Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library Research Report Series - 1464
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Library
Williamsburg, Virginia
October 24, 1931
The Governor's Palace had about twenty outbuildings and dependencies at different periods in its history. This number is variable because it is difficult to determine without archaeological confirmation whether the coach house and stable, for example, were parts of one large building, or were two separate ones.
However, by examination of all historical data in the Governor's Palace book, which is to be found in the index under "outbuildings", it is possible to determine that there were the following outbuildings to the Palace which had certain obvious architectural features. For convenience these buildings or portions of buildings are listed by name with any significant architectural data with them in the following summary. At the end of this report the full data including inventories of the contents of the buildings is given.
This is a digest and not an historical report. Reference to the Palace books will give historical data and sources in full.
Harold R. Shurtleff, Director
Department of Research & Record.
Report by: Helen Bullock
cc: P. S. & H., Boston and Williamsburg
Dr. W.A.R. Goodwin
Arthur A. Shurcliff
The offices were planned at the time the Palace was erected asymmetrically placed; finished before 1723. In July 1730 the Governor's House was reported as being very inconvenient for want of a covered way from the offices into the house and a sum not exceeding one hundred pounds was appropriated for this purpose. The copper plate (c-1732) shows a wall or fence from the offices to the Palace which may or may not conceal the covered way. A covered way was repaired by Humphrey Harwood on January 9, 1779 when the Palace was being repaired for Governor Patrick Henry. His bill of 1:10:0 was for "taking up pavement and laying it again 20/. in Covered way & 1 days labor 10/."
Fiske Kimball says of the Jefferson plan (c-1779) that the right building was the office of the Governor, the left the guard house. Charles Augustus Murray said that two "small wings which formed part of the range of offices are still standing." In 1845 Henry Howe wrote that the right building was an office, the left a guard house. Lossing, who visited here in 1848, repeats this statement. Mrs. C. B. T. Coleman, in her Annals of Williamsburg, says the buildings were used as office and guard house, without designating their arrangement. These buildings were occupied as dwelling houses for a number of years but were destroyed during the War Between the States. Tyler in 1893 says the offices contained two large rooms below and two above with dormer windows.
It is not very probable that either of these offices was used as the Palace kitchen because of their location and because all 3 historical data refers to them as offices.
Lord Dunmore in 1784 in placing his loyalist claim for losses sustained in Virginia refers to losing "all the furniture of the Servants' Rooms, Kitchen, Laundry and other offices."
Although the Palace was a fairly large building it had a limited number of good bed chambers. The governors entertained visitors frequently and in fairly large numbers, which meant that visiting dignitaries and their staff of servants were doubtless accommodated in the Palace building itself and probably in the western office. Garret rooms, from the meanness of the furniture and their undesirable location doubtless meant that they were reserved for the use of white servants.
The two following references from the Virginia Gazette refer to visitors who were entertained in the Palace:
Last Saturday his Excellency William Tryon, Esq; Governor of North Carolina, and His Lady, arrived at the Palace in this City, on a visit to his Excellency Lord Botetourt, and we hear they propose staying sometime with his Lordship. The same day Joseph Hewes and Edmund Fanning Esquires, and Mr. Edwards, secretary to his Excellency, arrived here; and, we are told his Excellency Robert Eden, Esq; Governor of Maryland, is expected here in a short time.
Last Sunday arrived at York, from Annapolis in Maryland, his Excellency Robert Eden, Esq. Governour of that Province, with his Lady, the Hon. William Fitzhugh, Esq; one of the Council there, and Miss Darby. Upon notice of their arrival Lord Botetourt sent his coach for them, which brought them to the palace that evening.
… with a pair of offices symmetrically placed… they were connected with the main building by a wall…
Kimball, Fiske
American Domestic Architecture
Page 79 (Palace Book p. 51)
"The palace, or governor's house, is a magnificent structure, finished and beautiful with gates, fine gardens, offices…"
[quoted from Hugh Jones, "Present State of Virginia."] Howe, Henry
History of Virginia
Page 323 (Palace Book p. 152)
1730 - July 8.
Mr. Speaker acquainted the House That the Governors House was very Inconvenient for want of a cover'd way from the Offices into the House…
Journal of House of Burgesses, 1727-1740
Resolved… a sum not exceeding One hundred pounds in building a cover'd way from the Office… into the said House.
