To: Mr. H. R. Shurtleff, Department of Research & Record, Perry, Shaw & Hepburn, Architects.
From: H. S. Ragland.
Date: November, 1930.
Subject: Report on Cemetery, located in area between Tyler Street (also called Palace Street) and ravine West of Palace Street, and between Scotland Street and Williamsburg Laundry Building, Williamsburg, Virginia.
This cemetery was found in July 1930, when excavations were being made for traces of brick walks of the Colonial Governor's gardens. Information from old records indicated that the gardens were in this location, but not a word has been found even suggesting a cemetery here and its existence was unknown to the people of Williamsburg. On July 15, 1930, the first skeleton was therefore most unexpectedly uncovered.
To date 158 skeletons have been found, and the graves numbered from 1 to 158 inclusive. The skeletons were found at an average depth of 1 1/2 feet, the deepest being about 3 feet below the present surface of the ground. Many of them were found less than a foot deep, and many bones, including skulls, were broken, probably by the plow, as I am told the field has been cultivated from time to time and crops grown here.
The extent of the burial area was determined by excavating between the graves found, and in a space aproximately 15 to 30 feet wide surrounding the area where skeletons were uncovered without finding additional graves. In doing this trenches were cut 4 or
5 feet deep, deep enough to excavate original undisturbed clay.
Attached is a map of the cemetery showing boundaries as thus determined and all graves. The numbers correspond with numbers on stakes in the cemetery, one stake for each grave, driven near the skull to mark the head of the grave. The graves are not numbered in regular order, as it was necessary to number them as soon as located to keep a clear record of the skeletons and objects found.
Each skeleton was uncovered, the bones were taken up and examined, careful search was made in the grave, particularly slightly below the level of the bones, for objects or evidence that would possibly identify the people buried, or establish the date of the burial, or throw any light on the history of the cemetery. The earth around the skeletons was removed with small putty knife, and sifted for small articles. After the examination and search were completed, each skeleton was replaced as nearly as possible in its original position and location and re buried.
The objects found in the graves were put in strong, tough paper bags. There is a bag for each grave, bearing a number corresponding with number on map and on stake in cemetery. The bags have been turned over to Mr. Rutherfood Goodwin to be filed with other objects found in the excavations of old sites and foundations.
Many nails, found in the graves, indicate that most of the people were buried in coffins. Nearly all were buried with arms folded across the body, indicating respect for the dead. However, a few were buried with knees drawn up, or with arms not placed in any definite position, and some were lying on their sides. Also no nails were found in some of the graves, so apparently some of
the people were not buried in coffins.
Dr. Hrdlicka of the Smithsonian Institution examined the bones of 66 skeletons (numbers 1-66 inclusive) and a record of his findings has been submitted in a separate report. He pronounced the skulls of the 66 to be typically English. All the skulls found since his visit, were, strikingly like those he examined, so all the people buried here were probably not only white, but English. All the skeletons are remains of adults, and with exception of those of the one or two women, identified by Dr. Hrdlicka, are apparently the bones of men.
All the skeletons lie East and West. In most instances the skull is at the western end of the grave. However a few are reversed, the skull being at the eastern end of the grave. The graves are in fairly regular rows, with the exception of a few which are not in line with the others. Some of these are the ones with skulls at the eastern ends of the graves.
Two skeletons, side by side, were found about a foot below another one, and two were found side by side in another grave, but each of the other graves contained only one skeleton. Many of them were unusually well preserved, with few bones missing. In a few graves, however, only the skull and large bones were found. The teeth were remarkably sound, comparatively few showing evidence of decay. No dental work was found. In some graves nothing was found but the skeletons. In others various objects were found. The most important are metal buttons with the letters "U.S.A." on them, and a metal button with a crown and the letters "R P" (which may mean Royal Pioneers) on it, another with "5 M M" on it, several others with "R I R" on them and two with figures resembling a crown or perhaps a bursting bomb with
"80" under it, and two with horse and rider (a cavalryman with drawn sabre) on them, and a piece of very coarce cloth, apparently Colonial material, and many hand made nails.
