A |
Abbot, W.W.: see William and Mary Quarterly (C). |
Abbott, Stanley: see National Park Service (C); Wyrick, Mrs. C.H. (C); Jamestown Island (Virginia) |
Colonial National Historical Park (P); Greenspring Plantation (P). |
Adler-Schnee Assoc.: see Burns Lane #314 (P). |
Alderman, E.W.: see Virginia, University of (C). |
Alexander, Edward P. (C); see also Lectures, misc. corr. (L). |
Allardt, F.E., Jr.: see Book Collection (S). |
AIA: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, general Corr. (S). |
American School of Design (C). |
Architectural Forum (C). |
Architectural Record (C). |
Archives of American Art: see Correspondence (PF). |
Artz, Dr. Frederick: see Book Collection (S). |
A.P.V.A.: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P); Jamestown Island, Relics House (P); APVA (S). |
A.P.V.A., Thomas Rolfe Branch (C). |
B |
Bacon, Henry: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Baker, Charles E.: see New York Historical Society (C). |
Baker, James P.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Baldwin, Dr. John T.: see Wm. & Mary, Phi Beta Kappa Hall (S). |
Barr, Alfred: see Architectural Center (P). |
Barr, Stringfello: see Architectural Center (P). |
Barragan, Luis (C). |
Bartlett, Scott: see McGraw-Hill Book Company (C). |
Bell, Whitfield, Jr.: see Franklin, Benjamin, Papers of (C). |
Berkowitz, George: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Beveridge, Jean: see Architectural Center (P). |
Bliven, Bruce: see New Republic (C). |
Bradley, Cato: see Corr. (PR). |
Bradley, D.F.: see Harper and Brothers, Publishers (C); see also Shadows in Silver (L). |
Bridenbaugh, Carl (C). |
Briggs, Robert A.: see Penn. State Univ., Theta Delta Chi (C). |
Brigham, George B., Jr.: see Architectural Center (P). |
Bryson, Mary Weston: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Buhman, Max W.: see Virginia Musuem of Fine Arts (C). |
Burchard, John E. see Massachusetts Inst. of Techology (C). |
Byrd, Harry F.: see Virginia. Governor’s Office (C). |
Butler, Joseph: see Sunnyside Corr. (P), Corr (PR). |
C |
Cahill, Holger: see Colonial Williamsburg. Dept. of Research and Record. Crafts (S). |
Calder, Alexander (C). |
Calkins, Eleanor (C). |
Campioli, M.E.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Carlssons, J.O., Mobelindustri: see (C). |
Catterall, Louise F.: see Valentine Museum (C); see also Historic Richmond Foundation (C); |
and Shadows in Silver (L). |
Carney, Jack W.: see Wm. & Mary, Architecture (S). |
Cater, Harold Dean: see Sunnyside (P). |
Chandler, A.D.: see Wm. & Mary, Phi Beta Kappa (S). |
Chang, Henry (C). |
Cheek, Leslie: see Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (C). |
Childs, Richard S.: see City Club of New York (C). |
Chorley, Kenneth, Sr.: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Advisory Comm. of Architects (S); see also Sunnyside (P). |
Chorley, Kenneth, Jr. (C). |
City Club of New York (C). |
City Investment Company [N.Y.] (C). |
Clark, W.T. and Company: see Burns Lane #314 (P). |
Coate, Roland E.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Cole, Minnie: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Coleman, R. V.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown (C) |
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation: see (S). |
Columbia University. School of Architecture (C). |
Cook, Huestis P.: see Shadows in Silver (L); see also Photographs, People (PH). |
Cook, Mary Latimer: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Corbett, H. W.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Cowgill, C. H.: see Virginia Politechnic Inst. Dept. of Arch. (C). |
Cram, Ralph Adams see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Craven, Leslie: see Architectural Center (P). |
Cret, Paul: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Cross, John Walter: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Cunningham, Helen: see “Airslie” (P). |
Cunningham, Henry: see “Airlsie” (P). |
Currie, Clifford: see Book Collection (S). |
D |
Darling, Frank: see CW Dept. of Research & Record Crafts (S). |
Dance, Elizabeth J.: see Valentine Museum (C). |
Dashiell, Mrs. Harry G.: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Dashiell, Segar Cofer: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Davis, Thomas J., III: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Dawson, Samuel Cooper, Jr.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Dearstyne, Howard: see Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (C); Shadows in Silver (L). |
Delano, William Adams (C). |
Dickson, Harold E. (C). |
Dodson, E. Griffith: see Virginia. House of Delegates (C). Dowling, Robert: see City Investment (C). |
Company of New York (C). |
Dreier, Theodore: see Black Mountain College (P). |
