Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1442
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
This paper contains complete copies of documents, advertisements, and accounts that are related to lots 161 and 162 in Williamsburg and their owners. The notes are arranged chronologically and there has been no attempt to relate them to one another. The introduction is a brief summary of Miss Mary Stephenson's histories of the lots with some new information included. However, this report is intended only as a supplement to Miss Stephenson's work and should be used as such.
Biographical sketches of the owners of the lots are not included here because they are complete in miss Stephenson's histories.
In some cases, the sources used by Miss Stephenson are now inaccessible. When complete copies of these are obtained they will be added to this report.
Lots 161 and 162 are located on the north side of Duke of Gloucester Street in Williamsburg between Palace Street and the Market Square. These two lots, each containing about one half acre, were first granted by the trustees of Williamsburg to Samuel Cobbs in 1716. The deed of release specified that Cobbs was to & finish upon Each Lott of the said granted Premises One good Dwelling house or houses of such dimensions & to be placed in Such manner as by One Act of Assembly made at the Capitol the Twenty Third day of October 1705 Intituled an Act continuing the Act directing the building the Capitol & City of Wmsburg...
The act mentioned in the deed specified that a building must be constructed on lots granted by the trustees within two years of the date of the deed or the property would revert to the trustees of the city to be regranted.
Samuel Cobbs evidently met the requirements. Three years later, in 1719, he transferred both lots to Samuel Boush, Jr. of Norfolk for forty pounds Virginia money. Boush may have purchased the lots for investment--there is no evidence that he ever lived in Williamsburg. Sometime before 1738, Boush conveyed lot 161 to James 2 Geddy, a gunsmith of Williamsburg.
There is no indication of how long James Geddy had lived on lot 161. He probably arrived in Virginia from Scotland sometime in 1735. It is not known how Geddy acquired lot 161; there is no deed covering the transfer in York County Court records. He could have come into possession in one of four ways: 1. as a legacy to him or his wife; 2. by deed recorded in the General Court; 3. by deed recorded in the Corporation Court of the City of Williamsburg, or 4. by a deed which was not recorded. The records of the two courts mentioned are completely destroyed, there is no indication from whom Geddy or his wife may have inherited the property, and no unrecorded deed has been located.
Geddy, in November 1735, along with Tarlton Flemming, Stephen Hughes, Samuel Wilkinson, John Bryan, William Keith, John Taylor, Issac Bee, John Webb, Henry Webb, Alexander Moss and David Lyle, received a patent for 30,000 acres of land in Brunswick County. In September 1736, Geddy with Flemming, Hughes, John and Henry Webb, Moss, Bates, Keith, Lyle, Richard Booker, Jr. and William Booker received another grant for 30,000 acres in Brunswick "for Compliment in one or more Surveys". These two patents were not recorded in the Virginia land office.
In 1738 Samuel Boush and his wife Frances conveyed lot 162 to Geddy for thirty pounds current money of 3 Virginia. This deed was recorded in York County Court and is the evidence that shows that James Geddy had acquired lot 161 before December 8, 1738.
Geddy probably operated his shop on lot 161, however his advertisements in the Virginia Gazette do not provide any clue concerning the location of his shop.
James Geddy died in late July or early August 1744. He bequeathed all his personal and real property to his wife whom he appointed "sole Extrix and heiress" of his will. He gave liberty to his wife, Anne, to dispose of his estate "as she thinks most proper." In addition he left each of his seven children five shillings. Geddy had a daughter, Sarah, who was born after he had written his will and who received nothing.
This will conveyed both lots, 161 and 162, to Anne Geddy. Mrs. Geddy probably maintained her home on lot 161 and rented lot 162. In 1750, six years after her husband's death, Mrs. Geddy sold lot 162 to James Taylor, a Williamsburg tailor. At this time Mrs. Geddy lived in James City County.
In August 1751 David and William Geddy, sons of James Geddy, advertised their shop "near the Church" in Williamsburg. Evidently they carried on their father's business of smithing and founding on lot 161.
4There are no further references to David Geddy operating a shop in Williamsburg. However, this alone does not necessarily indicate that he and his brother did not carry on a business there. The David Geddy who appears in the City of Richmond after the Revolution may be the same man. William remained in Williamsburg and died there about 1784. William Geddy owned land in James City County, but he lived in the City of Williamsburg. He owned no real estate in the city. It is possible that William shared the shop on lot 161 with his brother James, the silversmith, or had a separate shop on the lot. There are accounts against William Geddy in Williamsburg during the 1760's and 1770's. In 1762, for example, he purchased black melting pots and old brass from Alexander Craig. In 1776 he was paid for "casting ball, repairing arms &c." But there is no evidence that locates Geddy's shop.
From 1751 there is no positive evidence of the operation of a shop on lot 161 until 1760 when James Geddy purchased the property from his mother. Samuel Galt, a silversmith, who moved to Williamsburg from Elizabeth City County may have operated on this lot. In 1752, Galt advertised for some goods stolen from his "Shop in Williamsburg," and in 1757 he described his shop "at the Sign of the Dial, Harp and Crown, next Door to the Church in Williamsburg." If Galt did maintain his shop on lot 161, he 5 may have taught James Geddy the art of the silversmith. It is possible that both Galt and David and William Geddy worked on the same lot.
James Geddy would have been of age in 1752, but the only references to him before August 1760 are contained in the Hankins Family Memorandum Book when he is charged with rent payments from 1753 to 1758. In August 1760 when he purchased lot 161 from his mother, Geddy is termed as a silversmith of the city of Williamsburg. The following month James leased part of lot 161 to Hugh Walker and John Goode, merchants. Geddy leased to the merchants "the East End or Room of the said House with the Chamber or Room over the same and the Cellar underneath with the Shed when built as aforesaid in the whole Containing sixteen feet in front and twenty Six feet in width with leave to erect an Outside Chimney to the back Room or Shed also the free use of the necessary house and Well belonging to the said Lot." This may have been the shop Galt had occupied. Walker and Goods were already in possession of the building when Geddy leased the property to them.
In 1759 Samuel Galt was appointed keeper of the public jail in Williamsburg. If this were the silversmith, he probably retired from business and James Geddy may have taken over the concern. But, no matter how it is examined, 6 conclusions concerning lot 161 and business operations there from 1744 to 1760 are conjectural. In any case, James Geddy operated a silversmith's business there until late in 1777 when he moved to Dinwiddie County.
When James Taylor purchased lot 162 from Mrs. Geddy in 1750, he mortgaged it two days later to John Holt, merchant. Taylor evidently lived on this site and carried on his business there. In 1752, Edmund Pendleton announced he could be found "at the House of James Taylor (Taylor) on the main Street, just below the Church." Taylor's financial troubles throw some light on this lot as well as on the adjoining lot of James Geddy. On March 2, 1753, Taylor advertised his house and lot for sale, and declared that most of the buildings on the lot were new. Taylor was evidently unable to sell the property and he failed to meet his obligation as set forth in the mortgage Holt held. He was forced to mortgage the property again to Thomas Hornsby in March 1753. Two months later, May 1753, Taylor leased part of the lot to John Bryan, a Williamsburg wigmaker. This deed of lease shows that Bryan was already keeping shop on part of the lot--an area 16 feet long and 30 feet wide--and that Bryan had built the house on the site. This building adjoined "the House belonging to the widow Geddy" and a house leased by Taylor to Dr. Kenneth McKenzie, who may have lived on the lot (or at least maintained an 7 apothecary shop there) until his death in 1755.
Although Taylor made an attempt to meet his obligations, he could not keep the sheriff from his door. In April 1754, Thomas Reynolds, sheriff of York County, seized lot 162 to satisfy a judgment against him and Thomas Wilkins, a butcher in Williamsburg, obtained in March by the widow and administrators of Robert Cary, a London merchant. The sheriff sold the property at public auction to Richard Corbin and Mann Page. They probably purchased the lot as an investment.
Even though Page and Corbin purchased the lot, Bryan retained his lease to part of it. The new owners evidently did not disturb Bryan, who, in July 1755, mortgaged the remaining part of the lease to John Wheatly, a Williamsburg carpenter.
On June 11, 1761, Corbin and Page sold lot 162 to Hugh Walker. Walker and his partner, John Goode, were renting part of lot 161 from James Geddy at the time they bought lot 162.
In November 1769 Walker's lot is given as the west boundary line for the land on which the proposed new court house for James City and Williamsburg was to be built.
Walker and Goode had a fifteen year lease to part of lot 161 which would have expired in 1775, but he moved to 8 Middlesex County before August 15, 1770. In September 1770, he sold lot 162 to Andrew Anderson and probably either sub-let or broke his lease with Geddy. It is probable that Walker forfeited his lease because in July 1771 Geddy advertised a store for rent. The store, evidently, was rented to Mary Dickinson, milliner, who in October 1771 described her location as "next Door to Mr. James Geddy's Shop near the Church." By April 1773 Mary Dickinson had moved to another location in Williamsburg.
It is possible that Bartholomew Le Petit, a school teacher, rented a part of a house on lot 161 or 162. He announced in the Virginia Gazette on May 28, 1773, "that next Monday week, ...he proposes opening School for Education of young Gentlemen, and has for the Purpose taken the Brick House belonging to Mr. Robert Jackson, in the Market Square..." There is no record that Jackson owned either lot 161 or 162 at this time. The building mentioned in the advertisement may have been leased by Jackson.
On May 2, 1777, James Geddy advertised his property for sale. The notice indicates that there were several houses on the lot that had been "built within these few years." Geddy had moved to Dinwiddie by the end of 1777 and apparently engaged William Page of Williamsburg to manage his affairs in the city.
9Geddy, evidently, continued to rent out the property. In November 1777 Ann Neill advertised "that she opened a Store opposite Mr. John Greenhow's, near the market Square." She may have been in one of the houses on lot 161 when she announced from "Palace Street, July 2, 1777," that she proposed to teach the guitar.
By deed dated December 11, 1778, Geddy conveyed lot 161 to Robert Jackson, merchant. The deed was not recorded until July 1779. Jackson was probably on the lot, or at least a part of it, in 1778 and may have been leasing it even before. Jackson died sometime between March and June 1781 and left all his property to his wife Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Jackson, sole heir of her husband's estate, on the day the will was proved, signed over "one moiety" of the estate to Dr. John M. Galt, in trust for her daughter Nancy, who was under age at the time.
Jackson's widow evidently married Robert Martin. Humphrey Harwood's ledger contains an account for "Capt. Robert Martin (that Marrid Widow Jackson)." The College Map (1791?) has the name "Martin" on lot 161 and in 1796 the lot is mentioned as being owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Martin.
The property remained in the ownership of Mrs. Martin until 1802 when Wills Dunsford acquired "2 lots late 10 Martin valued at $50." Dunsford appears also for the first time in the Williamsburg Personal Property Tax Lists as owner of "1 Slave, 2 horses and a shop license." Dunsford died about 1808.
In 1804, Henry Skipwith wrote St. George Tucker from Williamsburg:
We have had neither Murder, Rape, Adultery, or even Fornication (that I know of) since your departure; so that but for a stable which neighbor Dunsforce has built at the North corner of his Garden for the accommodation (the ensuing Spring) of an English stud and a Maltese Jack, I should not have been able to record a single revolution in our Elysium…
Dunsford's estate held the property until 1820 when William Pearman became the owner. The lot and buildings were valued at $1800 which was the same valuation which Dunsford's estate had paid in 1819. During Wills Dunsford's entire ownership he paid a yearly license of $15 to keep a shop. It is assumed that the shop was on lot 161. Little is known about William Pearman except that he was the owner of this property from 1820 to 1831.
As mentioned earlier, Hugh Walker moved to Middlesex County in 1770 and sold lot 162 to Dr. Andrew Anderson on August 15, 1770. Anderson, whose partner James Carter, bought him out, moved to New Kent County. In 1771 he sold lot 162 to William Hornsby, a Williamsburg merchant, 11 for five hundred pounds "current money of Virginia." Two years later Hornsby sold the property to John Baker, a surgeon dentist. In August 1777 Baker advertised the property for sale. He found no buyers and offered the lot for sale again a year later.
Within three months, the property had been conveyed to two owners. The deed by which James Geddy transferred lot 161 to Robert Jackson dated December 11, 1778, shows that John Hatley Norton had purchased lot 162 from William Pitt. It is possible that Pitt was acting as trustee of Baker's estate or under a power of attorney from him in the transfer. It is clear that by December 1778 Norton was the owner of lot 162. Norton had been operating a store in Williamsburg since at least December 1777.
Advertisements in the Virginia Gazette show that John H. Norton and Samuel Beall were operating a store in partnership as early as August 29, 1777. It is possible that Norton and Beall rented the store on lot 162 from Baker prior to Norton's acquisition of the property. In addition, Norton may have lived on the lot before he bought it.
On June 28, 1778, Norton sold Beall his share of the firm Norton and Beall. Norton continued to operate a business in Williamsburg until 1781 when he moved to 12 Winchester. He sold lot 162 to Peachy Holt (wife of William Holt). This deed was recorded in the General Court and no copy is known to be extant. The property was rented to a "French Baker." When William Holt died in 1791 he left his wife the property "she purchased from John Hatley Norton."
A letter from Nathaniel Littleton Savage to John H. Norton (no date) may throw some light on the house once owned by Norton. "The house in Williamsburg yet stands in a ruinous state first occupied by one pauper & then another." If this undated letter were written after Norton moved to Winchester, the reference may indicate the condition of the property after 1781 when Peachy Holt acquired it from Norton.
In 1796 the widow Holt insured the property with the Mutual Assurance Society. She stated that "the buildings are wooden on the Main Street now occupied by myself situated between the lott of Mrs. Elizabeth Martin and of the Court house Square in the county of York." There was a wooden store sixteen by fourteen feet attached to the house which was forty by seventeen feet with a north wing, a dairy and a kitchen.
By 1806 Mrs. Holt had married Elias Wills. In 1806, Mrs. Wills insured her buildings and stated that the property was occupied "by myself between the Lott of Wells 13 Dunsford and the Court House Square in the County of York." The dwelling was wood fifty by twenty feet with a wing; a wooden shop fourteen by sixteen feet attached; also a dairy and a kitchen. In 1809, Peachy Wills mortgaged the property to her nephew Robert Greenhow. The mortgage mentions that James Henderson held a lease to part of the lot. Henderson was a Williamsburg merchant, who was in partnership with Roscow Cole.
In 1806, Williamsburg Land Tax Lists show Peachy Wills with one lot. In 1811, the tax lists indicate that Roscow Cole was conveyed the property "via Wills." In 1812, Cole insured his property with the Mutual Assurance Society and he stated that it was occupied by himself between the main street, Court House Square, a cross street to the north and the lot of Ann Dunsford to the west. A brick dwelling was valued at $2500, two stories high 22 feet by 20 feet; with a store of wood 24 feet with a 16 foot extension; a wooden kitchen, thirty two by twenty six feet; a dairy smokehouse and stable. Cole evidently built the brick house between 1811 and 1812.
In 1823, Cole again insured his property adjoining William Pearman on the west. In 1839 Cole was living in New York and his property in Williamsburg was occupied by Elizabeth Edloe and Pierce and Armistead, merchants. In 1846 the property was occupied by Thomas Stephenson in part with Benjamin Bucktrout on the west.
14Further information on these lots in the nineteenth century is contained in Miss Stephenson's histories.
York County, Deeds 3, 1713-1729, p. 149This Indenture made the fifth day of February in the Third Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George by the grace of God of Great Brittain France & Ireland King Defender of the faith &c and in the Year of our Lord God One Thousand, Seven hundred & Sixteen Between the Feoffees or Trustees for the Land Appropriated for the building & Erecting the City of Wmburgh of the one part & Samuell Cobbs of the County of York of the Other part Wittnesseth that the said Feoffees or Trustees for divers good Causes & Considerations them thereunto moving but more Especially for & in consideration of five Shillings of good & lawfull money of England to them in hand paid at & before the Ensealing & Delivery of these Presents, the receipt whereof & themselves therewith fully contented & paid they do hereby Acknowledge have Granted, bargained, Sold, Demised & to farm letten unto the said Saml Cobbs his hairs or Assigns Two certain Lotts of Ground in the said City of Wmsburgh designed in the Plott of the said City be these figures (161 & 162) with all pasturage, Woods, & Waters & all manner of Profits comodities & hereditaments whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. To have & to Hold the said Granted Premises & Every part thereof with the Appurtenances unto the said Saml Cobbs his Execrs, Admrs or Assigns for & during the term & time of One whole Year from the day of the date of these Presents fully to be Rent of one grain of Indian Corn to be paid on the Tenth day of October Yearly if it be demanded. To the intent that the said Saml Cobbs may be in quiet & peaceable possession of the Premises & that by Vertue hereof & of the Statute for transferring Uses into possessions he may be Enabled to Accept a Release of the Reversion & Inheritance thereof to him & his heirs for Ever In Wittness whereof Jno Clayton & Hugh Norvel Two of the said Feoffees or Trustees have hereunto Sett their hands & Seals the Day & Year above written.
John Clayton (Seale)
Hugh Norvel (Seale)
Signed, Sealed & Delivered in presence of
At a Court held for York County 18 Febry 1716 [/17] Jno Clayton Esqr & Hugh Norvel Gentt Two of the feoffees or Trustees for the Land Appropriated for the building & Erecting the City of Wmsburgh in Open Court presented & Acknowledged this their Deed of Lease of Two Lotts of the said Land to Samuell Cobbs & on his mocon it is Admitted to Record.
Test: Phi Lightfoot Cl: Cur:
Truly Recorded Test Phi Lightfoot Cl: Cur:
York County Deeds, Bonds 3, 1713-1729, pp. 150-151This Indenture made the Sixth day of February in the Third Year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord George by the grace of God of Great Brittain France & Ireland King Defender of the faith &c And in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred & Sixteen Between the Feoffees or Trustees bearing date the day before the date of these Presents is in actuall & peaceable possession of the Premisses hereinafter granted, to the intent that by vertue of the sd Lease & of the Stature for transferring Uses into possession he may be the he may be the better Enabled to Accept a Conveyance & Release of the Reversion & Inheritance thereof to him & his heirs for Ever, the sd Feoffees or Trustees for divers good Causes & Considerations them thereunto moving but more Especially for & in Consideration of Thirty Shillings of good & lawfull money of England to them in hand paid at & before the Ensealing & Delivery of these Presents, the receipt whereof & themselves therewith fully Satisfyed & paid they do hereby Acknowledge have Granted, bargained, Sold, remised released & Confirmed & by these Presents for themselves their heirs & Successors as far as in them lyes & under the Limitations & Reservations hereafter mentioned they do Grant, bargain, Sell, remise, release & Confirm unto the sd Saml Cobbs Two certain Lotts of Ground in the sd City of Wmsburgh designed in the Plott of the sd City by these figures (161 & 162) with all Woods & thereon growing or being, together with all Profits, Comoditys, Emoluments & Advantages whatsoever to the Same belonging or in any wise Appertaining. To have & To hold the sd granted Premisses & Every part thereof with the Appurtenances unto the sd Saml Cobbs & to his heirs for Ever. To be had & held of our Sovereign Lord the King in free & Comon Soccage. Yielding & Paying the Quittrents due & legally accusomed to be paid for the same, to the only Use & behoof of him the sd Saml Cobbs his heirs & Assigns for Ever under the limitations & Reservations hereafter mentioned & not Otherwise, that is to say, that if the sd Saml Cobbs his heirs or Assigns shall not within the Space of Twenty four Months next Ensueing the date of these Presents begin to build & finish upon Each Lott of the sd granted Premisses One good Dwelling house orhouses of such dimensions & to be placed in Such manner as by One Act of Assembly made at the Capitol the Twenty Third day of October 1705 Intituled an Act continuing the Act directing the building the Capitol & City of Wmsburgh &c is directed, or as shall be Agreed upon prescribed & directed by the Directors Appointed for the Settlement & Encouragement of the City of Wmsburgh pursuant to the trust in them reposed by Vertue of the sd Act of Assembly Then it shall & may be lawfull to & for the sd Feoffees or Trustees & their Successors The Feoffees or Trustees for the Land Appropriated for thebuilding & Erecting the City of the Appurtenances to Enter & the Same to have again as of their former Estate to have hold & Enjoy in like manner as they might Otherwise have done if these Presents had never been made In Wittness where of Jno Clayton & Hugh Norvel Two of the sd Feoffees or Trustees have hereunto Sett their hands & Seals the day & Year Above written.
John Clayton (Seale)
Hugh Norvel (Seale)
Signed, Sealed & Delivered
in presence of
Febry the 18th 1716 Reced then of the within named Saml Cobbs the Sum of Thirty Shillings being the Consideration money within mentioned.
p me John Clayton.
At a Court held for York County 18th Febry 1716 Jno Clayton Esqr & Hugh Norvel Gentt Two of the Feoffees or Trustees for the Land Appropriated for the building & Erecting the City of Wmsburgh in open Court presented & Acknowledged the within Deed of Release of Two Lotts of the said Land wth receipt thereunto to Saml Cobbs & on his mocon then Admitted to Record.
Test Phi: Lightfoot Cl: Cur:
Truly Recorded Test Phi: Lightfoot Cl: Cur:
York County Deeds, Bonds 3 1713-1729 pp. 297-298This Indenture made the Seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & ninteen in the fifth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George King of Great Britain &ca Between Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife of the County of York of the one part & Samuel Boush Junr of the County of Norfolk of the other part Witnesseth that the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife for the Consideration of five Shills Sterling money to them in hand paid by the aforesaid Samuel Boush junr the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge have bargained & Sold & by these presents doth bargain & Sell unto the said Samuel Boush junr Two Lots of Land with the appurtenances Scituate lying & being in the City of Williamsburgh beginning at a Corner Stone on the main Street & running thence up the Pallace Street to another Street thence down the said Street to the market place thence along the market place to the main Street thence along the main Street to the beginning Stone the same being taken up by the said Dobbs & acknowledged by the Feoffees for the said City as p Deeds bearing date fifth day of February 1716 & Recorded in York County & the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders together with the Rents & profites therof & of every part & parcell of the premisses To have & to Hold the said Tract & parcell of Land before Specifyed with the appurtenances thereunto belonging & every part & parcell of the Same which is hereby Granted bargained & Sold with their & every of their appurtenances unto the said Samuel Boush his Execrs & Assigns from the day before the date hereof for & during the Term of one whole year from thence next ensuing fully to be compleate & ended Yielding & paying therefore the yearly Rent of one peper Corn at the-feast of St John the Baptist only if the Same be lawfully demanded to the intent that by vertue hereof & of the Statue for Transferring of uses into possession the said Samuel Boush may be in the actual possession of the premisses & be enabled to Accept of a Grant of the Reversion & Inheritance thereof to him & his heirs In Witness whereof the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife hath hereunto Set their hands & Seals the day & year first above written.
Saml Cobbs (Seale)
Edith Cobbs (Seale)
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Fras Tyler
Saml Weldon
Ralph Gough
At a Court held for York County July the 20th 1719 Samuel Cobbs presented & acknowledged this his Deed of Lease for two Lotts of Land lying in the City of Williamsburgh to Samuel Boush junr at whose motion it is admitted to Record.
Test Phi: Lightfoot Cl Cur
This Indenture made the Eighteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Ninteen & in the fifth year of our Sovereign Lord George King of Great Britain &ca Between Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife of the one part & Samuel Boush junr of the County of Norfolk of the other part Witnesseth that the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife for & in Consideration of the Sum of Fourty pounds lawfull money of Virginia to them in hand paid at the ensealing & delivery hereof the Receipt of which the aforesaid Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife doth acknowledge & themselves therewith fully contented & paid & thereof doth acquitt & discharge the said Samuel Boush his Execrs & Adminrs & every of them by these presents hath given Granted bargained Sold aliened Released & Confirmed & hereby doth give Grant aliene Release & Confirm unto the said Samuel Boush Junr his heirs & assigns Two Lotts of Land with the appurtenances Scituate lying & being in the City of Williamsburgh beginning at a Corner Store on the main Street & running thence up the Pallace Street to another Street thence down the said Street to the Market place thence along the market to the main Street thence along the main Street in the beginning Stone, the Same being taken up by the said Cobbs & acknowledged by the Feoffees as p Deeds bearing date the fifth of February 1716 & recorded in York County which said Two lotts are now in the actual possession of the said Samuel Boush by vertue of an Indenture of bargain & Sale to him thereof made bearing date the day before the date hereof for one whole year made between the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife of the one part & the aforesaid Samuel Boush of the other part & by vertue of the Statute for Transferring uses into possession & all the Estate Right Title Interest use property Claim & demand whatsoever of them the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife of in or unto the premisses & every part & parcell thereof & the reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders yearly & other Rents & Profites thereof & every part & parcell of the Same To have to hold the said parcell of Land above Specifyed with all & every its privileges & appurtenances unto the said Samuel Boush junr his heirs & assigns for ever, & the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife the before mentioned premisses with the appurtenances hereby Granted bargained & Sold unto the said Samuel Boush junr his heirs & assigns against them the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife their heirs & assigns & all other person or persons whatsoever Shall & will warrant & for ever defend by vertue of these presents & the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife for themselves their heirs Execrs & Adminrs & every of them doth hereby Covenant & Grant to & with the said Samuel Boush junr his heirs & Assigns & every of them that it shall & may be lawfull to & for the said Samuel Boush junr his Heirs & Assigns for time to time & at all times for ever hereafter peaceable & quietly to enter into have hold & enjoy the Land & appurtenances above mentioned & every part & parcell thereof without the lawfull let Suit hindrance molestation or disturbance of the said Samuel Cobbs and Edith his wife their heirs or Assigns & every other person or persons whatsoever Claiming or pretending to have or Claim any manner of lawfull Right Title Interest or Estate of in or unto the premises or any part or parcell of the same & that he hath good Right & lawful authority to Sell & dispose of the said land & appurtenances unto the said Samuel Boush junr his heirs & Assigns according to the purpose & true meaning hereof In Witness whereof the said Samuel Cobbs & Edith his wife hath hereunto Set their hands & seals the day & year first above written:
Saml Cobbs (Seale)
Edith Cobbs (Seale)
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Frans Tyler
Saml Weldon
Ralph Gough
At a Court held for York County July 20th 1719 Samuel Cobbs presented & acknowledged this his Deed of Release for Two Lotts of Land lying in the City of Wmsburgh to Samuel Boush junr on whose mon it is admitted to Record.
Test Phi: Lightfoot Cl Cur
In the Action upon the Case between Herbert Haynes Plt. and John Mundell Defendt. the Defendt. being called and not appear[ing] It is order'd that Judgment be enter'd for the Plt. against the said [Defendt.] and James Geddy [his] Security f[or] the Sur. of ten wounds [torn] Shills. and five pence half penny Cur[rt. money] and Costs unless the [Defendt.] shall appear and plead at the next Court.
1735, June 16June 16, 1735
In the action of Debt between Charles Carter Esqr plt and John Mundell and James Gedy Defends the parties being called, the Defendts came into Court and confess'd Judgment for six pounds Eighteen Shillings Currt money of Virginia It is therefore order'd that Judgment be enter'd for the plt and that he recover against the said Defendts the aforesaid Sum of Six Pounds Eighteen Shillings Currt mony of Virga and also his Costs by him in this behalf expended But Exr is to be Stay'd til August Court.
Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial VirginiaNovember 4, 1735
Sundry Petitions for leave to take up & Survey his Majesties lands were this day read & granted as follows Vizt.
To Tarlton Flemming, Stephen Hughes, Saml Wilkinson John Bryan, Wm Keith, James Geddy, John Taylor, Isaac Bee, Jno Webb Henry Webb, Alexr Moss, & David Lyle, thirty thousand Acres in Brunswick County on the North side Roanoke River at the mouth of Sandy Creek from thence on both sides Roanoke River in several Surveys.
November 17, 1735Henry Havker James Shields, Ralph Graves, Pinkethman Faton, Nathaniel Buck, James Cosby, James Barbar, Thomas Cobbs, William Keith, James Geddy, Thomas Wade, Edward Moss, Edward Cress, Thomas Kirby, Bennet Tomkins, John Wynne, Joseph Munford and Jones Irwin were elected and Sworn a Grand Jury and retired.
July 19, 1736
In the Action of Trespass in the Case between Robert Will Admr of Thomas Goodman decd plt and Samuel Cobbs Deft. Issue being joined a Jury was Impannelled and Sworn to try the same vizt. Wm Keith, John Hay, Thomas Hawkins, Thomas Kirby, James Toomer, John Chapman, junr, Charles Brown, Edward Moss, James Geddy, James Shields, William Moss, and Arthur Dickenson who having heard the Arguments of the parties retired to consult of their verdict and afterwards return'd the same as foll: "We find for the plt the Sum of five pounds five Shillings and six pence." It is therfore consider'd by the Court that Judgment be enter'd for the plt and that he recover agst said Deft the damages aforesd assess'd by the Jurors aforesaid and his Costs by him in this behalf expended. But it is order'd that Execution be stay'd 'til a hearing in Chancery.
York County Deed Book 4, 1729-1740, pp. 429-431Deed: Samuel Cobbs of Amelia County & Wm Prentis of Williamsburg Gent Excr of Lewis Holland, Gent. deed. to John Harmer and Walter King od Williamsburg. 5 lots at Queen Mary's Port. Witnessed by James Geddy Dated: 20 Sept. 1736 Recorded: 20 Sept. 1736
Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial VirginiaSeptember 22, 1736
Several Petitions for Land were read & granted as follows Vizt.
To Tarlton Flemming Stephen Hughes, John Webb Henry Webb, Alexander Moss, Isaac Bates, William Keith James Geddy, William Booker junr thirty thousand Acres beginning at the mouth of falling River on the North Fork of Roanoke River in Brunswick County from thence on both sides the River for Compliment in one or more Surveys.
Virginia Gazette, October 15, 1736Ran away some Time ago, from the Subscriber, a Servant Man, named Robert Croson, a Taylor, born in Virginia, aged 26, of a middle Stature, a pale Complection, a sharp Nose, and a down Look, He had on when he went away, (with a Servant of Mr. Geddy's) a pair of brown Breeches with green Puffs, a pair of brown Yarn Stockings, a blue and white stript Wastecoat, and a white Shirt. He was some Time ago, taken up in Charles-City County, and carried before Mr. Hardyman, where He swore that he was no Servant, and so was whipt and discharged. Whoever will bring the said Servant to the Subscriber in Williamsburg, shall receive Ten Shillings as a Reward, besides what the Law allows. paid by
William Wyatt
Charles Fleming McIntoshWill of Samuel Boush, dated 18th day of October 1733, proved 17 December 1736 by Henry Miller, backed 19 Novr 1736 proved by 2 Witnesses.
…to my Son Saml Boush my Riding horse & my best Bridle Sadie & furniture & Whipp.
…to my said Son my land at the rear of the Western Branch that I bought of Wm Willoug… …in full of his part of my Estate…
…unto my Grandson Saml Boush all-ye rest of my land & Negroes Male & Female …to him and the Male heirs of his body …& for want of such Male heir to Goodrich Boush & his Male heirs forever & for want of such Male heirs to John Boush & his Male heirs forever and so the Male heirs of my Son Saml Boush forever.
…to my said Grandson Saml Boush all my household plate & my Silver hiltd swoard & belt belonging to it with my Case pistols Capt quard'd & loops of plate wth my powder flask done wth my best Warch wth my Gold Seal as my Gold Rings & gold buttons.
…give unto my Son Saml Boush my Daughtr Anne Boush my Grandson Saml Boush to Each of them a mourning Suit of Cloaths
… & ye remy of my Cloaths I give to Mr. Thomas Nash the Elder ….
for ye same… desire is that all that I am in debted to may be paid without any trouble or law suit… that my wife Alice Boush have a good maintenance out of my Estate that my Execr take great care of her during her life & that Care be taken for ye good Education of my Grandson Saml Boush.
… appoint my Son Saml Boush Exer …
Sa Boush
Witnesses: Mary Miller
Margt Haire
Henry Miller
Virginia Gazette, July 8, 1737Lost out of Mr. James Geddy's Shop, in Williamsburg, about a Week ago, a Steel Cross-Bow, the Spring of it broke. Whoever will bring it to Mr. Geddy aforesaid, or give any Intelligence of it: so that he may have it again, shall have Half a Pistole Reward.
The said James Geddy has a great Choice of Guns and FowlingPieces, of several Sorts and Sizes, true bored, which he will warrant to be good; and will sell them as cheap as they are usually sold in England.
Virginia Gazette, June 9, 1738That Samuel Galt, of Elizabeth-City County, makes and mends all Sorts of Clocks and Watches; Gold, Silver, and Jewellers Work; also Billiard Balls and Dice.
N. B. Gentlemen and others may be furnish'd with any of the abovesaid Works, either at his own House, on Mill-Creek, near Hampton, or at Mr. John MacDowell's, in Hampton, for Cash, broken Gold or Silver, Tobacco, Pork, Wheat, or Corn.
York County Wills and Inventories [Orders] 17, 1732-1740, August 15, 1737In the Action of Trespass on the Case between James Dixon plt and Edward Vaughan Defendt. Issue being join'd a Jury was Impannell'd and Sworn to try the Same to wit John Goodwin junr, John Hay, John Bond, Thomas Charles, Thomas Hawkins, Benjamin Clifton, James Geddy, John Burcher, James Mitchell, Bennet Kirby, Robert Harris, and William Keith who having heard the Arguments of the parties and the Evidence of the Witnesses, retired to Consult of their Verdict and afterwards return'd the Same as followeth We find for the plt the Sum of one pound five Shillings James Mitchell foreman which Verdt on the Motion of the plt is Recorded And it's Consider'd by the Court that the plt recover against the sd Defendt the aforesd Sum of one pound five Shillings the damages aforesd by the Jurors aforesd assess'd and also his Costs by him in this behalf expended.
Burwell Ledger 1736-1740p. 1 | |||
1736/7 | James Geddy | 1 load of Tops | 0.10.0 |
1736 | James Geddy | 10 Barrll of Corn @ 8/6 | 4.0.0 |
p.8 | |
James Geddy | Dr |
To 449 lb Pork @ /2 p Lb Allen | 4.3.2 |
To 80 lb of old Iron @ /1 ½ p lb | 0.10.0 |
To of Chain | |
To 8 Barrells of Corn @ 8/6 | 3.8.0 |
Virginia Gazette, October 6, 1738GENTLEMEN and Others, may be supply'd by the Subscriber in Williamsburg, with neat Fowling-Pieces, and large Guns fit for killing Wild-Fowl in Rivers, at a reasonable Rate. He also makes several Sorts of wrought Brass-work, and casts small Bells.
James Geddy
York County Wills, Inventories 18, 1732-1740, p. 463Jany 15, 1738/9
A Deed of Bargain & Sale from Samuel Boush to James Geddy was presented in Court & proved by the Oaths of John Coulthard and Henry Bowcock two of the witnesses thereto who also declared upon Oath that they saw Wm Keith sign his name as a witness thereto.
1738/9 Feb 19Feby 19, 1738/9
A Deed of Bargain & Sale from Samuel Boush to James Geddy was this day in Court further proved by the Oath of Wm Keith the other Witness thereto and Order'd to be recorded.
1738/9 Feb 19Feby 19, 1738/9
Order'd that Richard Booker, Thomas Burfoot, John Bryan, James Geddy and Nathl Buck or any three of them being first sworn Do meet & appraise the Estate of Patrick Ferguson decd and that they make return thereof to the next Court.
York County, Deeds 4, 1729-1740, p. 535-536This Indenture made the Eighth Day of December in the Eleventh year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland Kind Defender of the Faith &c. & in the Year of Our Lord Christ One thousand Seven hundred & thirty Eight BETWEEN Samuel Boush & Frances his Wife of the County of Norfolk of the one part & James Geddy of the City of Williamburg Gunsmith of the Other part WITNESSETH that the said Samuel Boush & Frances his wife for divers good Causes & Considerations them thereunto moving but more especially for & in Consideration of the Sum of thirty pounds Current Money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said James Geddy The Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge HAVE granted bargained Sold Aliened released Enffeoffed & confirmed And by these presents for themselves & their heirs Do grant bargain Sell Alien release Enffeoffe & confirm unto the said James Geddy his heirs & Assigns forever one Lott or half acre of Ground lying & being in the City of Williamsburg & denoted in the plan of the said by the figure 62 & adjoining the Lot whereon the said James Geddy now dwells w with all woods & other things thereon now growing or being together withall Houses thereon erected and all profits Commodities Emoluments Advantages and Appurtenances whatsoever, to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and also all the Estate right Title property Claim and Demand whatsoever of them the said Samuel Boush & his Wife of in & to the same & the Reversion of Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof and of every part & parcel thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Said Lott or half acre of ground and premises and every part and parcel thereof with their & every of their Appurtenances unto the said James Geddy his heirs & Assigns forever To the only use & behoof of him the said James Geddy his heirs & Assigns forever AND the said Samuel Boush & Frances his wife for themselves & their heirs do Covenant grant & agree to & with the said James Geddy his heirs & assigns That he and they shall & may at all Times for ever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold occupy & Enjoy the said Granted premises free from all former Sales Gifts Mortgages, Statutes Recognizance Rents Annuetees Rights of Dower and all other Incumbrances whatsoever And further that the said Samuel Boushiand his heirs shall & will at any time within the Space of Seven Years at the Cost & Charges of him the said James Geddy his heirs & Assigns make do & Execute all such further Act & Acts Deed & Deeds for conveying the said Granted premises as he the said James Geddy his heirs of assigns shall advise or Require IN WITNESS whereof the parties to these presents have set their hands & Seals the day & year first above Written.
Sealed & Delivered in presence of
Sam: Boush. (seal)
Wm: Keith
John Coulthard
Henry Bowcock
Decr. 8th, 1738 Then recd. of Mr Mr. James Geddy the sum of thirty pounds Current Money in full of the Consideration within mentioned as pr Bond.
Wm: Keith
John Coulthard Sam: Boush
Henry Bowcock
At a Court held for York County Janry the 15th. 1738. this deed of Bargain & Sale & Rect. were presented in Court & proved by the Oath of Jno. Coulthard & Henry Bowcock two of the Witnesses and at a court held for York County Febry the 19th: 1738. they were further proved by Wm. Keith the other Witness and Ordered to be Recorded.
Matt Hubard ClCur
York County Wills, Inventories 18, 1732-1740, p. 56618th Feby 1739
Whereas Kircandy a Negro Man Slave belonging to James Geddy of the City of Wmsburgh Comitted to the Goal of this County for feloniously & Burglaryly breaking & Entring the Shop house of John Coke a Silver Smith and taking thereout divers Goods as is set forth in the Indictment against him which being read the prisoner denied the fact Then the Court proceeded to take the Examination of the witnesses against him and on consideration of their Evidence It's the opinion of the Court that the said Kircandy is not Guilty of the felony or Burglary whereof he stands indicted and its ordered that he be hence discharged of the same and delivered to his Master aforesaid.
Virginia Gazette, October 5, 1739About Six Months since, a long Gun, about 6 or 7 Feet in the Barrel, was brought by a young Gentleman of Glocester County, to me, the Subscriber, in Williamsburg, to be new Stock'd and Lock'd; and as I have some Reason to believe, that the Person who brought it is dead, and am desirous the right Owner should have it, I therefore give this Notice, that the Person who has a Right to it, may know where it is, and that he may have it, on proving his Property, and paying the Charges, to me,
James Geddy.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 9May 18, 1741
The Grand Jury being returned into Court made the following presentments-James Geddy for absenting from his parish Church.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1745, p. 21June 15, 1741
The King against James Geddy. It appearing by the ret of the Sherif that the sd Defendt hath been duly Summon'd & failing to appear upon the Motion of the Attorney of Our sd Lord the King It's ordered that a Non Omittas issue agt the sd Defendt returnable here the next Court.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 42July 20, 1741
The King against James Geddy; for not going to his parish Church It's Considered by the Court that he forfeit & pay the Sum of five Shillings or fifty pounds of Tobo according to Law.
Tayloe Account Book 1740-1741Cash | Contra | Cr |
1741 | ||
April 30 | By John Dennis paid him Accot Wages | 1.12.2 |
August 22 | By John Dennis pd him Accot Wages | 0.3.9 |
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 150January 17, 1742
In the Action of Trespass upon the Case between Wm Wyatt plt and James Geddy Defenft; The Defendt by his Attorney prays leave to Imparle 'til the next Court wch is granted him.
York County Wills, Inventories, 19, 1740-1746, p. 157February 21, 1742
In the Action of Trespass upon the Case between Wm Wyatt plt and James Geddy Defendt; This day came the parties aforesd by their attornies and the said Defendt Saith that the sd plt did steal the piece of eight in the declaration mention'd &c And the sd plt saith that it was of the Defts own wrong &c The Cause is therefore reser'd 'till next Court for Tryal.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 127September, 20, 1742
Ordered that John Mundell James Geddy Thomas Goosley and John Hirthaday [given as Hatherday on p. 129] Carter or any three of them being first sworn do meet & appraise the Estate of John Motts decd and that they return an account thereof to the next Court.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 136November 20, 1742
A List of persons Names who desire to discharge their Tobo dues in Mony. Vizt.
James Geddy
York County Wills & Inventories [Orders] 19, 1740-1746 p. 173March 21, 1742/3
The Action of Trespass upon the Case brot by Wm Wyatt agst James Geddy is dismist the Defendt agreeing to pay Costs.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 203July 18, 1743
Order'd that James Wray, Thomas Hornsby, Peter Scott and James Geddy or any three of them being first Sworn Do Meet & Appraise the Estate of John Hamilton decd and that they return an Accot thereof to the next Court.
York County Wills, & Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 212August 15, 1743
In the Action of Debt between Alice Needler Widow plt and Thomas Goosley Defendt; The Defendt being arrested and failing to appear Upon the Motion of the plt by her Attorney It's ordered that Judgment be enter'd for the plt against the sd Defendt and James Geedy his Security for the sum of fifteen pounds three Shillings Currt mony of Virginia and Costs unless the said Defendt shall appear and plead at the next Court.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 221September 19, 1743
In the Action of Trespass upon the Case between John Lewis Gent Plt and John Taylor Defendt, The Defendt not appearing the Conditional Order of the last Court against him and James Geddy his Security for the Sum of Sixty pounds or so much thereof as shall appear to be due & Costs is confirm'd And it's Order'd that a Writ of Inquiry of damages be executed at the next Court.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 221September 19, 1743
In the Action of Debt between Alice Needler Widow plt and Thos Goosley Defendt; The Defendt not appearing the Conditional Order of the last Court against him & James Geedy his Security for £15.3 & Costs is Confirm'd But this Judgment is to be discharged upon the payment of £7.11..6 with Interest from the Ninth day of Decr 1742 until the same is paid & Costs And the said Defendt & Security in Mercy &c.