Therefore it seems that this cemetery was a burying ground for soldiers of the "Revolution", perhaps the War of 1812, and the Civil War.
The following list of objects and evidence found in the graves and the report of Dr. Hrdlicka's findings, contain all the information, found in the field, concerning this cemetery. Perhaps when this material is examined by experts and studied in connection with historical research notes secured by your department concerning the history of the Colonial Governor's Palace and lands and of Williamsburg generally, it can be proved conclusively that this grave yard is a military cemetery of the Revolution, known and used again in 1812 or during the Civil War.
The examination of graves and skeletons has been completed and all graves and trenches and other excavations backfilled, and the cemetery itself cleaned up and enclosed by a high board fence and left in the custody of Todd & Brown, Inc. Contractors.
It will be noticed in examing the map of the cemetery that there is a space, in which there are practically no graves, running North and South through the middle of the burial area, about nine (9) feet wide, Which suggests that there may have been a driveway here. A similar partially vacant space, running East and West about six (6) feet wide suggests a walkway. A definite plan of the cemetery then seems apparent - a rectangular burial ground, with a driveway and walkway at right angles to each other forming a cross.
As evidence might be destroyed by inexpert handling, the objects, found in the cemetery, have not been washed or cleaned, but have been filed to be submitted, if desired, to experts, in condition found.
The list of objects and evidence found in the graves and trenches is as follows:-
- SKELETON # 1 -
- 4 nails, apparently hand made
- 5 other plain nails
- 1 brass ring, about 1 1/2" diameter
- SKELETON # 2 -
- 5 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 fragment of button, metal back of button only.
- SKELETON # 3 -
- 2 small pieces of china
- 6 metal buttons, apparently lead, diameter about
- 5/8", each button made in 1 piece.
- 2 metal buttons, apparently lead, diameter about
- 3/4", each button made in 1 piece.
(Note - These buttons are badly corroded & no initials or figures or words can be read. However, in color, size, material, etc. they are like other buttons found in other graves with the letters U.S.A. on them.)
- 1 flat piece of metal, apparently iron or steel.
(Note - size & shape suggest this piece of metal may have been part of a sabre or
- 12 nails, apparently hand made.
- 3 small pieces of china
- 1 metal button looks like lead, made in one piece, with design, resembling a wreath, size diameter 5/8", looks like lead.
- 3 other metal buttons made in 1 piece. 5/8" diameter, badly corroded.
- 5 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 fragment of rounded head spike, 2" long.
- SKELETON # 5 -
- 6 nails, apparently hand made, 3" long
- 8 nails, 2 1/2" long
- SKELETON # 6 -
- 9 fragments of bottle glass
- 7 fragments of china
- 1 metal back of button which was probably covered with cloth. Metal looks like tin. 5/8" diameter.
- 7 metal buttons, look like lead, made in one piece, badly corroded, 5/8" diameter.
- 26 nails, apparently hand made, various sizes
- 3 fragments of spikes
- 1 piece of white clay pipe stem
- 2 pieces of brass ring, diameter 1/2" (Note - these rings were probably parts of backs of buttons.)
- 7
- SKELETON # 7 -
- SKELETON # 8 -
- 6 nails, apparently hand made
- 4 pieces of china
- 1 piece of spiral twisted glass. (Looks like stem of goblet.)
- SKELETON # 9 -
- 17 nails, apparently hand made
- 36 other nails
- 6 pieces of china
- 3 flat pieces of iron
- 1 spike 6" long
- 1 large fragment of key 4 1/2" long
- 1 piece metal, perhaps part of kitchen utensil
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- SKELETON # 10 -
- 32 nails, apparently hand made, of various sizes
- 1 piece of steel sword or boyonet or dagger 4" long - looks like point of blade.
