From the Summer 2011 journal.
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The Battle of Williamsburg, Va. May 5th 1862. General George McClellan appears on the battlefield in Williamsburg. Lithograph by Currier & Ives.
Kearney at Battle of Williamsburg, 1862. The one-armed Philip Kearney road into battle with his sword in hand and reins in his teeth. Black ink wash by Alfred R. Waud.
Sketch of the Battlefield and Confederate Works in Front of Williamsburg, VA. May 5, 1862, by Lt. M.D. McAlester, Chief Engineer 3rd Corps, Army of the Potomac. Published in 1876.
The Union cavalry and artillery starting in pursuit of the rebels up the Yorktown turnpike. Sketched by Mr. W. Homer. Harper's Weekly, May 17, 1862.
The first day's firing at Yorktown, April 1862. Sketched by an officer of the Topographical Engineers. Published in Harper's Weekly.
The Army of the Potomac arriving at Yorktown from Williamsburg. Published in Harper's Weekly.
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