York County Wills, Inventories, 19, 1740-1746, pp. 238-239In Obedience to an Order of York County Court We the Subscribers (being first Sworn) Have appraised the Estate of John Hamilton decd as follows.
One Molatto Slave named Susanna £20. One Oval Table 10/. | £ 20.10.0 |
One Satee Bed & Curtains 30/. 6 rush bottom'd Chairs 12/ | 2.2.0 |
One small looking Glass 2/. 4 Pictures in Frames & 6 do wth out frames 7/6 | 0.9.6 |
2 old blankets one Sheet & a bolster | 0.4.0 |
One fire Shovel & tongs 1 pr pot hooks 1 small Iron hook | 0.6.0 |
5 Earthen plates one Tea Kettle one Skillet | 0.10.0 |
One Tim Coffee pot 1 Grid Iron 2 Trivets 2 hooks & a Mustard pot | 0.4.6 |
One Obnabrig feather Bed, Bolster, Bedstid & Cord | 1.10.0 |
13 pewter plates 8/. 3 do Dishes 1 do porringer 3 Tinn Milk pans 10/. | 0.18.0 |
2 pr. of Mony Scales & some Weights | 0.5.0 |
A parcel of old Cloaths 1 Trunk 1 Chest | 0.10.0 |
1 large bible 1 pr Shoes & a Shop board | 0.10.0 |
One feather Bed 1 rugg & 2 blankets | 3--- -- |
6 Earthen Cupps & Saucers 1 Tea pot 1 China Slop Bowl 2 Boats 1 Milk pot & 1 Sugar Dish | 0.7.6 |
5 Knives & forks & 3 books | 0.6.0 |
£31.12.6 | |
Brot up | £31.12.6 |
1 Bell Metle pestle & Mortar | 0.2.6 |
1 Funnel, 1 Copper pot 1 pepper box & a brass Candlestick | 0.2.0 |
1 Scrubing brush 1 Spit 1 frying pan & a Warming pan | 0.6.0 |
10 pewter Spoons 1 hair Sifter & 1 pr Sheets | 0.5.0 |
2 Iron pots & pot hooks 10/. 1 Iron fender 1 Safe & 1 Chamber pot 10/. | 1.0.0 |
24 quart bottles 1 flesh fork and a poker | 0.4.0 |
2 pails & a piggon 3/. a parcel of Spun Cotton 7/6 one Cow 20/. | 1.10.6 |
One Iron Kettle 1 Tinn Cannister 7/6 a parcel of old Lumber 1/ | 0.8.6 |
A Sope Jarr 2 Axes 1 Mill bagg | 0.12.0 |
1 ham of Bacon, 10 bottles a Taylors Iron & Sheers | 0.5.0 |
a Stock lock & key 4/. 2 plain Gold rings & 1 Stone Do 30/. | 1.14.0 |
a Small Bed & 2 Yards of Saxe Gotha | 0.14.0 |
£39 -- - |
Peter Scott}
James Geddy} John Richmond
Thos Hornsby} Admr
At a Court held for York County Novr the 21st 1743 This Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of Uohn Hamilton decd was this day retd to Court and order'd to be recorded.
Exam Test
Matt Hubard Cl Cur
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 236November 21, 1743
In the Suit on the petition for debt brot by John Mercer agst James Geddy; The Defendt by Bidford Davenport his Attorney confesseth Judgment for one pound Seventeen Shills Therefore it's Consider'd by the Court that the Petr recover against the sd Defendt the sd sum of one pound Seventeen Shills And also his Costs by him about his Suit in this behalf expended And the said Defendt in Mercy &c.
Bruton Parish Register, 1662-1797 p. 5Sarah Daughter of James Geddy and Ann his Wife was born January the 8th 1744.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 293July 16, 1744
In the Action of Trespass assualt and Battery between Mary Flyn plt and James Taylor Defendt, This day came the parties aforesd by their Attornies and thereupon came a Jury to witt John Chapman Thomas Tabb John Hay Edward Potter James Toomer Thomas Presson Andrew Anderson Edward Powell Edward Moss John Cosby Thomas Robed & James Geddy good and lawfull Men who were Elected Try'd & duly Sworn to say the Truth of the Matter in Issue And upon their Oath they say that the Assault in the declaration mention'd is the Defendts assault And they Assess the plts damages by occasion thereof to five Shillings & the Cost of this Suit: Therefore it's Consider'd by the Court that the plt recover against the said Defendt her damages aforesd by the Jurors aforesd assess'd and her Costs of Suit and the said Defendt in Mercy &c. But the plt came into Court and remitted 4/6 of the damages.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 300August 20, 1744
Order'd that Peters Scott Hugh Orr Mark Cosby and John Coulthard or any three of them being first Sworn Do meet & appraise the Estate of James Geddy decd and that they return an Account thereof to the next Court.
York County, Wills, Inventories, 19, 1740-1746, pp. 306-307In the name of God Amen being in Sound Judgment & Memory Thanks be to God for the same. Imprim[is] I bequeath my Soul unto almighty God who gave it and my body to be decen[tly buried? W]ith Comfortable hopes of a blessed and joyfull resurrection through Jesus Ch[rist my sav]iour. As for my Tempor[al] Estate after all my just debts are paid I will [as followeth?] Item I give unto my Sons & Daughters David, James, William & John Geddy Elizabeth, Anne & Mary Geddy my beloved wife Sole Exectrix and heiress of all my real and personal Estate to be disposed by her as she thinks most proper. In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & Seal this 23d day of Sept. Anno Domini one thousand Seven hundred & forty three Years
James Geddy (Seal)
Sign'd Sealed & deliver'd
in the presence of us
Thomas Bennet
George Charlton
Hugh Boyd
At a Court held for York County August 20th 1774 This last will & Testament of James Geddy decd was this day presented in Court by the Extrix therein named who made Oath to it and being proved by the Oath of Thomas Bennet & Hugh Boyd two of the witnesses It was order'd to be recorded.
Matt: Hubard Cl Cur
York County, Wills, Inventories, 19, 1740-1746, p. 300At a Court held for York County August the 20th 1744
The last will & Testament of James Geddy decd was this day brot into Court by the Extrix therein named who made Oath to it and it being proved by the oath of Thos Bennet & Hugh Boyd two of the witnesses thereto It is order'd to be recorded And upon the prayer of the said Extrix and her giving bond & Security for her faithfull performance of the said will It's ordered that a Certificate be granted her for obtaining a probat in due form.
York County, Wills, Inventories, 19, 1740-1746, pp. 310-31130 August 1744
Whereas Kircandy a Negro Man Slave belonging to the Estate of James Geddy late of the City of Wmsburgh decd was committed to the Goal of this County by warrant under the hand & Seal of Nathl Bacon Burwell Gent one of his Majestys Justices of the peace charged with the Felonious breaking & entring the Store house of Sarah Packe of the sd City widow on Wednesday the 23d of this Instant in the Night time And Stealing from thence divers wares Merchandizes & Monies of the Value of five pounds the property of the said Sarah; He was this day brot to the Barr upon his Trya[ll] and publickly arraign'd and after hearing his Indictment against him-read Confess'd that he did break & enter the Store house aforesd in the Night time aforesd And did Steal & carry away from thence one piece of Scotch Cambrick of the Value of fifty Shillings & Sixteen Shillings of Spanish Coin'd Silver as is mention'd in the Indictment against him the property of the said Sarah, but deny'd that he took the Tea therein also mention'd And having nothing to say for himself why Sentence of Death in: due form of Law should not pass against him Francis Howard Gent did pronounce the same And then the Court Valued him to £60 which is order'd to be Certify'd to the next Assembly for a Suitable allowence to the said James Geddy's Estate And it's further Order'd that the said Sarah Packe be restor'd her Goods
F. Howard
Truely Entd
Matt. Hubard Cl Cur
York County, Wills, Inventories, 19, 1740-1746, pp. 321-323In Obedience to an Order of York Court dated the 20th of August 1744 We the Subscribers have appraised the Estate of James Geddy decd in the foll. Manner Vizt
1 large black walnut Table 30/. 1 large Looking Glass 60/. | £4.10.0 |
6 Leather Chairs 36/. 1 Japand Cupboard (Corner) 30/ | 3.6-- |
1 Japand Cabinet 20/. 5 Pictures in Frames 40/. | 3.-- -- |
1 pr Iron Doggs faced wth Brass 30/. 10 Prints in Frames 10/ | 2.-- -- |
7 old Leather Chairs 21/. 1 pr Glass Sconcess 3/6 | 1.4.6 |
1 painted Frame for a Chimney 2/6 a pcel of old Earthen Ware 2/6 | 5.-- |
4 Stone Juggs 7/6 4 Stone butter pots 10/. | 17.-- |
1 Settee Bedsted Bed Rugg &c 30/. a Sett Musketo Curtains 7/6 | 1.17.6 |
4 Virga Cloth Curtains 7/6 1 Warming pan 4/. | .11.6 |
1 Small Looking Glass 3/6 1 Pine Table 1 old Chest 1 old Box & Trunk | .11.-- |
1 Desk 70/. 1 Japand Corner Cupboard 10/. 1 Looking Glass 10/. | 4.10.-- |
1 Dutch Table 12/6 1 old Oval Table 7/6 1 Picture & 1 Print 2/. | 1.2.-- |
1 Elbow Chair 2/6 1 old box 1/3 | 3.9 |
1 Feather Bed, Curtains & Vallens Compass rod 1 pr Sheets 1 Blanket 1 Quilt 1 Cover Lid pillow Bedtted &c | 4 -- -- |
1 Trundle Bed rugg Blanket & Sheet 20/. 1 pr Iron Doggs 1 pr Tongs & Shovl | 1.10.-- |
4 plain Gold rings wt 7wt 6g at 4/6 | 1.12.71/ |
3 Gold rings set with Stone 21/6 7oz 8wt old Silver at 5/6 oz | 2.18.8 |
1 Silver Watch £4. 1 Frize & 1 Fustian Coats 40/. | 6.-- -- |
1 hatt 10/. 1 Bay Gelding £5. 1 Cow 35/. | 7.5 -- |
1 Sadle & Bridle 13/. 6 Washing Tubs 12/. | 1.5.-- |
2 Wooden Measures 2/6 1 Jarr 7/6 8 Doz. Qt bottles 16/ | 1.6 -- |
1 Feather Bed 1 pr Sheets 1 Quilt 1 Counter pin 1 Blanket Bedsted Mattras & Cord £4. 1 old Oval Table 10/. | 4.10 -- |
1 old Cain Couch & 2 old Cain Chairs 7/6 1 old Feather Bed &c 20/ | 1.7.6 |
1 old Do with 1 blanket rugg 1 pr Sheets Bedsted &c | 2.10 -- |
1 old Desk 5/. 1 Spining Wheel 3/. 63 li pewter at 8d 42/ | 2.10 -- |
36 li Do at 6d-- 18/. 1 doz. hard Metle Soop plates 20/. | 1.18 -- |
1 doz flat hard Do 15/. 14 Common plates 10/. | 1.5 -- |
1 pewter Monteith 5/. 4 Porringers 2/. | 0.7 -- |
1 Cullender 1/. 1 Bason 1/. 1 Gall 1 qt Measure 1 Can & Tankard 4/. | 0.6 -- |
1 Box Iron & heaters 2 flat Irons & Stand | 0.10 -- |
1 Copper Chocolate pot 1 Coffee Do | 7.6 |
1 Copper Sauce pan 2/6 1 Skillet 2/6 | 5.-- |
a New Frame & Shafts for a Chair | 2.3.-- |
1 old Tea Kettle 2/6 1 Grid Iron | 6. 6 |
1 Iron Trivet 1/6 1 Brass Chafing Dish 2/6 | 4.-- |
a Bottom of an old Dutch Oven 1/6 1 Skimmer & 2 Slices 2/ | 3. 6 |
£69.6.--½ | |
Brot up | £69.6.--½ |
1 Jarr 2/6 1 Garden Water pot 2/6 6 Candle Moulds & Stand 7/6 | 12. 6 |
1 large Iron pot & hooks 20/. 4 Iron pots & hooks 35/ | 2.15.-- |
1 Spit 3/. 3 pr pot racks 6/. 1 Oyl Jarr 2/6 1 Frying pan 3/. | 14.6 |
4 Water pales 7/6 2 ½ bushels Salt 6/3 | 13.9 |
4 Brass Kettle [old] wt 80 li at 9d p li | 3.--.-- |
1 pr Stilliards 10/. 2 pr Brass Candle Sticks 12/ | 1.2.-- |
3 pr Brass Candle Sticks | 1.2.6 |
4 Gild brass Candle Sticks & Snuff Dish | 6.-- |
4 Brass Snuff Dishes 7/6 3 pr brass Stiffups | 1.2.6 |
1 pr Brass Pistols 60/. 1 pr Pistols 26/. 1 Pestle & Mortar 5/. | 4.11.-- |
1 Silver hilted Sword 52/. 1 Shot bagg powder horn 3/6 | 2.15.6 |
1 pr Mony Scales & Weights 1 pr Scizars 3/. 1 Wine Glass 6d | 3.6 |
4 pr Spoon Moulds 20/. 18 Gun Locks at 3/6 ps 63/. | 4.3.-- |
12 Pistol do at 5/. 1 Square Walnut Table 12/6 | 3.12.6 |
1 Bottle Case with 11 bottles 10/. a parcel rough brass work for Guns 10/. | 1.--.-- |
8 doz. files Sorted at 8/. 19 Small Do at 5d | 3.11.11 |
1 Vol: Laws of Virga 10/ 1 Historical Dictionary 10/. | 1.--.-- |
The History of the World 7/6 1 Bible 5/. 1 Vol Turkish Spy 2/6 | 15.-- |
a parcel of old books 5/. 1 pr Holsters 7/6 1 old Clock 5/. | 17.6 |
a Case with Drawers 5/. 1 Dial plate 2/6 | 7.6 |
3 pr Bullet Moulds 5/. a parcel of Gun Smiths Tools & a Drawer (in the Closet] 7/6 2 pr Doggs faced with Brass 30/ | 2.2.6 |
1 Compass Saw 2/6 3 hand Vices 7/6 | 10.-- |
1 Bench Vice 7/6 1 Do 10/. 1 Whites hand Saw 10/. 2 Screw plates 10/. | 1.17.6 |
A parcel of Gun Smiths Tools in his Shops | 2.10.-- |
5 Gun barls 30/. 2 Setts Curtain rods 20/. 1 Violin Damaged 7/6 | 2.17. 6 |
1 pr Shoe Boots 10/. 1 large Stand Vice 26/. 1 Iron Anvil 60/. | 4.16.-- |
1 Beck Iron 7/6 2 Sledge hammars 4/. 3 hard Do 3/. | 14. 6 |
1 Steel Mill 10/. 1 Slack Tubb & 6 pr Iron Tongs 10/. | 1.--.-- |
5 Iron Smiths Staks 10/. 2 Screw plates & 1 Brace 10/. | 1.--.-- |
1 Grind Stone & Trough 4/. 1 Cutlers Wheel & 2 runners &c 20/. | 1.4.-- |
1 Turner Laith &c 7/6 a parcel of Nail Tools 2/6 | 10.-- |
8 li rough Brass work 4/. 1 Frame Saw 10/. 1 Founders Laith 5/. | 19.-- |
7 pt Flasks 10/. 1 Sand Bench 5/. a parcel of Founders patterns 26/. | 1.15.-- |
19 Melting pots at 8d ps 1 Coffee Mill 5/. 1 old Chest & 1 old Cubbard | 1.1.8 |
1 Brass Tea Kettle 1/3 6 Chair Frames 12/. | 13. 3 |
2 pr Smiths Bellows 50/. 200 li Sheet Lead at 2d p li 33/4 | 4.3.4 |
1 Iron Jack 40/. a Servant named Wm Beadle £10 | 12:--.-- |
An old Negro Woman Named Betty | 5.--.-- |
1 Negro boy named Jack | 30.-- -- |
£178.6.5½ |
Peter Scott
Hugh Orr
John Coulthard
Mark Cosby
At a Court held for York County Now 19th 1744. This Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of James Geddy decd was this day retd to Court and Order'd to be recorded
Examd Test
Matt Hubard Cl Cur
Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1742-1747; 1748-1749.October 4, 1744
A Petition of Anne Geddy, Widow, was presented to the House, and read; setting forth, That her late Husband, James Geddy, by Order of the Governor, cleaned Seven Hundred Arms in the Magazine; for which the Treasurer does not think fit to pay her, without the Direction of this House to do so; and praying the Consideration of the House therein.
Ordered, That the Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee of Claims: And that they do examine the Matter thereof; and report the same, with their Opinion thereupon, to the House.
Ibid., p. 121October 5, 1744
On Consideration of the Petition of Anne Geddy, Widow, Resolved, That the Petition be rejected.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 311At a Court held for York County Novr 19th 1744
An Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of James Geddy decd is this day retd to Court and Order's to be recorded.
Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia Wilmer L. Hall, ed. (Richmond, 1945), V, 174.May 4, 1745
Ordered that the Receiver General pay to Mr. Sam'l Baron Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds for finishing the Plat-form at Fort George and the Sum of Twenty one Pounds eight Shillings and four Pence to the Widdow Geddy due to the Estate of her late Jusband for cleaning seven hundred Public Arms at the Magazine.
York County Judgments and Orders, 1746-1752, p. 916 March 1746
Order'd that Samuel Jones pay unto Richard Geddy Three hundred Pounds of Tobacco for three Days Attendance and for Travelling twenty five Miles three times as a Witness for the said Jones against William Stanhope
Virginia Gazette, March 27, 1746Just Imported, A Choice Parcel of Lace, Cambrick's, Ribbons, Gause Handkerchiefs, Velvet Hoods, lac's and plain, Mantelets and Cloaks, Chints, printed Linens, Callicoes, Silk Stockings, Fans and Fan-Mounts, Children's quilted Caps, and other milinary Goods. Also, a curious Collection of Toys, and are to be Sold by the Subscriber, in Palace-Street, Williamsburg.
Frances Webb
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 47717 November 1746
Wm Prentis & Company Merchts & Partners Plts
Samuel Boush junr Defendant
This day came as well the Plts by Benjamin Waller their Attorney as the Deft by William Nimmo his attorney and the said Deft prays and has leave to Imparl til the next Court and then to Plead.
York County Wills, Inventories 19, 1740-1746, p. 485January 19, 1746/7
William Prentis John Blair and Wilson Cary Plts
agst In Case
Samuel Boush Junr
This Day came the Parties by their Attorneys and the Deft Saith he did not Assume upon himself in manner and form as the Plts agst him have declared and of this he putteth himself upon the Country and the Plts likewise and the Trial of the Issue is refer'd til the next Court.
The Record of Bruton Parish Church W. A. R. Goodwin (Richmond, 1941), p. 148
1750 John, Jno & Judith Brown
York County, Deeds 5, pp. 287-288KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents that I Robt Jackson Surgeon of His Majestys Ship the Captain & late of York Town in Virginia have hereby made and appointed Richard Ambler of York Town Esqr and John Holt of Williamsburgh aforesaid Merchant to be my true and Lawfull Attorneys for me & in my name and for my use to ask demand receive and Collect all Money due to me form any Person or Persons and to sue or bring Action or Actions or Process in any of his Majesty's Courts in Virginia in my Name for the Recovery thereof and to sign Releases and Discharges for the sane in the same Manner as if I myself were Personally Present & to ratify and Confirm the sale of a Negroe called Sarah made by my late wife Elizabeth and also to sue for in His Majesty's Court of Virginia for all Negros which I am Intitled to by any Devise or will or Bill of Sale of Mr. Morris in the County of Norfolk or any other Instrument or other Person and to bring Action or Actions for the recovery of them in my Name and I give full Power to either of my said Attorneys to do all Acts in as full and Ample manner either jointly or Severally as any attorney can be authorized to Perform for me and in my Name. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand & Seal this eighth Day of December 1748.
Robt Jackson (L.S.)
Sealed and Delivered
In the Presence of
Thos Perrin
Richd Baker
At a Court held for York County the 20th Day of March 1748 This Letter of Attorney was proved by the oath of Richard Baker a witness thereto and on the motion of John Holt Mercht Ordered to be Recorded.
Examd Teste
Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
York County, Deeds 5, pp. 402-404THIS INDENTURE made the Seventeenth day of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & fifty BETWEEN Ann Geddy Widow of the County of James City of the one part and James Taylor of the City of Wmsburgh Taylor of the other part WITNESSETH that the said Ann Geddy for and in Consideration of the Sum of One Hundred and thirty Pounds Current Money of Virginia to her in hand paid before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof she doth hereby Acknowledge HATH Granted Bargained sold Aliened enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents DOTH Grant Bargain Sell Alien enfeoff and Confirm unto the said James Taylor and to his Heirs and Assigns All that Messuage Tenement Lot or half acre of Land Situate & being in the City of Williamsburgh and denoted in the plan of the said City by the Figures 62 formerly purchased by James Geddy late Husband of the said Ann of Samuel Boush Gent. as by Indenture recorded in the Court of York County the Nineteenth day of February one Thousand Seven Hundred & thirty eight may Appear and by the said James Given and bequeathed to the said Ann Geddy by his last will and Testament proved and recorded in the said County Court will also Appear together with all Houses Out Houses Buildings Gardens Easments Ways profits Commodities Hereditaments & Appurts whatsoever to the said Messuage Tenement and Lott of Land belonging or in any wise Appurtaining Also one Moiety or half part of the well Situate and being on the Lot No 61. belonging to the said Ann Geddy and adjoining the Lott hereby Sold & Conveyed with free Liberty to the said James Taylor his Heirs and Assigns his and their Servants and Tenants at all times to pass & repass to the said well without the interruption or hindrance of the said Ann Geddy or any other person or persons whatsoever. TO HAVE & TO HOLD the said Messuage Tenement & Lot of Land and all and Singular other the Presmises with their & every of their Appurtenances herein before mentioned or intended to be hereby bargained & Sold unto the said James Taylor his Heirs and Assigns To the only proper use and Behoof of him the said James Taylor his Heirs and Assigns for ever AND the said Ann Geddy for herself her Heirs Executors & Admrs doth covenant grant and agree to and with the said James Taylor his Heirs Executors Admrs and Assigns in manner and form following (that is to say) that the said Ann Geddy at the sealing and Delivery of these presents is and Stands Lawfully and rightfully seised of and in the above granted Premises and every part thereof of a Good sure perfect absolute & indefeazible Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple AND also that the said James Taylor his heirs and Assigns shall and may for ever hereafter peaceably & Quietly have hold use Occupy possess and enjoy the said hereby granted premises with the Appurts and every part thereof without the lawful Lott Suit Trouble Eviction Ejection or Molestation of her the said Ann Geddy her Heirs or Assigns or any other person or persons whatsoever having or Claiming or that shall or may have or claim any Estate Right Title or Interest from by or under her the said Ann Geddy her Heirs or Assigns or any other person or Persons Whatsoever in or to the said Premises or any part or parcel thereof and that the said Messuage Tenement and Lot of Land and every part thereof with the Appurtenances is free and clear from all other Bargains Sales Gifts Grants feoffments Entails wills Dowers Mortgages and all other Incumbrances whatsoever AND Lastly that she the said Ann Geddy for her self and her Heirs the said Granted premises with the Appurts unto the said James Taylor his Heirs & Assigns against the Lawful Title claim & demand of her the said Ann Geddy her Heirs & Assigns and all other persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and for ever Defend by these presents IN WITNESS whereof the said Ann Geddy hath hereunto set her Hand and Affixed her Seal the day and Year first above written.
Sealed & Delivered.
In Presence of
Ann Geddy (L.S.)
Lant Nelson
Thomas Hornsby
Hugh Orr
November the 17th 1750
Received of Mr James Taylor the Sum of One Hundred and thirty pounds Current Money being the Consideration within mentioned. by me
Ann Geddy
Lant Nelson
At a Court held for York County the 19th day of Novr 1750 This Indenture was proved by the Oaths of Lancelot Nelson Thomas Hornsby and Hugh Orr and the receipt endorsed was also proved by the Oath of the said Nelson the Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded
Exam Teste
Tho Everard ClCur
York County, Deeds 5, 1741-1754, pp. 404-407THIS INDENTURE made the Nineteenth day of November in the twenty fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c And in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred & fifty BETWEEN James Taylor of the City of Williamsburgh Taylor of the one part and John Holt of the same City Mercht of the other part Witnesseth that WHEREAS the said John Holt together with the said James Taylor at the Special request and for the proper Debt of the said Jams by one Obligation bearing Date the Seventeenth Day of November one thousand Seven hundred and fifty did become jointly and severally bound unto Thomas Hornsby of the said City Mercht in the Sum of two Hundred Pounds current Money for the payment of one hundred Pounds of like Money on the Seventeenth day of November next ensuing the Date of these presents with lawful Interest thereupon as by the said obligation and condition thereof more plainly may Appear. NOW the said James Taylor for and in Consideration that the said John Holt his Heirs Exors and Admors and all the Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels of the said John Holt his Heirs Exors & Admors and every of them from Time to time at all Times hereafter shall as well be Cleared & Saved and kept harmless of and from the Bond & suretiship aforesaid as from all other charges relating thereto HATH Given Granted Bargained and Sold & by these presents DOTH Give Grant Bargain & Sell unto the said John Holt and to his Heirs & Assigns forever all that Lott or half Acre of Ground with the Appurts. which the said James Taylor purchased of Ann Geddy lying and being in the City of Williamsburgh aforesaid described in the Plan of the said City by the Figures 62. with all Houses Outhouses Buildings Gardens Yards Waies, Profits Commodities & Hereditaments to the same or any part thereof belonging or in any wise Appertaining and the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders thereof and all the Estate Right Title and Interest of him the said James Taylor of in or to the same and every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and Singular the premises with the Appurts unto the said John Holt his Heirs and assigns To the only Use & behoof of him the said John Holt his Heirs and Assigns forever PROVIDED always that if the said James Taylor his Heirs Exors & Admors shall as well procure and cause the said John Holt his Heirs Exors and Admors on the said Seventeenth Day of November next ensuing to be cleared & Absolutely Acquited and discharged of and from the Bond and Sureiship aforesaid & all other Charges any ways relating thereto as also in the Meantime and at all other times hereafter as well and sufficiently save harmless the said John Holt his Heirs Exrs. & Admrs. & all his and their Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements of & from the Bond Suretiship and Charges aforesaid wherewith-they or any of them may be charged as aforesaid that them these presents and every thing therein contained shall cease determine & become utterly Void and the said James Taylor for himself his Heirs Exors & Admrs. doth covenant and Grant to and with the said John Holt his Heirs Exrs. & Admrs. by these presents in manner & form following that is to say that he the said James Taylor his Heirs Exors & Admrs. shall as well procure and cause the said John Holt his Heirs Executors & Admrs. on the Seventeenth day of November last above mentioned to be clearly & absolutely accquitted and discharged of and from the Bond Suretiship & Charges aforesaid as also in the Meantime and at all other times hereafter shall well & Sufficiently save harmless the said John Holt his Heirs Exrs. & Admors & all his and their Goods & Chattels Land & Tenements of and from the Bond Suretiship & charges aforesaid wherewith they or any of them may be charged as aforesaid according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and also that if default of the Proviso or Condition aforesaid shall be made that then the said John Holt his Heirs and Assigns shall and Lawfully may enter into Have Hold and peaceably Enjoy all & Singular the above bargained & Sold Premises with the Appurts and the Rents Issues & profits thereof to his or their own proper Use to receive & take without the disturbance Eviction Claim or Demand of him the said James Taylor his Heirs or Assigns or any other Person or Persons Whatsoever and Lastly it is concluded & agreed by & between the Parties to these Presents that until Default or Breach of the Proviso or Condition aforesaid shall be made he the said James Taylor his Heirs and Assigns shall have and enjoy all and Singular the above bargained & Sold Premises and take and receive the Rents and Profits thereof without the disturbance Eviction Claim or Demand of him the said John Holt or any Person claiming under him IN WITNESS whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto Interchangeable set their Hands & affixed their Seals the day and Year first above Written
In the Presence of..
James Taylor (L. S.)
At a Court held for York County the 19th Day of November 1750 This Indenture was acknowledged by James Taylor thereto & Ordered to be recorded
Exam Teste
Tho. Everard Cl: Cur:
York County Judgments and orders, 1746-1752, p. 36319 November 1750
An Indenture of Bargain and Sale between Ann Geddy of the one part and James Taylor of the other part was proved by the Oaths of Lancelot Nelson Thomas Hornsby and Hugh Orr the Witnesses thereto and the Receipt endorsed was also proved by the Oath of the said Nelson and together with the said Indenture Ordered to be recorded.
Virginia Gazette, April 18, 1751The Subscriber, lately arriv'd from London, performs all Sorts of Landskape, Herald, and House Painting, in the best and exactest Manner, at reasonable Rates. Whoever are pleas'd to employ me, shall be faithfully serv'd by
Their humble Servant.
John Keeff
N.B. Enquire for me at Mr. Galt's, Watchmaker, or at Mr. Cavendish's, Taylor, in Williamsburg.
Virginia Gazette, June 27, 1751Williamsburg, June 20, 1751
THE Subscriber having a great many Watches, repair'd by him upwards of Twelve Months, and not knowing the owners, these are to acquaint them (as I can't lie out of my Money) if they don't take them away speedily, and pay for repairing them, they shall be apprais's and sold according to Law. Any Person that will bring to my Shop, or Dwellinghouse, broken Gold, Silver, old Silver or Gold Lace, old Brass or Copper, may have in Exchange Gold, Silver, Clock and Watch Work, or Cash, paid them by
Samuel Galt.
N.B. Any Servant or Slave, bringing any of the above Articles to me, may not expect Payment for them, 'til they bring me a Note from their respective Master or Mistress, or some free Person of Repute.
GEDDY, DAVIDAugust 8, 1751
DAVID and WILLIAM GEDDY Smiths in Williamsburg, near the Church, having all Manner of Utensils requisite, carry on the Gun-smith's, Cutler's, and Founder's Trade, at whose Shop may be had the following Work, viz. Gun Work, such as Guns and Pistols Stocks, plain or neatly varnished, Locks and Mountings, Barrels, blued, bored, and rifled; Founder's Work, and Harness Buckles, Coach Knobs, Hinges, Squares, Nails and Bullions, curious Brass Fenders and Fire Dogs, House Bells of all Sizes, Dials calculated to any Latitude; Cutler's Work, as Razors, Lancets, Shears, and Surgeon's Instruments ground, cleaned, and glazed, as well as when first made, Sword Blades polished, blued, and gilt in the neatest Manner, Scabbards for Swords, Needles and Sights for Surveyor's Compasses, Rupture Bands of different Sorts, particularly a Sort which gives admirable Ease in all kinds of Ruptures; Likewise at the said Shcp may be had a Vermifuge, Price 3s.6d. per Bottle, which safely and effectively destroys all Kinds of Worms in Horses, the most inveterate Pole-evils and Fistulas cured, and all Diseases incident to Horses; at their said Shop.
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., VIII, 11August 19 (1751): Gave David Geddy a lettr of credt for £10, on which he had of Mr. Ambler, £6..0..5.
York County, Judgments and Orders, 175201754, p. 117 February 1752
John Dixon Mercht Plt
agst In Case
Samuel Galt Defendant
The Deft not being Arrested On the Motion of the Plt Ordered that an Alias Capias issue against the said Deft returnable to the next Court.
Virginia Gazette, February 27, 1752All my Clients, or others, who may have any Business with me during the Sitting of the General Assembly, may direct their Letters to, or find me, at the House of James Taylor (Taylor) on the main Street, just below the Church, in Williamsburg.
Edmund Pendleton.
York County Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, pp. 101-10217 August 1752
Samuel Galt Plt
agst In Case
Thomas Dixon Deft
Thomas Trotter of this County came into Court and undertakes for the Deft that in Case he shall be Cast in this Suit he the said Deft shall satisfy and pay the Condemnation of the Court or render his Body to Prison in Execution for the same or that he the said Thomas Trotter will do it for him and thereupon the said Deft by his Attorney S[a]v[in]g to himself all Advantage of Exception as well to the Plts suit as to his Declaration prays and has leave to Imparl til the next Court and then to plead
Virginia Gazette, November 10, 1752STOLEN out of the Subscriber's Shop in Williamsburg some Time since July last, a small plain Gold Watch, the Maker's Name Stephen Cock, London, No. 1659, the inside Case very thin and bruised, the Cock fix'd with a Steel Semicircle Locking-bolt by three Steel Studs through the Cock. Whoever will give Intelligence of the said Watch, so that I may have it again, shall have Two Pistoles Reward, or Six Pistoles on Conviction of the Thief, paid by
Samuel Galt
Virginia Gazette, November 17, 1752Whereas the Subscriber, in Williamsburg, has a great Number of Debts of a long Standing, and has laboured under several Inconveniences for Want of the same, he begs the Favour of all those who are indebted to him to pay their Ballance, immediately, in Order to enable him to satisfy his Creditors.
James Taylor
N.B. A Quantity of Household Furniture will be expos'd to Sale, on the Tenth Day of December next: Six Months Credit will be allowed, the Purchaser giving Bond and Security, as usual, to
James Taylor
York County Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, p. 11720 November 1752
Samuel Galt Plt
agst In Case
Thomas Dixon
This day came the Parties by their Attornies and the deft pleaded not Guilty the Plt Joined Issue and the trial is refer'd til the next Court
York County Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, pp. 149-15018 December 1752
John Tort Plt
agst In Debt
Thomas Wilkins Deft
Samuel Galt and John James Hulett come into Court & Undertake for the Deft that in Case he shall be cast in this Suit he shall satisfie and pay the Condemnation of the Court or Render his Body to prison in Execution for the same or that they the said Galt & Hulett will do it for him and thereupon the said Deft by his Attorney pleaded Payment the Plt replyed and Joined Issue and the trial is refered til the next Court
York County Judgments and Order, 1752-1754, p. 14918 December 1752
John Dixon Plt
agst In Debt
John Hopkins and Thomas Wilkins Defts
Samuel Galt and John James Hulett come into Court and Undertake for the Deft Wilkins that in Case he shall be Cast in this Suit he shall Satisfie and pay the Condemnation of the Court or render his Body to Prison in Execution for the same or that they the said Galt and Hulett will do it for him and thereupon the said Defts by their Attorney Pleaded Payment the Plt. replyed and Joined Issue and the Trial is refered til the next Court
York County Judgments and Orders 19, 1752-1754, p. 15218 December 1752
Ordered that Samuel Galt pay unto John Coke twenty five Pounds of Tobacco for one days Attendance as a Witness for him against Thomas Dixon
York County, Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, p. 13718 December 1752
Samuel Galt Plt
agst In Case
Thomas Dixon Deft
This day came the Parties by their Attornies and thereupon came also a Jury to wit Edward Peters Edward Moss William Corridon John Fanham John Baptist John Dickeson John Kerby Matthew Burt, Bennett Kerby Thomas Chisman Samuel Tomkins & Kemp Charles who being Elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue Joined upon their oath do say that Deft is Guilty in manner and form as the Plt against him hath declared and they do Assess the Plts Damages by Occasion thereof to Ten pounds Seven Shillings Sterling besides his Costs Therefore It is Considered by the Court That the Plt recover against the Defendant his Damages aforesaid in form aforesaid Assessed And his Costs by him in this behalf expended And the said Defendant in Mercy &c
York County Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, p. 15218 December 1752
Ordered that Samuel Galt pay unto William Skipwith White Twenty five Pounds of Tobacco for one days Attendance as a Witness for him against Thomas Dixon
York County Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, p. 15218 December 1752
Ordered That Samuel Galt pay unto William Galt Twenty five Pounds of Tobacco for one days Attendance as a Witness for him against Thomas Dixon
York County Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, p. 18619 February 1753
John James Hulett Plt
agst In Case
Emery Hughes Deft
Samuel Galt of the City of Williamsburgh come into Court & Undertakes for the Deft that in Case he shall be Cast in this Suit he the said Deft shall satisfie and pay the Condemnation of the Court or render his Body to Prison in Execution for the same or that he the said Samuel Galt will do it for him and thereupon the said Deft by his Attorney prays and has leave to Imparl til the next Court and then to plead
York County Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, p. 18719 February 1753
Thomas Wilkins Plt
agst In Case
Samuel Galt Defendt
This Day came the Parties by their Attornies and the Deft saving to himself all Advantage of Exception as well to the Plts Writ to his Declaration prays and has leave to Imparl til the next Court and then to plead
Virginia Gazette, March 2, 1753To be Sold, A Lot of Land, with a large Dwelling-House, Kitchen, and other convenient Out-Houses, all in good Repair, and most new, situate on the main Street in Williamsburg, joining the upper End of the Market Place: The Conveniences of the Houses and Cellars may be viewed, by any Person inclinable to purchase, and the Terms may be known of the present Proprietor.
James Taylor
York County, Deeds 5, 1741-1754, pp. 532-535This Indenture made the thirteenth day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty three Between James Taylor of the City of Williamsburgh Taylor of the one part and Thomas Hornsby of the same place Merchant of the other part. Whereas the said James Taylor is and stands Justly indebted to the said Thomas Hornsby by his Bond in which John Holt of the said City stands bound as his Security in the Penalty of Two hundred Pounds dated the twentieth day of November One thousand seven hundred and fifty Conditioned for the Payment of One Hundred Pounds with Interest upon the twentieth day of November next ensuing the date of the said Bond And Whereas the said James Taylor is and stands bound unto the aforesaid John Holt by his certain Bond or Obligation in the Penalty of Ninety one Pounds three Shillings and eleven Pence dtated the twenty fourth day of June One thousand seven hundred and fifty one Conditioned for the Payment of forty five Pounds eleven Shillings and eleven Pence half penny of which the said James paid on the thirteenth day of November One thousand seven hundred and fifty two the Sum of Nine Pounds fifteen Shillings and two pence as appears by an endorsement on the back of the said Bond which reduced the Money due thereon to the twelfth day of this Instant March to Thirty nine Pounds six Shillings and six Pence which Sum at the request of the said James Taylor the said Thomas Hornsby paid to the said John Holt who thereupon assigned the said Bond to the said Thomas Hornsby by his endorsment on the back thereof And Whereas the said James Taylor is and stands bound to the said Thomas Hornsby for another just and true Debt by one other Bond or Obligation in the Penalty of One hundred and ten Pounds nineteen Shillings and two Pence half penny dated the twelfth day of, this Instant March Conditioned for the Payment of Fifty five Pounds nine Shillings and seven Pence farthing on demand as by the said three several Bonds or obligations relation being thereunto had may fully appear Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said James Taylor for the better securing the money due on the said three several Bonds to the said Thomas Hornsby with all Interest due and to grow respectively thereon to the said Thomas Hornsby and also in Consideration of the sum of five Shillings by the said Thomas Hornsby to the slid James Taylor in hand paid at the sealing and Delivery hereof the Receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge Hath given Granted Bargained and Sold and by these Presents Doth Give Grant Bargain and Sell unto the said Thomas Hornsby and his Heirs and Assigns forever All that Lot or half Acre of Land with the Appurtenances and buildings thereon Erected lying and being in the City of Williamsburgh aforesaid described in the Plan of the said City by the figures (62) and was purchased by the said James Taylor of one Ann Geddy And all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Yards Gardens Orchards Woods Underwoods Trees Ways Waters Profits Commodities Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise Appertaining And the Reversion & Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof And all the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Possession Benefit Property Claim and Demand of him the said James Taylor of in and to the same and ever part and parcel thereof To have and to hold the said Lot or half Acre of Land and all and singular the Premises with the Appurts unto the said Thomas Hornsby his Heirs and Assigns To the only proper use and behoof of the said Thomas Hornsby and of his Heirs and Assigns forever Provided always that if the said James Taylor his heirs Executors or Administrators do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Thomas Hornsby His Executors Administrators or Assigns the said Sum of one hundred Pounds with lawful Interest thereon form the aforesaid twentieth day of November in the Year One thousand seven hundred and fifty the said Sum of Thirty nine Pounds six Shillings and six Pence with lawful Interest therefrom from the twelfth day of this Instant March and the said Sum of fifty five Pounds nine Shillings & seven Pence farthing with lawful Interest thereon fom the said twelfth day of this Instant March at or upon the first day of April now next ensuing Then these Presents and every Clause Article Matter and Thing herein contained shall cease Determine and become utterly Void frustrate and of none effect as if the same had never been made and the said James Taylor for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth Covenant Promise and Grant to and with the said Thomas Hornsby his Heirs Executors Administratcrs and Assigns by these Presents in manner following that is to say That he the said James Taylor his Heirs Executors and Administrators shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Thomas Hornsby his Executors Administrators or Assigns the said several Sums of Money and Interest in the Condition or Proviso aforesaid Mentioned at the time therein limitted and appointed for Payment thereof according to the true intent and meaning of these Presents And Also that if default shall happen to be made by the said James Taylor his Heirs Executors or Administrators in the performance of the said Proviso or Condition or any part thereof that then and in such case it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Thomas Hornsby his Heirs and Assigns to enter into all and singular the Premises above granted Bargained and Sold with the Appurtenances and the same to hold Occupy Possess and Enjoy as his and their own proper Estate without any disturbance Eviction Claim or demand of him the said James Taylor his Heirs or Assigns or any other Person or Persons whatsoever And Lastly it is agreed between the said James Taylor and Thomas Hornsby that until default shall be made in the Performance of the Proviso or Condition aforesaid it shall and may be lawful to and for the said James Tailor his Heirs and Assigns to have hold Use Occupy Possess and Enjoy the above granted Premises and every part thereof without the Disturbance Eviction Claim or Demand of the said Thomas Hornsby or any other Person or Persons Claiming or to Claom by from or under him In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereto set their hands and Seals the day and Year first above written.
James Taylor (L.S.)
Thomas Hornsby (L.S.)