Duberman, Martin: see Black Mountain College (P). |
Dulles, John Foster: see Walter, Emile (C). |
Dupont, Pierre S. (C). |
Dysart, R. E.: see Reynolds Metals Company (C). |
E |
Eastern Building Supply Company: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Economy Cast Stone Company see Interlocking Triangular Block (P). |
Elder and Elder, Lawyers see Interlocking Triangular Block (P). |
Eldredge, Elwin M.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Eliot, Charles W.: see Architectural Center (P). |
English, Hope: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Entenza, John: see Architectural Center (P). |
Ernest Race, Lt. (C). |
Everson, George: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
F |
Farquhar, Robert D.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Fauber, J. Everette, Jr.: see “Airslie” (P). |
Ferrand, Gabriel (C). |
Ferriss, Hugh: see Plywood House, Corr. (P). |
Fisker, Kay: see Sunlight Towers (P). |
Flagg, Ernest: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Fletcher, L.J.: see Burns Lane # 314 (P). |
Foley, Mary Mix: see Aluminaire House (P). |
Follin [?], M.: see Architectural Center (P). |
Forbes, Stephen H.: see Black Mountain College (P). |
Ford Class Company: see Solar House (P). |
Ford, Katherine Morrow (C). |
Ford Motor Company: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Ford Times: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Foreman, Clark: see Architectural Center (P). |
Foster, F. A.: see Black Mountain College (P). |
Fowler, Lawrence Hall (C). |
Franklin, Benjamin, Papers of (C). |
Frey, Albert (C); see also Alluminaire House (P). |
Friberger, Eric (C). |
Fries, Adelaide L.: see Moravian Church in America (C). |
G |
Gardens, Corporation (C). |
Garvan, Anthony N. B. (C). |
Gibson, Betty Gray: see Valentine Museum (C). |
Giedion, Siegfried (C). |
Gilbert, Cass: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Gilbert, W. M.: see Architectural Corr. (P). |
Gloag, John: see Architectural Center (P). |
Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Goodspeed’s Bookshop, Inc. (C). |
Goodwin, Philip L. (C). |
Granscay, Stephen V.: see Armor (S). |
Gray, Frances Stringfellow (C). |
Gray, Mary Wiatt: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Grey, Elmer: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Gropius, Walter (C). |
Gwaltney, Cecil—Isle of White County Court House (P). |
H |
Haas, A. Henry: see Joseph Priestly House (P). |
Haggerty, Donald F.: see Architectural Center (P). |
Halvorson, Homer: see Johns Hopkins University Library (C). |
Hamor, W. A.: see Architectural Center (P). |
Hankins and Anderson: see Sunnyside (P). |
Harmon, J. W.: see Harmon Oldsmobile—Cadillac Corporation (P). |
Harper and Brothers, Publishers (C). |
Harris, Mary: see Black Mountain College (P). |
Harrison and Abramovitz, Architects (C). |
Haskell, Douglas: see Architectural Forum (C). |
Hastings, Thomas: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Hay, T. R. (C). |
Heath, Chadwick N.: see William and Mary (S). |
Hess, Sue E.: see Articles (L). |
Historic Richmond Foundation (C). |
Hitchens, [?]: see Architectural Center (P). |
Hohns, Henry C.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Hopper, Franklin F.: see Architectural Center (P). |
Hoover, Herbert: see (C); see also Architectural Center (P). |
Hopkins, Joe: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Hosmer, Charles (C). |
Howe, George: see Architectural Center (P). |
Hudnut, Joseph (C); see also Virginia, University of (C): see also Virginia Governor’s Office (C). |
Hudson, Paul: see Jamestown Island. Colonial National Historical Park (P). |
Hunter, Wilbur H., Jr.: see Committee to Preserve the National Capitol (S). |
Huss, Mary: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
I |
Isaccs, Reginald (C). |
Ivie, Allen D., III: see Young Decorators League (C). |
J |
Jackson, Auzville, Jr.: see Interlocking Triangular Block (P). |
Jackson, Lucille: see Joseph Priestly House (P). |
Jago, Walter Cooke: see Sunnyside (P). |
Jennings, John Melville (C); see also William and Mary, College of, Library (C); Virginia Historical Society (C); and Shadows in Silver (L). |
Johns Hopkins University, Library (C). |
Johnson, Stanhope S.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
K |
Kaempffert, Waldemar: see Architectural Center (P). |
Kamphoefner, Henry L.: see Oklahoma, University of, School of Architecture (C). |
Keck, George Fred: see Architectural Center (P). |
Keefer, Thomas S., Jr. (C). |
Kelley, Frances: see Works Progress Administration (C). |
Kemp, Edward, Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
Kendrew, A. Edward: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (S); Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P); and Sunnyside (P). |
