The Virginia Almanack for the Year of our Lord God 1771(1771)
Printed by Purdie and Dixon.
[John Page] Diary.
John Page of Rosewell plantation in Gloucester Co. was a U.S. congressman and Virginia governor. Diary appears to have been used by John Page to note personal and public accounts. Entries include his accounts with Lewis Burwell; a listing of receipts with name, dates, and amount (1779); sheriff’s receipts (1780–1781); memoranda of debts; and a list of financial executions. Also includes anonymous accounts (1827–1831) for oysters, flour, and other items.
Names mentioned include: J. Ambler, Christiana Campbell, Richard Corbin, Robert Prentis, Edmund Randolph, John Throckmorton, and Benjamin Waller.
Name Index
- Allard, William
- Ambler, J.
- Anderson (M) & Co.
- Bealls, Sam’l
- Bentley, James
- Booker, Mary
- Booth, George
- Bowdoin, John
- Bracken, M.J.
- Buckner, S.
- Buckner, Jon.
- Burwell, Lewis
- Camp, Thomas
- Camp, John
- Campbell, Chr’n
- Campbell, Christ’n
- Cary, D.
- Chapman, Jos.
- Claiborne, Herbert
- Clarkson, John
- Cluveruis, Benjamin
- Cooke, Miss M.
- Corbin, Richard
- Davenport, Miss M.
- Davenport, Molley
- Delaporte & Grilham
- DeSable, Dr.
- Dixon & Nicolson
- Evans, William
- Flemming, William
- Foster, John
- Frazier, Simon
- Giffin, C.
- Gilbert, R.
- Glass, Thomas
- Green, George
- Greenhouse, John
- Hallum, S.
- Harwood, William
- Harwood, Thomas
- Harwood, Robert
- Henden, Francis
- Henderson, Francis
- Henderson, F.
- Hobday, Isaac
- Hobday, John
- Holt, William
- Huggins, Ann
- Hunter, M.
- Innes, Doc. Robert
- Jameson, David
- Jones, Richard
- Jones, John (tutor)
- Lowe, David
- Massey, Robert
- Mills, James
- Minor, Thomas
- Moore, B.
- News, John
- Norton, John
- Oliver, James
- Page, John
- Philpots, Benjamin
- Pitt, Thomas
- Plum, William
- Pointer, Mich’l
- Prentis, Robert
- Prentis, R.
- Price, Thomas
- Purdie, Alexander
- Pursell, Henry
- Randolph, Edmund
- Reid, George
- Reynolds, William
- Rider, Solomon
- Roberts, A.M.
- Roberts, William
- Rowsay, John
- Scott, Anderson
- Smith, William
- Stubbs, John S.
- Throckmorton, John
- Thruston, John
- Tryone, James
- Vaughan, James
- Walker, Mary
- Waller, Benjamin
- Whiting, Thomas
- Whitinger, Peter
- Willis, Francis
- Witherspoon, John
- Wyatt, Richard