Sealed and delivered in the Presence of
J. Palmer
Alexr Craig
Hugh Orr
Thos Archer
At a Court held for York County the 19th day of March 1753. This Indenture was proved by the oaths of John Palmer Alexander Craig & Thomas Archer Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
York County, Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, p. 19819 March 1753
Thomas Wilkins Plt
agst In Case
Samuel Galt Defendt
This day came the Parties by their Attornies and the Deft pleaded non Assumpsit the Plt Joined Issue and the trial is refered til the next Court
York County, Deeds 5, 1741-1754, pp. 535-537THIS INDENTURE made the first day of May in the twenty seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c And in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty three BETWEEN James Taylor of the City of Williamsburgh Taylor of the one part and John Bryan of the said City Wigmaker of the other part WITNESSETH that for and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty seven Pounds thirteen Shillings and one penny half penny Current Money of Virginia by the said John Bryan to the Said James Taylor in hand paid at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge and thereof doth acquit and discharge the said John Bryan He the said James Taylor Hath Demised Granted and to Farm letten and by these Presents Doth Demise Grant and to Farm Lett unto the said John Bryan all the Messuage House and Tenement scituate lying and being in Glouster Street in the said City of Williamsburgh and is between the end of the House belonging to the said James Taylor and which he has Leased to Doctor Kenneth McKenzie and the House belonging to the Widow Geddy containing by Estimation Sixteen feet long and thirty feet Wide and is the Land whereon the said John Bryon hath built a House and now keeps his Shop together with all and singular Celars Solars Chambers Rooms Lights Waters Water Courses Easments Profits Commodities and Appurtenances to the said Messuage or Tenement and all and singular the Premises with their and every of their Appurtenances herein before mentioned or intended to be hereby Demised unto the said John Bryan his Heirs Exeeutors Administrators and Assigns from the Sealing and Selivery of these Presents for and during and unto the full end and Term of Twelve Years from thence next ensuing and fully to be Compleat and ended YIELDING AND PAYING therefore Yearly and every Year during the said Term unto the said James Taylor the Rent of one Grain of Indian Corn and the said John Bryan for himself his Exors &c Doth Covenant and Grant to and with the said James Taylor by these presents that he the said John Bryan shall and will during the said Term hereby demised well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said James Taylor the said Yearly Rent of one Grain of Indian Corn on the days above mentioned for Payment thereof according to the Reservation thereof as aforesaid and the true Intent and meaning of these Presents AND also that he the said John Bryan his Exors &c or some or one of them shall and will at his or their own Proper Cost and Charges well and sufficiently repair and keep the said Messuage House and Tenement with all needful Reparations and Amendments whatsoever when need or occasion shall require during the Term (the Casualty of Fire which may burn down or destroy the said Messuage House and Tenement or any part thereof only excepted) and the said Messuage House or Tenement at the end of the said Term unto the said James Taylor his Exors &c shall and will Peaceably and Quietly leave and Yield up (except as is before exceptd) And also that he the said John Bryan his Exors &c shall and will at all times hereafter during the Term hereby demised pay and discharge the Quit Rents of the said Messuage House and Tenement aforesaid And the Said James Taylor for himself his Heirs Exors Admors and Assigns doth Covenant and Grant to and with the said John Bryan his Heirs Exors Admors and Assigns that he the siad John Bryan his Exors &c paying the said Yearly Rent of one Grain of Indian Corn and performing all and every the Covenant and Agreements herein before contained which on his or their parts or behalf are or ought of be paid done and performed shall and may Peaceably and Quietly have hold Use Occupy Possess and Enjoy the said Messuage House Tenement and Premises hereby demised for and during the Term hereby granted without any Lawful Lot Suit Trouble or Interruption of or by the said James Taylor his Heirs Exors Admors and Assigns or any of them or by any other Person or Persons lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them or by or thro his their or any of their Acts Means or Procurement IN WITNESS whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and affixed their Seals the day and Year first within written
Sealed and Delivered
in Presence of.
Saml Spurr
Edwd Maynard
John Greenhow
James Taylor (L.S.)
John Bryan (L.S.)
Received of Mr John Bryan the sum of fifty seven Pounds thirteen Shillings and one penny half penny being the Consideration Money within mentioned. May the 1st 1753
James Taylor
Saml Spurr
Edwd Maynard
John Greenhow
At a Court held for York County the 21st Day of May 1753. This Indenture and the Receipt endorsed were proved by the Oath of Samuel Spurr Edward Maynard and John Greenhow the Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be recorded.
Exam Teste
Thos Everard Cl. Cur.
York County, Judgments and orders, 1752-1754, p. 21321 May 1753
Thomas Wilkins Plt
agst In Case
Samuel Galt Deft
This Day came the Parties by their Attornies and the Defendant relinquishing his former Plea Acknowledgeth the Plts Action for Seven Pounds fifteen Shillings and Seven pence farthing Therefore by Consent of the Parties It is Considered by the Court that the Plt recover against the said Deft the said Seven Pounds fifteen Shillings and Seven pence farthing And his Costs by him in this behalf expended And the said Defendt in Mercy &c
York County, Judgments and Orders, 1752-1754, p. 229.21 May 1753
William Lighfoot & Edmund Tabb Plts
agst In Case
Samuel Galt Defendant
This Day came the Parties by their Attornies And Defendant prays and has leave to Imparl til the next Court and then to plead
York County, Wills and Inventories, 20, p. 317IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I John Keeff of the City of Williamsburgh being sick and weak in Body but of sound and disposing mind do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say.
Imprimis I Give and Devise unto Mr. James Latham Son of James Latham late of the City of Dublin Painter decd Sixty eight Acres of Land with the Houses and Appurtenances thereon and thereto belonging scituate lying and being at a Place called Lockbrown within three miles of Kildare in the Kingdom of Ireland after the death of Mrs Mary Obrain my aunt who now lives on the said Land to him and his Heirs forever.
Item I Give and bequeath unto my friend Mr Samuel Galt of the said City of Williamsburgh the Sum of Three hundred Pounds Sterling.
Item I Give and bequeath unto Miss Sarah Galt Daughter of the said Samuel Galt the Sum of Six hundred Pounds Sterling.
Item I Give and bequeath unto William Galt Son of the aforesaid Samuel Galt one hundred Pounds Sterling.
Item I Give unto Mrs Elizabeth Taylor the Sum of Two hundred Pounds Sterling.
Item I Give unto Thomas Walker Son of Samuel Walker Late of Hampton decd One hundred Pounds Sterling.
Item I Give unto Mr. Thomas Penman of the said City of Williamsburg One hundred Pounds Sterling for his former kindness to me.
Item I Give unto James Galt Son of the above named Samuel Galt fifty Pounds Sterling.
Item I Give unto John Melson Galt Son of the said Samuel Galt fifty Pounds Sterling.
Item It is my Will and desire that the above Legacies may be paid out of the Money due to me for the Bank Bills in the hands of the Honble Robert Dinwiddie Exqr Governor of Virginia which I humbly hope he will deliver up to my Executors herein after named for that purpose.
Item I Give and bequeath unto the said Mr Samuel Galt and his Heirs forever all the Remainder of my Estate of what Nature of kind soever and wheresoever it be after my Debts are fully paid and satisfied.
Item I Do Constitute and Appoint Mr Samuel Galt and Mr Alexander White Exors of this my last Will and Testament
IN TESTIMONY whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Affixed my Seal this twenty eighth day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & fifty four.
John Keeff (L.S.)
Signed Sealed Published & Declared by the said Testator to be his last Will & Testament in the Presence of us who Subscribed our names in his Presence. James Bird
Dickie Galt
Geo: Davenport
At a Court held for York County the 18th day of March 1754. This Will was proved by the Oaths of James Bird and George Davenport two of the witnesses thereto and Ordered to be recorded.
Examd Teste
Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
York County, Deed Book 5, 1741-1754, pp. 602-605THIS INDENTURE made the Eighteenth day of April in the twenty seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c and in the Year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred & fifty four BETWEEN Thomas Reynolds Gent Sherif of the County of York of the one part and the Honble Richard Corbin of the County of King & Queen Esqr and Mann Page of the County of Gloucester Esqr of the other part WHEREAS by one Act of Parliament made the thirteenth day of January in the Year of our Lord MDCCXXXI Intituled an Act for the more easy recovery of Debts in his Majestys Plantations and Colonies in America among other things It is Enacted That from and after the twenty ninth day of September MDCCXXXI The Houses Lands Negros and other Hereditaments and Real Estate situate or being within any of the said Plantations belong to any Person indebted shall be liable to and chargeable with all Just Debts Duties and Demands of what Nature or kind so ever owing by any such Person to his Majesty or any of his Subjects and shall and may be Assesd for the satisfaction thereof in like manner as Real Estates any by the Laws of England liable to the satisfaction of Debts and by Bond or other Specialty and shall be subject to the like Remedies Proceedings and Process in any Court of Law or Equity in any of the said Plantations respectively for seising extending selling or disposing of any such Houses Lands Negros and other Hereditaments and Real Estate towards the satisfaction of such Debts Duties and Demands and in like manner at Personal Estates in any of the said Plantations respectively are seised Extended and Sold or disposed of for the satisfaction of Debts AND WHEREAS Amy Cary Widow Henry Stevens and Edward Woodcock Gent Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Robert Cary late of London Esqr Decd by a Judgment of the Court of the said County of York bearing date the nineteenth day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty tyre e did recover against James Taylor and Thomas Wilkins Eighty Pounds Current Money of Virginia for Debt and seventy nine and an half Pounds of Nett Tobacco and fifteen Shillings or one hundred and fifty Pounds of Tobacco Costs and for the more speedy obtaining the same and in Pursuance of the aforesaid recited Statute have sued out of the said Court his Majestys Writ of Fieri Facias bearing date the twenty fourth day of September last past and returnable to the third Monday in December then next directed to the Sherif of York County whereby he was commanded that of the Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements of the said James Taylor and Thomas Wilkins he caused to be made the sum of Eighty Pounds Current Money and one hundred and seventy nine and an half Pounds of Nett Tobacco and fifteen Shillings or One hundred and fifty Pounds of Tobacco which the said Amy Cary Henry Stevens and Edward Woodcock Executors of the last Will and Testament of Robert Cary late of London Exqr decd Lately in the same Court have recovered against the said James Taylor and Thomas Wilkins for Debt and Costs by them about their suit in that behalf expended But by a Memorandum thereon endorsed the said Execution was to be discharged by the Payment of forty Pounds Current Money with Interest for the same to be computed after the rate of five per Centum per Annum from the tenth day of October 1752 is the time of Payment and the Costs as by the said Judgment and Fieri Facias with the Sherifs Return thereon remaining of Record may more fully and at large appear By Virtue of which said Writ of Fieri Facias the said Thomas Reynolds being then and now Sherif of the said County of York did Levy Seise and take into his Possession One Messuage and Lot of Land with the Appurtenances lying and being in the City of Williamsburgh in the said County of York Numbered in the Plan of the said City by the Figures 62 belonging to the said James Taylor and after due Publication made of the sale thereof by Auction the said Thomas Reynolds did set up the said Messuage and Lot of Land for Sale and the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page were the highest Bidders for the same for the Sum of Two hundred and forty two Pounds but Thomas Hornsby having a Mortgage on the said Messuage and Lot for Two hundred and eighteen Pounds eight Shillings there remained only twenty three Pounds twelve Shillings towards satisfying the said Execution out of which the Sherifs Commissions were to be deducted NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that the said Thomas Reynolds for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty three Pounds twelve Shillings Current to him in hand paid by the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge HATH Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed & Confirmed and by these Presents DOTH grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeoff and Confirm unto the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page their Heirs and Assigns the before mentioned Messuage and Lot of Land with the Appurts and the and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof TO HAVE and to hold the aforesaid Messuage and Lot of Land with the Appurts unto the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page their Heirs and Assigns To the only proper use and behoof of the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page their Heirs and Assigns forever IN WITNESS whereof the said Thomas Reynolds hath hereunto set his hand and Seal the day and Year first above written.
Sealed & Delivered
in the presence of
Thos Reynolds Sherif (L.S.)
MEMORANDUM the Grantees in this Deed have Agreed and do hereby Agree that the Right of survivorship shall not take place between them but that the Survivor and his Heirs shall at any time when required convey to the Heirs of the Party first dying the Fee Simple of one Moiety of the Premises in this Deed contained IN WITNESS whereof the said Grantees have hereunto set their hands and Seals the Twenty sixth day of April One thousand seven hundred and fifty four.
Landon Carter Rd Corbin (L.S.)
By Richard Corbin Esqr Mann Page
Ben Waller
Tho Everard
At a Court held for York County the 20th Day of May 1754. This Indenture was Acknowledged by Thomas Reynolds Gent: Sherif of this County party thereto and the Memorandum endorsed was proved as to Richard Corbin Esqr by the Oaths of Benjamin Waller and Thomas Everard Witnesses thereto and together with the said Indenture Ordered to be recorded.
Exam Teste
Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
York County, Deeds 5, 1741-1754, pp. 605-606KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents That I the within named Thos Hornsby for and in Consideration of the Sum of Two hundred and eighteen Pounds eight Shillings Current Money to me in hand paid by the Honble Richard Corbin of the County of King & Queen Esqr and Mann Page of the County of Gloucester Esqr the Receipt whereof I do Hereby Acknowledge and thereof Acquit and discharge the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page their Heirs Executors and Administrators HAVE Bargained Sold Aliened and set over and by these Presents Do Bargain Sell Alien and set over unto the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page their Heirs Exors Admors and Assigns the within Mortgage and all and singular the Lands Building Tenements Hereditaments Rents Reversions and all and singular other the Premises with the Appurts thereby Sold and Conveyed to me an every part and parcel thereof and all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim and Demand whatsoever of me the said Thomas Hornsby of in and to the same TO HAVE and to hold the said Indenture of Mortgage and all and singular other the Premises unto the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page their Heirs Exors Admors and Assigns To their only use and behoof in as full and ample manner as I myself may or could have hold and enjoy the same IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this eighteenth day of April One thousand seven hundred and fifty four.
Thomas Hornsby (L.S.)
Sealed and Delivered
In the Presence of
Ben Howard
Robert Sanders
Ben Waller
At a Court held for York County the 20th day of May 1754 This Assignment was Acknowledged by Thomas Hornsby party there to and Ordered to be recorded.
Exam Teste
Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
York County, Deeds 6, 1755-1763, pp. 30-31This Indenture made the Eighth day of July Anno Domini MDCCLV Between John Bryan of James City County Peruke Maker of the one part and John Wheatley of York County Carpenter of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Bryan for and in Consideration of Eighteen Pounds seventeen Shillings and three pence Current Money to him the said John in hand paid the receipt whereof he the said John doth acknowledge and him the said John Wheatley his Heirs Exors and Assigns doth by these Presents forever discharge and Quit Claim He the said John Bryan hath Granted Sold and Demised unto the said John Wheatley his Heirs Executors and Assigns All and fully that Lease Granted by James Taylor, Taylor by Trade, unto him the said John Bryan dated the first day of May MDCCLIII (which Lease is hereunto annexed) in as full and firm a Manner to be held and enjoyed by the said John Wheatley his Heirs Executors and Assigns during the Residue of the term hereof as if he the said John Bryan was himself actually in full Possession Now if the said John Bryan do pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Wheatley the full and Just Sum of Eighteen Pounds seventeen Shillings and three pence then this above Agreement to be void otherwise if he the said John Bryan do not pay the above-mentioned Sum when demanded with Interest arising thereon Then the above said granted Premises with all and every their Rights Privileges and Emoluments be vested in the said John Wheatley his Heirs Executors and Assigns [ ] Seal and dated this VIII day July MDCCLV
[John Bryan] (L.S.)
Signed Sealed and Delivered
Abraham Nich[olas]
Paul Taylor
John Kee[n]
July the 8th 1755. Be it remembered That Whereas the above said John Wheatley is Bound in the Sum of Six Pounds Current Money to Thomas Hornsby Merchant in Security for the said Bryan as Security for the said Sum and Interest the said Six Pounds and Interest are to be charged in this Mortgage.
Signed and Sealed by
John Bryan
Test Abram Nicholas
At a Court held for York County the 21st day of July 1755. This Indenture was proved bythe Oaths of Abraham Nicholas, Paul Taylor and John Keen the Witnesses thereto and the memorandum thereunder written was proved by the Oath of the said Abram Nicholas and together with the said Indenture Ordered to be recorded.
Teste Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
Virginia Gazette, August 1, 1755Whereas a black Velvet Shape for a Wastecoat was sent to the Subscriber, in Williamsburg, in March 1754, to be made, and the Owner has not thought proper to fetch it away, this is to acquaint him, that if he does not send for it, and pay the making, &c. in 6 weeks from this Date, it will be publickly sold to the highest Bidder.
James Taylor
York County, Wills and Inventories, 20, 1745-1759, p. 422Dr. That Estate of John Mc Carty decd in Account with Frederick Bryan Undersheriff of York County.
William Geddy & Samuel Holdcroft 3.6.2 ½
Virginia Gazette, September 2, 1757Notice is hereby given, That the Subscriber, at the Sign of the Dial, Harp and Crown, next Door to the Church in Williamsburg, would now take a Boy or two as Apprentices, who are of a mechanical Geneus, and not under 12, nor above 14, Years of Age: Such he will take on reasonable Terms, with the Proviso that their Parents or Friends will give Bond that they shall comply with the Tenor of their Indentures; and he, for his Part, will oblige himself so far as to teach them different Branches of Trade, so that they may get their Bread in any Part of the World by practicing any one of those Branches, viz. Clock-work, Watch-work, Gold and Silver Work, and several other Things which may be of Use to them.
York County, Wills, Inventories, 20, 1745-1759, p. 149Dr. The Estate of John McCarty decd in Account with Frederick Bryan Under Sheriff of York County
To Cash paid Wm Geddy as P Do [Order of York Court] 2..4..7
Journal of the House of Burgesses, IX, 14412 November 1759
A Petition of Samuel Galt appointed Keeper of the publick Goal, in the Room of Thomas Penman, deceased, praying that the Salary usually allowed the said Penman, for maintaining the Prisoners committed to the said Goal, may be allowed the Petitioner from the Time of his Appointment to that Office, was presented to the House and Read.
Resolved, That the additional Sum of £15 be paid to the said Samuel Galt, over and above the usual Salary of £25 per Annum.
Resolved, That ten Pounds of Tobacco per day be allowed the said Samuel Galt for every Criminal committed to the said Goal, during such Criminal's Imprisonment, from this Time to the End of the next Session of Assembly.
Journal of the House of Burgesses, IX, 1888 October 1760
A Petition of Samuel Galt, Keeper of the Publick Goal, praying that the usual Allowance for maintaining the Prisoners committed to the said Goal, which will expire at the End of this Session, may be still continued, was presented to the House and read, and thereupon
Resolve, That the additional Sum of E15 be paid to the said Samuel Galt every Year, over and above his usual Salary of £25.
Resolved, That 10 lbs. of Tobacco per Day be allowed the said Samuel Galt for every Criminal committed to the said Goal, during such Criminals Imprisonment, from this Time to the End of the next Session of Assembly.
Hankins Family Memorandum Book 1691-1835, 1753-1758Mr. Jas. Gaddey Dr | |
To 3 Barrels Corn | 1-10-0 |
To Bushel ½ corn | 0-3-0 |
Dec. 25, 1753 To Rent | 1.10.0 |
Dec. 25, 1754 To Rent | 2.0.0 |
Dec. 25, 1755 To Rent | 2.0.0 |
Dec. 25, 1756 To Rent | 2.0.0 |
Dec. 25, 1758 To Rent | 2.0.0 |
York County Judgments & Orders 1759-1763, p. 170August 18, 1760
Robert Booth Armistead Plt
agst In Detinue
Lewis Burwell Exr &c of Ellyson Armistead decd Deft
James Geddy on jury
York County, Deeds 6, 1755-1763, pp. 276-278This Indenture made the Eighteenth day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Sixty Between Anne Geddy of the County of James City widow of the one part and James Geddy of the City of Williamsburgh Silver Smith of the other Part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Sum of one hundred pounds current money by the said James to the said Anne in hand paid at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof she doth hereby acknowledge and thereof Acquit and discharge the said James his Executors and administrators She the said Anne Hath Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these Presents Doth Grant Bargain Sell Alien Enfeoff and confirm unto the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns forever All that Peice Parcel of Lot of Land lying and being in the Parish of Bruton and County of York on the North Side of Duke of Gloucester Street in the city of Williamsburgh and bounded on the South by the said Street on the West by Palace Street on the North by Nicholson Street and on the East by the Lott of Richard Corbin and Mann Page Esquires and denoted in the Plan of the said City by the Figures 161 and all houses Buildings Yards Gardens Orchards Woods Ways Waters Profits Commodities Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or any wise appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents and Issues thereof and all the Estate Right Title and Interest of her the said Anne Geddy of in and to the same with the Appertenances To have and to hold the said Peice Parcel of Lot of Land with the Appurtenances unto the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns to the only Use and Behoof of the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns forever and the said Anne Geddy for herself and her Heirs doth covenant Promise and Agree to and with the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns forever that She the said Anne Geddy and her Heirs the said Peice Parcel or Lot of Land with the Appurtenances unto the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns against the lawfull claim and Demand of all and every Person and Persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever Defend by the Presents In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto set their hands and affixed their Seals the day and Year fist above written
Anne Geddy (L.S.)
Sealed and Delivered
in the Presence of
John Bell
Samuel Spurr
George Powell
At a Court held for York County the 18th day of August 1760 This Indenture was proved by the oaths of John Bell Samuel Spurr and George Powell the Witnesses thereto And Ordered to be Recorded
Examd Teste
Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
York County, Deeds 6, 1755-1763, pp. 288-290This Indenture made the day of September one thousand seven hundred and Sixty Between James Geddy of the City of Williamsburg Silver Smith of the one Part and Hugh Walker of the same City and John Goode of London merchants and Partners of the other part Whereas in Pursuance of an agreement made between the Parties aforesaid the said Hugh Walker and John Goods at their own proper Cost and Charge have repaired and improved a Messuage house or Tenement Scituate and being on the north Side of Duke of Gloucester Street and are to Erect & Build a Shed to the same Sixteen feet long and ten feet wide with an out Side Chimney upon the Lot of Ground belonging to the said James Geddy where he now dwells which Lot is numbered in the Plan of the said City by the Figures 161 Now this Indneture Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the repairs and improvements aforesaid for the rent herein after reserved and also for and in Consideration of the Sum of five Shillings by the said Hugh Walker and John Goode to the said James Geddy in hand paid at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof doth Acquit and Discharge the said Hugh Walker and John Goode He the said James Geddy hath Demised Granted and Letten and by these Presents doth Demise Grant and Lett unto the said Hugh Walker and John Goode part of the Messuage house or Tenement by them repaired and improved as aforesaid that is to say the East End or Room of the said house with the Chamber or Room over the same and the Cellar under neath with the said Shed when built as aforesaid in the whole Containing Sixteen feet in front and twenty Six feet in width with leave to Erect and Build an Outside Chimney to the back Room or Shed also the free use of the necessary house and Well belonging to the said Lot To have and to hold all and Singular the Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said Hugh Walker and John Goode their Executors Administrators and Assigns from the day of the date hereof for and during and unto the full End and Term of fifteen years fully to be Compleat and Ended Yielding and paying therefore Yearly during the said Term on the last day of each Year unto the said James Geddy his Executors Admors and Assigns one Grain of Indian Corn if the same shall be demanded and the said James Geddy doth hereby Covenant and Agree to and with the said Hugh Walker and John Goode that they the said Hugh Walker and John Goode their Executors Admors and Assigns the Premises with the Appurtenances during all the time aforesaid shall and may hold Use Occupy Possess and Enjoy without the Interruption of him the said James Geddy or any other Person lawfully Claiming the same and that the said Hugh Walker and John Goode may Erect and Build an outside Chimney to the Room or Shed aforesaid and that they their Executors Admors and Assigns may have the free Use of the necessarry house and Well aforesaid with free Egress and Regress to the same without the Hindrance of the said James Geddy or any other Person or Persons whatsoever. And the said Hugh Walker and John Goode do Covenant to leave the Premises in Tenantable repair at the Expiration of the siad Term the Casualty of Fire and Tempest Excepted In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and Affixed their Seals they [sic] day and Year first above written.
James Geddy (L.S.)
Hugh Walker (L.S.)
Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of
At a Court held for York County the 15th day of September 1760 This Indenture was acknowledged by James Geddy and Hugh Walker Parties thereto and Ordered to be Recorded.
Examd Teste Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
York County Judgments and Orders 1759-1763, 179September 15, 1760
An Indenture of Lease between James Geddy of the one part and Hugh Walker and John Goode of the other part was Acknowledged by the said James and Hugh and is Ordered to be Recorded.
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763, p. 5 [Day Book]20 Apl 1761
Mr Wm Geddy | |
To 1 lb of Bohea Tea | 8.-- |
To 1 Calfskin | 5.6 |
To a Snaffle Bridle | 3.-- |
York County, Deeds 6, 1755-1763, pp. 348-350This Indenture made the eleventh day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Sixty one and in the first years of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the third Between the Honourable Richard Corbin of the County of King and Queen Esquire and Mann Page of the County of Gloucester Esquire of the one part and Hugh Walker of the City of Williamsburgh Merchant of the other part Witnesseth that the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page for and in Consideration of the sum of Three hundred and fifty pounds Current Money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Hugh Walker the receipt whereof they do hereby Acknowledge and thereof do release acquit and Discharge the said Hugh Walker his Heirs Executors and Administrators they the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page Have Granted Bargained Sold Aliened and Confirmed and by these presents Do Grant Bargain Sell Alien and Confirm unto the said Hugh Walker his Heirs and Assigns forever all that Messuage Tenement and Lott of Land and Premises with the Appurtenances Lying and [being] in the City of Williamsburgh in the County of York Numbered in the Plan of the City by the Figures (62) which Lot formerly belonged to one James Taylor and was by Virtue of an Execution seised and sold by Thomas Reynolds Gent late Sherif of the said County of York unto the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page by Indenture recorded in the said County Court the twentieth day of May One thousand seven hundred and fifty four relation being thereto had will appear with all Edifices, Buildings, Yards, Gardens, Ways, Waters, Profits Commodities Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Lott of Land and premises belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions Remainders and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof and all the Estate Right Title and Interest of them the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page of in and to the same and every part thereof and all Deeds Evidences and Writings touching or concerning the same To have and to hold all and Singular the premises with the Appurtenances unto the said Hugh Walker his heirs and assigns to the only use and behoof of him the said Hugh Walker his heirs and assigns forever And the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page for themselves and their Heirs Jointly and Severally do covenant and Grant to and with the said Hugh Walker his Heirs and Assigns that he the said Hugh Walker his Heirs and Assigns shall and may at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy Possess and enjoy the said Premises with the Appurtenances free Clear and discharged of and from all Suits Titles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever and that they the said Richard Corbin and Mann Page and their Heirs all and Singular the premises with the Appurtenances and every part thereof unto the said Hugh Walker his heris and Assigns against the Lawful title Claims and demand of all and every Person and Persons whatsoever shall and will warr[ant___] ever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the Parties aforesaid to these presents have hereunto set their ahnds and Affixed their Seals they day and Year first above Written.
Rd Corbin (LS)
Mann Page (LS)
Presence of
John Norton
Beb: Bayley
John Btown
Wm Withers
Thos Everard
Received this day June 1761 of the above named Hugh Walker the Sum of three hundred fifty pounds Current Money of Virginia being the Consideration for the Land and Premises above mentioned.
Rd Corbin
Mann Page
Witness, John Norton
Benj Bayley
John Brown
Wm Withers
Thos Everard
At a Court held for York County the 15th day of June 1761 This Indenture and the Receipt thereunder Written were proved by the Oaths of John Norton John Brown and Thomas Everard Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded.
Teste Thos Everard Cl Cur
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-176326 June 1761
Mr Wm Page
To Stitching Braces 7 feet 5.--
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]1 July 1761
Mr. Wm Geddy's Apprentice To a pr of Wos Shoes pd 12.--
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]29 July 1761
Mr Wm Page
To harness for a Single Char 4.10.--
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]8 Aug 1761
Mr Wm Page
To mendg Braces, 2 buckles to
draw Shaft, side Braces 7. 6
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]20 Aug 1761
Mr Wm Page
To leather s& covering Chairwings 8. 6
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]12 Sept 1761
Mr Jno Wooding
To Stirrup Lear 2.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]17 Oct 1761
Mr Geddy's apprentice
To Stirrup Lears 1.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]25 Nov 1761
Jno Dennis with Wm Geddy
To 1 pr of shoes 8/6
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]19 Oct 1761
Jno Dennis with Wm Geddy
To skin up Lears 1/6
York County Judgments and Orders 1759-1763, 313December 21, 1761
Ordered that Holderby Dixon, John Greenhow, Hugh Walker and James Geddy or any three of them being first Sworn before a Justice of this County appraise in Current Money the Personal Estate of Richard Vandin decd and return the Appraisment of the Court.
York County, Deeds 6, 1755-1763, pp. 416-417James Geddy witnesses deed, 1 January 1762. John Crawley to Hugh Walker
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]30 Jan 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To Sundrys of Thos Smith 5.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]22 April 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To pr of Wos Shoes 6.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]13 May 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To a piece of Leather 5 feet Long
& 2½ inches wide 1.8
York County Judgments and Orders 1759-1763, 358May 17, 1762
James Geddy a member of Grand Jury
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]17 July 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash 2 0.0
To Old Brass 3.6
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]2 Aug 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To 1½ lb of old Brass 0.1.1½
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]23 Aug 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To 2 Nests of Black Melting Pots
York County, Judgments and Orders, 2, 1759-1763, p. 43520 Sept. 1762
John Goode and Hugh Walker Merchts & Partners Plts
agst In Case
John Peter Halpin Deft
This day came the Parties by their Attornies and the Defts pray and have leave to Imparl til the next Court and then plead.
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]28 Sept 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash pr wife £1.0.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]30 Sept 1762
Mr. Wm Geddy
To Mendg a Side Saddle 1.6
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]Mr Wm Geddy
To a Saddle Cloth 7.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]23 Oct 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To a Sussangle fine Linnen 3.9
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761]1763 [Day Book]3 Nov 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To 1 pr of pumps 0.8.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]13 Nov 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash 3.0.0
York County Judgments and Orders, 1759-1763, p. 437November 15, 1762 James Geddy a member of Grand Jury
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]5. Dec 1762
Mr William Geddy
To Cash pr Brother 10.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]9 Dec 1762
Mr Wm Geddy
To 2 hhds of Tobo 1020
1002 2022 at 18/
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]1 Jan 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash pr self 1.0.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]10 Jan 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash 8.0.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]24 Jan 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To Channel pumps 13.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]14 March 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash pr Wife 15.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]15 Apr 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash by Thos Dugan 2.0.0
To 15 lb of Brass 11.3
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]18 May 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To 10 lb of old Brass at 9d
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]18 May 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To 10 lb of old Brass at 9d
York County Judgments and Orders 1763-1765, p. 189May 21, 1764
James Geddy a member of Grand Jury
York County, Deeds 6, 1755-1763, pp. 537-539Articles of Agreement Indented made and concluded on this twentieth day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Sixty three, and in the third year of the reign of our sovereign Lord King George the Third. Between Hugh Walker of York County Merchant of the first part, John Thruston of the County of Glocester M[erchant [intended to be had and [ ] Solomnized between [the said Hugh W]alker & Mary Thruston and the said Hugh is to receive from the said John Thruston the sum of five hundred pounds Current Money and a female Slave known by the Name of Amey as a Marriage Portion with the said Mary. And whereas it is reasonable that some Provision should be made for the said Mary in Case She should survive the said Hugh Now these presents Eitness and it is hereby concluded and agreed by and between all the said Parties and the said Hugh Walker for himself his Heirs Exrs and Administrators Doth hereby Covenant Grant and Agree to and with the said John Thruston his Executors & Administrators that is Case the said Intended Marriage shall take effect and the said Mary should happen to survive the said Hugh that the Heirs Executors or Administrators of the said Hugh shall within twelve Months after his Decease pay and satisfy or cause to be paid and satisfied unto the said Mary her Executors Administrators or Assigns the just & full sum of one thousand Pounds Current Money together with one Years Interest and that in such Case she shall hold & enjoy one Lott of Ground now belonging to the said Hugh lying in the City of Williamsburg and said County of York and denoted in the plan of the said City by the figures (62) with all Houses Gardens and Appurtenances thereon being or thereto belonging With all the Houshold and Kitchen Furniture which shall be belong to the said Hugh together with four of his House Slaves namely, Stephen, Sarah, Ned & Suckey during her Widowhood and in Case of her Death or second Marriage then the said Lott Houses and Appurtenances Houshold and Kitchen Furniture or such of the said Furniture as shall not be worn out and the said four slaves shall return and become vested in such person or persons as shall be legally intitled thereto under the said Hugh and the said Hugh Walker for himself and his Heirs doth hereby further [ ]the said John [ ][ ] that the said Female [ ] And one thousand pounds Current Money with one Years lawful Interest herein before mentioned and intended to be paid to the said Mary in Case She should Survive the said Hugh shall be to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said Mary her Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever. And that the said Lott of Ground Houses and Appurtenances shall be only for the use of the said Mary in Case She shall Survive him during her Widowhood and afterwards to and for the use of the Heirs and Assings of the said Hugh for ever, and that the said Hugh and his Heirs in Case the said Marriage shall take Effect shall and will stand seized thereof for the said uses and no other, and that the said Mary in Case of the said Marriage and her surviving him shall be permitted to have the use of the said Furniture and four Slaves during her Widowhood only, and that upon her Death of second Marriage the same shall be for the use and benifit of such person or persons as shall be intitled thereto under the said Hugh according to the true intent and meaning of these Presents. Provided always and it is hereby further concluded and agreed by and between all the said parties to these presents and it is their true intent and meaning that the settlement and Provision hereby made for the said Mary shall be in liew and full Satisfaction of all Dower Right and Title thereof and all other share of the Estate of the said Hugh either Real of Personal which she might otherwise Claim or be entitled to, either in Law or Equity in Case shl shall survive him In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and affixed their Seals the Day & Year first above written.
Hugh Walker (L.S.)
John Thruston (L.S.)
Mary Thruston (L.S.)
Sealed and Delivered in Presence of
Saml Buckner
Chas M. Thruston
Thomas Cary
Thoms [ ]
At a Court held for York County the 15th day of August 1763 [ ] by Hugh [ ] thereto and Ordered to be Recorded.
Examd Thos [Eve]rard Cl Cur
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]7 June 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
By Sundrys of this date 1.15.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]10 June 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To a Pocket ship 3.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761]1763 [Day Book]
13 June 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash 3.10.0
To a Gun Bayonet, Cartouch box 2.0.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]21 June 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To Cash 1.0.0
Alexander Craig Account Book, 1761-1763 [Day Book]21 June 1763
Mr Wm Geddy
To Shoes for yr younger Brother 0.10.0
York County Judgments & Orders, 1763-1765, p. 9021 Nov. 1763
Grand Jury presentments:
James Geddy for not listing his Chair
York County Judgments & Orders, 1763-1765, p. 12919 December 1763
The Presentment of the Grand Jury against James Geddy for not listing his Chair for reasons appearing to the Court is dismissed on paying the Tax on the Chair.
Virginia Gazette Day Book, 1764-1766, 45Williamsburg April 1764
Cash Dr to Sundry Accounts
James Geddy 26th Instant £10.0.0
Virginia Gazette Day Book 1764-1766May 12, 1764
John Geddy (Halifax) pr self
1 Quarto Bible £1.10.00
Printing 500 Watch Pieces 1.5.0
York County, Judgments and Orders, 1763-1765, p. 28020 August 1764 The Petition of Alexr Craig and Wm Pearson against John Dennis for Debt is continued til next Court.
Virginia Gazette Day Book, 1764-1766, p. 102Williamsburg September 1764 James Geddy 1st Instant £2.15.9
York County, Judgments and Orders 1763-1765, p. 29517 Sept. 1764
On the Petition of Alexr Craig and Wm Pearson against John Dennis Judgment is granted Plts for 10/ The Deft not appearing.
York County, Wills, Inventories, 21, 1760-1771, pp. 214-218Dr the Estate of Mr. William Hunter deceased to Benjamin Waller and Thomas Everard his Executors.
To paid William Page his Wages and Account £7.15.7
Recorded: 5 Oct. 1764
Virginia Gazette Day Book 1764-1766, 127Williamsburg December 1764 Sundry Accounts Dr to N P L For Postage of English Letters from Hampton
James Geddy £0.0.5
Virginia Gazette Day Book 1764-1766, p. 134Williamsburg December 31, 1764
Sundry Acct to Edwd Cumins For Furniture at Sale
James Geddy do £0.17.00
York County Judgments and orders, 1763-1765, 360March 18, 1765
On the Petition of James Geddy against John Chapman for Debt due by note of hand the Deft having been Sumoned and served with a Copy of the Petition and not appearing It is Considered that the Petr recover against the Deft thirty shillings his Debt aforesaid and his Costs by him in this behalf expended.
March 18, 1765
The Petition of James Geddy against Alexander Maitland for Debt is dimissed being agreeed by the Parties.
Virginia Gazette Day Book, 1764-1766, p. 198Willimasburg September 14, 1765
Gazette advertisement
James Geddy Do jewellery etc. £0.5.0
Virginia Gazette Day Book 1764-1766, p. 218Williamsburg December 23, 1765
James Geddy
Printing 300 Single Advertisements for Edward Hill £1.5.0
Bruton Parish Register p. 1766Mary the Daughter of James Geddy & Elizabeth his Wife Born April 16th 1766
Bruton Parish Register, p. 61July 6, 1766 Baptisms of Negro Infants
Christopher Son of Grace Belonging to James Geddy
York County Order gook 1765-1768, p. 92July 21, 1766
The Petition of James Geddy against Flem ing Bates for Debt is dismissed being agreed to by the Parties.
Virginia Gazette (PD), August 1, 1766LEFT by the subscriber for sale at Mr. Bennett White's, who keeps a publick house of good entertainment in Newcastle, a neat assortment of JEWELLERY, with GOLD and SILVER WORK; which may be had of said White at the Lowest rates, for ready money.
JAMES GEDDY N.B. Any work to be repaired, or new made, by applying and giving directions to Mr. White, may be had at eight or ten days notice.
George Washington Ledger A1766
December 7 George Washington
By Mending two fans Mr Geddy £0.3.9
Preston Papers (LC) pt 5, folder 515Colonel William Preston | |
1766 | |
Decr 11 Dr Colo Preston | |
To mendg A Spoon | 0.1.3 |
To repg Seal | 0.1.3 |
To odd Stud | 0.1.0 |
To Linking pr Do | 0.1.6 |
To a Knee Buckle | 0.3.9 |
To makeing Divideing Spoon | 0.15.0 |
To Silver added | 0.2.6 |
To 1 pr Bobbs | 2.0.0 |
The bobbs to be taken back & the money returned if the Lady dont like
James Geddy
Decr 22 1766 recd the within Act in full
James Geddy
Virginia Gazette (PD) 5 March 1767James Geddy Goldsmith, Near the Church in Williamsburg, has now on hand for Sale, very cheap, for ready money, the following articles, Viz. Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs, Mens, Womens, and Childrens Shoe Buckles, Stock and Knee do. Spurs, Plain and Stone Rings, Stone Seals, Plain and Stone Brooches, Plain and Stone Gold Buttons, Plain and Stone Silver Buttons, and Studs, Plain and Stone Earrings in Gold, and many other articles.
N.B. He still continues to clean and repair Watches, and repairs his own work that fails in a reasonable time, without any expense to the purchaser.
Virginia Gazette (PD) March 12, 1767Nathaniel Keith & John Hatch, Tailors, Propose, by the favour of their friends and the publick to carry on their business in all its branches, in the shop opposite to Mr. John Greenhow's store, on the main street in Williamsburg, where Gentlemen may depend on having their clothes made in the best manner and newest fashion; Also, Ladies riding habits in the most fashionable manner.
N.B. I take this opportunity to inform my former customers that they may depend on having their clothes made with as great care and despatch as when I was formerly in business, and shall be glad of their future favours.
Nathaniel Keith
Preston Papers (LC) pt. 6, folder 522 Notebook of Errands to be performed in Williamsburg by William PrestonMarch 12, 1767
12 a Dozen large neat Tea Spoons & ½ a Dozen large China Cup & Saucers for Mrs Buchanan.
Book of ExpencesAsk Mr Gady for G Shillerns stone Studs his name on them.
Virginia Gazette (PD) April 2, 1767RUN away form KING WILLIAM court-house, on the 14th of March last, three apprentice boys, viz. JAMES AXLEY, a carpenter, about 5 feet 8 incles high, and wears his own black hair cued behind; had on when he went away a gray cloth coat, without pockets or flaps, and a pair of leather breeches much daubed with turpentine. WILLIAM ARTER, a carpenter, rather taller and better set than the former, of a dark complexion, has black hair, but his clothes in no way remarkable. WILLIAM KINDRICK, a bricklayer, which business he understands well, and is supposed to be gone with a view of carrying it on with the other boys; he is a fresh complexioned youth, wears a cap, and had on a bearskin coat with metal buttons, a dark brown waistcoat, and a pair of lead coloured serge breeches. It is supposed they are gone to Bedford, or into Carolina. Whoever brings the said apprentices to King William or Hanover Courthouses shall have FORTY SHILLINGS reward for each, besides their expenses defrayed.
Virginia Gazette (R) July 23, 1767STRAYED from Blandford about the 20th of May last, a white Horse very much Flea-bitten, about Thirteen and an Half or Fourteen Hands high, is short, strong, and deep bodied, has a long Mane hanging the off Side, his Cap cut with a long bob, paces naturally and slow, his Brand if any unknown, but I believe has none. Whoever brings the said Horse to Mr. John Geddy in Halifax, North Carolina, shall receive Twenty Shillings Reward.
N.B. It's probable he may make toward North Carolina, as he was brought from that Province last Spring.W.W.
Virginia Gazette (PD) September 17, 1767WILLIAM WADDILL
BEGS leave to inform the publick that he intends opening shop, next door below the Old Printing Office, by the ensuing General Court; where may be had, at the lowest rates, table and teaspoons, subar tongs, tureene, pap and punch ladles, salts cream buckets and piggins, gold and silver stock buckles, gold and silver seals, stone shoe and stock buckles, mans, womens, and childrens silver ditto,
fashionable knee do. paste and crystal bobs and earrings, stone and plain rings, wedding do. stone, enamelled and plain gold buttons and studs, silver do. stone and plain gold brooches, spurs, medals, and mourning rings of all sorts.
