Helen M. Anderson papers(1818–1912)
- MS 1989.13
- 24 items
Correspondence mostly between Helen M. Anderson and U.S. military officers occupying Williamsburg in 1862. Papers document the seizure of wine from Mrs. Anderson’s house, its storage at the Eastern State Insane Asylum, Anderson’s attempts to retrieve the wine, and the U.S. provost marshall’s dispensing of the wine. Correspondents include Lt. John Simpson, Lt. Col. S.E. Smith, and Capt. Flanagan. Also included are the will of Sarah (Mrs. Francis) Jerdone (1818), the will of Robert S. Bright (1912) and an autobiographical essay by Robert A. Bright (born in 1839 in Williamsburg).
Date | Description |
28 December 1818 | Will of Sarah (Mrs. Francis) Jerdone, Louisa County. (Official copy) 4 pp. |
6 May 1862 | Request for protection. Helen Maxwell Anderson, Williamsburg, to General George McClellan. Reply from D. Jameson. |
n.d. [May 1862?] | Letter to certify house search and safe [house] guard for Mrs. [Helen M.] Anderson. By order of Lt. Col. Smith and Lt. W.J. Simpson. |
13 September 1862 | Letter. H.M. Anderson, Williamsburg to Maj. General Dix. Reports seizure of wine from her house. |
13 September 1862 | Letter. S.E. Smith to Mrs. Anderson. Reports that her liquor has been transferred to the Insane Asylum for safekeeping. |
15 September 1862 | Letter of Lt. W. John Simpson, Provost Marshall re liquor. |
18 September 1862 | Letter. Lt. Col S.E. Smith to Lt. Simpson, Provost Marshall, re furnishing Mrs. Anderson a guard for her house. |
18 September 1862 | Letter of Lt. Col. S.E. Smith re liquor in the possession of Mr. S. Moore. |
20 September 1862 | Account of the disposal of the wine stored at “the Eastern Lunatic Asylum.” |
27 September 1862 | Note to send a bottle of wine. S.H. Bayley, Provost Marshall, Williamsburg to __Flanigan. |
27 September 1862 | Note to send four bottles of wine. S.H. Bayley to Corp. Flanigan. |
27 September 1862 | Note to send six bottles of wine for medicinal purposes. Lt. S. Bayley, Williamsburg, to Corp’l Flanigan. |
27 September 1862 | Note to send two bottles of wine. S.H. Bayley to Corp Flanigan. |
27 September 1862 | Note to send a bottle of wine. S.H. Bayley to Corp Flanigan. |
28 September [1862] | Note to send wine. S.H. Bayley to Corp. Flanigan. |
[September 1862] | Note probably from Helen M. Anderson asking Lt. Col. Smith to send a letter to General Dix. |
[September 1862] | Letter [Helen M. Anderson] to Capt. Hennessy re seizure of wine by soldiers. |
[September 1862] | Note to send wine. Lt. W. John Simpson to Corp. Flanigan. |
[September 1862] | Note to send wine. S. Bayley to Corp. Flanigan. |
3 October 1862 | Letter re wine. Helen M. Anderson to Capt. Hennessy, Provost Marshall. |
June 1912 | Will of Robert S. Bright. |
n.d. | Autobiographical essay of Robert A. Bright. |
n.d. | 2 envelopes. |