- SKELETON # 11 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- 4 other nails
- 1 spike 5 1/4" long, looks like modern 20 penny wire nail
- 1 flat piece of metal
- 1 metal button, looks like lead, made in 1 piece diameter about 1" with initials U.S.A. on it.
- 8
- (Note - Perhaps an overcoat button).
- 2 brass buttons, made in 1 piece, smooth, (These may possibly have been covered with cloth) 1" diameter.
- 1 piece brass, looks like face or back of button diameter 5/8"
- 7 fragments of china
- 8 fragments of glass
- 1 piece double brass tubing about 4 or 5" long.
- 1 piece of spike 3 1/4" long, looks like boat spike.
- SKELETON # 12 -
- 1 large nail, apparently hand made
- 2 small nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece of a pair of scissors 21/4" long -
- 3 pieces of china
- 3 pieces of glass
- 2 pieces of metal, perhaps part of mouth harp
- 1 animal tusk
- SKELETON # 13 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 white clay pipe stem
- SKELETON # 14 -
- 1 long apike 5" long
- 1 square head wrought nail
- SKELETON # 15 -
- 7 nails, hand made, apparently
- 9
- 1 piece stone about 1" in diameter
- 2 pieces of china
- SKELETON # 16 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- 3 pieces of nails
- 1 bone button with one whole in center, 1/2" in diameter
- SKELETON # 17 -
- 5 nails, apparently hand made
- 2 pieces of glass
- SKELETON # 18 -
- 1 piece china
- 2 pieces glass
- 3 pieces nails
- SKELETON # 19 -
- 1 bone button with hole in center, 3/4" diameter
- SKELETON # 20 -
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece metal sword or bayonet. Looks like the point of the weapen, 2 1/2" long
- 1 piece pottery (flower pot)
- 3 pieces china
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- 10
- SKELETON # 21 -
- 46 nails, apparently hand made
- 2 pieces glass
- 4 pieces china
- 2 pieces mortar or plaster
- SKELETON # 22 -
- SKELETON # 23 -
- 4 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- SKELETON # 24 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 25 -
- 2 pieces lead, 1 piece 3" long, 1 piece L" long
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece button in 1 piece, lead, badly corroded, 3/4" diameter
- 1 piece pottery
- 1 piece china
- SKELETON # 26 -
- 12 nails, apparently hand made
- 3 pieces of china
- SKELETON # 27 -
- 1 piece of china
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- 11
- SKELETON # 28 -
- 24 nails, apparently hand made
- 2 spikes about 5" long
- 4 pieces china Fragments of wood coffin
- 1 modern nail
- 1 animal tusk
- 1 piece brass (Perhaps this is a part of a belt buckle or ormament).
- 1 piece glass, looks like a child's marble
- SKELETON # 29 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 30 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- 2 pieces glazed brick
- SKELETON # 31 -
- 6 nails, apparently hand made
- 9 pieces china
- SKELETON # 32 -
- 5 brass buttons, oval face, plain, probably were covered with cloth, diameter 5/8"
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- 5 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece china
- SKELETON # 33 -
- 12
- SKELETON # 34 -
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 modern nail
- 1 piece pottery
- 2 brass buttons, oval face, plain, probably were covered with cloth, diameter 5/8"
- 2 metal backs of buttons, 1/2" diameter
- 1 metal button, looks like lead, with U.S.A. on it, diameter 3/4" (This button appears to be slightly different from the other U.S.A. buttons previously described).
- 4 bone buttons with hole in center of each, 1/2" diameter
- 1 bone button with hole in center 3/4" diameter
- 1 piece bone button with hole in center about L" in diameter
- 2 pieces glass
- SKELETON # 35 -
- 1 piece ornamental glass, small fragment - might have been part of ornament for clothes.
- 1 button, apparently modern metal with 4 holes in it. Looks like button off work clothes
- 1 piece of metal button, looks like lead, with U.S.A. on it.