N.B. Old gold and silver will be taken, at the highest price in exchange for new work, or worked up in any taste the owner chooses; and the orders form the country will be punctually obeyed.
Virginia Gazette (PD) December 3, 1767Monday last being St. Andrew's day, appointed by the Corporation of this city for the election of a Mayor, JAMES COCKE, Esq; was chosen into that office for the ensuing year. And there being five vacancies in the Common Council, the following Gentlemen were elected to fill them, viz. Dr. GEORGE GILMER, Mr. JOHN TAZEWELL, Mr. ALEXANDER CRAIG, Mr. BENJAMIN POWELL and Mr. JAMES GEDDY.
Virginia Gazette (R) February 18, 1768January 22, 1768.
Stolen from Williamsburg, a sorrel horse, about 13 hands and a half high, has a blaze an his face, a short mane and tail, several saddle spots, and branded on the near buttock thus. Whoever brings the said horse to me, shall receive ten shillings reward.
James Taylor
Virginia Gazette (R) March 17, 1768The Subscriber hereby informs his friends and the public, that Gentlemen may be proveded with good lodgings for themselves, and good stables for their horses, at his house fronting the play house.
William Page
N.B. Those who are indebted to him, by bond, note or otherwise, are to take notice, that if they do not pay before the 20th of next month; their accounts, etc. will be put into the hands of an attorney.
York County Order Book 1765-1768, 492James Geddy Plt
agst In Case
Nathaniel Burwell Deft
By Consent of the Parties It is Considered by the Court that the Plt recover against the Deft five pounds eighteen shillings and three pence damages sustained by the Plt by reason of the Defts nonperformance of the Assumption in the declaration mentioned and his Costs by him in this behalf expended.
Virginia Gazette (PD) 12 May 1768As little regard has been paid to a former advertisement, it has obliged me to put my books into the hands of an attorney; therefore, this is to give notice to all persons indebted to me to make immediate payment to Mr. John Tazewell, who is authorized to receive the same.
William Page
Virginia Gazette (R) June 30, 1768Williamsburg, June 29, 1768
To be Sold.
The Houses and Lots opposite to Mr. Spurr's, in this city, in which the subscriber now lives. For terms apply to
James Taylor
Virginia Gazette (PD) September 1, 1768Williamsburg Sept. 1, 1768
I intend for England soon.
Andrew Anderson
U. S. Circuit Court, Virginia, District- Ended Cases- Slater & Hanrott, Svg. Ptrs. vs. Carter's Exors. 1798.Wmsburg 16 Octr 1768
…You'll receive this by Mr Andrew Anderson a late apprentice of mine who served his time along with Mr Powell, and was free much about the same time; he has lived two years since with one Mr Biers a great Druggist in our Town; whose shop & stock in Trade we are about purchasing in partnership to keep as a Druggist Shop as it is very conveniently situated for Trade & believe shall accomplish it before he goes, though greatly streighted for time as Capt Necks threaten's to sail in two Days-He behaved very well during his apprenticeship & served me faithfully & is much respected here for his behaviour since. He is come to England to stay the winter for his improvement, to go through a course of Anatomy and to get a little farther insight into surgery by attending some of the Hospitals. But as money is scarce with Him he will not be able to stay longer than the Spring. As he will be a great stranger to the necassary method of proceeding, He will be much obliged to you for your advice, and any favor shown him will be thankfully acknowledged by me, who am with my best respects for self and partner Mr Slater--yr obliged Hble Servt
James Carter
Virginia Gazette (PD) October 27, 1768Just imported in the last ship from London, and to be sold at a low advance, by the subscriber, next door to the Post Office, Williamsburg. A Neat assortment of Jewellery, consisting of the following articles viz., Stone and paste shoe, knee, and stock buckles, stone & plain gold brooches, hair sprigs, pins, cresents, and earrings, stone sleeve buttons and rings of all sorts, silver and pinchbeck buckles, tureene and punch ladles, thimbles, plated spurs, silver and steal watch chains and seals, etc., etc., etc.
James Geddy
Virginia Gazette (PD) October 27, 1768Williamsburg, October 18, 1768
The Subscribers having purchased the shop of Drugs, Medicines, &c. of Mr. William Biers, hope for the continuance of the favours of his customers, as they may depend upon being supplied on the same reasonable terms as when kept by him, by
Their most obedient servants,
Andrew Anderson, & Co.
Virginia Gazette (PD) December 22, 1768Williamsburg, Dec. 20, 1768
Ah me! Mr. Dixon,
A dear little vixen
Has caught me! and I could for her die!
Those line pray set
In your next Gazette,
I'm a friend, Sir, to you and to Purdie.
On Miss Anne Geddy singing, and playing on the Spinet.
When Nancy on the spinet plays
I fondly on the virgin gaze,
And with [sic] that she was mine;
Her air, her voice, her lovely face,
Unite with such excessive grace,
That nymph appears divine!
A smile or kiss, or amorous toy,
To me can give but little joy,
From any maid but she;
Corelli, Handel, Felton, Nares,
With their concertos, solos, airs,
Are far less sweet to me!
Ye fates who cause our joy, or grief,
Oh! give my wounded heart relief,
Let me with her be blest;
Oh! Venus, soften the dear maid,
Oh! Cupid, grant thy powerful aid,
And pierce her youthful breast.
Williamsburg and James City County Sheriff's Tax Book, 1768-17691768 | Dr | Wt Tob. | Cr | Wt Tob. |
RICHARD GEDDY 5 tithes to Quit and tax on 125 acrs Land | 3.2½ | 25 | By Cash in full 9.2½ | 25 |
Secretary's fee 36 @ 2d 6.0 | 6.0 | |||
9.2½ |
Williamsburg and James City County Sheriff's Tax Book, 1768-17691768 | Dr | Wt Tob. | Cr | Wt Tob. |
ANNE GEDDY 1 tithe to Quit and tax on 100 acrs land | 2.62 | 5 | By Charg'd 2.62 | 5 |
Williamsburg and James City County Sheriff's Tax Book, 1768-17691768 | Dr | Wt Tob. | Cr | Wt Tob. |
WILLIAM GEDDY 6 tithes To Quit and tax on 326 ac land | 8.32 | 30 | one tithe too many 5 Cash 11/3 11.3 | 5 |
By curied to new acct. 7.4 10.7 | ||||
Shf's Ticket 9 Mother's acct | 3.7 | 9 | ||
To 25 lb. Tobo and | 6.8 ½ | 34 | ||
18.7 | 39 | 39 |
Williamsburg and James City County Sheriff's Tax Book, 1768-17691768 | |||
Saml Mutthows Este | 150 Acrs lnad 3.10 | By Charged Wm. Geddy | 3.10 |
Williamsburg and James City County Sherriff's Tax Book, 1768-17691768 | ||||
JAMES GEDDY | 1 Tyler's fees | 3½ | By William Goodall per CaSa. | 79 |
Virginia Gazette (PD) April 13, 1769Just imported in the Randolph, Captain Walker, and to be sold very reasonably, especially for ready money, at the shop lately kept by Mr. William Biers, by the subscribers, in Williamsburg, A Large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, both chymical and galenical; also almond cakes, capers, French and pearl barley, Spanish licorice, sago, salop, isinglass, hartshorn shavings borax, saltpetre, best sallad oil, Durham mustard. oil of bhen, hungary, lavender, honey, and orange flower waters, mace cloves, cinnamon, nutmegs, do. candied, Ladies sticking plaister, eau de luce, Hill's elixir bardana, do. essence of waterdock, Blackie's lixivium for the gravel and stone, best and common lancets, Anderson's Lockyer's and Hooper's pills, James's fever powders, Stoughton's, Daffy's and Squire's elixirs, Fruer's and Turlington's balsams, Bateman's drops, Freeman's and Godfrey's cordials, British rock oil, gold and silver leaf, Dutch metal, smelling bottles, oil of turpentine, rosin, alum, brimstone, brushes, &c.
Andrew Anderson, & Co.
Virginia Gazette (R) April 13, 1769To be Sold to the highest bidder, on Wednesday the 3d of May next, at the door of the Raleigh tavern,
The Houses and Lots where the subscriber lives, situate in the lower end of the city. The terms of payment to be. agreed on at the day of sale.
James Taylor
Virginia Gazette (R) April 27, 1769To be Sold at public auction, before Mr. Hay's door, on Wednesday the 3d of May next, The Houses and Lots advertised by James Taylor, situate at the lower end of the city of Williamsburg; the property of which is vested in the subscriber by virtue of a decree of James City county court. Fifty pounds to be paid down, and credit will be given till October next for the balance.
Matthias Marriott.
Virginia Gazette (R) 17 August 1769In the Reward, Capt. Necks, from London, Anderson & Co. have just imported, A Large and compleat assortment of Drugs and Medicines, the chief of which being purchased on the very best terms, will enable them to sell as cheap as any shop in Williamsburg, particularly for Cash, among a variety of other articles are the following, viz. Cinnamon, cloves, mace, nutmegs, ditto candied; white and brown sugar-candy, barley sugar, figs, almonds and jar raisins, candied eringo root, orange chips, capers, olives, anchovies, Freeman's and Godfrey's cordials, Jesuit's drops, Turlington's and Fryer's balsams, Squire's, Daffy's and Stoughton's elixirs, eau de luce, Hill's elixir bardana, ditto essence of water dock, Bateman's drops, balxam of honey, Anderson's Lockyer's and hooper's pills, gold and silver leaf, Dutch metal, ivory and pewter syringes, Hungary, lavender, honey and orange flower water, best and common lancets, with cases, British oil, Greenough's tincture of the gums, ditto for the toothach, Blackrie's lixivium for the gravel and stone, genuine court plaister, smellingbottles, best sallad oil, salt-petre, pepper, white ginger, &c. &c. They hope for the continuance of the favours of their friends; and all persons who please to favour them with their commands, may depend they will be duly attended to, and dispatched with the greatest expedition, by their most obedient humble servant.
Andrew Anderson,
Surgeon and Man-Midwife
Virginia Gazette (R) September 7, 1769To be Sold, at public auction, before Mr. Hay's door, on Tuesday the 12th of September next, The Houses and Lots advertised by James Taylor, situate at the lower end of the city of Williamsburg; the property of which is .vested in the subscriber, by virture of a decree of James City county court. Credit till April, giving bond and security to
Matthias Marriott
Virginia Gazette (PD) September 28, 1769James Geddy, Goldsmith Next door below the Church, Wmsburg, Has now on hand a neat assortment of country made Gold and Silver work, which he will sell for the lowest rates for cash, or exchange for old gold or silver. As he has not imported any jewellery this season, he flatters himself he will meet with encouragement, especially from those Ladies and Gentlemen who are friends to the association.
N.B. He repairs his work, without any expense to the purchaser.
W. W. Hening, The Statutes at Large; being a Collection of all the Laws of Virginia, VIII (Richmond, 1821), pp. 419-420.November 1769
Chap. LIX. An act to annex part of the county of York to the county of James City, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
1. Whereas it hath been represented to this general assembly that the justices of James City county have entered into an agreement with the mayor, recorder, aldermen and common council, of the city of Williamsburg to build a new court-house at their joint expence, and for their common use and benefit, but it so happens that no convenient place can be found, whereon to erect the said court-house, except on that part of the market-place which lies on the north side of Duke of Glouster-street, in the said city, and which by the present dividing line between the said county of James City and the county of York, is contained in the said county of York; Be it therefore enacted, by the Governor, Council, and Burgesses of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, That so much of the said market-square as lies on the north side of the said street, as far as Nicholson street, and between the line of Hugh Walker's lot, on the west, and the paling where Haldenby Dixon's store stands, on the east, be, and the same is hereby added to and made part of the said county of James City; anything, in any former law, contained to the contrary thereof, notwithstanding.
II. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the said justices of James City, be, and they are hereby impowered to sell, at public auction, for the best price that can be got for the same, the land whereon their present court-house and prison stand (being part of a lot in the said city) together with the court-house, and that they, the said justices, or any four of them shall and may convey the same to the purchaser or purchasers in fee simple, and shall apply the noney arising from such sale towards discharging their proportion of the expenses of building the new court-house.
III. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That the justices of the said county of James City, and the mayor, recorder, aldermen, and common council, of the said city of Williamsburg, shall, at all times hereafter, maintain and keep in repair the said court-house at their joint expence, and for their common use and benefit.
IV. Saving to the king's most excellent majesty, his heirs and successors, and to all and every other person and persons, bodies politic and corporate, other than the said justices of the James city county, all such right, title, interest, claim, and demand, as they, every, or any of them, could or might have to the said parcel of land, and courthouse, if this act had never been made.
Williamsburg, James City County Sheriff's Tax Book, 1768-17691769 | Wt tob | wt tob | |||
WILLIAM GEDDY | 5 tithes | 35 | |||
RICHARD GEDDY | 5 tithes | 35 | By Cash | 3.3 | |
Quit 125 acs. Land 3/3 | 3.3 | By Charg'd B. Williams | 35 | ||
ANNE GEDDY | 1 tithe | 7 | By Wm. Geddy 2.7 | 7 | |
Quit 100 acrs. Land | 2.7 |
Gray Briggs Ledger, p. 1861770 James Geddy Wmsbg Dr
May 8 To old Gold & silver Octo last £7.16.5 ½
By 1 pair Buckles 12/6
3 pins
1 pastecomb
York County Judgements and Orders 1768-1770, p. 475May 21, 1770
James Horrocks Clk Plt
agst In debt
Christopher Ayscough & James Geddy Defts
This day came the Parties and the Defts acknowledge the Plts Action Therefore It is Considered by the Court that the Plt recover against the Defts Two hundred pounds the Debt in the declaration mentioned and his Costs by him in this behalf expended But this Judgment is to be discharged by the Payment of One hundred Pound with Interest thereon at five per Centum per Annum from the 21st day of June 1769 til paid and the Costs.
Virginia Gazette (PD) June 7, 1770In the Brilliant, Captain Robertson, from London, Anderson and Co. have just imported A Large and complete assortment of Drugs and Medicines, to be sold either wholesale or retail, at the lowest advance, for ready money or short credit. Among a variety of other articles are the following, viz. Mace, cloves, cinnamon, white ginger, black and long pepper, brown sugar candy, capers, olives, anchovies, best and common oil, Freeman's cordial, Daffy's, Squire's, and Stoughton's elixirs, Turlington's and Fryer's balsam of honey, Blackrie's lixivium for the gravel and stone, Bateman's drops, James's fever powders, Anderson's, Lockyer's and Hooper's pills, gold and silver leaf, Dutch metal, ivory and peter syringes, hungary, lavender, and honey waters, British oil, spirit of turpentine, painting oil, Prussian blue, red and white lead, vermilion, verdigrise, &c.&c.&c.
All persons who please to favour us with their orders may depend that they will be faithfully served, and executed with the greatest despatch, by
Their obedient humble servant,
Andrew Anderson.
Webb-Prentis PapersMr. James Geddy to John Lamb
1770 | ||
June 17 | To 35 feet of Scantg at 6d | £0.17.6 |
To Making 4 Cirbs at 6/3 | 1.5.0 | |
£2.2.6 |
Recd the Above of Mr. Wm Page in full
John Lamb
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 19, 1770Williamsburg, July 12, 1770
Those persons who have any demands against the subscriber are desired to send in their accounts and they shall be immediately disharged.
James Geddy
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 19, 1770Associators sine our last,
Mary Davis. William Goodson. James Geddy, William Pierce. Matthew Davenport. Thomas Walne. William Byrd Davis.
York County Judgments and Orders 2, 1770-1772, p. 2820 August 1770
An Indenture of Bargain and Sale between Hugh Walker and Catherine his wife of the one part and William Acrill of the other part was Acknowledged by the said Hugh Walker and together with the Commission annexed and the Certificate of the Execution thereof ordered to be recorded.
York County Deeds 8, 1768-1777, pp. 73-76This Indenture made the fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy Between Hugh Walker of the County of Middlesex merchant and Catharine his wife of the one part and Andrew Anderson of the City of Williamsburg Surgeon of the other Part Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds current money by the said Andrew to the said Hugh in hand paid at or before the Sealing & Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge & thereof acquit and discharge the said Andrew his Executors and Admors they the said Hugh Walker and Catharine his wife have granted Bargained sold enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Andrew Anderson his heirs and assigns for ever all that messuage Tenement and Lot of Land lying and being in the City of Williamsburg and denoted in the Plan thereof by the figures 62 bounded on the North by Nicolson Street on the east by the market square on the South by Duke of Gloucester Street and on the west by the Lot of James Geddy and all houses buildings Yards Gardens pailings Waters Profits commodities Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertainign being the Lot of Land & and [sic] Premises conveyed to the said Hugh Walker by Richard Corbin and Mann Page Esq by Deed bearing date the eleventh day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty one and recorded in the County Court of York And the Reversion & Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues & Profits thereof and all the Estate right title Interest Claim and Demand of them the said Hugh Walker and Catharine his wife of in & to the same and every part thereof To have and to hold the Premises with the appurtenances unto the said Andrew Anderson his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Andrew Anderson his heirs and assigns forever And the said Hugh Walker for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators doth hereby Covenant and agree to and with the said Andrew Anderson that he and they will warrnat and defend the Premises with the appurtenances unto the said Andrew Anderson his heirs and assigns for ever In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands & affixed their seals the day and year first above written.
Hugh Walker (L.S.)
Catharine Walker (L.S.)
Sealed and delivered in the Presence of
Philip L. Grymes
Augustine Smith
Will Churchhill
Churchhill Jones
By Walker in presence of
John Tazewell
Thos Everard
Fred Bryan
George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King defender of the faith &c To Philip Ludwell Grymes & Augustine Smith of the County of Middlesex Gent. Greeting Whereas Hugh Walker and Catharine his wife by their Certain Indenture of bargain and Sale bearing Date the fifteenth day of August 1770 have sold & conveyed unto Andrew Anderson the fee Simple Estate of one lot of Land with the Appurtenances lying and being in the City of Williamsburg in the County of York and whereas the said Catharine cannot conveniently travel to our County Court of York to make acknowledgment of the said Conveyance Therefore we do give unto you or any two of you Power to receive the acknowledgment which the said Catharine shall be willing to make before you of the Conveyance aforesaid contained in the said Indenture which is hereunto annexed And we do therefore Command you that you do personally go to the said Catharine & receive her acknowledgment of the same and examine her privily and apart from the said Hugh her husband whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily without his persuasions or threats and whether she be willing that the same should be recorded in our said County Court and when you have received her acknowledgment and examined her as aforesaid that you distinctly and openly certify us thereof in our said County Court under your Seals sending then there the said Indenture & this Writ Witness Thomas Everard Clerk of our said Court the twenty fifth day of July in the tenth year of our Reign
Thos Everard
York County Judgments and Orders 2, 1770-1772, p. 71September 17, 1770
On the Petition of James Geddy against John Thompson Junr for Debt the Deft having been summoned and served with a copy of the Petition and Account and not appearing and the said Account being fully proved It is considered by the Court that the Petitioner recover against the Deft four pounds one shilling and six pence his Debt aforesaid and his Costs.
Virginia Gazette (PD) September 27, 1770For SALE, THREE hundred acres of valuable land, pleasantly situated, four miles from Halifax town, in North Carolina, whereon is a very good and convenient dwelling-house, a well framed kitchen, and all other necessary outhouses. The land is esteemed very good for grain, has a good apple and peach orchard, is remarkable for its excellent range for cattle and hogs, and lies on the main road leading from the town to infield old courthouse. Also 200 acres of very good tobacco or corn land, which,from its situation, affords fine range, being surrounded almost by a fertile piece of meadow ground, adjoining the afore-tract. Also good land for tobacco or corn, and borders on Elk Marsh. The subscriber begs leave to inform those who have any inclination to purchase all, or any one of the aforesaid tract of land, that he will readily take either tobacco, hogs, negroes, or money, for the same.
N.B.I will give seven shillings an ounce for OLD SILVER.
Virginia Gazette, (PD) October 4, 1770James Geddy, Goldsmith, near the Church, Williamsburg, has on hand a neat assortment of Country made Gold and Silver Work, which he will sell reasonably, for cash; likewise a small, but neat assortment of imported Jewellery (ordered before the association took place) among which are paste shoe, knee, and stock buckles, hair pins, thimbles, mocho and crystal in gold and silver, tortoiseshell and horn poll combs, fashionable plated spurs, etc. etc. He has also for sale, on six months credit, a likely Negro Wench, about eighteen years old, with her child, a boy.
Robert Carter Nicholas Papers, Library of Congress Account Books 1771-1786, Accounts of the Botetourt EstatePapers Concerning "His Excellency Lord Botetourt's Estate"
… | ||
To Wm Waddill | ||
1770 | ||
October 19 | To 8 Silver handles and 16 escutcheons for his Lordship's Coffin | £12.0.0 |
" 1 Large Silver plate Engrav'd | 8.0.0 | |
20.0.0 |
York County Judgments and Orders, 2, 1770-1772, p. 10614 November 1770
Cary Wilkinson Plt
agst In Debt on a Repley Bond
John Wooding and James Geddy Defts
On the Motion of the Plt by his Attorney the Defts having had legal Notice of the said Motion were Solemnly called and not appearing. It is Considered by the Court that the Plt recover against the Defts Eighteen Pounds the Penalty of the said Bond and his Costs by him in his behalf expended. But his Judgment is to be discharged by the Payment of nine Pounds with Interest at five per Centum per Annum from the 28th day of July 1770 til paid and the Costs.
York County Judgments and Orders 1770-1772, p. 208March 18, 1771
William Geddy Exr &c of William Holdcroft decd Plt
agst In Debt
Josiah Chowning Defendant
This day came the Parties by their Attornies and the Deft acknowledged the Plts Action Therefore It is Considered by the Court that the Plt recover against the Deft One hundred and ten Pounds the Debt in the declaration mentioned and his Costs by him in this behalf expended. But this judgment is to be discharged by the Payment of fifty five pounds with Interest thereon at five per Centum per Annum from the second day of January 1767 til paid and the Costs, and by consent of the Plt It is Ordered that the Execution of his Judgment by stayed til the third Monday in May next.
York County Judgments and Orders, 1770-1772, p. 236April 15, 1771
On the Petition of William Gedd[y?] against Chesley Buffin for De[bt b]y Notes of hand the D[ef]t acknowledging the same he [----] It is Considered by the Court that the Plt recover ag[--------] the Debt aforesaid and his Costs by
Virginia Gazette (PD) 23 May 1771Just imported, by the Subscriber in Williamsburg, for Sales A Good Assortment of Tools and Materials for Goldsmiths, Jewellers, and Watchmakers, Orders from the Country will be as strictly complied with as if the Person was present.
James Geddy
Virginia Gazette, (R) May 30, 1771I have for sale ten Lots or half acres of Land, in the city of Williamsburg, near Dr. James Carters, being the lots hwereon the late Col. Holloway lived. There is a welling hose thereon in good repair, with a kitchen under it, and two large brick vaults. I would also sell the brick Windmill I lately purchased of Major Taliaferro which very late experience has proved may be made, with little alteration, exceedingly convenient and profitable. Any person inclinable to become a purchaser of the above may know the terms by applying to Mr. Tazewell in Williamsburg, or the subscriber in Middlesex county.
Hugh Walker
York County Wills, Inventories, 22, pp. 95-97An Account Sales of Goods and Effects belonging to the Estate of the late Hon: Francis Fauquier Esq. deceased.
Sold James Geddy
for Negro Nanny and her Child
The Child died for which a discount of £10 was made by
the Appraisers 41..5..0
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 18, 1771 and July 25, 1771The Store adjoining the Subscriber's shop, lately occupied by William Russell, is to be Let, and may be entered on immediately.
James Geddy
York County Judgments and Orders 1770-1772, p. 346August 19, 1771
William Geddy Plt
agst In Trespass, Assault and Battery
Christopher Ayscough Deft
This day came the Parties by their Attornies and thereupon came also a Jury to wit William Davis, William Robinson, John Wise, John Chapman, John Sclator, Robert Sheild, junr., Philip Brent, John Fergusson, John Timson, William Moss junr, Thomas Pesend, and John Hunter who being Elected tried and Sworn the truth to speak upon the Issue joined upon their oath do say that the Deft is guilty in manner and form as the Plt against him hath complained and do Assess the Plts damages by occasion thereof to recover against the Deft his damages aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed And the said Deft may be taken &c.
Virginia Gazette (PD) October 17, 1771Just IMPORTED in the JUNE, McCUNN, and NEPTUNE, WHITE, from LONDON, and to be SOLD by the Subscriber, next door to Mr. JAMES GEDDY'S Shop, near the Church, in Williamsburg, at a low Advance, for ready Money, A VERY elegant Assortment of MILLINERY, JEWELLERY, and other Goods, well chosen, and of the latest Fashions. Striped, flowered, and plain Lustrings, best striped and flowered Mantua Silks, plain and striped China Calicoes and Cottons, worked Aprons, white and blur figured and spotted Cloaks and Bonnets, Ladies Riding Hats and Feathers neatly dressed, Ladies Silk and Morocco Pocket Books with Instruments, black, white, and blue Satin Pumps, Calimanco ditto, scented Hair Powder, double and single black Hair Pins, Powder Puffs, Wash Balls, Gentlemens Buck, Doe, Norway Doe, Beaver, Silk, Lamb, and Thread Gloves, Blond and Minionet Lace, black Lace and edging, black Gauze Shades and fashionable Teresas, plain, figured, and Silver Riband, black Gloves, Patent Mits, Lace Ruffles, Kid and Lamb Gloves and Mits for Children and grown Persons, Morocco Shoes, Didsbury's Shoes, plain Tortoishell, and horn Combs, Paste Combs, Marcasite and Garnet Hoops, Lockets and Crosses, Childrens blue and black Satin Caps, beaded Collars, Solitaires, Paste Shoe, Knee, and Stock Buckles, London gilt and Pinchbeck Shoe Buckles, Garnet Neclaces, Earrings, Sprigs and Pins, Paste Cluster Necklaces and Earrings, a great Variety of Springs, Pins, and Earrings, Agate Necklaces set in Marcasite, Pearl and Wax Do. set Marcasites, Buffalo and Ivory sliding Knives and Forks, Gold and Silver Buttons, Loops, and Bands, Shagreen, Tortoiseshell, and Ivory Memornadum Books, ribbed China Silk Hose, plain and coloured Ditto, India Cotton Ditto, Thread and Worsted Ditto, Gentlemens Gold and Scarlet Sword Suits, Suits of Blond Lace, Lace Ruffles and Tippets, Patent Net Gauze, Catgut, plain and striped Muslin, Book Ditto, Cambricks, Striped and plain Lawn, Green and white Sarcenet, black Mode Persian, Shenell, chafed Silver Cruets, French Beads, Silver, Steel topped and Ivory Thimbles, Ivory Nutmeg Graters, large and small undressed Dolls, sprigged and striped Handkerchiefs, a great Assortment of Egrets, Caps, Fillets, Stomachers, Ribands Lace, &c., Italian Breast Flowers and Plumes, Net and Patent Hoods, Russell Quilts, Horn Snakes, Cruels and Marking Canvas, Ostrich Feathers, &c. &c.
E. W. Hubard Papers Vol. 11Wilcox Day Book 1771
November 1771
[Bills of Edmund Wilcox paid while in Wmsburg]
Geddy 50/
York County Deeds, 8, 1769-1777, pp. 177-179This Indenture made the twelfth Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one Between Andrew Anderson of the County of New Kent Surgeon of the one part and William Hornsby of the city of Williamsburg Merchant of the other part Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sum of five Hundred Pounds Current Money by the said William to the said Andrew in Hand Paid at or before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof acquit and discharge the said William his Executors and Administrators He the said Andrew Anderson Hath Granted Bargained Sold Aliened and Confirmed and by these Presents Doth Grant Bargain Sell Alien and Confirm unot the said William Hornsby his Heirs and Assigns all that Lott or Half Acre of Ground lying and being in the City of Williamsburg aforesaid in the Parish of Bruton and County of York Denoted in the Plan of the said City by the figures 62 and bounded on the North by Nicolson Street on the East by the Market Square on the South by Duke of Gloucester Street and on the West by the Lott of James Geddy, which said Lott or half Acre of Ground was sold and Conveyed by Richard Corbin and Mann Page Esquires to Hugh Walker by Deed dated the eleventh day of June in the Year one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty one and by the said Hugh Walker and Katharine his Wife to the said Andrew Anderson by Deed dated the fifteenth Day of August in the year one thousand seven hundred and Seventy as by the said Deeds duly recorded may more fully may appear And all Houses Buildings, Yards, Gardens, Ways, Waters, Profits, Commodities Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents and Issues thereof and all the Estate Right, Title, and Interest Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said Andrew Anderson of in and to the same or any part thereof and all Deeds Evidences and Writings touching or Concerning the same To have and to hold the said Lott or Half Acre of Ground and Premises hereby bargained and Sold with the Appurtenances unto the said William Hornsby his Heirs and Assigns To the only proper Use and Behoof of him the sd Wm Hornsby his Heirs & Assigns forever And the said Andrew Anderson for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth Covenant and Grant to and with the said William Hornsby his Heirs and Assigns by these presents that the said Andrew Anderson and his Heirs the said Lot or Half Acre of Ground and Premises with the Appurtenances and every part thereof hereby bargained and sold unto the said William Hornsby his Heirs and Assigns against him the said Andrew Anderson and his Heirs and all and every other Person and Persons whatsoever lawfully claiming to to claim the same shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these Presents In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first above written.
Sealed and delivered in Presence of Andw Anderson (L.S.)
Ro: Prentis
Anthony Singleton
John Lewis
Received November the 12th 1771. of the within named William Hornsby the Sum of five Hundred pounds current Money being the Consideration within mentioned.
Andw Anderson (L.S.)
Ro: Prentis
Anthony Singleton
John Lewis
At a Court held for York County the 16th Day of December 1771 This Indenture and the Receipt endorsed were proved by the oaths of Rovert Prentis Anthony Singleton and John Lewis the Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded.
Examd Thos Everard Cl: Cur:
U.S. Circuit Court, Virginia District--Ended Cases-Slater & Hanrott, Svg. Ptrs. vs. Carter's Exors. 1798Wmsburg 18 Nov. 1771
…I have now at last broke off the Partnership with Mr Anderson, and have taken the Shop and Debts to myself: but was obliged to give him one hundred Pounds, besides losing what I had advanced for the Shop, which may be upwards to one hundred Pounds, and have never received one shilling from the Shop… I never in the least concerned myself with the Shop, but left it all entirely to his management I find by the books which were very badly kept, that he has received upward of £900 since the commencement of the Partnership, but shall never find how he spent it. I gave him £100 pr annum for keeping the shop-which amounts to £400. He has now left the City and removed into the Country, where I am informed he gets a great deal of business and hope he will do well as he is now out of the way of young Company of which he had too much in Town.
Virginia Gazette (PD) November 21, 1771Williamsburg, November 18, 1771
Whereas the shop lately kept by Mr. Andrew Anderson, in this city, is become the sole Property of the Subscriber, as also the Debts due to the said Shop, I do hereby give Notice that all Balances which remain unpaid by the last Day of next December will have Suits commenced against them, without Respect of Persons, or any further Notice. I have added the above mentioned Shop to my own, which is kept by mr. James Russell, the same person that kept the other; where all Gentlemen, Practitioners and others, may be supplied at the same low Rates, for ready Money only.
James Carter
James Geddy to Col. Preston (Original in CWI)Dr Co: Preston | ||
1771 | ||
July 26 | To former Balle | 0.11.6 |
Ap. 27 | To pr Bobbs | 2.0.0 |
1772 | To pr Large Stong Buckles (for Mr Smith) | 1.5.0 |
To a Stone ring | 0.10.0 | |
To odd Ear ring | 0.11.3 | |
To Locks to pr Do (Mrs Buchanan pays this) | 0.10.0 | |
To 2 pr Silver Studs | 0.4.0 | |
To repg Watch | 0.15.0 | |
£6.6.9 | ||
To pr Bobbs (for Mr F. Smith) | 2.0.0 | |
To Large Strong Spoon (for my mother) | 1.5.0 | |
9.11.9 | ||
Enqr of | To pr knee Buckles | 0.7.6 |
Mr. Smith | 9.19.3 |
May 5, 1772 recd the above in full
James Geddy
Webb-Prentis Papers, 1757-1780Dr. Andrew Anderson
Feb. 1772 To Whist at Souths 7/6
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st Ser., I, 4924th March (1772) John Brown to Anne Geddy; security, Will Russell; witness, John C. Littlepage.
Virginia Gazette (PD) March 26, 1772Williamsburg, March 26
Mr. John Brown, of the Secretary's Office, to Miss Nancy Geddy, Daughter of Mr. James Geddy, of this City.
Henrico County Will Book a, 1787-1802, pp. 12-14Dr The Estate of George Ellis in account with the Executor Joseph Pleasant.
June To Cash paid James Geddy £4.7.6
Virginia Gazette (PD) 4 June 1772Just IMPORTED, and to be SOLD by the Subscriber, near the Church in Williamsburg, A NEAT Assortment of PLATE, WATCHES, and JEWELLERY, consisting of Silver cans; pierced, oval and round Salts; Tureen, Punch, and Pap Ladles; Table and Tea Spoons; Spring Tongs; chased Cream Buckets; plain Silver Watches, of various Prices; Paste and plain Combs; Sprigs and Pins; Crystal, Paste, and other Earrings; Corals and Bells; Pate Shoe, Knee and Stock Buckles; Brooches; Thimbles, fashionable Silver and Pinchbeck Buckles, Mocho Sleeve Buttons in Gold, set round with Marcasite; Crystal Ditto in Gold and Silver; Triangle, and other Seals, in Gold, Silver, and Pinchbeck; plain and ornamented Lockets; Diamond, and other Rings; Loop, studded, and Chain Spurs; Ladies and Gentlemens Steal and Pinchbeck watch Chains; Steel and Common Keys; shased Etwee Cases and Instruments; Pearl, Bugle, Marcasite, Wax, and Venecian Necklaces; with a neat Assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS in the different Branches of his Business &c &c &c
N.B. The Reasonableness of the above Goods, he hopes, will remove that Objection of his Shop's being too high up Town, as he proposes to still any Article exceeding twenty Shillings Sterling at the low Advance of Sixty two and a Half per Cent. and the Walk may be thought rather an Amusement than a Fatigue.
MOURNING RINGS, and all Kinds of ENGRAVING, done at the same Shop by WILLIAM WADDILL.
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 16, 1772Williamsburg, July 16, 1772
John Baker, Surgeon Dentist, begs leave to inform the Publick, and his Friends in particular, that (if no unforeseen Accident happens) he will be in Williamsburg about the 12th of next Month, where he will perform all Operations upon the Teeth, Gums, and Sockets, as usual; likewise will have a Quantity of his Anti-Scorbutick Dentifrice, for preserving the Teeth and Gums.
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 16, 1772Williamsburg, July 16, 1772
John Baker, Surgeon Dentist, begs Leave to inform the Publick, and his Friends in Particular, that he is now in Williamsburg where he performs all operations upon the teeth, Gums, and Sockets, as usual; likewise has a Quantity of his Anti-Scorbutic Dentifrice, for preserving the Teeth and Gums.
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 16, 1772City Vendue Office, Williamsburg, July 16, 1772
The Subscriber begs Leave to acquaint the Publick that he has opened the said office, where he intends to sell, at publick Auction, all Kinds of Merchandize, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Negores, Horses, Wearing Apparel, &c. and pledges himself to be strictly attentive to every Particular that can possibly contribute to the Sale of any Goods, or whatever the Publick shall please to commit to his Care, where constant Attendance will be given, and profound Secrecy observed. Due regard paid to All Limitations, with the utmost Care and Dispatch, will be the constant Study of the Publick's most obedient and most humble
William Page
N.B. Will be sold, at the said Office, on Monday the 20th Instant, a Quantity of European Goods, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. The Sales to be continued every Monday, and at other times, as Business may require.
Webb-Prentis PapersWilliamsburg, 24 August 1772
Henry Morse Esqr bought of Wm Page
A Sorrell Mare with a Blase face for £13..5..0
Recd the above
£13.5.- Wm Page
[Endorsed] Receipt Wm Page for £13.5.0 for a sorrell Mare 24th Augt. 1772
Virginia Gazette (PD) January 14, 1773Williamsburg, January 14, 1773
The Subscriber begs Leave to inform the Publick, and his Friends in particular, that he is quite recovered from his late Illness; and removed to the House wherein the late Doctor Blair lived, where he performs all operations upon the Teeth, Gums, and Sockets; eradicates the Scurvy, be it every so bad; transplants natural Teeth from one Person to another, which will be as firm in the Jaw as if they originally grew there, without any Ligament; and makes and fixes artificial Teeth, from a single Tooth to a complete set.
John Baker
N.B. His infallible Specifick, called Dentifrice, is quite free from any corrosive Preparation; it braces up and strengthens the Fibers, occasioning them to grow firm aryl close to the Teeth, which generally arise from scorbutick Gums and bad Teeth.
This Dentifrice will prevent a farther Defluxion, and put a Stop to other Disorders of the Teeth and Gums, and will both correct and change the Nature of the sharp scorbutick Salts and promote the due Circulation of the Fluids. It concots the vitiated Joices, and renders a juvenile Fragrance to the Breath beyond Description. It also makes the Saliva pure and balsamick, and may be had, with proper Directions, at his House. Each Pot is sealed up with his Coat of Arms, to prevent Fraud.
Virginia Gazette (PD) May 13, 1773Williamsburg, May 13, 1773
Mr. Baker, Surgeon Dentist, who performs all operations on the Teeth and Gums, begs leave to acquaint the Publick that he intends being at Fredericksburg the 20th of this Instant, to accommodate those whose Situation renders it inconvenient to come to this City.
Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial VirginiaVirga. sc.
By his Excellency &c.
A Proclamation
Whereas Samuel Wallace junior was taken up and committed to the Jail of Prince Edward County by a Mittimus signed by two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for that County, being charged with robbing Richard Day of Sundries, and also with stealing from James Geddy, of the City of Williamsburg, six Pair of Gold Sleeve Buttons of the Value of £7.10, and the 15th Day of this Month was appointed for a Court to be held in the said County, in Order to examine the said Samuel Wallace junr. upon the several Matters laid to his Charge, but before that Day the Prisoner made his Escape; Whereupon the Court proceeded at the Time appointed to the Examination of Witnesses; on Consideration whereof it was their Opinion that the said Samuel Wallace was not guilty of the Robbery, but guilty as to the other Charge of stealing from James Geddy as aforesaid, and that he ought to be tried for the same in the General Court; I have therefore thought fit by this Proclamation in his Majesty's name to offer a Reward of twenty Pounds currt. Money to any Person who shall apprehend the said Samuel Wallace and deliver him to the Keeper of the Public Jail And all his Majesty's liege Subjects within this Dominion are required to be aiding and assisting therein, as they shall answer the contrary at their Peril.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Colony at Williamsburg aforesaid, this 22d Day of May, £ in the 13th Year of his Majesty's Reign.
God Save the King.
York County Deeds 8, 1769-1777, pp. 341-343This Indenture made [the] third day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundre[d] [a]nd Se[v]enty three Between William Hornsby of the City of [William]sburg Merchant of the one part and John Baker of the same p[lace] Surgeon of the other part Witnesseth that for and in [con]sideration of the sum of four hundred and twenty five pounds Curre[nt] of Virginia by the said John to the said William in hand paid [on] or before the Sealing and delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof [he] doth hereby acknowledge and thereof acquit and discharge the said John [his] Exors and Admors He the said William Hornsby hath Granted Bargained sold Aliened enfeoffed and Confirmed and by these presents doth Grant bargain Sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Baker his Heirs and assigns all that Lot or half acre of Groun[d] [ly]ing and being in the City of Williamsburg aforesaid in the Paris[h] of Bruton and County of York denoted in the Plan of the said City by the Figures 62 and bounded on the North by Nicolson Street on the [East] by the Market Square on the South by Duke of Gloucester Street and [on] the West by the Lot of James Geddy which said Lot or half Acre of Gr[ou]nd was Sold and conveyed by Richard Corbin and Mann Page Esquires to Hugh Walker Deed dated the eleventh .day of June in the Year one thousand and seven hundred and Sixty one and by the said Hugh [Walker and] Katharine his Wife to Andrew Anderson by Deed dated [the fiftee]nth day of August in the Year .one] Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one by the said Andrew Anderson to the said William Hornsby by Deed dated the Twelfth day of November one thousand Seven hundred and seventy one a[s] by the said Deeds duly Recorded may more fully appear and [a]ll Houses Buildings Yards Gardens Ways Waters Profi[ts] Comm[o]dities Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reve[rs]ion a[n]d Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rens Issu[e]s and Profits thereof and all the Estate Right Title Interest Property] Cla[i]m and demand whatsoever of him the said William Horn[sby] of [in] and to the same or any part thereof and all Deeds Evid[en]ces [and] writings touching or concerning the same To have and to [ho]ld the said Lot or half Acre of Ground and premises here[of] ba[rgai]ned and sold with the Appurtenances unto the said Jo[hn Ba]ker his Heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of [him] the said John Baker his Heirs and assigns forever and the sa[id] William Hornsby for himself his Heirs Exors and Admors [do] covenant and agree to and with the said John Baker his Heirs an[d] Assigns by these presents that he the said William Hornsby an[d] his Heirs the said Lot or half Acre of Ground and premises with the appurtenances and every part thereof hereby bargained and Sold unto the said John Baker his Heirs and Assings against him the said William Hornsby and his Heirs and [ ] every Person and Persons whatsoever lawfully cl[ai]ming or to claim the same shall and will warrant and forever [defend] by these pre[sen]ts In witness whereof the Parties to these [presen]ts have hereunto interchangable set their hands and affix[ed] [t]heir Seals the day and Year first above written.
William Hornsby (L.S.)