Kesler, Helga: see Architectural Center (P), William and Mary—Architecture Curriculum (S). |
Kettering, C. F.: see Architectural Center (P). |
Keyserling, Leon H.: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
Kilgore, H. M.: see Architectural Center (P). |
Kilham, Walter H.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Killian, James R., Jr.: see Massachusetts Institute for Technology (C). |
Kimball, Fiske (C); see also Architectural Center (P). |
King, Sidney E. (C). |
Klauder, Charles Z.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Knopf, Alfred A., Inc. (C). |
Kocher, George: see Correspondence (PR). |
Kohn, Robert D.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
L |
Lacy, William S., Jr.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Lambert, J. Wilfred: see Wm. & Mary, Architecture curriculum (S). |
Lambeth, W. A.: see Virginia, University of (C). |
Lasker, Loula D.: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
Le Corbusier (C). |
Lee, James A.: see Wm. & Mary, Architecture (S). |
Library of Congress (C); see also Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Life Magazine (C). |
Lougee, Arthur T., Isle of White County Courthouse (P). |
Luce, Henry R.: see Life Magazine (C). |
M |
MacCornack, Walter R.: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
McCrea, Mrs. Archibald (C). |
McCoy, Garrett: see Correspondence (PR). |
MacFarlane, A. S.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
McGraw-Hill Books Co. (C). |
MacNichol, G. P.: see Solar House (P). |
Magonigle, H. van Buren: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Maholy-Nagy, L.: see American School of Design (C); see also Architectural Center (P). |
Mandrot, Helene de (C). |
Mare, Eric S. de: see Architectural Center (P). |
Mason, George C.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (C). |
Matter, Herbert (C). |
Mayor, A. Hyatt: see Metropolitan Museum (C). |
Mellor, Walter: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Meltzer, Milton: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Merriam, Charles E.: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
Metropolitan Museum (C). |
Moore, Charles H.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Moorehead, S. P.: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation; see also Sunnyside (P). |
Moravian Church in America (C). |
Morgan, Theodore J.: see Sears, Roebuck and Company Art Gallery (P). |
Morris, Benjamin Wistar: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Morrow, Malcolm: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
Mullgardt, L. C.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Munford, Louise P.: see A.P.V.A., Thomas Rolfe Branch (C). |
Murrell, Thomas W., Jr., Corr. (PR). |
N |
National Park Service, HABS Program (C). |
National Park Service, Jamestown: see Jamestown Island (Virginia), Colonial National Historical Park (P). |
Nelson, Donald M.: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
New Republic (C). |
New York City Civil Service Commission (C). |
New York Historical Society (C). |
Newcomb, Rexford: see Architectural Center (P). |
Newhall, Beaumont: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Newton, Ernest: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
North Carolina State Archives (C). |
Norton, B.W.: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Corr. (S). |
O |
Oklahoma, University of, School of Architecture (C). |
Old Virginia Brick Company: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Oldfield, Robert D.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Oliver, Marion Carter: see Shirley Plantation (S). |
O’Neill, Peggy: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Owens, James M.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
P |
Page, Richmond: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
Parker, John C.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Payne, Judd: see Architectural Record (C); see also Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Pennsylvania State University, Theta Delta Chi (C). |
Perkins, G. Holmes: see Architectural Center (P). |
Perry, William G.: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (S). |
Peterson, Charles E.: see National Park Service, HABS Program (C); see also Society of Architectural Historians, Journal of (C). |
Phillips, George L.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Platt, Charles A.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Pond, Irving K.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Pratt, Richard (C). |
Purves, Edmund R.: see Aluminaire House (P). |
Pyle, Mary T.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
R |
Radez, Bonny S.: see Aluminaire House (P). |