- 1 piece nail
- SKELETON # 36 -
- 37
- SKELETON # 37 -
- 1 piece pottery
- 11 nails, apparently hand made (Note - The skull of this skeleton slightly different in shape from others).
- SKELETON # 38 -
- 1 piece china
- 1 piece pottery
- 1 piece of flat metal which might be part of a bayonet
- 10 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 39 -
- SKELETON # 40 -
- SKELETON # 41 -
- SKELETON # 42 -
- 1 flat piece of iron with projection on 1 side near center of it.
- SKELETON # 43 -
- 1 large nail, apparently hand made
- 1 small nail
- SKELETON # 44 -
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- 14
- SKELETON # 45 -
- 35 nails, apparently hand made
- 3 pieces white clay pipe stems
- 4 pieces of pottery
- 2 pieces clay pipe bowls
- 2 pieces glass
- SKELETON # 46 -
- A part of a belt buckle
- 3 pieces pottery
- 3 pieces glass
- 1 piece china
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 47 -
- 3 small buttons, diameter 5/16", oval glass face brass back.
- 3 nails, apparentley hand made
- SKELETON # 48 -
- SKELETON # 49 -
- 7 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece of china
- 2 pieces pottery
- 2 pieces white clay pipe stem
- SKELETON # 50 -
- 9 pieces nails
- 2 pieces wrought iron spikes
- 15
- 4 pieces china
- 3 pieces glass
- 1 piece pottery
- SKELETON # 51 -
- SKELETON # 52 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- 2 small bone buttons with one hole in center about 5/8" diameter
- 1 piece mineral about 1/2" long
- 1 piece china
- 1 piece glass
- SKELETON # 53 -
- SKELETON # 54 -
- 1 large piece pottery
- 3 pieces glass
(Note - This skull was unusually large.)
- SKELETON # 55 -
- 3 pieces glass
- 5 buttons badly corroded about 3/4" in diameter looks like lead & other buttons found which have U S A on them, U.S.A. can read on two of these
- 5 pieces nails
- 16
- SKELETON # 56 -
- 2 pieces glass
- 1 piece cloth, unbleached, coarse, about 1" square (This cloth perhaps osnabrig. It was turned over to Mr. R. Goodwin. H.S.R.)
- SKELETON # 57 -
- SKELETON # 58 -
- 1 button, metal, smooth, of type sometimes covered with cloth, made in one piece, & also 1 piece of iron about 1 1/2 " x 1 3/4" badly corroded is adhered to the button. Size of button is nearly an inch in diameter.
- 1 button, metal, smooth, may have been cloth covered, diameter 1"
- 8 fragments of metal buttons all badly corroded These 8 buttons resemble the U.S.A. buttons previously found, but nothing can be read on them, diameter 5/8"
- 1 piece nail
- SKELETON # 59 -
- SKELETON # 60 -
- 21 nails, apparently hand made
- 3 pieces glass
- 5 pieces nails
- 17
- SKELETON # 61 -
- 13 pieces buttons, various sizes, look like lead and resemble U.S.A. buttons previously described but nothing can be read on these
- 1 button, apparently lead made in 1 piece, & diameter 3/8", with design
- 1 piece china
- 2 pieces white clay pipe stems
- 2 pieces nails
- SKELETON # 62 -
- 2 pieces glazed brick
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- (A very fine skull, large, and nearly intact, Skill not reburied but turned over to R. Goodwin. H.S.R.)
- SKELETON # 63 -
- 16 square head wrought iron nails.
- 1 piece slate.
- Many pieces wood, perhaps from coffin.
- SKELETON # 64 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made.
- 1 brass button, flat, smooth, 1 inch in diameter may have been cloth covered, very thin button.
- 2 pieces of button, thicker, look like lead, and resemble previously described military buttons, badly corroded.
- 2 pieces glass.
- 1 metal button, smooth, flat, diameter 1 inch, with
impression of cloth covering or cloth covering itself, adhering to it. Turned over to R. Goodwin. H.S.R.
