Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1426
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
Submitted herewith in an archaeological drawing showing foundations recently uncovered at the above mentioned site.
Foundation "A" apparently is colonial. The bricks are "Palace" size (average 9 ¼" x 4 ½" x 2 5/8"), the mortar is oyster shell, and the bond, English. Its size and shape indicate a residence. A shallow or half basement was found, the brick paved floor being about 3 feet below the grade of the yard. Several periods of construction were found. The original walls are indicated on the drawing thus the 2nd period of construction thus and later construction thus .
The large eastern chimney foundation and remains of brick steps on the north side of it indicate that the eastern basement room was used as a kitchen. The steps apparently were built later than the original foundation for the bottom stop only in built of bricks the size of those in the original walls. The original wall possibly was cut out to make the bottom step, as the wall is very rough at the northern end or it, The remaining steps and the north bulkhead wall. art built of smaller bricks (8"x 4"x 2 ½") similar to those in the eastern-basement floor. The brickwork built on the steps (hatched thus ) is evidently later construction which had no connection with the steps and apparently none with the colonial 2 house.
The southwest corner of the foundation probably exists but no excavations were made there because of the tree shown on the drawing. The western basement in paved with bricks similar to those in the main walls. The brickwork numbered 1 on the drawing is apparently a part of the foundation of entrance steps from the street to the first floor. Walls 2 and 3 and chimney foundation 4 apparently are parts of the foundation of an addition to the original building, The bricks are the same size and the mortar, oyster shell.
Foundation "B", and walls at "C". apparently are modern. The bricks are 8 ½" x 4" x 2 ½", mixed with some of larger size and the mortar in lime.
Foundation "D" is built with small bricks (8"x 4" x 2 ½") but is probably colonial as the mortar is oyster shell and its size the same as that of the typical colonial smoke house or dairy foundation.
An old well was found about 10 feet northeast of the main foundation near the basement steps. The bricks are modern size 8 ½" x 4 1/4" x 2 ½", but its convenient location for supplying water to a kitchen in the basement suggests that it is a colonial well.
As the appropriation was not sufficient to completely explore the lot, the rear portion of it has not been excavated.
Herbert S. Ragland.