Page 108, 109 (Palace Book p. 177)
Governor's house- measured plan by Jefferson.
Kimball, Fiske
The building "was flanked on either side by a small brick house- that on the right being the office of the Governor; that on the left, the guard house"…
Thomas Jefferson, Architect
Page 138, 139 (Palace Book p. 297)
January 9th- "takeing up pavement, & laying it again 20/. in Covered way & 1 days labr. 10/. . 1:10:0Humphrey Harwood Ledger, B-25.5
(1835 ?)
… Two small wings, which formed the range of offices, are still standing…
Murray, Charles Augustus
Travels in North America
Page 173 (Palace Book p. 317)
… two small brick structures, the remains of the Palace… That on the right was the office, and the one on the left the guardhouse.
Howe, Henry
Historical Collections of Virginia
Page 328 (Palace Book p. 320)
… All that remains of this spacious edifice are the two wings… the one on the right was the office, the one on the left was the guardhouse.
Lossing, Benson J.
Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution
Vol. II - p. 263
… and two small flanking buildings, the one given over to office uses, the other the quarters of the red-coated Rangers, the Governors body guard.
Coleman, Cynthia Beverly Tucker
Williamsburg Essays
Page 34.
The Palace proper, as we have seen, was destroyed by fire; the two buildings used as offices and barracks for the Governors body guard became private residences… Coleman, Cynthia Beverley Tucker6
Williamsburg Essays
Page 36.
… The wings, a guard-house and an office were standing up to the time of the late war, when they were torn down…
[Article on Williamsburg, James Drew Sweet]
… and out-houses, among them two offices standing up to the war, each of which contained two large rooms below and two above with dormer windows…
[Tyler's Notes on Tucker's Letter]
William & Mary Quarterly
1st Series - Vol. 2
Page 198 (Palace Book p. 316)
A kitchen building was included in the original appropriation for the Palace and it was directed in October 1705 that this building be "suitable for such an house." Henry Cary built the kitchen which he reported was almost finished in April 1709. It was ordered completed in October 1710 and also funds were appropriated for this purpose, and funds for standing furniture for the kitchen. The copper plate of 1732 shows only the Palace, two dependencies and two very small buildings. On the Frenchman's map of 1786 a large building west of the western office in shown. This building has been excavated and has east of it a number of outbuildings. In Botetourt's inventory are listed, "outhouses belonging to the Kitchen", namely, the Larder, Smoke House, Coal House, Salt House, Charcoal House, and Scullery. There was also a Dairy house, possibly near the stable and probably a separate building used as a Wine Store. The kitchen had a large fireplace, extensive space for bulky copper, iron, brass and pewter utensils, and storage space for a large amount of glass ware and linen.
In the Servants Hall there was a great deal of Staffordshire tableware, 2 pine tables and equipment for a fireplace. This servants hall may have been in the kitchen building as the furniture is inconsistent with the possibility of its being a separate building. The cook usually had a bed chamber in the kitchen. Most of the Governors had white men or women for cooks in addition to numerous negro helpers and waiters. The inventory of the Cook's Bed Chamber in 1770 showed that it was a large room with three 8 windows and a fireplace, luxuriously furnished. No chairs or benches are listed in the Servants Hall in Botetourt's inventory. This probably means that this Servant's Hall in the kitchen corresponded to the modern designation "Butler's Pantry."
A cellar which contained 14 gross of empty bottles is listed in Botetourt's inventory apparently as part of the kitchen.
A Kitchen garden was laid out near the kitchen after the proposal of 1710 that "a kitchen garden and orchard be paled in at least, That a flower garden behind the house, as well as the court yard before it be enclosed with a brick wall four feet high with a balustrade of wood on top." An Act was passed after this proposal, in the session October 1710 providing "That a convenient kitchen garden be laid out on the said land & be enclosed with pales…" By "convenient" the Act meant adjacent, as the usual kitchen garden adjoined the kitchen building. The lines on the Frenchman's and the Simcoe maps may well be taken to indicate lines of paling enclosing the kitchen, its outhouses and its garden.