Sealed and delivered in the presence of
John Tazewell
Henry Tazewell
Thos Everard
James Hubard
Received the within consideration of four Hundred and twenty five pounds this third day of July 1773
William Hornsby
Teste T.[hos] Ev[er]ard Cl: Cur
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 15, 1773Mr. Baker, Surgeon Dentist, being now returned to this City, performs all operations on the Teeth, Gums, and Sockets, as usual; and is ready to renew them gratis upon all, formerly under his Care, who, through Inattention or Neglect, have not been completely cured of the Scurvy. He intends next Month for Fredericksburg Springs, and to return by October.
Virginia Gazette (H) July 21, 1773Just Imported from London, in the George, Captain Coates, by James Geddy, and to be sold reasonably, at his Shop, near the Church, in Williamsburg, a neat Assortment of Plate and Jewellery, consisting of pierced and plain Salts; Table and Tea Spoons; Tureen Punch and Pap Ladles; Silver, plated, and Pinchbeck Buckles; pate Shoe, Knee, and Neck Ditto; Paste Combs and Pins; Brooches of Gold and Silver; Mocho and Crystal Buttons in Ditto; Gold Lockets; Chain Loop, and Stud plated Spurs; Thimbles; Ladies and Gentlemens Chains; Corals; Paste and Crystal Earrings; Finger Ditto; Wedding Ditto; Gold Stock Buckles; Paste Hoops; plain Tortoiseshell and Horn Poll Combs; Morocco Pocket Books, and a variety of Materials in the Watchmakers Jeweller's, and Goldsmith's Business. The highest Price will be given for old Gold and Silver in Exchange for new Work.
N.B. I would be glad to take an Apprentice, a Lad of good Parts, not more than fourteen Years old, whose Parents or Guardians will find him Clothes. Such a one shall be taught the Business I now follow, in its different Branches.
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 29, 1773Just IMPORTED, and to be SOLD by the Subscriber in Halifax Town, North Carolina, FINE Paste Shoe, Knee, and Stock Buckles; Marcasite, Paste, Wax, Pearl, and Mock Garnet Earrings and Necklaces; Paste Sprigs and Bed Pins for the Hair, all Sorts of Finger Rings, Stone Seals in Gold, Silver, and Pinchbeck; Ditto Sleeve Buttons in Ditto; a large Assortment of Silver and Goldsmith Work, too tedious to mention. --- I engrave MOURNING RINGS, ARMS, CRESTS, SEALS, and all other Sorts of ENGRAVING, in a neat, cheap, expeditious Manner; also repair all Sorts of CLOCKS and WATCHES, with Expedition, and on the same reasonable Terms.
John Geddy
N.B. I will give 9s. Proc. or 6s. 8d. Virginia Currency, per ounce for good OLD SILVER; and 6£. 3s. 4d. Proc. or 5£ Virginia Currency per Ounce for GOLD.
Virginia Gazette (PD) July 29, 1773Mr. Baker, Surgeon Dentist, will set out some Time next Month for Frederick Springs, and intends returning to this City by the Beginning of October.
York County Wills, Inventories 23, 1783-1811, pp. 366-370Dr The Estate of Joseph Scrivener decd in account with William Trebell and Robert Nicolson, Executors.
Nov. 8 By Cash recd of Robert Jackson £3.14.3
Recorded 17 Dec. 1792
Virginia Gazette (PD) November 11, 1773Stolen out of the subscriber's shop or given to a person through mistake, a Silver Watch, with a Silver Dial Plate, maker's name Kipling, London, 3723. I should be obliged to all masters who follow the watchmaker's business, that should the above watch fall in their way, they will be kind enough to stop it: and any person that brings it to me shall have Twenty shillings.
James Geddy
Virginia Gazette (R) November 11, 1773Just Imported, in the Bland, Captain Danby, and Selling at the lowest Prices, at the subscriber's Shop, in W Williamsburg. An assortment of Plate and Jewellery, consisting of table and tea spoons, tureen, punch, and pap ladles, paste, shoe, knee, and neck buckles, silver ditto, corals, seals in gold and silver, buttons in ditto, paste and cristal earrings, lockets, plain and ornamented, plated spurs and buckles, paste pins and combs, watch chains and keys, broaches, rings, &c. &c.
James Geddy
York County Wills, Inventories 23, 1783-1811, pp. 237-239Dr The Estate of Charles Mennis of the Half Way House in Acct with Aug. Moore
Nov. 29 To Cash pd Wm Page for crying the Negroes [sold in Williamsburg] £1.0.0
E. W. Hubard Papers Vol. 11March 14th 1774
Paid James Geddy in full £0.27.6
Virginia Gazette (PD) May 5, 1774Marriages Dr. Andrew Anderson, to Miss Betsey Burnet, of New Kent County; an agreeable young Lady, with a handsome Fortune.
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., 1, 121774 June 21
By pd. Mrs. Rathall 12. Waddell's account £7.7.0 Ed. Dickson, ditto £7.0.0
Virginia Gazette (Pi) October 13, 1774James Geddy, Goldsmith, near the Church, Williamsburg, Has just imported from London, a genteel assortment of Plate and Jewellry; he has likewise on hand all sorts of country made Gold and Silverwork, which he will sell at lower rates that usual. Old Silver taken in exchange for new work, at 7s per ounce, and Gold at 5 l 5s. He repairs his own work that fails in a reasonable time, without any expense to the purchaser.
Virginia Gazette (PD) October 13, 1774James Geddy, Goldsmith, near the Church, Williamsburg, has for Sale all sorts of Country made Gold and Silver Work, and has just imported from London a genteel Assortment of Plate and Jewellery, which he will sell at lower Rates than usual.
Old Silver taken in Exchange for new Work at 7s. per Ounce, and Gold at 5£ 5s. He repairs his own work that fails in a reasonable Time, without any Expense to the Purchaser.
PRO T 79/31
Claim of Samuel Gist
1774 | Dr | Sterling |
July 31 | To Balce due p a/c this day transmitted | 212.14.3 |
Novr 15 | to interest 3 ½ Mo on £62.14.3 | 18.4 |
213.12.7 | ||
To Interest on £41.8.1 from 15th Novr 1774 to 15th Novr 1797 is 23 yrs dedt 8 yrs for the war is 15 yrs a 5 p Ct | 31.1.0 | |
£244.13.7 | ||
To Balce due this day | 72.9.1 | |
Exc 28 ½ p Ct is | 24.3.0 | |
96.12.1 |
Cr | ||
1774 | By Garters Bill of Mollison omitted as p letter 9th Apl 1774 | 50.0.0 |
Novr 15 | By Garland Andersons Bill for myself for | 100.0.0 |
By Wm. Anderson for His [ ] a/c £30 Curry a 35 p Ct | 22.4.6 | |
£172.4.6 | ||
By balce due this day | 72.9.1 | |
£244.13..7 | ||
By Thos Store amt of his a/c Curry | 40.6.6 | |
By Balce due this day as p Bond | 56..5..7 | |
£96.12..1 |
York County Order Book 1774-1784, p. 63November 21, 1774
Ordered that James Geddys nine Tithables be added to Bruton List.
Duke University Archives…
I now deliver to you Letters directed to
5 Mr. Waddill, at Mr. Geddey's in Wmsburg
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., XXV, 150-15515 Decl 5774 (profanely 1774) Present Peyton Randolph G. M., John Blair D.G.M., William Waddill D.M., William Finne S.W., Edmund Randolph, J. W. Pro., John Rowsay Treas., William Russell Sect., Hum: Harwood and James Galt Stewts., John Minson Galt P.M., Measures were taken for a Ball to be held… at the Capitol Building…
Alfred Coxe Prime, The Arts & Crafts in Philadelphia, Maryland, and South Carolina, 1721-1785 (Boston, 1929), pp. 244-245James Geddy - Lost a plain Gold watch has I. D. scratched on the inside of the rim of the case, and a watch paper in the bottom, James Geddy, watchmaker, Williamsburg. Whoever has found the same and will deliver it to Mr. Abraham Van Bibber, on Fell's Point, shall receive the above reward, and no questions asked.
The Maryland Gazette,
Webb-Prentis Papers1771 Mr William Waddill Dr
To Sundry Christals from Engd £5 stg -- £7.10.-
By Engravg Cyphers on Cane
A new Swivel to my Watch
Engraving Whip
Do Snuff box
Paid June 1774 £7.10.-
Richard Charlton Account Bookpage 25 | Wmsburg | |
1769 | Mr James Gedie | Dr |
Novr 17th | To one Years shavg & dressg | 1.6.-- |
1770 | Contra | Cr |
By Cash | 1.6.-- | |
page 29 | Wmsburg | |
1769 | Mr James Gedie | Dr |
Decemr | To one Years [shaving] & Dressg | 1.10.-- |
1770 | ||
Decembr | To one Years Shavg & Dressg | 1.10.-- |
To pair Curls for Mis Nancy | 15.-- | |
1771 | To one Years Shavg & Dressg | 1.10.-- |
1772 | ||
Janry 29 | To Brown Dress bob wig | 2.3.-- |
Decemr 20 | To one Years shavg | 1.10.-- |
Contra | ||
1770 | By Cash | 1.10.-- |
1772 | ||
Janry 18 | By Cash & Account | 3.15.-- |
By Cash in full | 3.18.-- | |
1774 | ||
Septr 10th By Cash | 3.2.6 |
Webb-Prentis Papers
Mr. Heny. Morce | To Wm Page | Dr |
1772 | ||
Septr 21st | To Cleaning two Coastes & Weast. | £0.3.6 |
Decr. 10 | To Cleaning a pr of Buks. Breeches Washg. 2 pr of St. Stocks 1/ 2/6 | 0.3.6 |
1773 | ||
Febury 10 | To Mending Eight pr of Silk Stockings | 0.1.6 |
To Washing & mending 3 pr Dtto | 0.1.6 | |
12 | To Dtto Dtto 7 pr Dtto | 0.2.4 |
March 15 | To Cleaning two Coats Wests & Breeches 5/ to 2 pr of Leathe Dittos 2/ | 0.7.0 |
17 | To Washing 27 pieces | 0.6.9 |
To a pr of Buks Breeches & Gloves | 0.2.6 | |
May 10 | To Washing 4 Doxn pieces 12 10 Saddle Cloathes 1/6 | 0.13.6 |
20 | To Dtto 2 pr stockings 2 towels & Cloaths | 0.1.0 |
21 | To Dtto a Shirt & Stock | 0.0.6 |
June 3 | To Dtto 2 Dozn & one piece 6/3 To 2 Coates 3/3 | 0.9.6 |
11 | To Dtto 2 Saddle Cloathes | 0.0.7 ½ |
16 | To Dtto 5 Dozn & three pieces | 0.15.9 |
25 | To Dtto 26 pieces 6/6 29th Dtto 8 pieces 2/ | 0.8.6 |
August 2 | To a Coate West & Breeches | 0.2.0 |
£4.1.22 | ||
July 3 | To a White Bever Hatt | 1.12.6 |
£5.13.8 ½ | ||
Comessn of the Sale of Cloathes | 0.3.3 | |
£5.16.11 ½ |
Cr. | ||
By Cash recd of Mr. Wm Cole for a Suite of Cloathes | ||
3.5.0 | ||
July 2 | To a quart of old Sperrit 1/1 4 Ditto | £2.11.11 |
[?] | 0.3.9 | |
2.15.82 | ||
August 13 | To Sundry Cloathes Brushd 1/3 30th Washing 17 pieces 4/3 | 0.5.6 |
Septr 2 | To Washing 2 Dozn pieces | 0.6.0 |
3.7.22 | ||
Deduct | 0.16.7 ½ | |
Due | 2.10.7 |
Dr | ||
For Washg. 2 Doz & 18 Pieces @2/6 | 2.11 ..3 | |
Cleaning 2 Coats & Waists | 3..6 | |
Do a pr Buckskin Bree | 2..6 | |
mendg 3 pr Silk Stock &n 3 pr | 2..3 | |
mend 7 pr 7d Cleang 2 Suits | 9..6 | |
1 white Hatt | 1.12.6 | |
Comn on the sale Cloaths | 3..3 | |
2 quarts Rum | 3..9 | |
Sund Cloths brushd | 1..3 | 5.15.7 |
Cr Wm Cole | 3.5.0 | |
£2.10.7 |
By Cash recd ball
Recd 24th Janry 1774 the within Contents in full £2.10.-
Wm Page Settld 24 Jan 1774
Norton PapersJohn H. Norton | To Wm Page | Dr |
1773 | ||
Nov. 8 | To Dying of silk Blue for Mrs. Norton | 0.1.3 |
1774 | ||
June 12 | To a Hogshead | 0.4.0 |
Novr 7 | To Going Express to York | 0.9.0 |
£0.14.3 |
Recd the Contents in full Wm Page.
Virginia Gazette (Pi) January 26, 1775All persons indebted to the estate of Mr. Matthew Tewell, deceased, late of this city, are desired to make speedy payment; and all those who have any demands are requested to bring them in, properly proved, as I am empowered to settle the affairs of the said estate.
William Page
Virginia Gazette (D) February 4, 1775William Page Begs leave to inform the Publick in general, and his Friends in particular, that he has removed a little below the Capitol, to the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Robert Nicholson, where he still continues selling on Commission, at publick and private sale, all Kinds of Merchandise, or whatever may be committed to his Care, for Cash only, and he assures them that his utmost endeavors shall be exerted to give Satisfaction in the Management of any Business that may be put under his Direction, and the favours will be thankfully received and gratefully remembered. I have for Sale several Casks of exceeding good Port Wine, and a large Collection of Books.
All Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. Matthew Tuell, deceased, are desired to make speedy Payment, and all those who have any Demands are requested to bring them in properly proved, as I am empowered to settle the Affairs of the said Estate.
Virginia Gazette (D) Feb. 11, 1775Berkeley County, Virginia
The Hour of the Day and Night by the Sun and Stars.
The Sun's Place and Declination.
The Sun's Attitude
The Latitude of the Place of Observation.
The Variation of the Compass The Height and Distance of any Accessible or inaccessible Object.
These useful and curious Problems may be found, by this Dial by any Person of common Abilities, without any Knowledge of the Mathematics, by carefully perusing a small Book of Directions given with each Dial. These Dials are to be published by Subscription, each Subscriber paying ten Shillings Currency on receiving a Dial and Book. They will be engraved in the neatest Manner, on Copper, or Brass, and the Books printed in a Style clear to the Understanding. Besides the Use of the said Dial; there will be added, in the Book, a true Way of discovering the Quantity of Adulteration in Gold, Silver, &c.
Subscriptions taken in by the Editor (Robert Cockburn, of Berkeley, County) and William Page, at the Vendue Office, Williamsburg.
Virginia Gazette (Pi) June 1, 1775James Geddy, Goldsmith, near the Church, Williamsburg, Has now on hand an assortment of Jewellery, which he would sell at an unusual low price for ready money. He has just procured by the Bland, Capt. Danby, from London, a Watch Finisher, who will repair and clean repeating, horizontal, and plain watches, very reasonsbly, and warrant them twelve months, accidents excepted.
Virginia Gazette (D) August 12, 1775STOLEN from Williamsburg, in June last, a small GRAY HORSE with a Switch Tail, branded on the near Buttock (as well as I recollect) thus He is very well made, about 9 Years old, has a small Dent in his right Hip which is not plain when standing, but very apparent when pacing, which is very slow. I will give 20s. to any Person who will either deliver him to Mr. James Geddy in Williamsburg, of to me in Petersburg.
Virginia Gazette (Pi) August 24, 1775STOLEN from Williamsburg, in June last, a small GRAY HORSE with a Switch Tail, branded on the near Buttock (as well as I recollect) is very well made, about 9 Years old, has a small dent in his right hip, which is not plain when standing, but very apparent when pacing, which is very slow. Twenty shillings will be given to any Person that will either deliver him to Mr. James Geddy, in Williamsburg, or to me in Petersburg.
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXVI, 631775
October To Cash paid William Page upon account as Public Express £15..0..0
Virginia Gazette (Pi) November 9, 1775The following gentlemen are appointed a committee to represent this city: James Southall, Robert C. Nicholas, John Tazewell, James Geddy, Robert Nicholson, William Pasteur, Alexander Craig, Humphrey Harwood, George Wythe, Benjamin Powell, Thomas Everard, Garbriel Maupin, James M. Galt, Edward Charlton, Joseph Prentis, Joseph Hornsby, James Jubard, William Goodson, Robert Anderson, John Blair, John Fergusson.
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXVI, 1861775
Nov. 16 To Cash paid William Page for Express Hire and Hors lost in the Service £40..7..0
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXVI, 1881775
December 8 To Cash paid William Page as a Public Express £15..0..0
Chauvenet Collection, Duke UniversityDecember 9, 1775
Mr. Waddill of yr town engaged to engrave my Coat of arms, and a margional Scrowl for me, I now desire him to fix ym in a Case or Frame; andsend the whole to you…
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXVI, 2941775
December 23 To Cash paid William Page on Account as Public Express £5..9..9
To Cash paid William Page for Express Hire £20..0..0
Webb-Prentis PapersMr. James Geddy
1771 To Sett Buckles 12.6
Mar 22 To Cash 13.9
Mar 22 By repg. Watch 16.3
6 Spoons to be made up a pr buckles 10.-
Webb-Prentis Papers1774 | |||
August 27th | To 1 ham 7 li | @4d Wm Holoday | £0..2..4 |
To 2 Dtto 13 | 4d Jas Crage | 0..4..4 | |
To 1 Dtto 6 | 2d Gillett | 0..1..0 | |
To 2 Dtto 13 ½ | 2d Willson | 0..2..3 | |
£0..9..11 | |||
Commission p 5 pr Cent | 0..0..6 | ||
Net proceeds | £0..9..5 | ||
balla | 3..1 | ||
12..6 |
Save Errs. June 29th 1775 Wm Page
[Endorsed] Recd 24 Augt. 1775 three Shillgs & 1 d in full balla of Accots to this Day £0.3.1
Will Page
Committee of Safety Ledger 1775-1776, p. 38Account for General Expences of the Army
Jan 4. To Cash paid Wm Geddy for Casting ball, repairing Arms &c. 20-12-0
Treasurer's Receipt Book 24, p. 108Jany 4, 1776 Recd twenty pounds twelve Shillings for repairing Arms &c p Warrt from Commee of Safety.
Wm Geddy
Treasurer's Account Book, 1775-1777, p. 141776
Jan. 5 To William Geddy for repairing Arms 20-12-0
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXVII, 2331776
February 9 To Cash paid William Page of his Account as Public Express £34.16.6
Calendar of Virginia State Papers, VIII, 79Friday, 9th February 1776, Williamsburg.
Ord., a warrant to William Page, Express, for £34.16.6, the Ballance of his account to February 8th.
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., I, 13John Dixon, Contra
5776 [1776?]
February 12 By Cash paid William Page for riding Express to Baltimore, by order of the Lodge £12.0.0
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXIX, 581776 March 8 To Cash paid P. Carrington for William Page for Express Hire £20.0.0
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXIX, 611776
March 9 To Cash paid William Geddy for a Gun furnish'd the Public £4.0.0
Calendar of Virginia State Papers, VIII, 158Williamsburg Tuesday IXth April 1776
A Warrant to Wm. Geddy for £4 for a Gun. No voucher.
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXIV, 2591776
April 18 To Cash paid William Page his Account as Public Express £24.18.6
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., XXV, 150-155May 6, 5776 On a motion Resolved that a Committee be appointed to consist of Brother J. M. Galt, bros. Edmund Randolph, Bland, Rowsay, and Waddill to consider and give answer to the Letters re: election of Grand Master…
Ambler Papers, Alderman LibraryDr The Estate of Mr Edward Ambler in Acct with --
To Cash
May 7 ditto pd Wm Geddy for Stocking & mending a Gun 1-7-6
Committee of Safety Ledger, 1775-1776, f. 1041776, May 24
To [Cash] paid Wm Geddy for repairing Arms to P. Wm
Battalion 10-1-0
Alexander Brown, The Cabells, and their Kin (Richmond, 1939) p. 197On June 11 [1776?] Col. William Cabell paid James Geddy of Williamsburg for Capt. Samuel Cabell's sword.
Virginia Gazette (P) July 19, 1776LOST by the subscriber, a silver watch, maker's name Callander, London, H.O.H. Whoever finds and will deliver said watch to mr. James Geddy in Williamsburg, shall receive 20s.
Virginia Gazette (D) August 3, 1776WHEREAS the Bonds due to the Estate of
Mr. John Shermer, late of James City County, deceased, are divided, and one Part of them paid to the Heirs of Mrs. Anne Shermer, deceased, and the other Part, with the Open Accounts, left in my Hands to collect for Mr. Richard Shermer of England; that all those whose Bonds and Accounts are in my Hands may know them to apply to, in Order to settle and discharge them (which I hope will be as soon as possible) their Names are here inserted.
One of the Executors
John Anderson. | John Frasier. | Joseph Oliver. |
Turner Anderson. | William Farthing. | Mann Page, Esq; |
Hansford Anderson. | Richard Groshor Graves. | John Pemberton. |
Matthias Abbot | William Geddy, senior. | David Pemberton. |
Richard Royal Allen. | William Graves. | Samuel Prosier. |
Mordecai Abraham. | James Geddy. | Rev. Thomas Price. |
John Allen | Richard Gaddey. | Penniwell Penny |
John Allen, junior. | William Holt. | William Pollard |
Jones Allen. | John Hart. | John Quarles. |
John Aylett's Exec. | William Hart. | Isaac Quarles. |
Jones Allen Dean. | Richardson Henley | John Raines. |
Andrew Banks. | Mary Hazelwood. | Daniel Ritchie. |
Henry Brown. | James Herndon. | Thomas Reynolds. |
Richard Brack. | Maj. John Hickman. | Thomas Rose. |
John Barnes. | John Hankin. | John Robinson |
William Black. | Charles Hankin. | Cap. W. Richardson. |
Thomas Booth. | Thomas Harwood. | Moses Sweene. |
John Bratford. | Edward Harris. | William Stone. |
William Breedlove. | Samuel Harwood. | William Spiller. |
William Badget. | Col. Philip Johnson. | Anthony Singleton. |
William Brown. | John Jones. | John Sanders. |
Col. Burwell Basset. | William Johnson. | Benjamin Spiller. |
Frances Booth. | James Jones. | Manoah Singleton |
Rev. William Bland. | James Jones. | Mann Satterwhite. |
Wm. Burnit Brown. | William Jones. | Miles Selden. |
Tho. Cowles, C. City | Daniel Jones. | Gregory Smith. |
William Chancy. | Emmanuel Jones. | James Shields. |
Thomas Cardwell. | Edward Knewstep. | Warner Shackleford. |
Richard Charlton. | Robert King. | Daniel Slater. |
John Chancy. | John King. | John Tabb, Esq; |
John Cooper. | Joseph Kidd. | Richad Todd. |
Col. John Sym. | John Lewis. | William Thorp. |
William Davenport. | Warner Lewis, Esq; | Thomas Tignar. |
Richard Dabney. | Richard Leigh. | Benjamin Temple. |
John Driver. | Philip Malory. | Isaac Winfrey. |
Mrs. Hannah Daingerfield. | David Minge. | John White. |
Jack Mitchell. | William Wade. | |
Francis Durfey. | James McDowell. | William Walker, sen. |
Hon. Bar. Dandridge. | Benjamin Moore. | Capt. John Walker |
William Egglestone. | William Norvel. | William Wilson. |
Andrew Estave. | William Nelson, Esq; | George Williamson. |
William Eaton. | Loftin Newman. | Thomas Wasley. |
Benjamin Fox. | John H. Nortin. | Edward Ward. |
William Finnie. | George Otey. |
Virginia Gazette (P) September 20, 1776Williamsburg, Sept. 20, 1776
I will give 7s 6d an ounce for old Silver, ready money.
James Geddy
Treasurer's Office Receipt Book, 17761776
October 5
Received forty eitht pounds for Altering & Engraving
Sundry Copper Plates for the New Money etc. as p accot.
W. Waddill
Virginia Gazette (D) October 11, 1776THE subscriber having been so unfortunate as to be robbed of his account books, with his other---effects, by Lord Dunmore, hopes that those gentlemen who formerly favoured him with their custom will pay off their respective balances.
He cannot furnish them with their accounts, by reason of the above loss, therefore must depend upon their honour to adjust them; a motive, he conceives, sufficient to prompt every good man to acts of justice. The following gentlemen will receive for the subscriber: Mess. Dixon & Hunter, and Alexander Purdie, in Williamsburg, mr. Samuel Davis in PETERSBURG, mr. Gideon Lamb in North Carolina, and mr. John Geddy in Halifax town. The injuries the subscriber has received will render a speedy compliance with the above requisition an obligation which will every be acknowledged by
The publick's most obedient,
Virginia Gazette (P) November 15, 1775Deaths: Dr. Andrew Anderson, of New Kent County; who was an agreeable companion, a steady friend, and an Honest Man.
Virginia Gazette (D) November 15, 1775Deaths: Doctor Andrew Anderson of New Kent County
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., XXV, 150-155 "The Williamsburg Lodge of Masons"Nov. 26, 1776: Present William Waddill M., John Rowsay, S. W., John Dixon J.W., Jas Galt T., William Finnie S.P.T., James Slate and Will Nicholson Stewts., William Bland, John Galt, Humphrey Harwood Jas Douglas, A. Williamson, A. Diddip, P. Moody, B. Bucktrout, F. Bickerton, Jas. McClurg, Will Johnson, Charles Ferguson, Jas Wood, George Reid, Jas Kemp, John Clarkson, Edwd Ervin and Gabriel Maupin, met…
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., XXV, 150-155Dec. 3, 1776 On a motion made Resolved that the Master of this Lodge (William Waddill)… directed to write to call Convention to elect Grand Master for State of Virginia
Webb-Prentis Papers1776 Mr Joseph Prentis bought at Publick Sale of Will Page
5 M Flouring Brads @15/ | £3.15.0 |
2 Razor Cases 12/6 @10/ | 1.2.6 |
£4.17..6 |
Recd the Contents in full
Will Page
Virginia Gazette (D) January 3, 1777Williamsburg, January 2, 1777
To be Sold to the Highest Bidder, on Friday the 10th of this Instant (January) at 4 o'clock in the Afternoon, before Mr. Southall's door, about 300 1. Sterling Worth of European Goods, among which are a great number of very saleable Articles. An Inventory of them may be seen, and Terms known, by applying to
William Page, V. M.
N.B. I have on Hand 4 Pipes of Mederia Wine, a Quantity of Tea, and a great variety of Goods, which I will dispose of cheap, for Cash.
Virginia Gazette (D) February 14, 1777Williamsburg, February 14, 1777
To be Sold before the Raleigh Tavern, on Thursday, the 20th Instant (February) for ready Money, a Quantity of Men's white, black, and coloured Gloves, plain Tapes, plaited Stocks, Gold Silver, and Silk Knee Garters, playing Cards, Silk Breeches Pieces, Hat Crape, and many other Articles. Also an Assortment of Eurpoean Goods, in Lots from 12 to 25 1. Sterling, on Six Months Credit, giving Bond and Security. Likewise a few Gallons of Madeiria Wine.
William Page, V. M.
Virginia Gazette (D) April 18, 1777Williamsburg, April 17, 1777
Just Imported, and now selling cheap, for Cash, the following Articles: White Linens, Striped Hollands, Checks, Osanbrugs, Silk, Thread, and Worsted Bindings, Laces, Gartering, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Livery Lace, Tea, and many other Aticles.
William Page
I have for Sale A Quantity of Ship Stuff.
Virginia Gazette (P) May 2, 1777For SALE, THE houses and lot whereon I now live in Williamsburg, well improved, and the whole built within these few years; one fourth of the purchase money to be paid down, and the remainder at Four annual payments. If not sold before the 10th day of June next, they will be set up to the highest bidder.
Virginia Gazette (P) July 4, 1777Williamsburg, July 2, 1777
Strayed away from Williamsburg, some time in June last, a pale bay mare about 14 hands and a half high, hanging mane and switch tail, branded on the near buttock with a heart, a star in her forehead, and has a very sore back, with a patch upon it. Whoever brings her to me, or gives such information that she may be had again, shall have 20s. reward.
William Page.
Virginia Gazette (D) July 4, 1777Palace Street, July 2, 1777
Mrs. Neill is now in Williamsburg, where she purposes teaching the Guitar at one Guinea Entrance, and one Guinea for eight Lessons. She will also instruct young Ladies in Reading, and Needle Work, in the Mornings, at 30s. per Quarter.
Virginia Gazette (P) August 22, 1777To be Sold; wholesale or retail, at the subscriber's store, the third door below the Raleigh tavern, Tea, coffee, sugar, rum, cordials, and indigo, with many other articles.
William Page
Williamsburg, August 21, 1777
Virginia Gazette (D) October 17, 1777WILLIAMSBURG, October 16, 1777
ANY Kind of Ore that may be found within this or the neighbouring States, and brought to Mr. Geddy's Shop in this City any Time before the month of December, will be assayed or refined, gratis, and a proper Account rendered of what Metal such Ore contains. An accurate Account is necessary how such Ore as may be brought was found, whether in or contiguous to mountains of or hilly Grounds, rocky or stony, or on level Lands, or whether above or below the Surface of the Earth.
Virginia Gazette (P) October 31, 1777WILLIAMSBURG, October 28, 1777
STRAYED or STOLEN from Mr. Geddy's in this city, about the 10th Instant, a large gray horse near fifteen hands high, has no brand, his tail tolerable long, having never been docked, shod all round when missing, paces slow, trots and gallops, and has marks of chair harness upon his shoulders. Whoever delivers the said horse to Mr. James Geddy in this city, or to Mr. Charles Waddill in New Kent, shall have six dollars reward.
Virginia Gazette (D) November 14, 1777Williamsburg, November 6, 1777
The Subscriber begs leave to inform the Public in general, and her Friends in particular, that she has opened a Store opposite Mr. John Greenhow's, near the Market Square, where she purposes to sell all Kinds of European Goods on Commission. They may be assured there shall be the greatest Care and Assiduity to execute their Commands with Despatch and Puncuality. She has now on Hand the following Articles, for ready Money only, viz. -- Elegant Paste Necklaces, Earrings, Shoe and Knee Buckles, Pinchbeck Watches, Men and Womens Watch Chains, Keys, Seals, and Crystals, a few Materials for Watch-Makers, Sleeve and Coat Buttons, Silver Toothpick Cases, Gold and Silver Lace, Pocket Pistols, best Ivory Handle Knives and Forks, Cut Glass and Queen's Ware, a neat Tea Urn, with a Mohogany Stand, a Mohogany Tea Tray, German Flute, Guitar, Backgammon Table, Table Linen, Osnabrugs, Virginia Cloth, Cambrick, Lawn, Calicoes, Virginia Counterpanes, Wearing Apparel, Household Furniture, &c. &c. -- Old Peach and Apple Brandy, old Jamaica Spirits, Holland Geneva, fine Stomachick Cordial, old Madeira and old Bourdeauz Claret in Bottles, Chocolate, &c. &c. with may other Articles too tedious to enumerate.
Ann Neill.
Virginia Gazette (P) November 28, 1777To be Sold to the best bidder, for ready money, on Monday, the 10th day of December, at the subscriber's shop in Williamsburg, Sundry tools and materials, in the Goldsmith and Watchmaker's business. My House and Lot in this city are also to be sold, at private bargain. The terms may be known, and payments made easy, by applying to James Geddy
Virginia Gazette (D) November 28, 1777For Sale, at the Subscribers Store in this City, a choice Assortment of Medicine, just imported, consisting of the following Articles, viz. Jesuits Bark, Jalap, Manna, Glauber Salts, Senna. Also a Quantity of Copperas, which will be sold in small Quantities, or by Wholesale.
Norton & Beall.
Virginia Gazette (P) November 28, 1777Stolen from the subscriber in James City County, some time in September last, a slender made bay horse with a thin mane and long bushy tail, about thirteen hands high, branded on the near buttock B, with some other letter on the left of it, but not plain; he is a young horse, has goad spirit, and paces very easy. Whoever delivered him to me, or gives intelligence so that I get him again, shall have four dollars, and on conviction of the thief thirty dollars.
William Geddy
York County, Willis, Inventories, 23, 178 3 1811, pp. 365-370Dr The Estate of Joseph Scrivener decd in account, with William Trebell and Robert Nicolson Executors.
p. 369
Dec. 3 By Cash of James Geddy for his Account £2.18.3
Recorded 17 Dec. 1792
Virginia Gazette (D) December 5, 1777Williamsburg, December 4, 1777
To be Sold at public sale, to the highest bidders, for ready Money, on Tuesday the 16th Instant, a large and general Assortment of fine and coarse Linens, printed and stamped Handkerchiefs, and a Variety of other Articles.
York County Order Book 1774-1784 December 15, 1777Ordered that James Geddys nine Tithables and a Chair, Mrs. Deans two Tithables, Mrs. Tuels one Tithable, John Drapers six Tithalbes and two Chairs, Richard Collins two Tithables and William Hornsby six Tithables be added to the Lists taken by Mr. ickson in Bruton Parish.
Journal of the Virginia House of Delegates 1777-1778, p. 83[Wednesday December 17, 1777]
It also appears to your committee, from the information of Humphrey Harwood, that he went to Mr. John Norton's store on Tuesday morning in search of goods, where he met with two pieces of linen which he intended to take, but John Cox, who was in the store objected to it, and said he should not take them, that they were imported by Norton and Company, and then produced the act of Assembly, to show that he was not empowered to take goods from any person importing them; that, apprehending the said act was to be kept secret, he applied to Mr. Alexander Purdie to know how the said Cox came by it, who replied he knew not.
Webb-Prentis PapersMr. James Geddy in acct. with Wm Page | ||
1777 | ||
May 11 | To Cash paid by your order to yr. mother | £15.0.0 |
15 | To do mr Jas. Shields p rect | 4.19.0 |
To do for reprs to stable & lot | 3.0.0 | |
Novr 18 | To do mr Humphrey Harwood p acct. | 19.1.3 |
To do mr John Lamb pr do | 2.2.6 | |
44.2.9 | ||
Cr | ||
By neat proceeds of Silver buttons | £14.5.0 | |
By rent of house & lot | 60.0.0 | |
By Cash for Soap Jar | 15.0 | |
By do for Buckles of me | 2.6 | |
75.2.6 | ||
44.2.9 | ||
Bal due | 30.19.9 | |
Carid Over | £30.9.9 | |
Brought over Wm Page Dr | ||
Wm Page Cr | By Sundrys Dyed | 0.19.6 |
by Assessment House & | lot 5..0..0 | |
By Cash to Mr. J. Brown | 27.0.0 | |
£32.19..6 |
Webb-Prentis PapersTo Wm Page Sr
Pay to Mr. Jo: Brown the Balle Due me for Rent & his rect Shall be a Sufficient Discharge.
James Geddy
Jany 2, 1778 Reced of Mr. Wm Page twenty seven pounds in part of the above balance for Mr. Geddy.
John Brown
Webb-Prentis PapersSir
Please to Pay my Mother Mrs. Ann Geddy the Some of fifteen Pound & Place it to act of yourself
James Geddy
May 6, 1778
May 11th 1778 Recd the within sum of Fifteen Pounds on acct. of my Mother, of William Page
and witness my Hand Wm Geddy
Virginia Gazette (D) May 8, 1778For Sale at Neill's commission store, in Williamsburg, An assortment of silks, Irish linens, muslins, suits of lace, India chintz, pocket handkerchiefs, checks, oznabrugs and Negro cloth, camlets, gold and silver appellets, silver buttons, worsted and silk stockings, black feathers, paste shoe, knee, and hat buckles, best paste necklaces and earrings, silver spoons and tea tongs, hair sprigs, silver blond lace, Ladies saddle and saddle cloth, watch keys and chains, Jamaica spirits, Barbados rum, Holland geneva, Batavia arrack, brandies, cordials, old Madeira and claret in casks and bottles, loaf and brown sugar, rice, black pepper, pimenta, china and glass ware, starch, needles, pins and threads, household furniture, wearing apparel, Ladies riding dress and hat, watch maker's materials, decanter lables, India stripes for gowns, nankeens, green tea in pounds and half pound canisters, India handkerchiefs, French lawns, coffee, sewing silks, checks, writing paper, &C. &C. &C.
Webb-Prentis PapersMay 15th 1778 Recd from Mr. Wm Page Four Pounds nine Shillings for Mr. James Geddy Publick & Parish Levies
James Shield
Recpt. Mr Jams. Shiedls on Acct Mr. Jas. Geddy May 15th 1778
Virginia Gazette (D) July 10, 1778Opened, and now for Sale, at our store in Williamsburg the following Goods, at wholesale or retail, viz. Irish linens, oznabrings, sheeting, coarse white linen, check linen, linen handkerchiefs, cambrick, striped and flowered lawn, brown and bleached Russia drab, sewing silk, thread, pins, lump and brown sugar, bohea and congo tea, common and best Jesuit's bark, jalap, senna, manna, rhubarb, calomel, quicksilver, salts, ipeacacuanha, camphire, claret in cases, French brandy, best steel, French and allum salt, cross cut saw, and a large assortment of cutlery, consisting of knives and forks, penknives, cuttears, scissors, shears, and carpenters tools.
The following Goods are just arrived, and will be opened in two weeks; they are equal in quality to those from London, a large assortment, and well suited for wholesale purchasers, viz. Superfine scarlet, blue and white broad cloths, with trimmings, coloured and nuns thread, bandannoes, handkerchiefs, silk romals, knives and forks, penknives, cuttears, scissors, and shears, a large assortment of worsted and thread stockings, coarse and fine white linens, best German oznabrigs and linens, snaffle and curb bridles, saddles and girths, mens shoes, cipperas, cotton and wool cards, mens hats, three pair of two pound guns, with carriages, and every other implement complete, 150 pair of pistols, and many other articles too tedious to mention.
Norton & Beall
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., XXV, 150-155Oct. 6, 5778 Bros. Robert Andrews, John Blair, William Waddill, William Finnie, James McClurg, Humphrey Harwood and John Minson Galt - to attend meeting 13th instant to chose a Grand Master.
Virginia Gazette (D) November 6, 1778Williamsburg, October 29, 1778
Doctor Baker's well known Dentifrice for curing the scurvy, and preserving the teeth and gums, may be had at Mess. Dixon & Hunter's printing office, and at no other place in Virginia.
Virginia Gazette (D) November 13, 1778Williamsburg, Nov. 11, 1778
STRAYED or stolen from the subscriber, the 4th Instant, a black horse (lately the property of Doctor Baker) about 14 hands and an half high, with a hanging mane and a switch tail, a star in his forehead, two of his feet white, paces, trots and gallops. Whoever delivers me the said horse shall receive a reward of TWENTY DOLLARS, and if stolen, on conviction, FIFTY DOLLARS.
Webb-Prentis PapersMr. James Geddy Dr To Humy Harwood, by Mr. Wm. Page | ||
1778 | ||
May 19th | To 1700 bricks @5/6 & 32 bushs of Lime @1/6 hair 1/6 | £7.3.0 |
To repairing Cellar wall 60/ & 8 Days labr @4/ | 4.12.0 | |
To Mendin plastering in D. House Dary & landary 15/ | 15.0 | |
To laying harth & mendg Chimney in Chamber 10/ | 10.0 | |
To White washing 7 rooms 2 passages, 4 Closets, & 3 poarches @ 9/6 | 4.13.9 | |
To Whiteng Dary 7/6 & Mendg Kitchg & layg harth 10/ | 17.6 | |
July 2 | To Mortar & Repairn Steps 10/ | 10.0 |
£19..1..3 |
Novemr. 18th 1778 Then Recd of Mr. William Page the Above Account in Full
P. Harwood
Mr. James Geddy's Account £19.1.3
Webb-Prentis PapersDr Capt. Robert Anderson in Acct with William Page | ||
1774 | ||
Janry 22nd | To boy & 2 Horses to Hampton | £1.12.6 |
June 14 | To Dying 3 pr Silk Stockings Black | 0.4.6 |
1775 | ||
Decr | To Dying Hunting & Binding pr Acct Rendered | 4.3.9 |
To Comissn for the Sale of Cutht Hubbards Est | 1.0.0 | |
1777 | To Do for the Sale of Doctr Andw Anderson's Est and for Hiring out the Heagroes &c | 2.10.0 |
To Dying a Cloak Black for Mrs. Allen | 0.5.0 | |
April 9 | To 2 Gallons Orange juce @40/ | 4.0.0 |
10 | To 4 Galls do | 8.0.0 |
Decr 31 | To 3 Dozn Wine Glasses 30/ 1 Dozn Do 13/ | 2.3.0 |
To a Hitch & Nobs 5/ 2 pr Snuffers 4/ Broad ax 12/ | 1.1.0 | |
To 3 Queens Ware pepper Boxes @1/ | 0.3.0 | |
£25.2.9 | ||
1778 | ||
Jany 3 | To a Chair Harness | £15.0.0 |
To 153 3/4 li load Sugar @12/ | 92.5.0 | |
Cr | £107.5.0 | |
1778 | Cr By Neet proceeds of Sundry Wairing Apparell | £121.4.5 |
Webb-Prentis PapersDr the Estate of Co: | Jo Prentis to Ja Geddy | |
1770 | ||
Augt. 19 | To repg watch | 0.12.6 |
Oct 21 | To meng fan | 0.2.6 |
1771 | ||
Sepr 19 | To repg watch | 0.7.6 |
July 20 | To Do | 0.10.0 |
1774 | ||
Mar. 28 | To Do | 0.8.9 |
£2.1.3 |
Swore to before me Decr 12 1778
Wm. Norvell
James Geddy
Rcd the within act.
James Geddy
Virginia Gazette (D) February 12, 1779One Hundred and Fifty Dollars Reward Lost out of the subscriber's shop, while in Williamsburg, sone time in the fall of 1777, a gold horizontal watch, made by King, London, No. 193, with a coat of arms engraved upon the outside case. Whoever delivers the said watch to the subscriber, or gives such information so as it may be recovered, shall be entitled to the above reward, and no questions asked.
James Geddy
York County Order Book 1774-1784, p. 209February 15, 1779
James Pride Plt agst William Geddy, jr. Deft In Trepass
The Defendants by their Attornies severally pray and have leave to Imparl till the next Court and then to plead.
Halifax CountyEstate of wife except three Horses & one young bay mare, and two stills which are to be sold.
Wife may sell Blacksmith tools.
Daughter : Lurilla
Sons: Matthew and John - to be schooled.
All fire arms &c, and a set of blacksmith tools to be sold (besides those above) in Carolina in the hands of Robert White.