Reader’s Digest: see Architectural Center (P). |
Reynolds Metal Company (C). |
Reynolds, R. S., Jr.: see Reynolds Metal Company (C). |
Richardson, Catherine, sec. to Mr. Lilienthal, TVA: see Architectural Center (P). |
Richardson, Philip and Co.: see Charles City County Courthouse (P). |
Riley, Edward M.: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Corr. (S). |
Ripley, Hubert G.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Roberts & McInnis (C). |
Roberts, Jean L.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Roberts, William A.: see Roberts & McInnis (C). |
Rockefeller, John D., Jr.: see Sunnyside (P). |
Rockefeller, Winthrop: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Corr. (S). |
Roosevelt, Eleanor [letter from secretary Malvinia Scheider] (C). |
Roscoe, Theodore: see Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (C). |
Rowell, Hugh Grant, Sunnyside (P). |
Rouse, Parke, Jr. (C); see also Greenspring Plantation (P). |
Ruffin, Marion: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
S |
St. Whitelock, Otto V.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Scheider, Malvinia: see Roosevelt, Eleanor (C). |
Scott, Cecil: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Scott, Giles Gilbert: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Shaw, George Berhanrd: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Shaw, Howard van Duren: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Shear, John Knox: see Articles, Architectural Record (L). |
Sheppard, Morris: see Low Cost Housing (P). |
Sherman, Roger: see William and Mary, Phi Beta Kappa Hall (S). |
Sherrard, Jane: see Architectural Center Corr. (P). |
Shurtleff, Harold R.: see Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (S). |
Sleepy Hollow Restorations: see Sunnyside (P). |
Smith, Herbert: see Articles, Architectural Record (L). |
Smith, Kenneth A.: see Columbia University School of Architecture (C). |
Society of Architectural Historians, Journal of (C). |
Stanley, Walter A., Construction Co.: see Sunnyside (P). |
Stephens, A.E.S.: see The Grove (P). |
Stephens, Mrs. A.E.S.: see Christ Church, Smithfield (P); see also Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P), The Grove (P). |
Stephens, Anna: see The Grove (P). |
Stoller, Claude: see Black Mountain College, Correspondence (P). |
Stout, Rex: see Architectural Center Corr. (P); see also Rex Stout House (P). |
Sturgis, R. Clipston: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Sullivan, Louis: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Swartwout, Egerton: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Swing, Raymond: see Architectural Center (P). |
T |
Teegem, Otto: see Plywood House Corr. (P). |
Thomas, A.L. Lynn, Co.: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Thomas, Alan and Ella (C). |
Thorne, Thomas A.: see Wm. & Mary, Architecture curriculum (S). |
Tiranti, John, Ltd. (C). |
Treville, Mr. L. de: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Tunnard, Christopher: see Lectures, misc. corrs. (L). |
Turner, Robert K.: see 314 Burns Lane (P). |
Tyler, J. Alfred: see Charles City County Courthouse (P). |
U |
Upshaw, M. B.: see New York City Civil Service Commision (C). |
V |
Valentine Museum (C). |
Van Pelt, John V.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
Vanderbilt, Paul: see Shadows in Silver (P). |
Virginia Gazette: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Virginia, Governor’s Office (C). |
Virginia Historical Society (C). |
Virginia, House of Delegates, Clerk’s Office (C). |
Virginia Metal Crafters: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Virginia Pilot: see Isle of Wight County Courthouse (P). |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Dept of Architecture (C). |
Virginia, University of (C). |
Voysey, C.F.A.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
W |
Wagner, Al: see Reynolds Metals Company (C). |
Wallace, George S.: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Washburn, Wilcomb E.: see Lectures (L). |
Walters, Emile (C). |
Weaver, Mike: see Black Mountain College, Correspondence (P). |
Weber, Kem: see Architectural Center (P). |
Weber, L.B.: see Kocher, Burns Lane Addition (P). |
Wiedemann, Ernest A.: see Harmon Oldsmobile (P); see also Interlocking Triangular Block (P). |
Willcox, W.R.B.: see Articles, Library of an Architect (L). |
William and Mary, College of, Library (C). |
William and Mary Quarterly (C). |
Wilson, Richard Guy, Corr. (PR). |
Winslow, E.A.: see Architectural Center (C). |
Works Progress Administration (C). |
Wyllie, John Cook: see Shadows in Silver (L). |
Wyrick, Mrs. C.H. (C). |
Y |
Young Decorators League (C). |
Z |
Zucker, Paul: see Architectural Center (P). |
Zuelke, Florette: see Shadows in Silver (L). |