1705 - October
An Act directing the building an house for the governor…
And be it further enacted That a kitchen and stable, suitable for such an house be likewise built…
… That the sum of three thousand pounds shall be employed and expended in building the house and out houses…Hening's Statutes at Large
Vol. III - page 285-287.
(Palace Book p. 44-45)
1709 - April 16
… and have built and almost finished ye
Kitchen… Henry Cary. Virginia Magazine of History
Vol. 16 - page 83, 84
(Palace Book p. 68)
1710 - October
Kitchen suitable to said house to be completed. £1550 for it and house and stable. Hening's Statutes at Large
Vol. III - page 482-485
(Palace Book p. 76-77)
Standing furniture for Kitchen - Stove Trone. Legislative Journals
Council of Colonial Virginia
Vol. III - Page 1557
(Palace Book p. 70)
1 Large meat Jack & appurtanences, 1 Dutch Oven. 1 Salamander. 1 pr Bellows. 1 skimmer & 1 flesh fork. 2 gridirons. 2 Iron Trivets. 1 poker & tongs. 1 large boil.g copp.r, 1 Box iron & heater. 1 old wooden chair, 1 large fire Screen. 1 Blue salt box, 1 Marble mortar, 5 Stone jarrs empty, 1 large Glass lanthorn, 1 Half bushels hand basket, 2 Iron meat cleavers, 21 Pewter Dishes & 15 plates, 1 pewter fish skimmer, 12 white stone scollops, 5 Tea Canisters, 2 round coffee canisters, 1 parcel of Hartshorn, & 1 do. [illegible]ing glass, 1 small & 1 large Sieve, 1 can of 18 Lard.g Needles, 16 pewter ice moulds, 16 Earthern sweet meat pots, 2 pair steak tongs.(Botetourt Papers, p. 61)
3 wooden rolling pins, 1 Knife & Fork, 1 Coffee mill fix'd, 4 Dos Cop.r moulds, 3 pewter Ice moulds, 9 Doz. & 9 Tin moulds of different forms, 8 pasta brushes, 5 paste markers, 2 Small iron Stands, 1 old 8 day Clock, 26 pewter Cand.e mould. 8 Old hair Sieves, 1 pr of 2 lb. copp.r Boales & weights, 1 old pewter dish, 1 Small flower Keg, 1 hard dinner Bell, 1 stone jarr candied orange peel, 1 small Cause sieve, 2 Tin Cullenders, 21 cop.r Stew pans & 24 Covers, 4 do. Soup pots & covers, 1 do. alamode pot & cover, 1 Do preser.g pot & do. 1 do Small fish Kettle & Cover, 5 do. Sauce pans & — do. 1 Bell mettle pentle & mortar, 2 chop.g Knives, 2 round Cop.r paste pans & 2 oval Tin do, 1 Iron bird spits, 1 Tin Ventilator, 1 do Soup horse, 1 do Skimmer, 3 funnels, 4 large tin graters, 4 Tin maples bisket pans, 1 large tin flat candlestick, 21 tin meat Covers, 2 large pewter water dishes, 3 Cop.r Chafing dishes, 21 Glass Salvers, 1 cut glass pirimid & frame compleat, 1 plain do with 14 pails, 5 flat plates, 3 look.g glass frames, 4 Scollopt plates, 21 glass flower stands, 4 green do., 2 round Cut glass Cream basons covers & dishes, 2 — do oval— do. & 2 — do, 4 scollop plates, 3 do sweet meat glasses for a change, 67 argeat glasses, 46 plain flint jelly & silibub glasses, 5 butt.r dishes & Covers, 50 Cut jelly & Silibub Glasses, 39 plain Square jelly do, 67 jelly & Silibub do. of different sorts, 16 Tart pans glass, 8 flat sweet meat pans, 3 common sweet meat mid.g glass, 41 pieces of common desert glasses, 39 do. of best cut, do. do. a small quantity of Ising glass, 26 Pillow cases, 2 pr. very large fine sheets, 17 pr. lesser fine do., 18½ pair Servents do, 4 Damask long Dinner Table Cloths, 6 doz. Napkins to do, 4 Damask long table Cloths, 3½ Doz. Napkins to do, 4 long Diaper table cloths, 4 Middle Cloths to do, 5 Doz. Napkins to do, 2 long Damask table Cloths, 4 doz. Napkins to do, 1 large Damask table Cloth, 1 Middle Cloth to do, 11 1 Dos. Napkins to do, 6 Fine damask table cloths, 6 Doz. napkins, to do, 2 Damask table Cloths, 2 Doz. napkins to do, 30 Dinner table cloths & [illegible] Doz. add Napkins, 36 Breakfast Cloths, 12 Servants table Cloths, 2½ doz. fine diaper tea Napkins, 35 Damask do, 3 Doz. fine diaper towels, 27 Huckback do, 64 Round Towels, 2 coarse dresser Cloths.Botetourt Papers, p. 53
Servants Hall
67 Staffords round Dishes, 64 do. Oval do., 25 do. pudd.g. do, 1 Sallad Dish, 10 Soup plates, 11 Shallow do., 6 large & 4 small breakfast plates, 6 round & 6 Oval fish Strainers, 4 Turens & Covers, 5 Sauce boats, 4 Egg Cups, 2 Old Iron Dogs, 1 pokez, 2 old pine Tables, 2 Mahogany Waiters, 2 black Cans. Botetourt Papers, p. 59.
