Documents concerning the sale of Dr. Archer’s slaves to satisfy a debt to the Farmers Bank of Virginia(1829–1835)
- MS 2008.14
- 2 items
Two documents concerning the sale of slaves belonging to Dr. John R. Archer to satisfy a debt owed to the Farmers Bank of Virginia. The first document is a copy of the suit issued by the Superior Court of Law of Petersburg, for the case of “The President, Directors, & Co. of the Farmers Bank of Virginia, against John R. Archer and Wm. B. Giles.” The copy was made by the court’s clerk, Harry Beverly Gaines, for Dr. Archer. William Branch Gaines endorsed the note of Archer and was also sued by the bank.
The second item is a letter from George Jefferson, sheriff of Amelia County, concerning the sale of Dr. Archer’s slaves and the handling of the money from the sale.
1829–1835: Page 1
Superior Court of Law of Petersburg. October term 1829.
“The President Directors & Co of the Farmers Bank of Va. Pl[ain]t[iff]s
John R. Archer and Wm B Giles Def[endan]ts
Motion on a
forfeited forth-
-coming Bond.
This day came the plaintiffs by their attorney and it ap-
-pearing to the court that the defendants have had legal notice of this motion
they were solemnly called, but came not. Therefore it is considered by the
court that the plaintiffs may have execution against the defendants for Four
thousand, four hundred and forty six dollars and sixteen cents, the penalty
of the said bond, and the costs by them about their motion in this behalf ex-
-pended and the said defendants in mercy &c. But this judgment may be
discharged by the payment of two thousand, two hundred and twenty three dol-
-lars and eight cents with legal interest thereon from the 23d of May 1829 till
paid and the costs.
Plaintiffs Costs $6.76.
The following is a copy of the execution which if sued on the foregoing judgment,
and also of the endorsements and return thereon.
“The Commonwealth of Virginia, To the Sheriff of Amelia County, Greeting:
You are hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels of John R. Archer and
William B. Giles, late in your bailiwick, you cause to be made Four thousand,
four hundred and forty six dollars and sixteen cents, which The President, Direc-
-tors & Company of the Farmers Bank of Virginia, lately in our Superior Court of
Law of the Town of Petersburg, have recovered against the said Archer and Giles
for debt, also $6.76, which to the said President, Directors & Company of said
Bank in the same court were adjudged for their costs about their motion in that
behalf expended, whereof the said Archer & Giles are convicted as appears
to us of record, and that you have the same, on the first Monday in January
next (that being rule day) at the Clerks Office of our said Superior Court, to
render unto the said President, Directors & Company of said Bank of the debt and
costs aforesaid; and have then there this writ. Witness Harry Beverly Gaines
clerk of our said court at his office, the 5th day of November A.D. 1829
in the 54th year of the Commonwealth. H. B. Gaines &c.”
Endorsements. “Memo. This execution may be discharged by the payment of two
thousand, two hundred and twenty three dollars and eight centers, with legal
interest thereon from the 23d of May 1829 till paid and the costs.
H.B. Gaines &c.
Note. the original suit in this case was founded on a negotiable note made by
Jno. R Archer, and endorsed by Wm B Giles and Wm J. Barksdale, both of whom have
been separately sued in the same cause of action, the costs of the suit ag[ain]st Giles
is $7.32, and the costs in the suit ag[ain]st Barksdale is $6.96, for both of which
(as well as for this) Archer is bound as the maker of the original note, but the
said Giles & Barksdale are liable for the costs in the respective suits ag[ain]st them
if Archer does not pay it. H.B. Gaines &c.
1829–1835: Page 2
“No security to be taken. H.B. Gaines &c.
Return. To hand 5th Decr 1829. Geo. Jefferson D.S. for H.H. Southall S.
1st January 1830. Levied on six negroes, the property of John R. Archer & said
negroes sold at Amelia Courthouse on the fourth Thursday in Feb. 1830, which
satisfied this debt, after deducting $990.00, which was credited on this execu-
-tion by order of the plaintiffs. [T.T.?] Southall D.S. for H.H. Southall S.”
Copied. [Testd?]
J.P. Hawkes D.C.
Pet: Cir. Supr Court Law & Chancery
1829–1835: Page 3
Petersbg. August 15. 1835.
I have complied with yr. request as far as in my power. No
account of sales was returned with the execution & neither the names
of the negroes nor the purchasers are any where to be found in this
office. Resp[ec]t[full]y J.P. Hawkes
1829–1835: Page 4
Mr. John R. Archer.
Elk Hill P.O.
Filed by Jno. R. Archer
20th Sept. 1835.
Credit named within
of $990.50¢
1831 March 4–5: Page 1
Mr. Thomas T. Giles having called on me to state what
I recollect concerning the sale of Eight negroes, which were
sold by me (as things) as the property of John R. Archer to satisfy Executions
in favor of the Farmers Bank of Virginia. I can only state
that during the Spring of 1830, I sold the negroes to satisfy
said Executions, & myself & Mr. Thomas T. Giles became the
purchasers of all of them. Dr. Archer told us that they
were his favorite negroes & begged that we would buy them,
& give them a little Time to sell other negroes, which he
could better spare from his farm. As soon as I was called
on by the Bank for the amount due from me as Sheriff,
I informed Dr. Archer of the same, & he carried some negroes
which were sold in Richmond for $1200. of which I received
about $100, which was applied to the payment of said
Executions. Between the Time that the negroes were sold,
by me as Sheriff, and the Time that Dr. A. sold the negroes
in Richmond, I was instructed by the Bank to credit the
Exo’n by about $1000, which sum Dr A. informed me was
paid the Bank for him by Mr. Giles. On the day I sold
the negroes above mentioned Dr. Archer, Mr Thos. T. Giles &
myself entered into a contract, which I cannot now
[obstinatly?] recollect. I think, however, that one of the
conditions in the contract was, that the negroes should
be held responsible to Mr. Giles for the whole amount of the Executions
under which they sold, which at that Time exceeded $2000.
The debt was afterwards reduced by Mr. Giles as above
stated. Given under my hand this 4th. day of March, 1831
Geo: Jefferson
1831 March 4–5: Page 2
Geo. Jefferson’s state-
ment, in relation to
an agreement be-
tween himself Tho.
T. Giles & G. R. Archer,
relative to the sale
of Dr. Archer’s ne-
groes at Amelia
March 5th. 1831.
Filed by Thos. T. Giles
28 Augt. 1833.