Exors: wife, Millicent, and brother William Dennis
Recorded: 20 May 1779
Webb-Prentis PapersMr Surifino Fermicola To William Page Dr
May. To 3 11 Nails C 12/ £1.16.0
Virginia Gazette (D) 12 June 1779Marriages.] Samuel Beall, Esq: merchant of this city, to Miss Nancy Booth, of Frederick County.
York County, Deeds 6, 1777-1791, p. 54THIS INDENTURE made the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred seventy nine BETWEEN William Hornsby of the City of Williamsburgh of theone part and William Waddill of the County of New Kent of the other part WITNESSETH that the said William Hornsby for and in consideration of the sum of eight hundred pounds to him in hand paid by the said William Waddill the receipt whereof the said William Hornsby doth hereby acknowledge He the said William Hornsby hath granted bargained wold aliened and confirmed unto the said William Waddill his heirs and Assings forever one Moiety or half part of all athe piece, parcel or Lot of land lying on the North side of the Street or main Street leading from the City of Williamsburg towards York Town in the parish of Bruton and County of York denoted in the plan thereof by the figures 25 beginning at the South West corner thereof andrunning thence down the Street or road aforesaid, thirty six feet, thence Northwardly by a Line equally dividing the said Lot into two parts, thence Westwardly along the back line thereof thence Southwardly to the Beginning being the upper half or Moiety of the lot of land formerly purchased by Alexander Craig of Benjamin Waller and conveyed by Indenture bearing Date the seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight and recorded in the County Court of York, and sold by the Executors of the said Craig to the said William Hornsby. And all houses, outhouses, buildings, Yards, Gardens, Ways, waters, profits Commodities, hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same belonging or or in any wise Appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, rents, ussues and profits thereof To have and to hold the aforesaid Moiety or half of a Lot of land unto the said William Waddill and his heirs and Assigns forever, to the only proper use and behoof of him the said William Waddill and his heirs and Assigns forever And the said William Hornsby for himself andhis heirs the said Moiety or half lot of land with the Appurtenances and every part thereof against him and his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever to the said William Waddill & his heirs and Assigns, shall and Will Warrant and defend forever by these presents In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangedly set their hands and Affixed their Seals, the day and year first above written.
Sealed and Delivered in presence of
William Hornsby
Ro: Prentis
Thomas Pitt
James Galt
Augustine Davis
William Graves
Thos: Everard
Henry Tazewell
At a Court held for York County the 21st June 1779 This Indenture was proved by the Oath of William Graves a Witness thereto And at a Court held for the said County the 16th day of August 1779 the said Indenture was proved by the Oaths of Thomas Everard and Henry Tazewell Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded.
Ex Teste
Thos Everard Cl Cur
York County Order Book 177 4 1784, p. 217June 21, 1779
An Indenture of Bargain and Sale between James Geddy and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and Robert Jackson of the other part was proved by the Oaths of James Nichols & Samuel Abell Witnesses thereto.
York County Order Book, 1774-1784, p. 220July 19, 1779
An Indenture of Bargain and Sale between James Geddy and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and Robert Jackson of the other part was proved by the Oath of Henry Tazewell a Witness thereto and the same having been before proved by the Oaths of two other Witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
Virginia Gazette (D) July 24, 1779For Sale, Brown Sugar of the first quality, by the hogshead or barrel. I will purchase bills of exchange payable in any part of Europe or the West Indies, any person having claims in England or else where, and cannot ascertain the sum due, or have doubts of payment being made, I will buy their bills conditionally to receive no damages if protested.
Samuel Beall
Williamsburg, July 17, 1779
York County, Deeds, 1777-1791, pp. 48-49This Indenture made the eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight Between James Geddy of the County of Dinwiddie Jeweller and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and Robert Jackson of the City of Williamsburg Merchant of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of One thousand six hundred pounds current money of Virginia by the said Robert to the said James in hand paid at or before the sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof acquit and Discharge the said Robert Jackson his Heirs, Executors and Administrators They the said James Geddy and Elizabeth his wife Have granted bargained, sold, aliened, infeoffed and confirmed and by these presents Do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff & confirm unto him the said Robert Jackson his Heirs and Assigns forever All that Lot or half Acre of Land situate lying and being in the said City of Williamsburg numbered in the plan of the said City by the numbers or figures and bounded on the South by the Duke of Gloucester street, on the West by Palace street, on the North by Nicholson Street and on the East by the Lots of John Hatley Norton lately purchased of William Pitt being the Lot or half acre of Land purchased by the said James Geddy of Mrs. Anne Geddy and conveyed by Indenture bearing date day of in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy recorded in the County of York And all Houses, buildings, Yards, Gardens, Pailings, Waters, Profits, Commodities, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same, belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Rents, Issues and Profits thereof and all the Estate right, title, Interest, Property, claim and Demand whatsoever of them the said James Geddy and Elizabeth his wife of in and to the same and every part thereof To have and to hold all and singular the premises with the Appurtenances unto him the said Robert Jackson his Heirs and Assings against the lawfull claim and Demand of all and every person or persons whatsoever will by these presents warrant and forever Defend In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and affixed their Seals the Day and Year first above Written
James Geddy (LS)
Sealed and Delivered
In the presence of
J. Nichols
Ambros Davenport
Sam: Abell
Henry Tazewell
John Hiatt jr.
At a Court held for York County the 4th day of June 1779 This Indenture was proved by the Oaths of James Nichols & Samuel Abell Witnesses thereto and at a Court held for the said County the 19th day of July 1779 the said Indenture was proved by the Oath of Henry Tazewell another Witness and ordered to be Recorded.
Exd. Teste
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur
Halifax CountySept Court 1779
Inventory of estate of John Dennis decd.
Guns £10
Sett Smiths Tools £200.0.0
Parcel of Silver Smiths Tools 10.0.0
Violen £6
Rifle Barrel and Borer £10
1 Gun Lock £3
Total value £2290.13..0
Recorded: 16 Sept. 1779
James City County PetitionsNovember 9th 1779
To the Honorable the Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Delegates.
The Peitition of sundry of the Inhabitants of the County of James City for themselves and others of the said County Humbly Sheweth, That by one Act of Assembly pass't in the year One thousand seven hundred and forty Eight, a ferry was Establish't from the Land of Mrs Ambler in James Town, to Swan's Point and Couches Creek in the County of Surry, And that for a number of Years past a considerable Expence hath accru'd to your petitioners, by being by Law Oblig'd to keep in Repair the Cuasey Call'd Sandy bay, and that at present and for some time past the said Bay hath become Impassable, Occasion'd as your petitioners conceive from Uncomon high Tides and heavy raines, by means of which a free passage of the Water from the river to the Creek hath taken place, and in such a rapid manner, that it hath Washt a breach, of a considerable Width and Depth, The Expence of Stopin which your petitioners Humbly Conceive wou'd be too burthensome for them to bear
Your petitioners therefore Humbly pray that an Act may pass for Discontinueing the ferry in James Town, And Establish'g one in Lieu thereof, from the land of the Above nam'd Mrs Ambler on the Maine above the said Bay And your petitioners Will Ever pray &c. &c.
Phil Johnson | Richard Taylor | Edwd Harris |
Jno Cooper | James Shelburn | John Morris |
Dud: Richardson | William Finney | Maneil Spencer |
Will Spratley | William Cole | Wm Keen, Jur. |
Wm Barrett | Archer Henley | |
Joseph Eggleston | John Sullivan | |
Joseph Hornsby | Richardson Henley | |
Wm Bland | Andrew Banks | |
Richd Taliaferro | William Bush | |
John Walker | Pearson | |
Edmund Cowles | Isham Allen | |
James N. Walker | Edward Knewstep | |
John Brown | William Mullen | |
Cole Digges | Jones Allen | |
Chas Goodall | Danl Taylor | |
Charles Hankins | John Holt | |
John Hankins | Ben Ramsay | |
Wm Spragen | John Chancey | |
Pinkethman Taylor | Wm Walker | |
Josiah Ashlock | Wm Treas | |
Henry Brown | Jno Pierce | |
John Miles | Jas McDowell | |
William Bowler | John Lyon | |
John Charls | James Wade | |
John Goodall | Jonathan Barker | |
Richd Beach | Issac Otey | |
Thos Potter | Wm Hankins | |
W. Shillrin | John Saunders | |
John Davis | John Chisman | |
Wm Geddy | Robert Rarbar | |
Alex Walker | Joseph Wade | |
Daniel Jones | Seven Durfey |
Virginia Gazette (C) December 11, 1779Dentifrice for the teeth and gums, equal to Dr. Baker's, made by Anne Neill. The Public may, always be supplied by her, and at Mr. Brands, Williamsburg. N. B. Mrs. Neill will allow two dollars for all the empty dentifrice pots that are returned.
York County, Wills, Inventories 23, 1783-1811, pp. 243-247Dr. the Estate of the Revd Mr. John Camm decd
Dec. 22 R. Jackson for Ozaburgs £99..8..0
Recorded: 18 July 1791
Webb-Prentis PapersDr the Estate of Richard Charlton in acct. with William Page | ||
1777 | ||
Jany 22nd | To Dying a Bonnett & Sundreys Black | £0.4.6 |
1778 | ||
Octr | To 9 Cases Muscat Wine @ 120/ | 54.0.0 |
To 5 White Dishes Sorted | 2.14.0 | |
To 2 Large Sallad Dishes & 2 Small Do | 2.14.0 | |
To 1 Dozn Plates | 3.12.0 | |
To Freight of 2 Boxes from Sufflok | 4.10.0 | |
1779 | 67.14.6 | |
Jany | To freight of 100 Balls Corn Cap 10/ | 50.0.0 |
Williamsburg 25th April 1783
Sworne to before me Robt Nicholson
1779 | Cr | |
Jany | By 13 ½ Balls Corn C 100/ | £67.10.0 |
By Feright [sic] of Do 10/ | 6.15.0 | |
74.5.0 |
on settling a Ballance of Nine pounds ten shillings Specie appear'd in Mr. Pages favor.
Humphrey Harwood Account Book26 November 1778 | |
Mr William Page (mercht Dr | |
To 230 bricks 19/4 & 4 bushs of lime @ 2/3 | £1..8..4 |
To Seting up A Grate 22/6 & laying a harth 7/6 | 1.10. |
To 1 ½ days labour @ 8/ | 10.-- |
February 22, 1779 | |
To bushs of lime @ 5/. 600 bricks @ 16/. & 6 days labour at 12/. | 12.13.-- |
To underpining Smoak House 40/. & laying the floor 40/. | 4.0. |
To puting in Celler window frames 48/. & Stoping pudlock Holes 40/. | 4.8.-- |
To Mending plastering in Dary 10/ | 10.-- |
November 20 | |
To 80 bricks 50/. 4 bushs of lime 80/. & 1¼ Days labour @ 40/. | 8.0.-- |
To Seting [seting] up a barth Stove 150/. & mending plastering 12/. | 8.2.-- |
£41.1.4 |
Per Contra Cr | |
1782 | |
Febry 7th By Cash to Ballance at the Depreciation | £41. 1. 4 |
£41.1.4 |
Humphrey Harwood Ledger BJohn H. Norton Esqr Dr | ||
1779 | To 4 bushs of lime 24/ 30 bricks 6/ & laying a harth 20/ | 2.0.0 |
May 8 | To Repairing plastering in House & Nesacary 20/ | 1.10.0 |
To Whitewashing 5 Rooms 2 passages, & poarch & Nesacary @ 30/ | 13.10.0 | |
July 2 | To 2 bush of lime 16/ hair 2/ Mending plastering 24/ & Whiteng 5 Rooms a 36/ | 11.2.0 |
30 | To 7100 Bricks a £13.15.0 160 bushs of lime a 8/ | 161.12.6 |
To 10 Days work takeing Down Kitching Chimney a 24/ | 12.0.0 | |
Carting 6 Loads of Sand a 20/ & 16 Days labour a 20/ | 22.0.0 | |
To building A Stack of Chimneys & Oven | 50.0.0 | |
To Barrs of Iron for Kitching Chimney | ||
Weighed 73 lb a 18 p lb | 65.14.0 | |
October 19 To 9 Bushs of lime a 12/ To Repairing larthing & plastering in Kitchg 180/ | 14.8.0 | |
To Repairing Plastering in office 40/. & 3 ½ Days labour a 24/ | 6.4.0 | |
To Seting up a Grate 100/ & 40 bricks 15/ | 5.15.0 | |
£365.15.6 |
John H. Norton Esqr Dr | ||
1779 | ||
July 10 | To Cash paid for half a drum fish for You 25 dollars or 2/6 | 2.6 |
To 5 bushs of lime & mending plastering 6/6 & hair | 13.9 | |
To Mending 2 Harths 2/6, & labours work 2/6 | 7.6 | |
To White-washing 3 Rooms a 5/0 | 15.0 | |
£1.18.9 |
York County, Wills and Inventories, 22, pp. 573-574March 22d 1781 IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN as this is my last Will. I give unto my Wife Elizabeth Jackson all and everything I am possessed of to put it to what use she thinks proper
Robert Jackson
William Jeggets
Courtney Sharpless
Sarah Massenburg
At a Court held for York County the 18th day of June 1781.
This Will was proved according to law by the Oaths of Courtney Sharpless & Sarah Massenburg Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded. And there being no Exor in the said Will named. On the Motion of Elizabeth Jackson the Widow who made Oath thereto and together with Philip Dedmzn and Andrew Davenport her securities entered into and acknowledged Bond as the Law directs Certificate was granted her for obtaining letters of Administration on the said decedents Estate with the Will annexed in due form.
Examined Teste
Ms. Cary Cyc
York County, Deeds 6, 1777-1791, p. 145Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Jackson, widow and Relict of Robert Jackson late of the City of Williamsburg for and in consideration the natural love and affection I have for my Daughter Nancy Jackson and for an in consideration of the sum of five shillings Current money of Virginia to me in hand paid by Doct. John Minson Galt of the City of Williamsburg the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and Hereof doth acquit the said John Minson Galt his Heirs Exors and Administrators have given granted bargained sold aliened released and confirmed and by these presents do give grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the said John Minson Galt and his Heirs forever one moiety of the whole Estate both real and personal given and devised to me by the will of my late Husband, Robert Jackson bearing date in March in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty one and recorded in York Court. To have and to hold the moiety of the whole Estate both real and personal devised to me by the said Will in turst to and for the use of my said Daughter Nancy Jackson her and her Hiers forever Provided always an and upon this express condition that if my said Daughter should die unmarried or beofre she arrive to lawful age that then all that I have given granted & sold by these presents shall be to my sole use and benefit. And I the said Elizabeth Jackson for myself my Heirs Executors and Aministrators do covenant and agree to and with the said John Minson Galt and his Heirs that I the said Elizabeth Jackosn will wign Seal execute and deliver any further or other Deed or instrument of Writing as shall by him be judged necessary towards further securing to the said Nancy Jackson my Daughter one Moiety of the whole Estate devised and given to me by her Father Robert Jackson's last Will. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand and affixed my seal this eighteenth day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty one.
Elizabeth Jackson (L. S.)
At a Court held for York County the 18th day of June 1781
This deed was acknowledged by Elizabeth Jackosn party thereto and Ordered to be Recorded
Ms. Cary DCYC
William and Mary Quarterly 1st Ser. XXVI, p. 100Free Male Tithes | Negro Tithes | Negro Under Age | No. Horses | No. Cattle | Billd Tables | Ordy License | Wheels | |
James Geddy | 3 | 10 | 6 | 6 | 24 | - | - | 1 Chair |
William Waddle | ||||||||
Peter Jones |
Virginia Gazette, or the American Advertizer (Richmond)Richmond, September 20, 1782
For Sale, And immediate possession given, My Lot and Houses in the City of Williamsburg, formerly the property of Mr. Benjamin Powell. Any Gentleman inclining to purchase, may treat with Mr. Samuel Beall in Williamsburg, or myself in Richmond. If not sold by private sale before, I shall sell them at public vendue before Mr. Galt's door, on the tenth day of October next. Credit will be given and bond with approved security required.
Zach Rowland
York County Wills and Inventories 22, pp. 505-506Appraisment of the Estate of Robert Jackson decd made by Jno Greenhow, Charles Taliaferro & Beverly Dickson the seventeenth day of May 1782, agreable to an order of York Court.
1 Desk | £ 6.0.0 | |
8 Chairs | 4.0.0 | |
1 Tea Table & a Waiters & Tea Chest | 1.0.0 | |
1 large Table | 1.10.0 | |
19 pictures | 3.0.0 | |
1 Parcel of China Ware & Glass | 3.0.0 | |
£18.10.0 | ||
7 Chairs | 4.0.0 | |
2 Mahogany Tables | 3.0.0 | |
1 Looking Glass | 1.10.0 | |
Ornamental China | .6.0 | |
8.16.0 | ||
8 Chairs | 4.0.0 | |
3 Tables | 1.10.0 | |
Chest of Drawers | 2.0.0 | |
1 Looking Glass | 15.0 | |
8.5.0 | ||
2 Tea Kettles broken Ware & knives & Forks &c &c | 3.0.0 | 3.0.0 |
12 Pictures | 0.12.0 | |
Bed & Furniture | 10.0.0 | |
4 Chairs | 1.10.0 | |
1 Dressing Glass | 0.6.0 | |
1 pr And Irons & 1 pr Bellows | 1.0.0 | |
13.8.0 | ||
£51.19.0 | ||
3 Beds & Furniture | 24.0.0 | |
1 Coffee pot, & do M811 pewter | ||
1 Frying pan, 5 Iron pots, 1 Tea Kettel | 8.0.0 | |
3 Flat Irons, Tubs & Pails | ||
2 Tables | ||
1 Riding Chair | 20.0.0 | |
2 Cows | 8.0.0 | |
41.0.0 | ||
1 Horse | 3.0.0 | |
3.0.0 | ||
Negro Wench Doll | 20.0.0 | |
do Jenny | 60.0.0 | |
do Boy Harry | 50.0.0 | |
130.0.0 | ||
£222.19.0 |
John Greenhow
Chas Taliaferro
B: Dickson
Williamsburg Scilicat
John Greenhow Charles Taliaferro, & Beverly Dickson made oath before me that the above is a just appraisment of the Estate of Robert Jackson decd made by them agreeable to an order of York Court Certifies under my hand this 18th May 1782.
Wm Holt
Returned into York County Court 17th June 1782 and ordered to be Recorded.
Ms Cary D.C.Y.C.
John M. Galt Account Book 1782-1783p. 38 | Wmsburg March 20th 1783 |
Mr. Wm Geddy Junr [illegible] child | |
p. 44 | Wmsburg April 3rd 1783 |
Mr. Geddy [illegible] sipt Dr | |
p Legr | |
p. 64 | May 27 1783 |
Mr. Geddy (Black Smith) [illegible] |
Virginia Gazette or American Advertiser (Richmond) August 16, 1783James Geddy, Goldsmith and Watch-Maker, has lately removed to Petersburg.
[From Name-Data File, the newspaper has not been located]
John M. Galt Account Book 1782-1783Wmsburg Sept 16, 1783
Mrs Waddill visit & Sal Cath 2.6.0
Sept. 17, 1783
Mrs Waddill pil Anod & p Camphor 0.15.0
John M. Galt Account Book 1782-1783Sept. 24, 1783
Mr. William Geddy visit Negro
Virginia Gazette or American Advertiser (Richmond)October 4, 1783
James Geddy, recently moved to Petersburg.
[From Name-Data File. Newspaper has not been located.]
City of WilliamsburgGeddy, William, Charlotte,Peg, Joe, Jemmy | Free Males above 21 - | 1 |
Tithable Slaves | 3 | |
Slaves under 16 | 1 | |
Horses | 3 | |
Cattle | 2 |
Webb-Prentis PapersJohn Tyler Esqr | To William Page | Dr |
1778 | ||
Novr. 20th | To 14 li Nails @ 12/ | £8.8.0 |
Williamsburg 25th April 1783
The Above Acct. Sworn before me
James Southall
Webb-Prentis Papers1777 | Miss Margret Ross To William Page | Dr |
To 1 Piece of Britten | £2.2.6 |
Williamsburg Augt 13, 1783
The Above account Sworn to before me
James Southall
Webb-Prentis PapersThe Honbl John Page | To William Page | Dr |
1778 | ||
June 30th | To 1 Loaf Sugar 10 ½ li @ 15/ | £7.17.6 |
To pr kidd Gloves | 0.12.0 | |
To 3 Galls Rum pr Note 36/ | 5.8.0 | |
1780 | ||
March 20 | To 2 Bottles Medaria Wines | 48.0.0 |
£61.17..6 |
Williamsburg 25th April 1783
the above Acct Sworn to before me
James Southall
Jeffcott Collection, Richard Blow Ms, Box 39. (Swem Library)List of Goods to Import for Jas Geddy. 1783
2 Doz: Common Size Main Springs for Watches
6 Doz Minnit Hands
Virginia Gazette or the American Advertiser (Richmond)January 3, 1784.
Ten Dollars Reward. Broke open on the night of the 21st Instant, the Store of the subscriber opposite Mr. Greenhow's, and the following articles stole thereout: A small gold watch, of which the main spring was broke, and on the dial wrote in French L'Epine at Paris, it had a silk chain, to which was hung the key and seal, and a little padlock key; an English common silver watch, with a black silk ribbon and the Key to it; a piece of English plain black gauze, a piece of white ditto, striped, a piece of spotted ditto, two pieces of French ditto, white and plain, one piece ditto, with blue flowers, two cards full of narrow white edging, one ditto of fine and broad white silk lace. any Persons who shall give me any notice of the thief, may depend on the above reward.
P. Dela Croix
Middlesex Order Book 1783-1784, p. 42April Court 1784
Hugh Walker Plf vs John Hughes In Case
Came the Parties by their Attorneys and the said Def. defends the force & injury when &c and saith that he did not undertake in manner and form as the Plf against him hath declared and of this he puts himself upon his Countyr & the Plf likewise &c therefore the trial of the Issue is deffered till the next Court.
Middlesex County Order Book 1783-1784, p. 46April Court 1784
Hugh Walker Plf vs Charles Alexander Def
on Petition for £2.8
This day Came the Plf by his Attorney a d the Def not appearing It is considered by the Court that the Plf recover agains the Deft two pounds Wight Shillings together with his Costs above his Suit Expended
Middlesex County Court Orders 1783-1784, p. 46April Court 1784
Hugh Walker Plf vs John Smith Exor of Augustine Smith Def
In Debt
Came the Plf as well by his Attorney as the Deft by his Attorney and the said Deft prays and his leave to Impart here till the next Court and then to plead
Middlesex County Order Book, 1783-1784, p. 42April Court 1784
Samuel Drummand Plf. vs Hugh Walker Def.
In Case
Came the Parties by their Attorneys and the said Deft defends the force & injury when to him &c and saith that he did not undertake in manner & Form as the Plf. against him hath declard And the said Deft further sayeth that he did not at any time in the five Years before the day of the Plfs suing out the said original Writ assume upon himself in manner & form as the Plf above complains against him and the Plainf. replies that the Deft did undertake within five years before & in manner & Form as the Plf hath declared against him and this he prays may be enquired into by the County and the Def prays likewise the same, therefore the trial of Issue is refered till the next Court.
Humphrey Harwood Ledger B, p. 1Capt Robert Martin (that Marrid Widow Jackson) | ||
1782 | ||
April 23rd | To 1 ½ bushs of lime a 1/6. | |
Mending plastering 5/ | £0.7.3 | |
To White-washing A room 7/6 | 0.7.6 | |
Decemr 23 | To 1 bushel of mortar at 1/6 & | |
taking down a Grate 2/6 | 0.4.0 | |
To plastering a fire place 3/9 | 0.3.9 | |
1783 | ||
May 29 | To 2 bushs of mortar 2/6 & | |
Repairg plastering 3/ & white- washg 4 Rooms, 2 passages a 5/ & 2 Cealings a 2/6 & 2 Closets | ||
& 2 porches 2 1/6 | 2.6.6 | |
£3.9.0 | ||
(Carried to folio 66) |
Per Contra | Cr | |
1783 | ||
May 29 | By Cash 6/ | £0.6.0 |
1784 | ||
July 19 | By Robt Jacksons acct (vs) Samuel | |
Spurr Estate Discountes With Robt | ||
Martin in my Acct | 3.3.0 | |
£3.9.0 |
William and Mary Quarterly 1st ser. I, p. 30In 1784 the petition [to charter a Lodge in Richmond] was renewed by David Lamber, William Waddill and John Dixon, and Richmond Randolph Lodge was formerly [sic] constituted.
Petersburg City Hustings Minute Book 1, 1784-1791, p. 11 Sept. 1784
James Geddy elected a member of the Common Council.
Petersburg Hustings Minute Book 1 1784-1791 no pagination3 Nov. 1784
Ordered that Ralph Faulkner, William Stainback, Robert Armistead, William Durell & James Geddy Gentlemen, or any three of them being first Sworn for that purpose do appraise the Slaves (if any) and personal Estate of James Turnbull decd in Current money, and return the appraisment to the next Court.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed Book I 1784-1790, pp. 28-29THIS INDENTURE made the Thirtyeth day of November in the year of our Lord, One thousand Seven hundred & Eighty four, Between James Fawcett of the Town of Petersburg Taylor, of the one part, and James Geddy of the Town aforesaid, Silver Smith, of the otherp part WITNESSETH, that for and in Consideration of the Sum of six hundred pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said James Geddy at and before the Sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged. He the said James Fawcett hath Given Granted Bargain'd, Sold, Alien'd Enfeoff'd, and Confirmed, And by these presents Do give, Grant, Bargain, Sell, Alien Enfeoff and Confirm unto the Said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns for Ever One Certain Lott of Land situate lying and being in the Town of Petersburg aforesaid, being one half of a Lott or half Acre of Land which the said Fawcett Purchased of John Pagan lying on the north side of the old Street leading through the said Town and distinguished in the plan thereof by figures & numbers (No 2) number Two. Dividing the said Lott or half Acre by a line runing from the Centre on the main Street to the River, it being that part or half of the said Lott lying to the East and bounding on Lott (No 1) number one, and all Houses Buildings Ways and Appurtenances to the said Lott or parcell of Land belonging or in anywise appurtaining and the Reversion and Reversions remainder and Remainders, Rents Issues and Profits thereof, and also all the Estate Right, Title, Interest, Claim or demand of him the said James Fawcett of in and to the said Lott of Land and Houses, and all Deeds, Evidences and Writings, touching or in anywise concerning the same; TO HAVE and to HOLD the said Lott of Land hereby Conveyed, and all and Singular other the premises hereby bargained and Sold, with their, and every of their appurtenances unto the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns to the onl proper use and behoof of him the said James Geddy and of his Heirs and Assigns for Ever. And the said James Fawcett for himself, his Heirs, Executors & Administrators Doth Covenant, promise and Grant, to and with, the said James Geddy (by these presents) his Heirs or Assings, that he the siad James Fawcett now, and at the time of Sealing and delivery of these presents is Seized and possessed of a good, Sure, perfect and indefeasable Estate of Inheritance, in Fee Simple in the said Lott of Land and presmisses aforesaid, and that he hath good power and Lawfull and absolute Authority to grant, and convey the same to the said James Geddy in manner aforesaid. And that the said premisses now are, and so forever hereafter, shall remain, and be, free, and clear, of and from all former and other Grants, Sales, or incumbrances whatsoever, made, done, Suffered or Committed, by the said James Fawcett or any other person or persons whatsoever. And Lastly that the said James Fawcett and his Heirs, and all and every other person and Persons, and his and their Heirs anything having or claiming in the premises hereby conveyed, bargained and Sold, Shall and will from time to time, and at all time hereafter, at the reasonable request, and at the proper Cost and Charges in the Law of him the said James Geddy his Heirs or Assings Make, do and execute or cuase or procure to be done and executed all such farther and other Lawful and reasonable Act and Acts, thing, and things, Conveyances and Assurances for the farther, better, and more perfect conveying and Assuring the premises, aforesaid, with their, and every of their Appurtenances unto the said James Geddy his Heirs or Assigns as by the said James Geddy, his Heirs or Assigns, or his, or their Council, learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised, advised or requested. IN WITNESS hwereof the James Fawcett hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the day and year first above written
Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of us
James Fawcett (Seal)
Received the Thirtyeth day of November 1784 of the within' named James Geddy the Sum of Six hundred pounds Current money, the Consideration within mentioned, for the said Lott or parcell of Land aforesaid
Witness James Fawcett
Memorandum, That on the day and Year aforesaid Quiet and Peaceable Possession with Livery of Seizen of the within mentioned Lott of Land and premises, was had by the within named James Fawcett to the within named James Geddy according to the form and Effect of his Indenture
In presence of us
At a Court of Hustings held for the Town of Petersburg Wednesday the first of December 1784--
The foregoing Indenture of Bargain & Sale from James Fawcett to James Geddy with the Receipt thereto annexed was presented in Court and Acknowledged by the above named James Fawcett, and by the Court ordered to be Recorded
J. Grammer C . C . H's
Humphrey Harwood Ledger BMr William Holt Dr | ||
1783 | To Acct Brought from (Folio 1) | £21.6.3 |
Febry 9 | To 80 bricks 4/6 & laying a Bake Oven Floor (ye Tenants) | 12.0 |
To ¾ Days work 3/ (by your Order) | 3.0 | |
To a bushel of Mortar 1/6 | 1.6 | |
March 14 | To 8 bushs of Lime a 1/6 (for French Tenant) | 12.0 |
To a Days labour 6/ & hair 9d | 6.9 | |
To p | To plastering Bake Oven 5/ & laying hearth & mendg back in the House 6/ | 11.0 |
To 170 bricks 7/ & Repairing underpining to House 10/ | 17.0 | |
May 31 | To 8 bushs of lime 8/ & 80 bricks 2/6 (for French Baker next to Court House) | 10.6 |
To laying half the O en harth 4/ & 1 Do Chimney 2/6 | 6.6 | |
To plastering Oven 3/9 & Repairing plastering in House 3/9 | 7.6 | |
To 2 Days work a 6/ | 12.0 | |
1784 | ||
May 19 | To 8 bushs of lime 8/ Repairing Plastering 10/ & hair 7 ½ d | 18.7 ½ |
To 2 days labr a 2/6 & 1½ bushs of Whitewash a 2/ | 8.0 | |
To Whitewashing 5 Cealings a 2/6, & 6 do, a 4/6 & 2 passages a 4/8 | 2.8.6 | |
July 26 | To 20 bushs of lime a 1/ & 5 days labr a 1/6 & hair 1/ | 1.8.6 |
To Rebuilding Oven & Repairg Chimney 36/ | 1.16.0 | |
August 4 | To 62 bushs of lime a 1/ & 15 days labour 1/6 | 4.4.6 |
To diging foundations & Building Celler wall 72/ | 3.12.0 | |
To Building Celler Steps 18. & Repairg Kitchg Chimney & oven 5/. | 1.2.0 | |
To Repairing dary, Ash House, & underpinning To Smoke House 5/ | 6.0 | |
£42.5.1 ½ |
Skipwith Papers Mss Letter: James Geddy to Sir Peyton Skipwith, Mecklenburg, Va.Petersburg, Jan. 13, 1785
Geddy offers Skipwith land for sale at £400 of the equivalent in tobacco. The land was not located in this letter.
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., XXI, 156February 26, 1785. John Carter and Rebekah, his wife, of St. Paul to little Benj. Wad, Jr. 5 acres on creek adj. James Gaddie
Virginia Gazette, or, the American Advertiser (Richmond)April 23, 1785
Wm. Waddill, Gold Smith & Jeweller, At the Sigh of the Thirteen Stars, Opposite Mr. Anderson's Tavern, In Richmond, has a General and Elegant Assortment of Mill'd Plate & Jewellery, which he will sell Sheap, For Cash, Tobacco, or State Security, Consisting of Tea Kitchens; Coffee Urns and Pots, of various sizes and constructions Tea Pots; Caddies and Canisters, of all shapes and sizes, Bread Baskets; Cream Basons, Urns, and Jugs; Mugs, Cans, and Tankards; Rims and Casters; a great variety of Butter Boats and Ladles, Mustard Pots and Urns; Ink Boats; Salts and Shovels; Pepper Casters, Bottle Slides; Snuffers with Boats and Stands; Paste Shoe and Knee Buckles, ditto Breast P ns and Broaches, plain Gold and ennamelled ditto; Cluster and Hair Device and plain Gold Rings; Ladies Lockets; Gold Watch Seals, Gilt Cypher ditto; Steel and Gilt Chains and Keys, Gold and Silver Watches; Gold and Silver Sleeve Buttons, Stone ditto; Silver Shoe, Knee, and Stock Buckles; Table and Tea Spoons Plated Spurs; an Assortment of Glass and China; best Wilton Carpeting; a variety of Greek and Latin Books for Schools; best Table Knives and Forks; Ladies fine Cotton Stockings; and Valencinna Lace.
Said Waddill returns his thanks for all favors done him in his profession; and informs the Public that he carries on his Business in all its various branches. He makes Mourning Rings, does Hair-Device, and Engraving.
John Reilly, Watch-Maker, from Dublin, Begs leave to inform the Public, that he has commenced business at the above Shop, where he intends carrying it on, in as extensive a manner as possible; he hopes, by punctuality and a strict attention to business, to merit the esteem of a discerning public.
Middlesex County Deeds, 1785-1791, p. 3To all people unto whom this present writing shall come I Hugh Walker of the County of Middlesex, Virginia send greeting, know ye that I the said Hugh Walker for Devers good causes and valuable consideration me thereunto moving, have given and granted, and by these Presents do give, Grant and Confirm unto Jonathan Denision of the above mentioned place, four Negroes, Viz Edy, Tom, Polly, & Same their Increase, to have and Hodl the said Negroes with the Increase of me the said Hugh Walker, unto the said Jonathan Denison his Executors, Aminstrators and Assigns, from henceforth, to his and their own proper use and behoof, thereof, and therewith, to do, order and dispose, at his or their, wills and pleasure as of their Own Affects, freely and peaceably and quietly without any manner of lett, Trouble or Deniel of the said Hugh Walker or any other person or persons whatsoever, of all which Premises I the said Hugh Walker have put the said Jonathan benison in full and Peaceable Possesion by Virtue hereof, In Witness whereof I the said Hugh Walker have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Eight day of Septemr one thousand seven hundred and Eighty five
Hugh Walker (Ss)
John T. Walker
May Walker
At a Court held for Middlesex County at the Court- house in Urbanna Monday the 28th day of November 1785 This Deed Poll from Hugh Walker to Jonathan Denison was proved to the the Act and Deed of the said Hugh by the Oath of John T. Walker one of the Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded
Test Will Churchill
Truly recorded Test Will Churchill Cl.
Henrico County Will Book 1, 1781-1787, pp. 276-277The Estate of Francis Albertie decd in Account with John Pryor Admor.
Sept. 28 To Cash paid William Waddill p A/c rendered 0-18-0
Petersburg Husting Minute Book, 1784-1791, p. 665 Oct. 1785
An indenture between Richard Hill of the Town of Petersburg of the one part and William Waddill of the City of Richmond of the other part was acknowledged by the said Hill ands ordered to be continued for further acknowledgement or proof on the other part.
Middlesex County Deeds, 1785-1791, pp. 11-12This Indenture made the Twenty fifth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and Eighty Six, Between Hugh W lker & Catharine his Wife of the County of Middlesex of the State of Virginia, of theone Part, and Littleton Whatson of the County & State aforsd Witnesseth, that the said Hugh Walker and Catharine his Wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of Two hundred & Seventy pounds Specie to them in hand paid by the sd Littleton Whatson at or before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents, the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Have granted, Bargained, Sold, Aliened released & confirmed, And by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, release & confirm to the sd Littleton Whatson his Heirs & assigns, a Tract or Parcel of Land, situate Lying & being in the Parish of Christ Church and County aforesaid, Containing two hundred & Seventy Acres, & bounded as follows (Viz) Begining at a Live Oak, runing North thirty Degrees West, Thirty two Poles to a White Oak, Thence North, forty seven Degrees West Seventy four Poles to a White Oak, thence North Seventeen & a half Degrees West, Twenty Eight Poles to a White Oak, Thence North Thirty nine & a half Degrees West, One hundred & four Ples to a White Oak, thence North thirty three Degrees West, two hundred Poles to a Red Oak, thence South forty Degrees West, One hundred & seventeen Poles to a White Oak, Thence down the County Road, four Hundred & Thirty Eight Poles to the beginning. And the Reversion & Reversions Remainder and Remainders, Rents, Issues & forfeits of the said Two Hundded and Seventy Acres of Land. And all the Estate Right Title Intrust Claim and demand of the said Hugh Walker & Catharine his Wife of in to or out of the sd tract of Land U every Parcel thereof, To have and to hold the aforesaid Tract of Land, & all & singular the premisses hereby bargained & sold with their & every of their Appertinances, unto the sd Littleton Whatson his Heirs & Assigns to the only proper use of him the sd Littleton Whatson his Heirs & Assigns forever. Only that the sd Watson his Heirs &c. is to deliver at the Landing in the Creek ten Cord of Firewood Yearly for the Space Ten years begining this Fall, and the said Hugh Walker & Catharine his Wife for themselves their Heirs &c. doth Covenant, promise & grant to & with the sd Littleton Whatson his Heirs, Executors, Administrators & Assigns by these presents, that the sd Littleton Whatson & his Heirs all & Singular the Premises with the appertinances into the sd Littleton Whatson his Heirs & assigns against the Claim Title or Demand or Conviction of any Person or Persons whatsoever, excepting the reserve made above, shall & will Warrant & Defend forever by these presents, In Witness whereof the Parties to these Presents have hereunto set their Hands & Seals the Day & year first above Written
Signed Sealed & Delivered
in the presence of
Hugh Walker (Ss)
Catharine Walker (Ss)
Peter Montague
Maurice Smith
Thos Montague
William Morgan
Received this twenty fifth day of June One Thousand Seven hundred & Eighty six full satisfaction for the Within Deed
Hugh Walker
Peter Montague
Maurice Smith
William Morgan
Thos Montague
At a Court held for Middlesex County at the Courthouse in Urbanna on Monday the 26th day of June 1786
This Indenture from Hugh Walker and Catharine his wife with the Receipt thereon Indorsed to Littleton Watson was acknowledged to be their Act and Deed, the said Catharine being first privily examined according to Law, is ordered to be Recorded
Test Will Churchill
Truly recorded Test Will Churchill Cl.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed Book 1, 1784-1790, p. 192At a Court of Hustings held for the Town of Petersburg at the house of William Durell Wednesday the Seventh Day of June 1786
Molly Fawcett Personally appeared in Open Court and after being privily and apart from her Husband James Fawcett examined, did freely and Voluntarily Relinquish, make over, and Confirm, all her Right and Title of Dower, of, in & to a Certain parcel or Lot of Land & premises Conveyed by the said James Fawcett her husband, to James Geddy as by Deed bearing Date the Thirtieth Day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred & Eighty four duly Acknowledged & Recorded in this Court, and declared that it was with her Approbation and desire the same had been so done
J. Grammer Clk C Hs
Middlesex County Deeds, 1785-1791, p. 12This Indenture made the Twenty fifth Day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty six Between Littleton Whatson of the County of Middlesex Virginia of one Part & Hugh Walker of the County aforesd of the other Part Witnesseth that the sd Littleton Whatson for & in Consideration of the Sum of Two hundred & Seventy Pounds in hand paid by the sd Hugh Walker, before the Execution hereof, the receipt whereof if hereby acknowledged, have granted bargained & Sold, & by these Presnets doth grant Bargain & Sell unto the sd Hugh Walker his heirs & Assigns forever, all that Tract or Parcel of Land Situated & Lying between Mr. Ralph Wormeley's Tract in Middlesex & Adjoining Major Smiths as P Deed given you, with all & singular the appertenances suspective right & privileges hereunto belonging, & Negroes as follows & their increase Rapper a Fellow, Lucy a Wench Cate Do Ben Fellow, Rachel a Wench & Increase. To have and to hold the sd Land & Negores unto him the sd Hugh Walker & his heirs & assigns forever, & to the end for no other use intent or purpose whatever. Provided allways that if the sd Littleton Whatson his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns, do pay the said Hugh Walker or his Assings &c the Sum of Two hundred & Seventy Pounds Specie with Lawfull Interest & expences from January the first One thousd Seven hundred & Eighty six, then this Present Dedd to be void as if the same had never been made. Provided also, & it hereby furthers Covenanted by the said Parties that if the sd Littleton Whatson his Heirs &c. shall fail or neglect of pay the sd Money & Lawfull Intrest, as above mentioned, On notice given of Ten days the sd Hugh Walker his Heirs &c. it shall & may be Lawfull for the sd Hugh Walker his Heirs &c to sell the hereby Mortgag'd Land with the appertinances & Negores Mentioned with all the Buildings & Improvements thereunto belonging at Public sale to the Highest bidder & the sd Littleton Whatson for himself his Heirs &c. do hereby Covenant & ingage to make good such Sales by Executing any Legal Conveyances to the Purchaser or Purchaser Accounting with & paying the sd Littleton Whatson or his Heirs or Assigns the Surplus of such Moneys after the reasonable expences deducted. In Testimony whereof the sd parties have hereunto set their Hands & affixed their Seals this 25th Day of June & in the tenth Year of the Commonwealth
Signed Sealed & Delivered
in the presence of
Littleton Whatson Ss
Maurice Smith
Peter Montague
William Morgan
At a Court held for Middlesex County at the Courthouse in Urbanna on Monday the 26th day of June 1786. This Mortgage from Littleton Watson to Hugh Walker was acknowledged by the said Littleton to be his Act and Deed and Ordered to be Recorded
Test Will Churchill
Truly recorded Test Will Churchill Cl.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Will Book 1, 1784-1805, p. 61Inventory of estate of John Allen deced.
appraised by Jno Baird, jr., James Geddy, Thos Armistead
Recorded 5 July 1786
Petersburg Hustings Court, Will Book 1, 1784-1805, p. 68A List of Certificates for obtaining Probates and letters of Administration Granted in the Hustings Court of the Town of Petersburg Between the 1st Day of April and the 1st Day of October 1786
Dates of Certificate Aug. 2, 1786
Decedants Frederick Hanky
Administrator James Geddy
Security Daniel Dobson
Calendar of Virginia State Papers, IV, 171At a Meeting of a Number of Citizens of this Commonwealth
Golden Ball Petersburg
September 15th Petersburg
…Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting there
are now residing in this Town sundry persons who come within the intent and meaning of an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act prohibiting the migration of certain persons to this Commonwealth, and for other purposes." That they have, each of them, been in this state above 12 months; that their continuance gives much uneasiness to a majority of this meeting…
Yeas for the Amendment
…Thomas Armistead
James Geddy
James Giddie, J'n'r.