Cook's Bed Chamber
Field bedst. 2 matrasses, 3 blankets, 1 quilt, 1 bolster & pillow, Red check Curtains, 1 Round mahog.y table with leaves, 1 do. — do. Tea do., 1 Green easy chair with green cover.g & cushion, 1 Arm Chair- leather bottoms, 6 mahog.y chairs Hair bottoms, 1 walnut Desk, 3. pr. red check'd window curtains, 2 pokers, 1 Tender, Tongs, Shovel & hearth brush. 1 dust pan hang.g Trivet, 1 Coppr. Tea Kettle, 15 Prints, 2 Teapots, 3 cups & Saucers, 1 Sugr. Dish & 2 bottles of Staffordshire Ware, 2 black japan'd Canns. 7 Canisters, 1 Sieve, 1 Basket, 6 Artificial flowers, 1 glass tumbler.Botetourt Papers, p. 59.
1779- October 13
Building Oven & Repairing Kitching chimney £ 12.0.0. Humphrey Harwood Ledger, p. 31.
1784 - February 25
Furniture in Kitchen lost by Dunmore claimed February 25, 1784.
P.R.O., Audit 13, Bundle 28(Governor's Palace book, p. 311.)
This building had a fireplace and equipment for roasting in addition to washing tubs and water pails, probably used in dish washing.
2 wash.g tubs, 6 water pails, 3 Iron pots, 1 pr. Iron Dogs, 1 pr. of Iron spit racks, 6 Spits, 1 coffee & 1 chesnut roaster, 1 Iron Frying Pan, 1 Old tin candle box, 1 chop.g board, 1 Stand for candle moulds, 2 Wooden Trays, 1 small Stone jug, 1 Old Sieve, 1 iron Oven peel, 1 Old wooden Chair, 1 old pick.g pot, 1 old jolly Stand, 1 old plate rack, 1 ax.Botetourt Papers, p. 61.
This building is listed in the Botetourt Papers of 1770 and probably was erected by Lord Botetourt as Fauquier's inventory of the Palace does not list charcoal.
In charcoal house about 40 to appearance & 1 wooden bushel [illegible] and some Lumber.Botetourt Papers, p. 81
This building is mentioned in Botetourt's inventory of 1770 but Governor Francis Fauquier, who preceded him in office, did not have coal listed in his detailed inventory. Like the Charcoal house, this building was probably built soon after Botetourt's arrival in 1768.
In the Cole house is about 1000 Bushels of Sea Coal by conjecture.Botetourt Papers, p. 60.
The preserving of meat and fish was one of the functions of every Virginia establishment from the humblest to the most elaborate. This process had to be carried on in a separate building and this building listed in Botetourt's inventory must have been one of the early Palace buildings.
In the Salt house is 6 whole sacks of Salt, & a piece, 9 Pieces of tubs, pots & kitchen a tuff, An empty fish Barrel.Botetourt Papers, p. 60.
The preserving of meat and fish was one of the functions of every Virginia establishment from the humblest to the most elaborate. This process had to be carried on in a separate building and this building listed in Botetourt's inventory must have been one of the early Palace buildings.