- SKELETON # 65 -
- 42 nails, apparently hand made
- 2 pieces white clay pipe stem
- 1 piece glazed brick
- 1 piece thin sheet metal about 1/2" x 1/4"
- SKELETON # 66 -
- SKELETON # 67 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 68 -
- SKELETON # 69 -
- 1 piece glass
- 1 small piece nail
- 1 piece china
- 1 piece glazed brick
- SKELETON # 70 -
- 1 piece metal button, smooth, slightly oval, looks like face of button, diameter 5/8"
- 1 piece glass
- 19
- SKELETON # 71 -
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- 1 modern nail
- SKELETON # 72 -
- 1 piece glass
- 1 nail apparently hand made
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- SKELETON # 73 -
- 1 bone button, hole in center, diameter 3/4"
- 1 bone button, hole in center, diameter 1/2"
- 1 piece glazed brick
- SKELETON # 74 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 75 -
- SKELETON # 76 -
- 1 modern cut nail
- 3 sq. head w. Iron nails
- 2 pieces glass
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- 1 piece glazed brick
- SKELETON # 77 -
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 78 -
- 1 piece glass
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 79 -
- 1 metal button in 2 parts (front & back) with design which includes threemtriangles, diameter 3/4".
- 2 metal buttons, made in 1 piece diameter 5/8" with different designs, which resemble flowers or rosettes.
- 6 fragments of buttons, look like lead, various sizes, and resemble previously described U.S.A. buttons but nothing can be read on theme.
- SKELETON # 80 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- 1 piece slate
- 1 piece glass
- 2 metal buttons, made in one piece, design around edge, diameter 1 inch, slightly oval face.
- 7 fragments of buttons with U.S.A. legible on some of them, buttons look like lead & resemble U.S.A. buttons previously described.
- SKELETON # 81 -
- 1 piece pottery
- 2 pieces glass
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- 3 pieces white clay pipe stems
- SKETETON # 82 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- 3 pieces glass
- 1 small piece slate
- 21
- SKELETON # 83 -
- 1 button, metal, oval face with design, made in one piece diameter 5/8"
- 1 piece glass
- SKELETON # 84 -
- 6 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 cuff link, metal, made of two oval pieces of metal (with design resembling flower). Connected by one link of metal
- SKELETON # 85 -
- 1 button, bone, hole in center, diameter 5/8"
- SKELETON # 86 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- 3 pieces bottle glass
- SKELETON # 87 -
- 1 spike
- 1 small nail
- 1 piece china
- SKELETON # 88 -
- SKELETON # 89 -
- 1 metal button, made in 1 piece, oval face, looks like lead, diameter 3/8"
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 90 -
- 22
- SKELETON # 91 -
- 2 piece glass
- 12 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 92 -
- 1 button, metal, lead, with U.S.A. on it, made in 1 piece, diameter 7/8"
- Fragments of 5 buttons that resemble U S A buttons just described.
- 1 small nail
- 2 pieces glass
- 1 piece china
- SKELETON # 93 -
- 1 piece glass
- 2 pieces china
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 94 -
- 1 piece bone not human
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- 3 pieces glass
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- SKELETON # 95 -
- 3 buttons, metal, resembling military buttons previously described too corroded & dirty now to make out any design or initials diameter 7/8"
- Fragments of wood from post found in grave.
- 23
- SKELETON # 96 -
- 1 large nail
- 2 pieces slate
- 1 piece glazed brick
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- SKELETON # 97 -
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- 1 piece slate
- SKELETON # 98 -
- 1 lead button, diameter 7/8" with initials U S A on it, made in 1 piece
- 2 lead buttons, diameter 5/8" with figure of horse & rider with sabre. These buttons evidently cavalry buttons.
- 1 fragment of face of button with design, brass, diameter 7/8"
- 1 back of metal button with eyelet on it, diameter about 1"
- 1 small bone button with hole in center, diameter 1/2"
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- 4 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece china
1 button, looks like lead diameter 1 1/8", made in one piece, and has on face 5 M M like this
"5 M M" may represent 5th. Massachusetts militia. H.S.R.
