Elizabeth Fairfax Griffith letter to Margaret “Peggy” Davenport Coalter(ca. 1791)
- MS 1951.3
- Microfilm: M-1561
- 1 item
Elizabeth Fairfax Griffith writes (ca. 1791) that she has been sick with influenza. She writes about a Mr. Harwood. She complains that Peggy’s letters are not long enough. Wants to hear something of every person in Williamsburg. Wants to know how Mr. Greenhow’s family is. Mentions Mr. R and family, who have a niece named Courtenay. Asks if Courtenay is to be married to Mr. L. Mentions C.T. Asks if P[eter] Carr or his brother have visited her this winter. Thinks Peggy’s description of Mr. W-k-m is well drawn. Wants to be presented affectionately to Peggy’s mama. Correspondents tentatively identified as Elizabeth Fairfax Griffith and Margaret Davenport Coalter, but lacking proof.
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