10 "Baggs Sorted Buttons"; 12 Butter Potts; "100 foot 8 by 10 Glass"; 20 lib. Putty; 5 pr Sheep Shears 3 pr ditto."]
"CURRY ARTICLES" [14-1/2 yds Cotton 40 lib. Coffee 10 lib. Spice 25 lib. Sugar 23 lib. Ginger 700 [lib] Iron [ware] ½ lib. Indico.]
[Note: The "Currency Articles" listed above totalled £13:18:2 with no advance noted; the other items listed
totalled | £238:17.5-½, |
plus "Advance on the above 75 PrCent" | £179: 3:1 |
Total goods on hand | £431:18:8-½. |