Nays against the Amendment …Wm. Waddleton
Calendar of Virginia State Papers, IV, 1751786 James Taylor to the Governor
September 27th
…We dissent from the 4th Resolution of a meeting held by citizens of Petersburg, 15, 16 of September…
Thomas Armistead
Jas. Taylor
Jas. Geddy
Petersburg Hustings Order Book 1, 1784-1791, p. 1524 October 1786
4 Oct. 1786 An Indenture of Lease Between Richard Hill of the One part and William Waddill of the other part was proved on the part of the said Waddill by the Oaths of James Geddy, John Grammer and Robert Grammer Witnesses thereto and the same having been before Acknowledged by the said Richard Hill on his part, together with the memorandum of Livery and Seizen thereon indorsed, are Ordered to be Recorded.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed Book No. 1, 1784-1790, pp. 261-262This Indenture made this Twenty eighth day of September One Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Five Between Richard Hill esquire of the Town of Petersburg of the one part and William Waddill of the City of Richmond of the other part Witnesseth, That for and in Consideration of One Hundred and Eighty pounds Ten Shillings Current Money to the said Richard Hill in hand paid by the said William Waddill at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged; and also in Consideration of the Rents Covenants and agrements hereinafter mentioned and Specified, to be paid, kept and performed by the said William Waddill, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators or Assigns. He the said Richard Hill hath Bargained, Granted, Transferred and to Farm Letten, and by these Presents doth Bargain, Sell, Transfor and to Farm Lett unto the said William Waddill his Heirs and Assigns. A Certain Portionor part of a Lott of Land in the Town of Petersburg distinguished in the platt or plan of the Lands laid out into Lotts by Robert Bolling esquire by the number (43) forty Three and is bounded as follows; to wit, "Begining at the south west Corner of the said Lott on Bolling Brook Street, from thence along the said Street Easterly Forty Six feet, thence Northerly Oen Hundred and Twenty feet to the back line of the said Lott, thence along the same Westerly Forty Six feet to the Northwest corner thereof, and from thence Southerly to Bollingbrook Street, the beginning;" Together with all Ways Waters previledges and appertenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining To have and to Hold the said Piece or portion of Land & premises with all and singular its appertenances to the only proper use Benefit and behoof of the said William Waddill his heirs and Assigns for and during the full Term and expiration of ninety nine years to be compleat and ended, to-commence from the first day of January next; Yielding and paying therefor to Robert Bolling esquire of Bolling Brook his Heirs Executors or Administrators (for and on account of the said Richard Hill his Heirs Executors & Administrators, and for no other purpose) the Fee Rent of Five pounds Current money Annually, to be paid on the first day of January in every year the first years Rent to grow due and payable on the first day of January which will be in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Seven, and so to Continue to grow due and payable on the first day of January in every year thereafter during the said Term of ninety nine years. And it is Covenanted and agreed by and between the parties aforesaid for themselves and their Heirs, Executors and Administrators, that if default be made in the payment of the said Fee-Rent of Five pounds Current Money or any part therof remain due and unpaid by the Space of Ten days, Computing from the first day of January in every year, that the, and in that case it shall and my be lawfull for the said Richard Hill his Heirs or Assigns into the said piece or portion of Land to enter and distrain and such distress so made the same to hold or expose to Sale untill such Fee-Rent so in Arrear and unpaid, be fully paid and Satisfied together with the expence of making such distress and Sale; provided also andit is the ture intent and meaning of the parties aforesaid and of these presents That if the Fee-Rent of Five pounds Current Money as aforesaid or any part thereof shall remain due and unpaid by the Space of Three months Computing from the first day of Jamuary in every year as aforesaid that then and in that case it shall and may be lawfull for the said Richard Hill, his Heirs or Assigns or any other person lawfully empowered so to do for him or them; having first demanded payment of such Rent so due and unpaid, into the said piece or portion of land and every part and parcell thereof to re-enter and the same to possess hold and enjoy, and receive the Rents and profits thereof as his or their own property, untill the siad Fee Rent in Arrear & unpaid be fully paid & Satisfied anything herein to the Contrary or seeming to the Contrary notwithstanding; And it is further agreed that the said William Waddill his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns shall and will at all times hereafter during the Term hereby dimised pay and discharge all Taxes and other duties which shall be taxed or Assessed on the aforesaid portion of Land and premises
And the said Richard Hill for himself & his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth promise Covenant and Grant to and with the said William Waddill his Heirs and Assigns upon their paying down to the said Richard Hill his Heirs or Assigns, One full years Fee-Rent over & above the Fee-Rent reserved by this Indenture as a fine for the same, shall and will make Seal and execute good an Sufficient Deeds of Indenture of Lease for the aforesaid Portion of Ground with the Appertenances According to the Custom and manner of Renewing Leases for Terms of Years upon Payment of the Fine aforesaid, at the expiration of Ninety nine Years as aforesaid. In Witness whereof the parties aforesaid have hereunto Set their hands and affixed their Seals the Day and year first above Written
Sealed and delivered
in the presence of
Rd Hill Seal
W: Waddill Seal
James Geddy
Ro: Watkins
John Grammer
William Barr on part of Waddill
Robert Grammer
Memorandum That on the day and in the year within mentioned Quiet and Peaceable Possession of within mentioned Piece or Portion of Land & Premises was had by the within named William Waddill, According to the form and effect of this Indenture
In Presence of us
James Geddy
Rd Hill
Ro Watkins
John Grammer
At a Hustings Court held for the town of Petersburg at Durells in the said Town Wednesday the fourth Day of October 1786 -
An Indenture of Lease &c between Richard H ll of the One part and William Waddill of the other part was proved on the Part of the said William Waddill by the Oaths of James Geddy John Grammer and Robert Grammer witnesses thereto, and the same having been before Acknowledged by the said Richard Hill, together with the memorandum of Livery & Seizen thereon indorsed are Ordered to be Recorded---
J. Grammer Clk C H
Richmond City Hustings Court, Order Book 1, 1782,1791, p. 60916 Oct. 1786
William Waddill assee of Joseph Cook plt
agst In Case
Michael James Brown deft
judgment for Plt
discharge by the payment of £10 & costs
Richmond City Hustings Court, Order Book 1, 1782-1787, p. 63721 November 1786
Nathaniel Wilkinson, Miles Selden Jr., John Harvie, Thomas Prosser & William Foushee Commissioners under an Act of Assembly intitled "An Act, directing the Sale of certain public Lands and other property in and near the City of Richmond Plts
agst In Debt
Isaac Younghusband deft
Juryman-David Geddy
The Virginia Gazette and Independent Chronicle (Richmond)Dec. 9, 1786 - Richmond
Wm. Waddill, goldsmith to Miss Evans of this city.
Richmond City Hustings Court, Order Book 1, 1782-1787, p. 65213 Dec. 1786
William Waddill Plt
agst Upon Petition & Summons
James Napier
The suits and petitions abate the defts not being inhabitants of the City, and not being arrested.
Richmond City Hustings Court, Order Book, 1, 1782-1789, p. 67115 Jan. 1787
Michael James Browne, an insolvent debtor, committed to the bowels of the City Jail, upon an Execution from the said City at the suit of William Waddill, came into Court, andit appearing that the said Michael James Browne hath remained in the said bounds by the space of twenty days, of which the said William Waddill hath had notice, he the said Browne subscribed and delivered in a Schedule of his Estate, and made Oath thereto as the Law directs, Whereupon It is Ordered that he be discharged out of Custody at the suit of the said William Waddill.
Richmond City Hustings Court, Order Book 1, 1782-1787, p. 676At a Court of Hustings called for the City of Richmond and held at the Courthouse on Thursday the first of February 1787 for the Examination of John Thomas, Charged with Felony in stealing and carrying away One Ax the property of John Roper, & also One Mans Saddle the property of David Geddy.
…Thomas not Guilty.
Middlesex County Deeds, 1785-1791, p. 53To all people unto whom this present writing shall come I Hugh Walke [sic.] of Middlesex County, Virginia &c, send greeting. Know ye that I the said Hugh Walker for devers good causes and valuable consideration me hereunto moving, have given and granted and by these presents do give, grant and confirm, unto my son Hugh Walker Jur. of the above mentioned County &c. all the right Title and Interest, in a certain Negroe boy named Nelson about seventeen years of age, with all his Proffitts &c, from the date hereof, the said Negore Nelson to be hired annually by Overton Cosby, Esqr for the best price that can be obtained for bond and approved securtiy, and the money collected and kept in the possession of Overton Cosby Esqr in Trust till the said Hugh Walker, Jur arives at the age of twenty one years, To have and to hold all singular the said Negroe Nelson, his hire Proffitts &c. of me the said Hugh Walker, unto the said Hugh Walker Junior, his executors administrators and Assigns, from hereforth to his and their proper use and behoof thereof, and therewith to do, order and dispose, at his or their wills and pleasure as of their own proper goods and effects, freely andpeaceably and quietly, without any manner of Lett trouble, or deeniel of me the said Hugh Walker or any other person or persons whatsoever, of all which premises I the said Hugh Walker have putt the said. Hugh Walker Junior in full and. peaceable possion [sic.] by virtue hereof, in witness whereof I the said Hugh Walker have here Unto set my hand and Seal this thirtieth day of April one thousand seven hundred & Eighty seven
Signed Sealed and Delivered
Hugh Walker
in presence of
Jonathan Denison
George Walker
At a Court held for Middlesex County at the Courthouse in Urbanna on Monday the 25th day of June 1787 This Deed poll from Hugh Walker to Hugh Walker Junior was proved. by the oath of Jonathan Denison one of the Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded.
Test Will Churchill
Truly recorded Test Will Churchill Cl
Middlesex County Deeds, 1785-1791, pp. 44-45To all people unto whom this present Writing Shall come, I Thomas Iverson of Middlesex County, Virginia, Send greeting, Know ye that I the said Thomas Iverson for Divers good. causes and valuable considerations me hereto moving have given unto the Son or Daughter of beloved Aunt, Catharine Walker, or any of her own Children, obtaining, a Deed of Gift or other Instrument of Writing, under hand and Seal of Said Catharine Walker, implying the particular Son or Daughter she sould wish to have the Negroe &c. hereafter described, a certain Negroe Girl named Dinah about Ten years of age, and Her Increase, To have and to Hold, all and singular the said Negroe Girl named Dinah and her Increase, of me the said Thomas Iverson, unto the said perticular Son or Daughter of the said Catherine Walker, or his or her obtaining a Deed of Gift or otherwise as above Described, from the said Catherine, his or her executors, administrators, or Assigns form hereforth, to his or her own proper use or uses thereof, and therewith to do, order, and. dispose, at his or her or their wills and, pleasure, as of their own proper Goods and Effects, Freely, and peaceably, and quietly, without any manner of Lett Trouble or denial of me the said Thomas Iverson or any other person or persons whatsoever, of all which premises I the said Thomas Iverson, have the said particular Son or Daughter of the said Catherine Walker, as may obtain a Deed &c or otherwise as be fore described, and in Trust to the said Catharine Walker untill she my Signifie the particular one Son or Daughter she wishes to have it, in full and, peaceable Possession by Virtue hereof, but if the said. Catharine Walker should depart this life, without some Instrument of writing as above purporting the particular Son or Daughter, then the said Negroe Dinah to be my property, as if this Deed of Gift had never been made, in witness whereof I the said Thomas Iverson, have hereunto sett hand and seal the eight day of June in this year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred. and eighty seven
Thomas Iverson (Ss)
Signed Sealed. and. deliver'd in presence of
Peter Montague
At a Court hedl for Middlesix County at the Courthouse in Urbanna on May the 24th day of June 1787.
This Deed Poll from Thomas Iverson to Catharine Walker was proved by the Oath of Peter Montague one of the Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded
Test Will Churchill
Truly recorded Test Will Churchill
Petersburg Hustings Court, Order Book 1, 1784-1791, p. 2157 Sept. 1787
Robert Bolling esqr Mayor
James Geddy
Gressett Davis Gentlemen Aldermen
Saml Davies
Joyce H. Lindsay, comp., Marriages of Henrico County Virginia 1680-1808, p. 8913 November 1787. William Waddill and Nancy Aven. Samuel Dobie guardian of Nancy, consents for her. Sur. John McEnery. Wit. John Hart and Edmund. McNair. (p. 103)
Humphrey Harwood Ledger B., p. 66Capt Robert Martin | Dr | |
1784 | ||
June 14th | To 6 ½ bushs fo lime at 1/ | |
Hair 9d & 1 Days labour 2/6 | £0.9.9 | |
To plastering Porch & mending | ||
Steps & pinting shead 6/ | [-----] | |
1787 | ||
June 27 | To 6 bushels of lime at 1/ & | |
200 bricks a 3/ | 0.12.0 | |
To repairing Well 4/6 & labour 2/ | 0.6.6 | |
£1.14..3 |
E. Excepted pr
W. H. Exor.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Order Book 1, 1784-1791, p. 2196 Feb. 1788
The Court Nominate and Appoint Joseph Weisagar, Andrew Hamilton, Daniel Dodson, Wm Stainback, Wm Durell, James Geddy, Robert Evans, Robert Macky and Alexander Taylor Gentlemen as Judges of the Value of Property & Sufficiency of Security that may be offered in Certain cases Pursuant to an Act of Assembly intitled "an Act directing the mode of proceedings under Certain executions.
Richard Blow--Jeffcott Collection, College of William and Mary1788
Box 5
Letter: James Geddy, Petersburg, to Richard. Blow, Portsmouth February 19, 1788
(Concerning goods to have been shipped to Geddy from London. Invoice was lost … Directs Blow sned "the Spinnett by the first Vessell". Asks him to "put in the Stage for it would get injured. by the Rufness of the Carriage.")
Petersburg Hustins Court, Order Book 1, 1784-1791, p. 2205 March 1788
James Geddy Foreman of Grand Jury
Humphrey Harwood Account Book, [page 32]Mr William Page (Mercht at brick House) [nothing] | |
[page 34] Mr William Geddy (Black Smith) | Dr |
June 19, 1783 | |
To 10 bushels of lime @ 1/. & hair 9d & repairg Plasterg 12/. | £1.2.9 |
To 1½ daipr labn 4/6 | 4.6 |
July 15, 1783 | |
To Whitwashing a Room and Closet 6/. & ½ bushl Whitwash 1/. | 7.-- |
£1.14.3 |
[page 259]
Memorandum of accounts unsettled, on the Books of Mr Humphrey Harwood, on his death the 23rd of Novr 1788; of of such as have
been since settled by his Ex'or Wm Harwood, with the manner how.
Wm. Geddy
Folo 30
amount 1.14.3
Humphrey Harwood. Ledger Book, p.107Monsr Peter De la Croix | ||
1787 | ||
March 29th | To 10 bushels of lime 10/ & Hair 1/ | £0.11.0 |
To Lathes 9d & a Days labour a 2/6 | 0.5.9 | |
To Lathing & plastering store & repairing do in passage & Rooms 12/6 | 0.12.6 | |
To White-washing Store 4/6 & 8 Closets 7/6 | 0.12.6 | |
To do Rooms up Stairs 9/ & 14 bush Whitewash | 0.4.6 | |
To do passage up stairs 4/6 | 0.4.6 | |
June 30 | To 15 bushels of lime 15/ & 750 Bricks a 3/ | 1.7.6 |
To 2 days labour a 2/6 & underpining stable 18/ | 1.3.6 | |
To 1250 Bricks a 30 pr M. & 22 bushs of lime a 1/ | 2.19.6 | |
To repairing Wall 28/ | 1.8.0 | |
To do Cellar & Garden Steps - Steps to House & building pillar to porch 36/ | 1.16.0 | |
to 6 days labour a 2/6 | 0.15.0 | |
Octor 8 | To 12 bushels of lime 12/ | 0.12.0 |
15 | To 14 bushels of do 14/ & 405 Bricks a 3/ pr Cent: | 1.6.0 |
To repairing underpining to stable & Dairy 7/6 | 0.7.6 | |
To do yard Well 3/ & building up Chimney 20/ | 1.3.0 | |
To laying Harth in Chimney & 1 do to Out-House & mending Back a 2/6 | 0.7.6 | |
To 5 days labour a 2/6 | 0.12.6 | |
£16.14.9 |
See folio 26 ledger C.
Per Contra | ||
1788 | ||
March 8 | By Cash 12/ (&the 19th) By ditto 60/ | £3.12.0 |
June 6 | By ditto 18/ |
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed Book 1, 1784-1790, p. 489THIS INDENTURE made this Second Day of September Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Eight BETWEEN Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife of the Town of Petersburg of the one part, and James Geddy of the same place of the other part WITNESSETH that the said. Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of One hundred & fifty pounds current money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said.James Geddy at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof, they do, and each of them doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and every part thereof do, and each of them doth acquit and discharge the said James Geddy, his Heirs, Executors and Administrators They the said Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife, have and each of them hath Granted, bargained, Sold, Aliened, Confirmed, and delivered, and by these presents do, and each of them doth Grant bargain, Sell Alien, Confirm and deliver unto the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns a Certain piece or parcel of Land lying and being in the Town of Petersburg on the North side of Water Street begining at the Southeast Corner of William Wright's line, thence Eastwardly on said Water Street fifty five feet thence Northwardly bounded by Brickhouse Run Sixty feet to Newsum's line, Thence Westwardly fifty five feet to William Wright's corner, Thence Southwardly to the begining, Containing by estimation one quarter of an Acre of Land be the same more or less, together with all Houses, Ways, Waters, Water Courses, profits hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever, to the said bargained premises belonging or in anywise appurtaining, and the Reversions and Reversions Remainder and Remainders, Rents Issues and, profits thereof and also all the Estate Right, Title, Interest, Claim, property and Demand whatsoever of them the said Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife or either of them, of, in and to the said hereby bargaind Premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Land, and Houses, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto the said James Geddy his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of him the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns for ever. And the said Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife for themselves, and each of them, their and each of their Heirs Executors, and Administrators doth Covenant promise and Grant to and with the said James Geddy, his heirs and Assigns, that he the said James Geddy his heirs and Assigns shall and may peaceably, and, quietly, have, hold, occupy, Possess, and enjoy forever hereafter the hereby Granted Premises with the Appurtenances, without the disturbance or interruption of them the said. Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife or either of them, their' or either or their Heirs, Executors or Administrators or any other person or persons whatsoever. - And further that they the said Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife or either of the, their and each or every of their Hiers or Assigns make and execute all such other and further Assurance in the Law for the better Securing and Conveying the hereby bargained and sold Premises, as he the said James Geddy his heirs or Assigns-shall require and think necessary. And lastly they the said Erasmus Gill (and Sarah his wife) do and each of them hereby doth Covenant promise and agree, for themselves and each of them their and each of their Heirs, Executors and Administrators to and with the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns, that they the said Erasmus Gill and Sarah his sife and each of them the hereby bargained premises will forever Warrant and Defend to the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns against them the said Earsmus Gill and Sarah his wife and each of them and. their and each of their Heirs executors and Administrators, and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever IN WITNESS whereof, the said Erasmus Gill a Sarah his wife have, and each of them hath hereunto Set their hands and Seals the day and year first above Written:
in presence of
Sam Davies
Jas. Byrne
Jas. Geddy
Erasmus Gill (Seal)
Junr Sarah Gill (Seal)
The Commonwealth of Virginia to James Byrne and Samuel Davies Gentlemen Greeting: WHEREAS Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife by their certain Indenture of Bargain and Sale bearing date the Second Day of September Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Eight have Sold and conveyed unto James Geddy of the Town of Petersburg a certain piece & parcel of Land and appurtenances situate on the North side of Water Street in the Town of Petersburg and containing by estimation one Quarter of an A re of Land be the same more or less. And Whereas the said Sarah cannot conveniently travel to our Hustings Court of the Town of Petersburg to make Acknowledgment of the said. Conveyance therefore We do give unto you or any two or more of you power to receive the Acknowledgment which the said Sarah shall be willing to make before you of the Conveyance aforesaid contained in the said Indenture which is hereunto annexed, And we do therefore Command you that you do Personally go the the said Sarah and receive her Acknowledgment of the same and examine her privily and apart from the said Erasmus Gill her Husband whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily without his persuasions or threats and whether she be willing that the same should be Recorded in our Hustings Court of the Town of Petersburg aforesaid And when you have received her Acknowledgement and examined her as aforesaid that you distinctly and Openly Certify us thereof in our Hustings Court under your Seals Sending then there the said Indenture and this Writ Witnesseth John Grammer Clerk of our said Hustings Court the Third Day of September in the Thirteenth year of the Commonwealth.
J . Grammer C H C
By Virtue of the Commission hereunto annexed this Indenture was Acknowledged by the thereto Subscribed Sarah Gill on the Third Day of September 1788. She the said Sarah being first privily and apart from the said Erasmus Bill her Husband, Examined and declared that she did the same freely & Voluntarily without his persuasion or Threats, and that She was willing and desirous that the same should be Recorded in the Hustings Court of the Town of Petersburg
Before us
Saml Davies (Seal)
Jas. Byrne (Seal)
At a Hustings Court held for the Town of Petersburg at the House of James Bromly (heretofore call'd John Haris) in the said Town Wednesday the third day of June 1789. An Indenture of Bargain and Sale Between Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife of the Town of Petersburg of the one part and James Geddy of the same place of the other part was proved in open Court by the Oath of Samuel Davies a Witness thereto and the same having been before proved by the oaths of James Byrne and James Geddy Jr. other Witnesses thereto together with the Commission annex'd & the Certificate of the Execution thereof are ordered to be Recorded
J. Grammer C H C
Petersburg Marriage RegisterGeddy James and C. Armistead
[most probably Euphan]
Date of Licence April 30, 1789
Petersburg Marriage RegisterGeddy, Mary and William Prentis
Date of Licence March 14, 1789
William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., IX, 270Marriage - Mr. James Geddy, Jr. to Miss Euphan Armistead, both of Petersburg. Virginia Gazette, May 21, 1789
Petersburg Hustings Court, Will Book 1, 1784-1805, p. 120Executors: Jesse Lee Sr., James Geddy, Sr., and. Martha Dudgeon
Probated. 6 Aug. 1789
Petersburg Hustings Court, Will Book 1, 1784-1805, p. 123Appraisers: William Durell, James Geddy, Wm Stainback, & Jos. Harding Exr.
Middlesex County Deeds, 1785-1791, pp. 121-123This Indenture made the Tenth day of February in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and Eighty Nine, between Hugh Walker and Catharine W lker of the County of Culpeper and State of Virginia of the one part, and Louis Sigougne of the County & State aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Hugh Walker & Ctharin his wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of Six hundred, pounds Gold and. Silver Coin (or value thereof as Specify'd by Agrement) to them in hand paid by the aforesd Louis Sigougne, at and before the sealing & delivery of these presents, The Receipt, whereof they do hereby Acknowledge, Have givin, granted, Bargained, sold Remised, Alien'd. Enfeoffed & confirmed, and by these Presents do Bargain, Sell Remise Alien Enfeoffe & Confirm to the said Louis Sigougne his Heirs and Assigns forever, one Certain Parcel of Tract of Land, Situate lying and being in the County of Middlesex and state aforesaid. Containing by estimation, with four other Parcels or Tracts of Lands Annexed. thereto (Viz) Neilsons, Saunders, Kidds & Chownings) Lying on the Dragon Swamp in the aforesaid. County of Middlesex four hundred Acres, be the same more or less, and is bounded by the Lands of George Saunders Decd Wm Kidd Mary Sheperd & Wm Gist, with the Main Dragon Run the Main Body known by the name of Meachams Tract, together with all Houses, Edifices Buildings, Orchards, Gardens, Woods, ways water Watercourses, Fences & all and Singular the Appurtenances to the sd Land Belonging, and, all the Estate, right, Title, Interest, Property Claim, Dower and demand whatsoever, of them the said Hugh Walker and Catharin his Wife of in and. to the premises aforesaid with the Appurtenances and every Part and parcel thereof To have and to hold, the aforesaid Land and Premises with the Appurtenances unto the said Louis Sigougne his Heirs & Assigns & to their only Proper use & behoof forever & to no other use Interest or purpose whatsever, & the said Jugh Walker & Cathrin Walker his Wife for themselves their Heirs, Executors, Administrators & Assigns that he the sd Louis Sigougne his Heirs & Assigns shall and may from time to time, & at all time hereafter Peacibly & Quietly have hold. use Occupy, Possess & enjoy the aforesaid Land & Premises with th Appurtenances & every Part & Parcel thereof without the Lawful lett, suit, hindrance, enterruption, Eviction, Molestation, or disturvance, of them the said Hugh Walker and Catharin Walker his Wife, their Heirs or Assigns & also freely & clearly discharged of and from all former & other Sales Gifts, Grants, Enfeoffments, Jointurs, Dowers, Leases, Wills, Intails, Statutes, Judgments Recognizances Mortgages Covenants and all other charges Titles & Incumbrances whatsoever by them made the sd Hugh Walker & Catharin his wife their Heirs or Assigns & against no other Person or Persons, whatsoever, & that the sd. Hugh Walker & Catharin his wife & their Heirs the Premises aforesaid with the Appurtenances unto the said Louis Sigougne his Heirs or assigns do our Right & Title ever Resign In Witness whereof the said Hugh Walker & Catharin Walker his Wife have hereunto Interchangeably set their hands and affix'd our Seals the Day and Date above written.
Signed Seald & deliver'd in presence of
Hugh Walker seal
Catharin Walker seal
John T. Walker
Robt Holloway
Hetty Walker
Jane Denison
Received on the Day of the Date of the within written Indenture of the within £600 Named Louis Sigougne The within Sum of Six Hundred Pounds it being the consideration Money for the within Named Land & Premises
Hugh Walker
Jane Denison
John T. Walker
The Commonwealth of Virginia
Middlesex County to Wit
The Commonwealth of Virginia To John Waugh & Robt Alcock Magistrate of the Co of Culpeper Gentlemen Whareas Hugh Walker and Catharin his Wife by their certain Indenture of Bargain & Sale bearing the Tenth day of Feby in the Year our Lord one thousand Seven hundred. and Eighty Nine have Sold and conveyed. unto Louis Sigougne four hundred Acres of Land be the same more or less lying and being in the said County of Middlesix And Whereas the said Catharin cannot conveniently travel to our County Court of Middlesex to make her acknowledgement of the said Conveyance Therefore we do give unto your or any two or more of power to receive the acknowledgement which the said Catharin shall be willing to make before you of the Conveyance aforesaid which is hereunto annexed contained in-the said Indenture And. we do therefore Command you that you do personally go to the said. Catharin and receive her Acknowledgement of the said and examine her privily and apart from the said Hugh Walker her Husband, whither She clothe the same freely and. voluntarily without his perswasion or threats and whither she be willing that the same shall be Recorded in our said County Court and when you have received her Acknowledgement and. examined her as aforesaid. that you do distinctly and openly Certify us thereof in our said County Court under your Hands and Seals sending there this Indenture and this Writ. Witness William Churchhill Clerk of our said Court at the Courthouse aforesaid this 24th day of January one thousand. seven hundred and Eighty nine and in the thirteenth Year of the Commonwealth
Will Churchhill
By Virtue of this Writ to us directed we have privily and a part examined the said Catharin Wife to the Within named Hugh Walker who declared that she acknowledged all her Right and Title to the within mentioned. Land, and Premises and that she did it freely and without any perswasions force or compulsion. Given under our Hands and seals this 28th day of February Oen thousand seven Hundred and Eighty nine
John Waugh (Ss)
Robert Alcock (Ss)
At a Court held for Middlesex County at the Courthouse in Urbanna on Monday the 26th day of October 1789 This Deed from Hugh Walker and Catharin his Wife to Lewis Sigougne with the Receipt thereon Indorsed was proved by the Oaths of Jane Denison one of the Witnesses there which together with a Commission for the privy Examination of the said Catharin returned and Ordered to be Certified
Test Will Churchhill
Truly recorded Test Will Churchhill Cl
Petersburg Hustings Court, Will Book 1, 1784-1805, p. 127Appraisers: William Stainback Wm Stegar & James Geddy
Petersburg Hustings Court, Order Book 1, 1784-1791, p. 3163 May 1790
William Waddill serves on Jury
Humphrey Harwood Ledger C, p. 26Monsieur Peter De La Croix | ||
1789 | ||
Octr 24th | To amt brt from folio 107 ledg B | £16.14.9 |
To 6 days work of Ben - moulding | ||
bricks, a 2/6 praagreet | 0.15.0 | |
31 | To 3 do of do a 2/6 | 0.7.6 |
Novr 10 | To 5½ do of do a 2/6 | 0.13.9 |
Decr 17 | To 6 do of do a 2/6 | 0.15.0 |
1790 | ||
Novr 8 | To 3 days work of Nat a 3/ | 0.9.0 |
1791 | ||
April 28 | To 13 bush: lime a 9d & mending &c | |
(in B ck Street) 8/ | 0.17.7 | |
May 8 | To 5 pecks of Whitewash 1/6 | |
Whitewashing 4 Rooms a 3/9 | 0.16.6 | |
To Passage 3/ | 0.3.0 | |
Augt 29 | To 17 bushels of lime a 9d & Hair 1/ | 0.13.9 |
To Mending plaistering ye Back of | ||
fire place &c | 0.15.0 | |
Septr 11 | To whitewash 1/ & whitewashing 2 | |
Rooms & a Ceiling 6/ | 0.7.0 | |
(To 4 brick moulds lent) | ||
1792 | ||
June 10 | To 19 bush of lime a 9d & 1½ bush of Hair a 1/3 | 0.16.1½ |
To 3 days work of Nat mending plaistering a 4/ | 0.12.0 | |
£24.15.11 ½ | ||
(vide postea folo 74) | ||
Per Contra | Cr | |
1790 | ||
Oct 7th | By amt of Capt De la Croix's a/c to 29th June 88 | £21.10.8 |
7 Feb. 1791
James Geddy, John Story, Alexander Falkner, Robert Armistead & William Durrell Gentlemen or any three of them, are appointed Commissioners to run Ascertain & lay off the Prison bounds to the Jail of this town, and make report thereupon to the next Court.
Petersburg Hustints Court, Order Book 1, 1784-1791, p. 3487 Feb. 1791
Wm Waddill Petitioner
agt By Petition
Henry Finck Deft
On the motion of the Defendant by his Attorney, This Suit is dismis'd & it is ordered that the Petition pay to the Deft his Costs in this behalf expended.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Minute Book 1, 1784-1791, p. 3524 April 1791
An Indenture Between James Geddy & Elizabeth his wife of the town of Petersburg of the one part and William Prentis of the same town of the other part, was Acknowledged in open Court by the said. James Geddy as his Act and. Deed. and is Ordered to be Recorded.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deeds 2, 1790-1801, p. 101THIS INDENTURE made on the ________ Day of _________ Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety One, Between James Geddy, and Elizabeth, his wife, for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty Shillings Current money of Virginia, to them in hand paid by the said William Prentis, at and before the Sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof they do, and each of them doth hereby acknowledge, and thereof, and every partthereof do and each of them doth acquit and discharge the said William Prentis his heirs, executors, and administrators, They the said James Geddy and Elizabeth his wife, have and each of them hath, Granted, bargained, Sold, aliened, Confirmed and delivered, and by these presents do, and each of them doth Grant bargain, Sell Alien, Confirm and deliver, unto the said William Prentis his heirs and Assigns, a Certain piece or parcel of Land lying and being in the Town of Petersbyrg on the North side of Water Street, begining at the South East Corner of the said James Geddy's Shop, thence Eastwardly on said Water Street, Thirty three feet, Thence Northwardly bounded by Brickhouse, Run, Sixty feet to Newsum's line, Thence Westwardly thirty three feet to the said James Geddy's line, thence Southwardly to the begining, Containing by one Sixth of an Acre of Land be the same more or less, together with all Ways, water courses, profits hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever, to the said bargained premises belonging reserving however the land which lies between the said James Geddy's Shop, and a Brick house now building by the said William Prentis, being about Nine feet on the said Street, as an Alley or Passage for the benefit (f the said James Geddy and William Prentis, their and each of their heirs and Assigns To have and to hold the said Lot or parcel of Land with its appurtenances to him the said William Prentis his heirs and Assigns for ever; and the said James Geddy and Elizabeth his wife, for themselves and each of them, their and each of their heirs Executors and Administrators, doth Covenant promise and Grant to and with the said William Prentis his heirs and Assigns shall and may peaceably and quietly have hold occupy possess and enjoy forever hereafter the hereby Granted Premises with the Appurtenances without the disturbance or interruption of them the said James Geddy and Elizabeth his wife or eight of them their or either of their heirs, Executors or administrators, or any other person or persons whatsoever In Witness whereof the said James Geddy and Elizabeth his Wife have here unto set their hands and seals the day and year before Written
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of
James Geddy (Seal)
Elizabeth Geddy (Seal)
At a Hustings Court held for the Town of Petersburg at the House of Robert Armistead in the said Town Monday the fourth Day of April 1791 - An Indenture of Bargain and Sale Between James Geddy and Elizabeth his wife of the Town of Petersburg of the one part and William Prentis of the same Town of the other part was Acknowledged in open Court by the Said James Geddy as his Act and Deed and is ordered to be Recorded
J . Grammer C H C
Middlesex County Deeds, 1785-1791, pp. 157-158This Indenture made this thirtieth Day of May Anno. One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty nine, between Louis De Segougne & Julie Segougne his Wife of the County of Middlesex & State of Virginia of the One Part & Hugh Walker of the County of Culpeper & Anthony Gardner of the County of King & Queen of the State aforesaid of the other, W tnesseth that the said Louis De Segougne & Julie his wife, for and in Consideration of the sum of Six hundred Pounds Lawfull, Money, to them in hand paid by the aforesaid Hugh Walker & Anthony Gardner, at or before the ensealing & delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, Have given, granted, Bargained & Sold unto the aforesd Hugh Walker and Anthony Garcner, Remised, Aliened Enfeoffed & Confirm'd & by these Presents loth Bargain, Sell, Remise Alien Enfeoff & Confirm to the aforesd Walker and Gardner their heirs & Assigns forever One Certain Parcel of Tract of Land, Situate lying & being in the County of Middlesex & State of Virga containing by Estimation, four hindred Acres, being the Tract of Land Purchased by me of Hugh Walker, & whereon I at present live, the main Body formerly purchased by the aforesd Walker of a John Meacham, together with all Houses, Edifices, Buildings, Orchards Fardens Woods, ways, waters, Fences & all & Singular the appurtenances to the sd Land belonging and all the Estate Right Title, Interest, Property, Claim, dower & demand whatsoever of them the sd Louis De Segougne & Julie his Wife of in & parcel thereof. To have and to hold the aforesaid land & premises aforesaid, with the appurtenances unto the aforementioned Hugh Walker & Anthony Gardner to their Heirs & Assigns & to their only proper use & behoof forever & to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever, & the siad Louis De Segougne & Julie his Wife for themselves their Heirs Executors administrators, or Assigns & every of them, Doth Covenant, promise & agree to & with the said Hugh W lker & Anthony Gardner, their Heirs Executors Administrators, or Assigns, that they shall & May from time to time & at all times hereafter peaceably & Quietly, have hold use and occupy, Possess & injoy the aforesd land premises with the Appurtenances, & every part the parcel thereof without the lawful lett, Suit hindrance, interception Eviction Notifcation or disturbance of them.the sd Louis De Segougne & Julie his Wife, their Heirs and Assigns & also freely & Clearly discharged of & from all forms and other sales Gifts grants Enfoeffments, Jointures Dowers, Leases, Wills, Intails, Statute Judgments Recognizances Mortgages Covenants & all other Charges made by them whatsoever & do henceforth, our Rights and Title ever Resign, In Witness whereof the parties, hereof hath Interchangeably set their hands & affixed-their Seals, the Day and Date above Written
Signed, Sealed & delivered in presence of
Louis Sigougne Ss
Julie Segougne Ss
Thomas Segar
Wm Bowden
John T. Walker
Received on the Day of the Date of the within written Indenture of the within Named Hugh Walker & Anthony Gardner the within sum of six hundred Pounds, it being the Consideration Money for the within named Land & Premised
Louis Sigougne
Thomas Segar
Wm Bowden
John T. Walker
At a Court held for Middlesex County at the Courthouse in Urbanna on Monday the 25th of January 1790 This Deed from Louis Segougnee and Julie his Wife with the receipt thereon endorsed to Hugh Walker & Anthony Gardner was proved by the Oath of Thomas Segar one of the Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Certified
Test Will Churchhill
At a Court held for Middlesex County at the Courthouse in Urbanna on Monday the 25th day of april 1791 This Deed from Louis Segougne & Julie his Wife to Hugh Walker and Anthony Gardner was first here proved by the Oath of William Bowden and Ordered to be Certified
Test Will Churchhill
Petersburg Hustings Minute Book I, 1784-1791, p. 3663 August 1791
George an Infant free Mullatto Boy by Wm Waddill his friend, against William Stevenson, In Trepass Assault & Battery - This Cause by Consent of the parties is Continued till the next Court.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed. Book 2, 1790-1801, pp. 137-138THIS INDENTURE made this second Day of July, one thousand. seven hundred and ninety between Erasmus Gill, and Sarah Gill his Wife of the Town of Petersburg of the one part, & James Geddy of the other part WITNESSETH that for and in Consideration of the Sum of twenty four pounds sixteen shillings and two pence current Money by the said James Geddy in Hand paid beofre the sealing and Delivery of these presents, the Receipt whereof the said Erasmus Gill and Sarah his Wife doth hereby acknowledge they the said Earsmus Gill and she Sarah his Wife hath granted bargained & sold, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien and confirm unto the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns forever, all of a certain Lott or piece of Land, distinguished by the Number Five, in that part of Petersburg now called galled Gillfield being one of thirty Lotts lately laid off under that Name, by the said Erasmus Gill, a plott of which will be of Record with this Indenture and Reference to it will shew the Lott Number Five, thereby meant to be conveyed, to begin, run and contain as follows to wit Begining at a Stake at the South East Corner of Lott Number four at the Halifax Road, and running thence North, eighty five Degrees West twenty one poles and. six geet to federal Street, thence with the said Street South sixteen Degrees, West fourteen poles to the Northwest Corner of Lott Number six thence South eighty five Degrees East, twenty poles, to a Stake at the Side of the Halifax Road, thence down the Halifax Road to the Beginning containing one Acre, and one hundred and thirty four poles, be the same more or less - and all Woods, Ways, Profits, Commodities, Hereditaments, & Appurtenances whatsoever to the aforesaid Lott or parcel of Land belonging, and the Remainder and Remainders, Reversion and Reversions, Rents, Issues and Profits thereof And also all the Estate Right, Title, Interest, Property Claim and Demand whatsoever of them the said Erasmus Gill, and she Sarah his Wife or either of Them and their Heirs, of, in and to the same, and every part thereof - To have and to hold all and singular the premises aforesaid with the appurtenances unto the said James G ddy his Heirs and Assigns, to the only propert Use and Behoff of the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns forever doth covenant and grant to and with the said James Geddy his Heirs & Assigns, that they the said Erasmus Gill, and Sarah his wife, and their Heirs the Lott of Land and premises aforesaid with the Appurtenances unto the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns, against the Title Claim & Demand of all and every person, or persons whatsoever, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents - IN WITNESS whereof the said Erasmus Gill and Sarah his Wife hath hereunto set their Hands and affixed their Seals the Day and Year first above written -
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
Cad: Jones
Thomas Armistead
Erasmus Gill (Seal)
T. Withers
J. Moore
Sarah Gill (Seal)
William W. Geddy
Jo: Weisiger
Richard Bate
THE COMMONWEALTH OF BIRGINIA To Joseph Westmore, Samuel Davies, and Joseph Weiseger Gentlemen Greeting: Whereas Earsmus Gill & Sarah his wife by their Certain Indenture bearing date the 2d day of July 1790 have Sold and Conveyed unto James Geddy a Certain Lot of Land, within the Town aforesaid, distinguished by the No. 25: in Gill Geild, and. whereas the said Sarah Cannot Conveniently Come to our Court of Hustings to make Acknowledgment, of the said Conveyance. Therefore we give unto you, or any two or more of you power to receive the Acknowledgment which the said Sarah shall be Willing to make before you of the Conveyance aforesaid Contained in the said Indenture which is hereunto annexed. And we do therefore Command you, that you do Personally go to the said Sarah, and receive her Acknowledgment of the same, and examin her privily and apart from the said Erasmus Gill her husband, whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily, without his persuasion or threats, and. whether she be willing that the same should be recorded in our Hustings Court aforesaid; and when you receive her Acknowledgment and. examine her as aforesaid, that you distinctly and openly certify us thereof in our said Hustings Court, under your Seals, sending then & there the said Indenture and this Writ. Witness John Grammer Clerk of our said Court, the fourth day of October 1790 in the fifteenth year of the Commonwealth.
J . Grammer, C H C
By Virtue of the above Commission to us directed., we have examined the above named Sarah, apart from her said Husband and She doth voluntarily of her own free will & Consent, Acknowledge and. relinguished all her right, Title and interest to the Premises therein mentioned and in the Deed. thereto annexed, without the persuasion or Threats of her said Husband, and is willing the same should be ebtered upon record in the Hustings Court of the Town of Petersburg
Certified under our hands and Seals, this 7th Day of March 179 one
Saml Davies (L.S.)
Jos: Weisiger (Seal)
At a Hustings Court held for the Town of Petersburg at the house of Robert Armistead in the said Town, Monday the fifth day of September 1791 - An Indenture of bargain and Sale Between Erasmus Gill, and Sarah Gill his Wife, of the Town of Petersburg of the one part, and James Geddy of the said. Town of the other part, was proved in Open Court by the Oath of Cadwallader Jones one of the Witnesses thereto, and the same having been before proved by the Oaths of J. Moore and William W. Geddy two other Witnesses tjeretp tpgether with the Commission annexed, and the Certificate of the Execution thereof, are Ordered to be Recorded.