1 button, metal, diameter 1", made in one piece with design like this
1 metal belt buckle somewhat like this.
And also 2 pieces glass 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 100 -
- SKELETON # 101 -
- 8 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- SKELETON # 102 -
- SKELETON # 103 -
- SKELETON # 104 -
- 2 metal buttons, look like lead, made in one piece, and with design on face resembling
- 25
- SKELETON # 104 -
- flower or bush, diameter 5/8"
- 1 piece iron which looks like knife blade
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 105 -
- 2 buttons, lead, made in one piece, with design on face, diameter 5/8"
- 1 fragment of button same as two above
- 1 lead button, U S A on face, similar to U S A buttons previously described, diameter 3/4"
- 1 button, metal, flat smooth surface, made in one piece, may have been cloth, covered diameter 5/8"
- 1 piece iron 4 1/2" long which may have been part of gun
- 1 piece of white clay pipe stem
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
SKELETON # 106 -
1 bone button, in several parts, back convex face concave with holes in it. Somewhat like this diameter 1 3/8"
1 brass button, diameter 5/8" made in one piece with design on face
Covering of face of 1 button diameter 1 1/8" showing design on back & front. This material has crimped edge showing where it was fastened to button.
- SKELETON # 107 -
- 26
- SKELETON # 108 -
- 2 pieces glass
- 2 small nails
- 1 brass ring, diameter 5/8"
- SKELETON # 109 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 piece pottery
- 1 piece cuff link, similar to one described found with skeleton # 84.
- 1 lead button, with U S A on it, diameter 3/4" made in 1 piece
- SKELETON # 110 -
- 2 pieces glass
- 1 spike, apparently hand made 4" long
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 111 -
- SKELETON # 112 -
- 10 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 113 -
- SKELETON # 114 -
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
SKELETON # 115 -
2 metal flat buttons, diameter 5/8", plain, made in 1 piece, may have been cloth covered.
1 metal button with design on face, diameter 7/8" slightly convex, made in one piece. Somewhat like this
2 nails, apparently hand made
1 piece glass
- SKELETON # 116 -
- 1 iron buckle which could have been man's belt buckle or a haversack strap buckle or a harness buckle. Size about 1 1/2" x 1 1/2".
- 2 pieces glass
- SKELETON # 117 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 118 -
- SKELETON # 119 -
- SKELETON # 120 -
- SKELETON # 121 -
- 1 modern spike 6" long
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 122 -
- SKELETON # 123 -
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- 4 lead buttons with U S A on face, made in one piece, diameter 5/8"
- 1 metal button made in one piece, diameter 1 inch, with figure resembling crown or bursting bomb figures "80" on face of it.
- 1 fragment of netal button badly corroded about 7/8" in diameter
- 1 metal button diameter 5/8" made in 1 piece with with figure resembling crown or bursting bomb figures "80" on face of it.
- SKELETON # 124 -
- 8 buttons, some badly corroded, lead, made in one piece, U S A is legible on some of them, average size, diameter 5/8".
- SKELETON # 125 -
- 1 button metal, U S A, made in one piece, lead, diameter 3/4".
- 1 piece white clay pipe stem
- 2 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 126 -
- SKELETON # 127 -
- SKELETON # 128 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- 29
- SKELETON # 129 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 130 -
- SKELETON # 131 -
- SKELETON # 132 -
- SKELETON # 133 -
- SKELETON # 134 -
- SKELETON # 135 -
- 1 piece glass (large)
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 136 -
- 1 Indian arrow head, 3" long, 1 5/8" wide, found immediately above head of the skeleton, about 1 foot below surface of ground, about 2" above the head of the skeleton.