A Barrel & 2 tubs of Soft soap, 133 pieces of Bacon, 4 large powdering tubs.Botetourt Papers, p. 60.
This adjunct to the kitchen was standing in Botetourt's time and probably before.
2 Barrels pickled Tripe, 1 whole Kitt of Salmon, 1 Piece of Do., 1 Jar of Virginia Mangoes, 1 Jar of Candied lemmon, 1 Piece of Hogs Lard, 1 piece of jar of Pickled anchovies, About 1/3 of Firkin of Butter, 2 neat's tongues, 1 Cake of Tallow, Part of a carboy of Vinaigre, 6 Ropes of onions. A parcel of broken Staff Ware.
5 Tin pans, 5 Earthen pans, 1 small Chern, 1 pail, 1 Piggin, 1 Small brass Kettle, 1 tin do., 1 Large Double Turkey coop.Botetourt Papers, p. 58.
1 Step ladder & old chair, 3 horses.
2 large shelves.
[Seems distinct from numerous wine, over and liquor cellars.]Botetourt Papers, p. 12.
1769- September 16
To Francis Fauquier, jr.
… We had new doors made to the Wine house, and the key hath been ever since kept by Mr. Carter… Lord Botetourt bought of the furniture to the value of £888 and is to pay next month…Nelson, William of York
Letter Book
A hen house was ordered to be built for the Palace in 1710 with an enclosed yard for poultry. This building, in all probability, was one of the group of original outbuildings planned for the Palace. In 1770 in Lord Botetourt's inventory, it is evident that the poultry house was fairly large and had a very small room adjacent to it in which was an old mattress and two old blankets, probably for the use of Slaves.
That such necessary places as… Hen-house together with an enclosed Yard for Poultry be made…Legislative Journals Council of Colonial Virginia Vol. III - Page 1557 (Palace book, p. 70)
20 Turkeys, 18 Geese, 9 Ducks. (Botetourt Papers, p. 40.)
Small Room Adjoyning to Poultry House 1 old mattrass, 2 old Blankets. (Botetourt Papers, p. 58.)
The bath house to the Palace was ordered finished in 1720. It is difficult to determine from historical date whether this was a separate outbuilding or a small building attached to the main dwelling house. The latter hypothesis seems to be strengthened by archaeological evidence. In Humphrey Harwood's ledger for the year 1779 there are numerous references to repairing the bath and spring including nine days work in building a drain to the bath house. This building also seems to have had heating facilities.
17201712-1726, page 297.
An Act of Assembly for Monday, December 12th, 1720
Finishing the Bannio … 1:10:0 Journal of House of Burgesses of Virginia
March 31
2 bushl lime 9/ & bricks 10/ & Repairing Bath & Spring 20/ & labr 10/Brick Celler by order Capt. Archer.(Humphrey Harwood Ledger, page P-25)
June 23
Repairing barth & fixing Spouts & Do Spring 120/ & Coating Oven 20/ & 4 days lar 72/.(Humphrey Harwood Ledger, page P-25)
June 30
Building a Drane to Barthing House & 9 Days work a 42/ … 18:18 (Humphrey Harwood Ledger, page P-25)
This seems to be a separate outbuilding with a chimney and copper laundry equipment that was installed in the Palace at an early date.
It must have been a fairly large building £o house the equipment and to handle the laundry for an establishment like the Palace.
5 Flat Irons, 2 Box Irone, with one Heater to each, 2 Iron Stands, 1 pr. of Tongs, 1 Large Boyling Copper, 1 Long Stool, 2 pine Tables, 1 Linen Horse, 1 marg. do., 1 Large Iron pot, 1 Brass Skillet, 2 Linnen Baskets, 3 Washing tubs, 2 pails, 1 piggin, 2 mangle Cloaths, 2 Ironing Cloths, 1 wooden Funnel, 1 Hair Sieve, 3 Rensing tube (1/3 part of a Barrel of Lamp Oyl, a small quantity of tar in cellar adjoyning to the Laundry). Botetourt Papers, p. 58.
1778 - Dec. 5
Repairing Landary Chimney & Copper 24/& 1 days Labr 8/ . . . . . 1:12: Humphrey Harwood Ledger page B-25.