J. Grammer C H
Calendar of Virginia State Papers, V, 526May 2d, 1792
A petition to the Governor and the Council of the Commonwealth of Virginia Re: Ralph C. Anderson, sentenced, by the district court of Richmond to die for mruder.
A ong those signing: William Waddill
Ann Wilhemina Waddill
Webb-Prentis Papers1792 | The Honble Jos: Prentis | Dr |
Sepr 6th | to 1 pr Children's Clasps & Cyphering | £-.6.- |
12th | To 1 Locket | 3.12.- |
£3.18.- | ||
13th | Recd payment of Mr. John Carter |
W. Waddill
Richmond City Personal Taxes1792
William Waddill 1 Male tithe (white) 1 Black above 16
Humphrey Harwood Ledger C, p. 74Capt Peter De la Croix | Dr | Cr | |
1792 | |||
June 10th | To amt of debet brought from | ||
flo 26 | 24.15.11 ½ | ||
By amount of Cr from ib: | £21.10.8 | ||
By blk plumes 12/ | 0.12.0 | ||
By balance due W. H. | ________ | 2.13.3½ | |
24.15.11½ | 24.15.11½ |
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deeds No. 2, 1790-1801, pp. 325-326This Indenture made this 4th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Ninety four Between Jno. Baird jr. of the Town of Petersburg & County of Dinwiddie of the one part, and James Geddy of the same place of the other part Witnesseth, That the said John Baird jr for and in Consideration of the full & just Sum of thirty Pounds to him in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said James Geddy as per his & Mr. Wm Prentice's Bond for the same bearing equal date with these presents Hath Granted Bargained & Sold, Aliened enfeoffed & Confirmed unto the said James Geddy and to his Heirs and assigns forever One Certain Piece, Spot or parcel of Land lying and being in the Town of Petersburg aforesd and on the north side of the Street thereof and is apart of a Certain piece or parcel of land which the sd Baird purchased of a Robert Cocke by Deed bearing date the 1794 and now remaining in the District Court of Petersburg aforesaid partly proven, for further & full proof in order that the same may be recorded, reference thereto will fully appear and which said certain Piece Spot or Parcel of land hereby Sold & meant to be herein & hereby Conveyed Begins at the North West corner of the Land which the said Geddy purchased of Erasmus Gill (as pr his Deed amongst the Records of the Hustings Court of the Town of Petersburg aforesaid) from thence Northwardly course a parrellel line with the West side of the said Geddys Land so bought by him of the said Erasmus Gill Fifty Six feet & one third till the said line extends within Twelve feet of the land sold by the said Baird to Peter & Jensey Moses as per Deed for the same, from thence making a right Angle and runing an eastwardly course to the Brick House Run, Thence up the said run till it Adjoins the North East corner of the Land so as aforesaid bought by the said Geddy of the said Gill To have and to hold the said piece or parcel of Land hereby Bargained and Sold, be the same more or less & premises with the Appurtenances unto the said James Geddy his Heirs & Assigns to the only proper use & behoof of the said James Geddy his Heirs & assigns forever--
And the said John Baird jr for himself his heirs Executors & Administrators doth Covenant promise Grant & Agree to and with the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns, That he the said John Baird jr his Heirs Executors and Administrators the said Piece or parcel of Land hereby Bargained & sold unto the said James Geddy his Heirs & Assigns shall & will warrant and forever defend by these presents In Witness whereof the parties have mutually set their hands & Seals the day first written
Attest. Jno Baird jr Seal
Note. the Land hereby Conveyed is bounded on the Alley which the said Baird intends to Keep open to the Brick House Run, and which the said Baird doth now agree to let the said Geddy & his Successors have the use of, the Alley to run thro' a little old House now on the land, which the said Baird is to demolish & take away Given under my hand
Attest Jno Baird jr Seal
The Ground hereby Sold extends fifty Six & ½ feet from the sd Northwest corner of the said Geddys Land wch he bought of Erasmus Gill as aforesaid
At a Hustings Court held for the Town of Petersburg at the New Building intended for a Courthouse in the said Town, Monday the Seventh day of July 1794. An Indenture of Bargain and Sale Between John Baird jr of the Town of Petersburg & County of Dinwiddie of the one part and James Geddy of the same place of the other part, and the Note &c. thereon indorsed, were Acknowled in open Court by the said John Baird jr as his Act & Deed and are Ordered to be recorded
Attest J. Grammer C S P
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deeds No. 2, 1790-1801, pp. 325-6Whereas Robert Cocke & Patsy Ruffin Cocke his wife have by their certain Indenture of Bargain and Sale bearing date the Twenty ninth day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety four, partly proved in the Petersburg District Court and lodged in the Office of the said Court for further proof, Sold and Conveyed to John Baird jr the fee simple Estate of land in one certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Petersburg on the West side of the Brick house run, discribed & Set forth in the Indenture aforesaid by the following metes and bounds to wit, "Beginning at the lower part of the Bridge across the said run thence South 88° West 4 & Poles to a rock before the door of the House which was formerly Taylor & Newsums Store, Thence North 12 Poles to a corner black birch on the run aforesaid, thence up the run South 51 degrees East 5 poles to a small Sycamore thence south 22 degrees East 6 poles to the old ford, thence South 33 degrees West 4 poles to the begining.
And Whereas it is Apprehended that within the boundaries aforesaid is Comprehended & included a Certain Piece or Parcel of land Containing one quarter of an Acre Sold and Conveyed by Erasmus Gill and Sarah his wife to James Geddy by their Indenture of Bargain & Sale bearing date the Second day of September Anno domini one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight duly proved & recorded in the Hustings Court for the Town of Petersburg reference being thereunto had will more fully appear---Now This Indenture of Release Witnesseth That the said John Baird jr in Consideration of the Circumstances herein before Stated and also in Consideration of the Sum of five Shillings Current money to him in hand paid by the said James Geddy the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged hath given, granted, bargained, Sold, released, and forever quit claim, and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, Sell, release forever quit claim unto the said James Geddy his Heirs and Assigns forever all right & Title which he the said John Baird jr his heirs or assigns or either of them, hath or may have or claim in Law or equity, in or by virtue of the Conveyance aforesd from the said Codke & Wife to him the said Baird in or to so much of the piece or parcel of Land Conveyed by the said Erasmus Gill and wife to the said James Geddy the Second day of September 1788 as is, or may hereafter at any time appear to be Comprehended and included in the first mentioned Deed of the 29th day of March 1794 and also all right title claim interest or demand of what nature or discription soever which may be vested in or claimed by the said John Baird jr his heirs or assigns, or either of them under the said Cocke & wifes deed of the twenty ninth day of March 1794 as aforesaid, in or to so much of the land & premises as is conveyed by the said Gill & wife's deed to the said James Geddy, of the second Day of September 1788 as aforesaid--- In Testimony whereof the said John Baird jr hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his Seal the 5th day of May one Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety four
Signed Sealed & delivered Jno Baird jr Seal
In the presence of
Alexr Bissett
Jacob Judah
George Cruse
At a Hustings Court held for the Town of Petersburg at the New building intended for a Courthouse in the said Town, Monday the Seventh Day of July 1794
An Indenture of Release from John Baird jr to James Geddy was Acknowledged in open Court by the said John Baird jr to be his Act of Deed and is Ordered to be Recorded
J. Grammer C S P
Bristol Parish Register, 1720-1789, p. 311Elizabeth Kid dau of James Geddy junr & Euphan his wife was born Feby 14 & baptized July 7th 1793
Calendar of Virginia State Papers, VI, 4831793, August 16th
We, the Inhabitants of Bollingbrook street & others in the Town of Petersburg, whose names are annexed, dreading the consequences that might ensue to themselves and the said Town from liberating without_________, a certain negroe or mulatto man named Tim, now under sentence of Death, beg leave to Represent to his Excellency, the Governor, That if he sees proper cause for extending mercy to the said convict, it ought for the security of the Town to be on condition that he be kept in confinement until he can be transported out of the United States.
James Geddy, Jr
William W. Geddy
R. Armstead
Richard Blow Papers (1760-1825), College of William and MaryMr. Saml Briggs to James Geddy & Sons Dr | ||
1789 | ||
June 7th | To repairing a watch | 0.7.6 |
Ditto ditto | 0.6.0 | |
92 | ||
March 12th | To a Silver Seal | 0.12.0 |
April 15 | To repairing Watch | 0.6.0 |
93 | ||
Jany | To a ferrel to a cane | 0.1.6 |
Mar 3rd | To balance in Buttons for Mr Blow | 0.18.0 |
May 7 | To a Watch Chain | 0.4.6 |
June | To a Lockett for Mr Wilson | 2.8.0 |
Sept 9 | To repairing watch | 0.5.0 |
£5.8.6 |
The above is a copy of Mr Geddys acct.
Humphrey Harwood Ledger DPeter De la Croix
Jany 18th To 1 days Hire of Nat a 4/ 0.4.0
Corbin PapersReceived Novr 30th 179 of Mr. Thomas W. Lawson nine pounds five shillings and 8d for one dozen Silver Table Spoons
Waddil & Ege
Richmond City Personal Taxes, 1795William Waddill 2 white tithes
Thomas Atkinson Account Book 1762-18931794
December 4
By Cash paid James Geddy for a plain Gold. Ring (P.G.) £0.7.6
1796, April 18thI the underwritten Peachy Wills residing at Williamsburg in the county of York do hereby declare for Assurance in the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia, established the 26th December, 1795,
My Wooden Buildings on the main street at Williamsburg now occupied by myself situated between the lott of Mrs Elizabeth Martin and that of the court house Sqr. in the county of York…
The dwelling House marked | A at 900 | Dollars |
The Store | B at 100 | do. |
The Kitchen | C at 120 | do. |
The Dary | D at 100 | do. |
[$1220] |
Petersburg Marriage Register, 1784-18651796, Nov. 14 (mar. Nov 17)
Geddy, Wm W. to Eliz Prentis
Petersburg City Account Book 1, 1806-1826, pp. 12-17James Geddy Jr. | 1 Bundle hair pins | 0-3-6 |
James Geddy Jr. | 10 Hat Pins | 0-2-6 |
Petersburg City Account Book 1, 1806-1826, pp. 12-17James Geddy | 7 Needle Cases | 0-1-8 |
Sale Continued | 16 Jan. 1797 | |
James Geddy | 4 Teapots, 3 pot hooks | |
2 pot Racks | 0-7-0 | |
J. Geddy | 1 pr. Leather Gloves | 0-2-3 |
Thomas Atkinson Account Book 1762-18931798
June 4 By Cash paid James Geddy for mending Watch £6.7.0
Thomas Atkinson Account Book 1762-18931798
Oct. 9
By Cash paid James Geddy mendg my Watch Key 0.12.0
PRO T 79/31, American Loyalist Claims, 1757-1811James Geddy of Petersburgh, Virginia | ||
Dr | ||
1796 Janry 1 | To balance p book | £165.1.7 |
1798 March 12 | To Interest to this day | 182.7.9 |
£347.9.4 | ||
To balance due March 1798 | 317.4.6 | |
1798 | ||
March 12 | By pd T. Shore Va Cy £40.6.6 Sterling | £30.4.10 |
By Balance | 317.4.6 | |
£347.9.4 |
Webb-Prentis Papers1799 Honble Mr. Prentis Dr
Sepr 17th
To mending a Gun £-. 6. -
Recd payment
W. Waddill
Will Mrs. Charlton pay this and charge it to Jos. Prentis.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deeds No. 2, 1790-1801, pp. 686-688This Indenture made the second Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred Between James Geddy the Elder of the town of Petersburg of the one part & James Geddy Jr of the said town of the other part Whereas the said James Geddy the Elder is seized & stands possessed of one moiety of a certain portion or part of a Lott of Land situate on the Northside of Boling Brook Street in the Town of Petersburg & is part of Lott Number forty five distinguished in that part of the said Town held in common with William Prentis which said. portion of the said Lott Number forty five was conveyed to him the said James Geddy & William Prentis by Indenture form Robert Watkins & Nicholson Watkins bearing date the 17th Day of January 1791 & recorded in the Hustings Court of the town of Petersburg at October Court 1799 and is bounded as follows to wit Beginning for the Same twenty feet from the Southwest Corner of the said Lott No. 45 thence running Eastwardly on Bolling brook Street forty feet thence Northwardly in a parrellel Line with Third Street one hundred & twenty feet more or less to the Land belonging to Cedar point Warehouse then Westerly forty feet, & thence Southwardly to the beginning on Bolling Brook Street together with all Houses & appurtenances thereunto belonging Subject to the fee Rent of Three pounds p annum, payable to Robert Bolling to grow due & payable on the first Day of January in every Year for ever to the Said Robert Bolling & his Heirs or Assigns & to other Covenants & Conditions as by the said Indenture are more particularly mentioned & expressed. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said James Geddy the Elder for the Love & affection he beareth to the said James Geddy Junr his Son as well as for other divers good Causes & Considerations & also in Consideration of the Sum of Five Shillings Current Money to him in hand paid by the Said Geddy Junr at & before the Sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, Hath granted bargained & sold & by these presents doth give, grant bargain & Sell Alien Enfeoff release make over and Confirm unto the Said James Geddy Junr & his Heirs & assigns forever All his Right or Moiety of the aforesaid portion of Land & premises part of Lot No forty five held in common with William Prentis (as aforesaid) to have & to hold the said Land & all & singular its appurtenances unto the Said James Geddy Junr his Heirs & Assigns forever as fully amply & completly as the said James Geddy the Elder held & enjoyed. the same before the Execution of this Indenture subject to the ground rent to grow due & payable to Robert Bolling & his Heirs & Assigns & other Stepalations & Conditions as afore Said & free & Clear of all the right interest & claim of the Said James Geddy the Elder or any other person or persons Claming by form or under him In Witness whereof the said James Geddy the elder hath hereunto Set his hand & affixed his Seal the day & Year first above written
------Sealed & delivered in presence of James Geddy Seal
James H. Baird
Pleasant Aiken
Thos Holmes
Memor: by the other party or Holder of the other moiety with all reasonable Cost by duties for otherwise on the premises, in the same manner as Robt Bolling & his assigns are authorized to recover the ground rent to grow due upon the Said premises to him or them
In Witness whereof the said William Prentis & the said James Geddy jr have hereunto set their Hands & Affixed their Seals this twelfth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & the twenty fourth year of the Commonwealth
Sealed & delivered in presence of William Prentis Seal
James Geddy Jr Seal
James H. Baird
Pleasant Aikin
Thos Holmes
At a Hustings Court held for the Town of Petersburg at the Courthouse of the said Town Monday the Seventh day of July 1800---An Indenture between James Geddy the elder of the Town of Petersburg of the one part, and James Geddy jr of the said Town of the other part And also the Memorandum or Deed of Partition between William Prentis and the said James Geddy jr thereunto annexed were severally proved. in open Court to be the Acts & deeds of the said several parties, by the Oaths of James H. Baird Pleasant Aikin and Thomas Holmes, Witnesses thereto, and are Ordered to be recorded
J. Grammer C H C
York County Deeds 7, pp. 323-325THIS INDENTURE, made the day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred between James Davenport & Frances Davenport both of the County of Augusta and state of Virginia of the one part, and George Jackson of the City of Williamsburg and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said James Davenport and Frances Davenport for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred Dollars lawful money of Virginia, to them in hand paid by the said George Jackson the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents to grant, bargain and sell unto the said George Jackson his heirs and assigns one certain Lott or parcell of Land lying and being in the City of Williamsburg on the north back street containing 1 acre & bounded on the south by the said street on the west by the Lott belonging to the said George Jackson on the north by the Lands of Colonel James Southall and on the east by the Lott belonging to the Estate of Peter De La Croix at present in the possession of James Chaddish together with all and Singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Lott or parcel of Land with its appurtenances unto the said George Jackson his heirs and assigns forever, to the only proper use and behoof of him the said George Jackson his Heirs and assigns forever, and the said James Davenport and Frances Davenport for themselves their heirs executors and administrators do covenant with the said George Jackson his heirs and assigns that they the said James Davenport and Frances Davenport their heirs executors and administrators the said Lott or parcell of Land with its appurtenances unto the said George Jackson his heirs and assigns against the claim or claims of them the said James Davenport and Frances Davenport their heirs and of all and every person or persons whatsoever, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said James Davenport and Frances Davenport have hereunto set their hands and Seals on the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of
James Davenport (L.S.)
Chesley Kinney as to Mrs. Davenport
Wm. Kinney
John Coalter
Frances Davenport (L.S.)
John Wayt
Micajah Coalter
Augusta May Court 1800 This Indenture of Bargain & Sale between James Davenport and. Frances Davenport of the one part, and George Jackson of the other part, was proved by the oaths of Chesley Kinney Wm. Kinney & John Wayt witnesses as to James Davenport and John Coalter Robert Douthat jr. and Micajah Coalter the witnesses thereto as to Frances Davenport and ordered to be Certified.
Wmsburg June 24th 1800 Chesley Kinney CCk
Rec. this day of Mr. George Jackson the Consideration within express'd of Two hundred Dollars in Full for James & Frances Davenport
Ro: Greenhow
Roscow Cole
At a Court held for York County the 21st day of July 1800 This Indenture was produced in Court & together with the endorsment thereon signed Chesley Kinney Clk of Augusta Court & a receipt thereon endorsed and signed Robert Greenhow being proved by the oath of Roscow Cole in witness thereto were with the said Indenture ordered to be recorded.
Ro: H: Waller C Y C
Petersburg Hustings Court, Minute Book, 1800-1804, p. 542 Nov. 1801
Grand Jury - Wm W Geddy & James Geddy Jr.
1801 Uncatalogued Mss Papers, Tucker-Coleman PapersPeter Delacroix Supposed to be a Native of France married Miss Amey Drummond of the Parish & County of James City some time in the Autumn of 1786. Mr. Delacroix had no issue by his Wife & resided in Williamsburg or its Vicinity till he died in the year 1794--as he made no Will his widow administered on his estate in James City Court in October 1794 and possessed herself of Mr. Delacroix's real estate which consisted of One Hundred & Twelve Acres of Land Lying in James City County a House & Lott of inconsiderable Value in the City of Williamsburg and his personal Estate which was appraised to be about £2000 Virginia Currency. The Widow Delacroix intermarried with Wm Taylor of James City about the last of 1795 or first of the year 1796. Taylor the second Husband sold the Tenement in Williamsburg--No account of the administration of Mr Delacroix estate was ever made up & returned to Court as our Law requires. Mrs Taylor late Mrs Delacroix lived but a few years after her second Marriage in Septr 179- a Frenchman by the name of John Lewis Dormoy claimed the Wright of administering on Peter Delacroix's estate unadministered by the Widow of Mr Delacroix & in virtue of this Right, took possession of the Land in James City which possession is Still retained by him thus Stand matters in 1801.
Thomas Atkinson Account Book, 1762-18931802
April 30
To Cash William Waddill in part----------------£38.14.-
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed Book 3, 1801-1811Jas. Geddy to Negroes 83
to Taliaferro 84
to Bradley &c 202
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed Book 3, 1801-1811, p. 202Agreement - 9 July 1802
James Geddy Senr. Silver Smith and Watch maker of Petersburg & John R Brewer of Petersburg & Jane Bradley of Petersburg
a marriage to be had between Geddy & Jane Bradley
Recorded: 5 Feb. 1805
Thomas Atkinson Account Book 1762-18931802
July 27 By Cash paid James Geddy painting Franklin for House £0.6.0
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed Book 3, 1801-1811, p. 84Deed of James Geddy of the Town of Petersburg to John Taliaferro and Elizabeth Taliaferro formerly Elizabeth Geddy of said Town.
Consideration love and affection for the said Elizabeth his daughter.
One lot in Petersburg which Jas. Geddy purchased of James Fawcett by deed date 30 Nov. 1784
Recorded: 7 Feb. 1803
Witnesses: James Geddy, Jun., Wm. W. Geddy William Prentis
Petersburg Hustings Court, Minute Book, 1800-1804, p. 1324 Jan. 1803
Deed of Emancipation from James Geddy to Man, Nanny & Allice commonly called Else acknod in open court by James Geddy and. ordered to be recorded.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Minute Book, 1800-1804, p. 1834 Oct. 1803
Administration on the Estate of Jas Geddy Junr deced Granted Euphan Geddy (Widow)
Bond $2000 - Wm Prentis Secy &x.
Petersburg Hustings Court, Minute Book, 1800-1804, p. 1834 Oct. 1803
Ordered That John Taliaferro, Ed. Thomas, Saml White & Christ Jones -- or any three of them being first duly Dworn for that purpose Appraise the Estate of James Geddy, Jr. &c.
James City Land Tax | Acres | |
1783 | Richard Geddy | 125 |
William Geddy | 100 |
The following is the alterations in the Property of land in James City County from the last return to the 1st day April 1784.
Former Proprietors | Present Proprietors | ||
William Geddy decd | 100 acres | James G. Mitchell Infant | 80 acres |
Mary Geddy | 20 acres |
1787 | Richard Geddy | 125 acres |
Mary Geddy | 20 acres | |
Ann Geddy's Estate | 80 acres | |
1788 | Richard Geddy | 125 acres |
Mary Geddy | 20 acres | |
Ann Geddy's Estate | 80 acres |
This distribution of land is repeated. until 1801 when the James City Land Tax Records read:
1801 | Mary Geddy's est | 20 acres |
Ann Geddy's est | 80 acres | |
William Geddy | 200 acres | |
1803 | Mary Geddy's Estate | 20 acres |
William Geddy | 205 acres | |
William R. Geddy | 25 acres | |
John C. Geddy | 50 acres |
Petersburg Marriage Register, 1784-18651804, July 10 (mar. July 10)
James Geddy to Jane Bradley
PRO T 79/31, American Loyalist Claims, 1757-1811Petersburg 17th January 1806
The persons whose names are under written, who were living at the close of the war, between Great Britain & the United States of America, had estates respectively, & those dead at that time, left estates respectively, more than sufficient to pay the Sum opposite each of their respective names,
Joseph Jones & Co. | Sterling | £514.16.9 |
Jones & Watson | 186.1.9 | |
Richard Booker & Co. | 5218.12.7 | |
Augustine Claiborne decd. | 25.0.7 | |
Sterbing Edmunds | 2.18.1 | |
James Geddy | 317.4.6 | |
Humphrey Richards | 1.15.9 |
Virginia Petersburg to wit
The above contains, according to the best of my knowledge & belief a true statement of facts. Given under my hand this 18th day of January Eighteen Hundred & six.
Daniel Dodson
1806, May 12thI the underwritten Peachy Wills residing at Williamsburg in the county of York do hereby declare for Assurance in the Mutual Society against Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia. My four Buildings on the Main Street in sd City of Williamsburg now occupied by myself situated between the Lott of Wells Dunsford and the Court House Square in the county of York…
The Dwelling House marked | A at $900 |
The Store House | B at 100 |
The Kitchen | C at 120 |
The Dairy | D at 100 |
[$1220] |
Petersburg Hustings Court, Minute Book, 1805-1808, n. p.William Parrey Committed to the Jail of this Town on Suspicion of feloneously taking a Silver Watch the property of James Geddy of the Value of Ten dollars was bought to the barr…Parrey bound over to district Court.
Deposition of Jas. Geddy …Deposed & Saith that the prisoner came into his Shop 1st Inst The deponent had lost a Watch Stole out of his Shop 31st decemr & suspected the prisoner had taken it. he therefore kept his eye upon him & at length discovered him to take a Watch off of a Peg at the Window & slip it into his pocket. That the deponant immediately Seized him, charged him with taking the Watch which he denied & made some feint resistance but the deponant got his hand into his poket & pulled out the Watch & took him into Custody. The Watch he lost on the 31st decr was taken off of the same peg that this one was and he had discovered it hanging there but very little time before the prisoner was in his Shop that day & missed it within a few Minutes after he was gone which led him to be almost certain the prisoner had taken it.
That the Watch produced here in Court is the same Watch he took from the prisoner & is he supposes of Value of Twenty dollars. That the Watch produced here in Court by John Taliaferro said to be received by him of the prisoner is the same Watch that was Stole from him the 31st Decr and he Supposes is worth ten dollars-& further he saith not.
John Taliaferro, duly Sworn in Open Court deposeth & saith that at the time Mr. Geddy took the prisoner he was standing in the Street some distance from sd Geddys Shop saw him have hold of Prisoner at his Shop door & threw him down & that he ran to his assistance & seized hold of the Prisoner and went with him up to Mr. Hammons a Majistrate where he was examed & sent to Jail. That he suggested to Mr Hammon the propriety of having him searched before he was put in Jail (as there had been other Watches Stole which was suspected he might have, went after him & overtook him with Mr. Davis the Constable. That he told the prisoner he had better Confess where the other Watches were after some hesitation he said he had a Watch somewhere down town & if the deponant wd intercede for him with Mr. Geddy he wd go wth them & get it but at length he put his hand in his Breeches & pulled out the Watch now produced here which Mr Geddy says is the one that was Stole from him the thirty first decr.
Town of Petersburg to wit
Whereas Wm Parrey who says he is a Silver Smith by trade & late from Wmsburg was this day brought before me a Justice of the peace for the aforesd town being charged of feloniously taking a Silver Watch to the value of ten dollars the property of Jas. Geddy Senr of the town aforesd. These are therefore in the Name of the Commonwth to authorize you to receive the sd Wm Parrey into your Custody & him safely keep in your Common Jail till he shall be discharged as the law directs
Given under my hand this 1st day Jany 1806
Joel Hammon -
To the Jailor of the sd Town.
Petersburg Intelligencer, May 15, 1807Mr. Geddy died on May 12, 1807 in the 76th year of his age, twenty-three of which he had been a resident of Petersburg. He was referred to in the following words: "In his intercourse with society the deceased always manifested the frankness of an ingenuous heart, and a benevolence of disposition which gained him universal esteem. To his friends he was indeed a friend; to his family kind and paternal; to his servants humane and indulgent Beloved whilst living, his death is justly and generally lamented."
Catherine L. Knorr, comp., Marriages of Prince Edward County Virginia 1754-1810, p. 627 Jan. 1808. Peyton Baughan and Polly Waddell, dau. of William Waddill who consents and is surety.
Petersburg City Account Book 1, 1806-1826Index
Armistead, Estate, Robert - Accots returned & recorded with Report in a Suit in Chancery in the Book of Land Causes May 1808
York County Deeds 8, p. 16THIS INDENTURE made the twenty fifth day of September An Dom eighteen hundred and nine Between Peachy Wills of the City of Richmond of the one part and Robert Greenhow Merchant in Williamsburg on the other part Witnesseth that the said Peachy Wills for and in consideration of one thousand dollars paid or secured by the said Robert Greenhow She the said Peachy Wills by these presents hath granted bargained & sold, aliened enfeoffed and confirmed, and grants, bargains, sell, aliens enfeoffs and confirms unto him the said Robert Greenhow his Heirs and assigns all that Tenement or parcel of ground situate in the City of Williamsburg on the North side of the Main Street bounded to the East by the Courthouse Square, to the West by the Widow Dunsford's Lot and to the North by a Lane seperating it from St. George Tucker's Tenement & now occupied by Roscow Cole and James Henderson which said Tenement or parcel of Grounds was by her the said Peachy purchased of John H. Norton as by Indenture date the fifteenth of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty one & duly recorded in the Genl Count held in Richmond the fourth day of April following by reference to which will more fully appear, with all and singular the Houses, Yards, Gardens & Thereto belonging TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tenement & its appurtenances to him the said Robert Greenhow his Heirs and assigns forever and to the only proper use and behoof of the said Robert Greenhow his Heirs &c and the said Peachy Wills does for herself her Heirs Executors and administrators covenant & grant to and with the said Robert Greenhow his heirs Executors administrators & assigns, forever that the above granted and bargained premises and appurtenances are free & clearly exonerated of & from all grant, bargains and Incumbrances whatsoever. The lien of Roscow Cole on said Tenement for repairs & the unexpired Lease of James Henderson of and her portion of it alone excepted the advantages & disadvantages Profits & Losses of which are from & after the date of these presents to accrue to him the said Robert Greenhow his Heirs &c &c and that she the said Peachy Wills will forever defend and warrant the right & possession thereof unto the said Robert Greenhow his Heirs and assigns against the Title claim or demand of all & every Persons whatsoever - IN WITNESS whereof she the said Peachy Wills hath hereunto set her hand & affixed her Seal the day and year attached hereto.
Signed, Sealed and delivered
In the presence of
Peachey Wills
Geo: Hay
Geo: Greenhow
Eliza Hay
City of Richmond &c
Personally appeared before me Edward Carrington Mayor of said City. Peachy Wills within named, and acknowledged the within written Indenture to be her act and deed. --
IN TESTIMONY whereof I the said Mayor have hereunto set my hand & caused the seal of said City to be affixed this 26th day of September 1809.
E. Carrington
At a Court held for York County the 16th day of October 1809. This Indenture was produced in Court and with the Certificate therein endorsed signed E. Carrington ordered to be recorded
Saml Sheild Junr CYC
Petersburg City Account Book 1, 1806-1826, f. 35May Court 1812
1800 | |||
July 29 | J. Geddy | 1 pair Money Scales & wgts | 1-7-0 |
Jas. Geddy | 1 Flute | 0-1-6 | |
J. Geddy | 1 Wetstone | 0-1-6 |
Sales at Vendue on Account of the Estate of Elias Parker
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deeds 4, 1811-1815Noel Waddill of the County of Southampton Executor of the last Will & Testament of Robert Watkins, late of the County of Surry deceased to John Patterson of Petersburg Merchant.
Part of Lot 45 on Bollingbrook Street bounded on the west by the lot belonging to the Estate of James Geddy, Junr. decd.
Certified in Surry County Court April 28th 1812
Recorded in Petersburg 5 May 1812
Petersburg Hustings Court, Deed Book 4, 1811-1815, pp. 196-197William Prentis of the Town of Petersburg and Mary his wife of the one part and Benjamin Curtis of the said town attorney at Law of the other part. Whereas by an Indenture dated the 17th January 1791… Robert Watkins and Nicholson Watkins Conveyed to James Geddy Senr and William Prentis a Portion of a certain lot of ground known and distinguished in the plan of the lots laid off by Robert Bolling by the lott No 45 Situate on the North Side of Bollingbrooke Street near the tobacco Warehouse called Cedar Point in the town of Petersburg…
And Whereas also the said James Geddy the elder by his Indenture dated 2d June 1800…Conveyed to James Geddy junr his son, his moiety or part of the aforesaid lot …Recorded 2 August 1813
1812, December 31stI the underwritten Roscow Cole residing at Williamsburg in the county of York do hereby declare for assurance in the Mutual Assurance Society against fire on buildings of the state of Virginia my several buildings on the main street situated between the main street Sourt-Court-house Square east-cross street north and Ann Dunsfords lot west in the County of York…
The Brick Dwelling marked | A at | $2500 |
The Store house | B at | 300 |
The Kitchen | C at | 200 |
The Dairy | D at | 50 |
The Smoke House | E at | 100 |
The Stable | F at | 200 |
$ 3350 |
Petersburg Hustings Court, Will Book 2, 1806-1827, p. 113In the name of God Amen--I Euphan Geddy of the Town of Petersburg being Sick & weak of body, but of sound mind, memory and understanding, Considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous to settle my Worldly affairs, and thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please god to call me hence do therefore make and publish this my last Will and testament, in manner & form following
First. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth K. Geddy, to her and her heirs forever her choice of my Negro women Jenny or Rose--Also my best bed, Bedstead and furniture Also all my wearing apparel, and all my Silver Spoons.
Secondly--all the rest of my property, together with the negro woman remaining after daughter Elizabeth shall have made her Choice, it is my Will and desire should be Sold, and after my debts and funural Charges are paid, the proceeds thereof, to be equally divided between my said daughter Elizabeth and my Son James Geddy. I know not what I may be entitled to of the money or other effects deposited in the hands of my Brother William Armistead of Norfolk, as my proportion of my Fathers and Mothers estates, but whatever there may be I [ ? ] and bequeath the same to my said
Children Elizabeth and James, to be equally divided between them: And I do also hereby relinquish and discharge my said children respectively from any claim or claims I might or could have, against them, or either of them, for any expences incurred towards their maintainance and support, since the death of their Father
Thirdly My Fathers and Mothers pictures, together with the Family Bible I direct may be delivered to my said brother William as the property of the Family.
And Lastly. I do hereby Constitute and appoint James Prentis and Elizabeth K. Geddy Executor and Executrix of this my last Will and testament--requesting that they may not be hold to give security in the discharge of the trust I have thus reposed in them.
In testimony of all which I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, the Sixth day of April 1805
Signed Sealed and Acknowledged Euphan Geddy Seal
by the said. Euphan Geddy to be her last Will &
Testament in the presence of
William Prentis
Mary m Brooks
At a Hustings Court held for the town of Petersburg at the Courthouse of the said town Monday the 5th day of June 1815
The last Will and Testament of Euphan Geddy decd. was proved in open Court by the Oaths of William Prentis and Mary M. Brooks the Witnesses thereto and is Ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of James Prentis and Elizabeth K. Geddy Executor & Executrix therein named. who made oath and entered into & acknowledged their bond in the Sum of Two thousand dollars as the law directs, Certificate is granted them for obraining a Probat of the said Will in due form--no Security being required by the said Will
J. Grammer C.H.
Petersburg Marriage Register, 1784-18651822 Nov. 27 (mar. Nov. 28)
Geddy, James to Christiana M. Cocke
1823, April 19thI the underwritten Roscow Cole residing At Williamsburg in the county of James City do hereby declare for Assurance… my buildings on my own land now occupied by myself situated between the lot of William Pearman on the West the Court house square East and streets otherwise in the county of York…
The Brick Dwelling marked | A at | $1300 |
The Store house | B at | 533 |
The Kitchen | C at | 200 |
The Stable | D at | 150 |
The Smoke house | E at | 60 |
$ 2243 |
1830, May 21st.I the underwritten Roscow Cole residing at Williamsburg in the county of James City do hereby declare for Assurance in the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia,
My buildings on the Main street and Court House Square in Williamsburg now occupied. by myself situated between the lot of William Pearman on the West the Court House Square on the East, and streets on the South and North in the county of York…
The Dry Goods store marked | A at | $1900 |
The Grocery store | B at | 550 |
The Kitchen | C at | 200 |
The Stable | D at | 150 |
$ 2800 |
1839, April 24thWe, the underwritten Robert Anderson Special Agent, and Lucius F. Cary and Albert G. Southall Appraisers, do hereby certify, that we have viewed and revalued the Buildings heretofore declared for Assurance, in the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia, by Roscow Cole as per his Declaration for Assurance Numbered 7581 That the said Buildings are at present owned. by Roscow Cole residing at New York and are occupied by Elizabeth Edloe, and Pierce & Armistead That they are situated on the Court house square on the East, on Main street South, Nicolson Street North and Benjamin Bucktrouts lot West in the county of…
The Dwelling | marked A | at $2000 |
The Store | B at | 1000 |
The Kitchen | C at | 500 |
The Stable | D at | 300 |
$3800 |
Southall Papers, f. 147City of Richmond to Wit
This day George P. Crump of the City aforesaid personally appeared before me a justice of the peace… and made & subscribed the following statement--to wit: The said George P. Crump says that he has been summoned to appear before the Hustings Court of the City of Williamsburg to answer a presentment in the said Court against him for permitting an old negro man (a blacksmith) named Charles to go at large and hire himself out in the City of Williamsburg.
The said negro Charles was the property of old. Mr. William Geddy who died about the year 1817: by the Will of Mr. Geddy Charles was loaned to his widow during her life and at her death was to be free, Wm Browne was the executor or administrator of Wm Geddy The widow of Wm Geddy was the sister of your affiant, and has been dead about five years…
Geo. P. Crump
Sworn before Walter D. Blair, 26 May 1843
To Robert Saunders Esq. Williamsburg.
1846, October 3rd.We, the underwritten Robert Anderson Special Agent, and John M. Maupin and Goodrich Durfey Appraisers, do hereby certify that we have viewed and revalued. the Buildings heretofore declared for Assurance, in the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia, by Roscow Cole as per his declaration for Assurance, Numbered 10999
That the said Buildings are at present owned by the said Roscow Cole residing at and are occupied Thomas Stephenson in part That they are situated on the North side of Main street and the Court House Square on the South and East- on the North By Nicolson street and. on the west by lot of Benjamin E. Bucktrouts estate in the County of York…
The Dwelling marked | A at | $1750 |
The Store | B at | 750 |
The Kitchen | C at | 275 |
The Stable | D at | 200 |
$ 2975 |
1853, November 14th.I the underwritten Peter T. Powell residing at Williamsburg in the county of James City do hereby declare for Assurance in the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia by Buildings on the main street and Court House Square now occupied by myself situated between the lot of Benjamin E. Bucktrouts heirs, and streets otherwise in the county of York…
The Dwelling marked | A at | $2000 |
The Store | B at | 1250 |
The Kitchen | C at | 275 |
The Stable | D at | 250 |
$ 3775 |
1860, December 31st.I the underwritten Peter T. Powell residing at Williamsburg in the county of York do hereby declare for Assurance in the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia my Buildings on the Main Street now occupied by Myself situated on the North side of said Main Street and West of Court House Square in the said city of Williamsburg and in the county of York…
The Dwelling marked | A at | $2000 |
The Store | B at | 1250 |
The Kitchen | C at | 275 |
The Stable | D at | 250 |
$3775 |
Williamsburg Land Tax Records1782 | Martin | 1 lot | £ 5.- .- |
1783 | Robert Martin | 1 lot | 5.- .- |
1784 | Robert Martin | 1 lot | 5.- .- |
1785 | Robert Martin | 1 lot | 5.- .- |
1786 | Robert Martin | 1 lot | 7. 6.- |
1787 | Robert Martin | 1 lot | 22.10.- |
1788 | Robert Martin | 1 lot | 22.10.- |
1789 | Robert Martin | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1790 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1791 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1792 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1793 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1794 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1795 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1796 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1797 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | 15.- .- |
1798 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | $50.00 |
1799 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | $ 50.00 |
1800 | Robert Martin Est | [blurred] | |
1801 | Robert Martin Est | 2 lots | $ 50.00 |
1802 | Dunsford Wills1 late Martin | 2 lots | $ 50.00 | |
1803 | Dunsford Wills | 2 lots | $ 50.00 | |
1804-1805 | Dunsford Wills | 2 lots | $ 50.00 | |
1806 | Dunsford Wills | 1 lot | $ 70.00 | |
1807-1808 | Dunsford Wills | 1 lot | $ 70.00 | |
1809 | [blank] | |||
1810 | Dunsford Wills Estate | 1 lot | $100.00 | |
1811-18 | Wills Dunsford Est | 1 lot | $100.00 | |
1819 | Dunsford Wills Est | 1 lot | $160.00 | |
1820 | William Pearman | 1 lot | $1700 buildings; $1800 lot & bldgs Heretofore charged to Wills Dunsford | |
1823 | William Pearman Wmsbg | 1 lot | $1700 buildings; $1800 lot & bldgs | |
1824 | William Pearman James City | 1 lot | $1700 | $1800 |
1825 | William Pearman Wmsburg | 1 lot | $1700 | $1800 |
1827 | William Pearman Richmond. | 1 lot | $1700 | $1800 |
1828-1831 | William Pearman | 1 lot | $1700 | $1800 |
1832 | Benjamin E. Bucktrout | 1 lot | $1700 | $1800 |
1833-39 | Benjamin E. Bucktrout | 1 lot | $1700 | $1800 |
1840 | Benjamin E. Bucktrout | 1 lot | $1800 | $2000 |
1841-53 | Louisanna T. Bucktrout | 1 lot | $1800 | $2000 |
1854 | James E. Loyner | 1 lot | $1800 | $2000 |
In right of Wife | ||||
1855-57 | James E. Joyner | 1 lot | $1800 | $2000 |
1859 | James E. Joyner | 1 lot | $3000 | $3500 |
1860 | James E. Joyner | 1 lot | $3000 | $3500 |
Itinerant preacher | ||||
1861 | James E. Joyner | 1 lot | $3000 | $3500 |
In rite of wife |
Williamsburg Personal Property Tax List:1783 | Robert Martin | 5 slaves | ||
1784 | Robert Martin | 5 slaves | ||
1788 | Elizabeth Martin | 2 slaves | ||
1791 | Eliza Martin | 1 black | 4 horses | |
1792 | Elizabeth Martin | 2 blacks | ||
1793 | Elizabeth Martin | 1 black | ||
1794 | Elizabeth Martin | 1 black | ||
1795 | [blank] | |||
1796 | [blank] | |||
1798 | Elizabeth Martin | 1 black | ||
1799 | Elizabeth Martin | 1 black | ||
1801 | Elizabeth Martin | 1 black | ||
1802 | Wills Dunsford | 1 slave | 2 horses | |
1 shop license $15. | ||||
1803 | Wills Dunsford | 1 slave | 3 horses | |
1 shop license | ||||
1805 | Wills Dunsford | 4 blacks | 4 horses | |
1 shop license | ||||
1806 | Wills Dunsford | 1 shop license | ||
1807 | Wills Dunsford | 1 shop license | ||
1809 | Wills Dunsford Est | 2 blacks | ||
[no shop license] |
1798 | William Waddill | 3 blacks | 1 shop |
license | |||
1799 | William Waddill | 2 blacks | |
1800 | same | ||
1801 | same | 1 black |
Times-Dispatch, Richmond, 22 December 1907Editor of the Times-Dispatch
Sir.--I can add slightly to the record of the "Geddy family". James and William teddy came to Williamsburg from Scotland. in 1735 and settled as bankers in that city. The granddaughter of James Geddy, Nancy, daughter of James and Elizabeth Waddill teddy married March 26, 1772, John Brown an emigrant also from Scotland, and clerk of the District and General Court and also Court of Appeals in succession. Their descendants are numerous. They were the parents of James Brown, Jr. of Richmond; one daughter married. Peter Tinsley, from whom are descended many who bear names familiar to all Virginians -- Penicks, Jenkins, Groves &c. There was a James teddy who married. May 21, 1789 a Miss Euphon Armistead, both of Petersburg. I would be glad if any other descendants could add to the above meagre information.
Bedford City, Va.
A Reader