- SKELETON # 137 -
- 5 nails apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 138 -
- 30
- SKELETON # 139 -
- 3 anils, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 140 -
- SKELETON # 141 -
- SKELETON # 142 -
- SKELETON # 143 -
- SKELETON # 144 -
- SKELETON # 145 -
- 1 large piece mortar or plaster
- 1 piece brass, diameter 1/4", smooth rounded top surface, concave, unfinished back. It may have been top of a button or pin.
- 1 small nail (modern)
SKELETON # 146 -
1 nail, apparently hand made
1 metal button, perhaps lead or bronze, diameter 1", made in one piece and has on face of it a crown & the letters "R P", like this
This button found under the pelvis bones,
("R.P." may have been the intials -Royal Pioneers; the crown the British crown. H.S.R.)
5 small metal buttons or rather fragments of buttons badly corroded, average size 1/2" diameter
1 metal button, badly corroded, made in one piece, diameter 3/4"
- SKELETON # 147 -
- 5 fragments of glass
- 3 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 148 -
- 1 piece glass
- 1 piece iron in shape of small door knob, diameter 1 1/4"
- SKELETON # 149 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 150 -
- 3 nails, apparently hand made.
SKELETON # 151 -
Skull shows cut & fracture, perhaps caused by blow from sabre, and also hole 7/8" in diameter, cut in skull, evidently by surgeon. No jaw teeth were found, and jaw showed evidence that teeth had been removed in life.
1 upper arm bone shows amputation about 3" above elbow.
1 lower arm bone shows amputation just above wrist.
Lower leg bones of both legs show amputations just below knees. The skeleton was buried with knees up. However lower leg bones of both legs were found buried on top of arm bones and back bones. Skeleton # 152 & # 153 were found below skeleton # 151, like this-
Top of ground
(Skull not reburied, but turned over to R. Goodwin. H.S.R.).
2 pieces glass
1 piece china
1 piece white clay pipe stem
6 nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 152 -
- SKELETON # 153 -
- SKELETON # 154 -
- 2. nails, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 155 -
- 2 bone buttons, 1 hole in center, 1/2" diameter
- SKELETON # 156 -
- 2 metal buttons, lead, amde in one piece, with
the letters U S A on them, diameter 3/4"
- 1 button, metal made in one piece, with initials "R I R on face, diameter 5/8" ("R I R" may represent Rhode Island Rifles or Rhode Island Regiment or Rhode Island Reserves. H.S.R.).
- 2 metal buttons, 7/8" diameter, made in one piece, with initials "R I R" on face.
- SKELETON # 157 -
- 1 nail, apparently hand made
- SKELETON # 158 -
List of articles and objects found in cemetery, but not in graves.
- 1 bowl and part of handle of pewter table spoon.
- 1 piece of gun barrel 1 1/4" long, outside section of barrel in shape of an octagon, diameter 1", bore 5/8"
- 3 round balls, perhaps children's "marbles" sizes about 5/8" diameter, about 1/2" diameter and about 3/8" diameter.
- 4 large pieces china, blue & white
- 1 U.S. 5 cent piece date, 1896.
- 1 very small piece china.
- 34
- 1 horse's tooth
- 1 teaspoon, marked Crown Silver Co., apparently plated ware.
- 2 buttons, apparently lead and similar to military U S A buttons previously described.
- 1 thimble, metal
- 1 circular piece of thin metal, diameter 1 1/8", with 1/4" square hole, in center of it.
- 1 piece metal 3 1/2" long and about 3/8" wide, thickness of a knife blade.
- 1 piece lead, nearly round about 3/8" in diameter
- 1 military button, made in two pieces of metal, with American eagle on face of it, and the words "Extra quality" and 6 stars on the back of it. Diameter 7/8"
- 1 piece steel, looks like part of a sabre 3 1/2" long and 1" wide.
- 1 piece iron or steel, looks like part of a knife 2 1/4" long 3/4" wide.
- 4 nails, apparently hand made
- 1 fragment of white clay pipe bowl
- 1 teaspoon, metal and very rusty.