Find Periodicals
The Rockefeller Library subscribes to a wide variety of online and hard-copy journals. Electronic publications are only accessible from Colonial Williamsburg Foundation computers.
Search for periodicals:
- Journal of World Prehistory (ISSN 0892-7537)
- from Vol. 1, 1987 to 2021 in JSTOR
- Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (ISSN 1042-7260)
- from Vol. 1, 1970 to 2019 in JSTOR
- Juristen Zeitung (previously Süddeutsche Juristen-Zeitung) (ISSN 0022-6882)
- from 1 Jahrg, 1946 to 2019 in JSTOR
- Justice System Journal (ISSN 0098-261X)
- from Vol. 1, 1974 to 2021 in JSTOR
- Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions of the (ISSN 00228443)
- from Vol. 18 , 1903 to 2021 in JSTOR
- Keats-Shelley Journal (ISSN 0453-4387)
- from Vols. 1, 1952 to 2021 in JSTOR
- Kennedy Galleries Publications
- paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, 1960-1983
- Kenyon Review (ISSN 0163-075X)
- from Vol. 1, 1939 to 2021 in JSTOR
- Kerry Archaeological Magazine (ISSN 2009-1362)
- from Vol. 1, 1908 to Vol. 4, 1918 in JSTOR
- Kew Bulletin (ISSN 00755974)
- from Vol. 1, 1946- to 2021 in JSTOR
- Knight Errant (The) (ISSN 2150-3168)
- from Vol. 1, 1892 to 2024 in JSTOR
- Kobstadmuseet Den Ganle By
- paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, 1966-1987 (some missing issues)
- Kronos (ISSN 0259-0190)
- from Vol. 1, 1979 to 2023 in JSTOR
- KulturPoetik (ISSN 1616-1203)
- from Bd. 1, 2001 to 2023 in JSTOR
- Kunst des Orients (ISSN 0023-5393)
- from Vol. 1, 1950 to Vol. 12, 1979 in JSTOR
- Kunstindustrimusset Arbok
- paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, 1950-1975 (some missing issues)
- L’Année épigraphique (ISSN 0066-2348)
- from 1888 to 2017 in JSTOR
- Labour / Le Travail (ISSN 0700-3862)
- from Vol. 1, 1976 to 2019 in JSTOR
- Labour History [Australian Society for the Study of Labour History] (ISSN 0023-6942)
- from No. 1, 1962 to 2023 in JSTOR
- Lace Collector
- paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 1-3, 1991-1993