Schedule of Losses sustained by the Earl of Dunmore, His Majesty's late Governor of the Colony of Virginia - 25 February 1784.
…All the beds, bedding, and furniture of the Servants Rooms, all the furniture of the Kitchen; Laundry, and other offices.Governor's Palace book, p. 311.
"A stable suitable for such an house" was ordered built in October 1705 and in October 1710 additional money was appropriated for the purpose of completing the house, kitchen and stable. This building was doubtless quite large and like a number of other Williamsburg stables and coach houses was a single building in one wing of which was a stable and in the other a coach house. The coach house portion was very large according to Botetourt's inventory for it accommodated nine vehicles. In the stable were accommodations for ten horses and a large number of other animals. The fodder house must have also been a portion of this large building. A number of the negroes are listed in Botetourt's inventory in such a way as to indicate that there were probably sleeping quarters for these servants some place in the building. The coachman and the groom each had a large, fairly well furnished room with a closet and equipment for a fireplace. There was also room in th stable for a large number of deal cases, trunks, saddlery and harness. In 1776 Benjamin Powell was paid for putting new shutters and cross bars to the stable windows and repairing the fodder house and paling around the garden. Mr. Charles in his Recollections of Williamsburg said that the Palace barn and stable were situated on Scotland Street and it was built of brick and disappeared sometime shortly after the War Between the States.
1705 - October
Act… a kitchen & a stable suitable for such an house be likewise built… Hening's Statutes at Large
Vol. III - p. 285-287. (Governor's Palace book, p. 44-45.)
1710 - October
An Act for finishing a House for the Governor…
Hening's Statutes at Large
… together with a Kitchen and Stable suitable to the said house…
… the sum of fifteen hundred and sixty pounds… to be expended in finishing and compleating the said house, kitchen and stable…
Page 482-486.
(Governor's Palace book, p. 76-77.)
341770 - Coach House & Stable
[Evidently a combination stable and coach house with living quarters for negro servants] 1 State Coach & harness for a pair of horses, 1 post chaise Harness compleat for four horses & a leather trunk in the store room, 1 post Coach with harness compleat for six Horses & two draw boxes (in the store room), 1 green park chair, 1 Letter & Grease Box, 1 New Waggon & a Cart with Harness for Six Horses with Leather Collars & Iron Traces, 1 Roller, 1 plough & 1 pair of Harrows & 1 Bush Frame & 1 plow padde, 5 Grey Coach Horses & 1 Mare 2 Grey saddle Horses & 1 are & 1 Bay Filly, 2 Cows, 1 Bull, 5 Stears and 3 Calves, 2 Farrow pigs & 1 Boar at the Attorneys, 37 Head of Sheep, 19 Weathers, 1 Stack of Hay, 1 Large wheel Barrow, 23 Bushels of Indian Corn, 47½ Bushels of Oats, 23 Bushels of English wheat.
Botetourt Papers, page 59.
[Possibly sleeping quarters above Coach House]
Hannah Dan Phillis
Sally & her Child Billy Matt Piper
Doll Cesar
1770 - Coachman's Room & Closet [Probably Rooms and Closet Adjoining or in the Coach House]
In Deal Cases 6 Horse Sheets, 6 fillet Cloaths, 3 white Rubbers, 6 Rollers, 6 Saddle Cloaths, 2 Inside Brushes, 6 Horse Brushes, 5 Water Brushes, 3 oyl Brushes, 1 Hard Brush, 1 Brass Brush, 2 pr. of Sterrep Irons, 2 Spunges, 1 Green Cover for the Post Coach.
In Post Coach Trunk
[8] Horse nets, Oyl Cloath Cover to Trunk.In Large Deal Case
[8] Horse nets, Oyl Cloath Cover, 2 Oyl Cloath Portmanteau Cases, 2 Horse muzzles, 17 Rack Reins, 3 Blacke Stirrup Leathers, 4 Black Straps, 3 Hempen Halters, 4 Currey Combs, 1 Cord & Spunge for ye Horses Main, 2 pr. of Hobbles, 1 Girt, 6 Horse Collars, new, 6 Do. used, 12 collar Reins, 14½ Sheets of scouring paper, 2 Coach Horses' Whips.
