Will of Deborah Morris(1794)
- MS 2009.7
- 4 pp.
Printed will of Deborah Morris in which she devised and bequeathed her exensive assets to family and others including her sister, Elizabeth Shoemaker, nieces, Elizabeth Lightfoot, Abigail Griffiths, Phebe Morris, Sarah Buckley, and to her attendant Rachel Baremore. Morris made provisions for funds to be paid to the Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia Dispensary and free negro school in the form of annual annuities from the devised properties. Concerning the annuities to the school Morris wrote: “And before I conclude my will, I feel it necessary to mention that I hope none of my dear relatives will think my donations in favor of the free negro school too large, as it appears to me to be a debt due to the posterity of those whom our predecessors kept in bondage.” Owen Jones, senior, Sauel Coates, Jonathan Jones, Anthony Wistar Morris and Samuel Powel Griffiths were named as executors.