1 Phaeton do. (2 corn Sieves in ye Stable) Field mahogany, 1 Bedstead, 2 mattresses, 1 bolster, 3 Blankets, 1 Red and White flowered quilt, with Red check Curtains, 1 old Oak Table, 1 Walnut Writing Desk, 4 old Green Bottom chairs, 1 Swing Looking Glass, 2 iron Dogs with Brass nobs, 1 Poker, 1 pr. Tongs, 1 Hair Broom, 1 Boot Jack.Groom's Room & Closet Adjoyning [Coach House]
Botetourt Papers, p. 57
Field mahogany Bedstead, 2 mattresses, 1 Bolster, 3 Blankets, 1 old Red & White Flowered Quilt, with Red Check Curtains, 2 old pine tables, 2 chamber pots, 1 close stool. 2 Silver stitched new Sadles, with Saddle Cloths, 1 Plain Saddle & Cloth. 1 new Livery Saddle with furniture, 2 old Livery Saddles with furniture, 1 old plain Saddle, 6 new Snaffle Bridles, 2 new pelham Bit Bridles with polished Bit, 1 new do with Gold Basses, and Polished Bit, 1 do. almost new with cased Bit, 1 Snaffle Do with Cased Bit, 1 Furniture Bridle with Gold Basses and Blue Bodoon, 4 new white Rubbers, 6 Horse Sheets almost new, 4 new Fillet cloaths, 4 new Saddle pannels, 4 new Rollers, 2 Do a little worn, 5 new horse nots, 1 new Red Saddle, cloth with Binding, 1 white do, with green bindings, 3 old Furniture Saddle Cloaths, 1 new Breast plate to a saddle, 3 new Leads & 35 reins, 10 Furniture Bridles, 7 pr. new Stirrup Leathers, 1 pr. Do used, 2 watering Bridles, 1 new Running martingale, 5 new Grappers, 3 old, 2 pr. old Girts, 15 pr. new Single Girts, 6 pr. New Double Do, 3 new Sureingles, 3 old Saddles pannels, 2 new [illegible]ail [illegible] and Straps, 2 new Horse Collars, (1) Old Horse Collar, 6 new Rack Reins, 6 new Hempen Halters, 1 pr new stirrup straps and leathers, 1 new cruppe, 2 new Powder Flasks, 1 pr Holsters almost new, 3 new thin skins, 1 new Furniture pad, 12 Brass Saddle Buttons and Staples, 1 new Currey Comb, 1 pr. of polished stirrup Irons, 3 pr Silver mounted Horse pistols, 4 new Horse Joggs, 1 new Furniture whip, 1 boot jack (1 Half Bushels, 1 Iron Seive, 1 old Cask in Granary).
1776 - November 7
For work on Palace. To Benj. Powell To putting on new shutters & cross Bars to Stable windows . . . . . 0:15:0 Repairing Fodder House & paling around the Garden. . . . . :17:6 Vouchers from Auditor's Papers 164 Archives - Virginia State Library.
(Palace book, p. 290)
…on Scotland Street, a big brick barn and stable; evidently once being a part of the Palace equipment. This disappeared years ago.
Charles, John S.
Recollections of Williamsburg, p. 35.
In addition to the buildings for which we have a certain amount of historical data, we find no further reference to a cow house that was ordered to be made in 1710, no reference to the ice house which is in the Palace park and no reference to the small outbuildings shown on the copper plate.
Cowhouse be made.Palace book, p. 70.
Outhouse containing 1 handmill. [seems to be in the court yard garden]Botetourt Papers p. 12.
1777Virginia Magazine of History
Resolved… that the Palace and as many of the outbuildings as may be necessary… be appropriated for a Publick Hospital.
1782 - May 30
… the outhouse are going fast to destruction and will be soon in ruins…Tyler's Magazine
Vol. 4 - p. 122.
Palace book, p. 307.
1784 - February 25
Schedule of losses sustained by the Earl of Dunmore-
… all the furniture of the kitchen, laundry and other offices.P. R. O., London
Audit Office 13, Bundle 28.
Palace book, p. 311.
Dunmore's ice house-Coleman, C. B. T., Williamsburg Essays page 37.