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The Rockefeller Library subscribes to a wide variety of online and hard-copy journals. Electronic publications are only accessible from Colonial Williamsburg Foundation computers.

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American Society for 18th Century Studies
2012 at
American Society of Arms Collectors Bulletin
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 1-, 1955-
American Society of International Law, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (ISSN 0272-5037)
from Vol, 1, 1907 to 2022 in JSTOR
American Sociological Review (ISSN 00031224)
from Vol. 1, 1936 to 2022 in JSTOR
American Speech (ISSN 00031283)
from Vol. 1, 1925 to Vol. 74, 1999 in JSTOR
American Statistical Association, Journal of the (ISSN 01621459)
from Vol. 18, 1922 to 2019 in JSTOR
American Statistician (ISSN 00031305)
from Vol. 1, 1947 to 2019 in JSTOR
American Studies (ISSN 0026-3079)
from Vol. 1, 1960 to 2021 in JSTOR
American Visions
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 1-15, 1986-2000 (some issues missing)
American Wedgewoodian
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 1-6, 1962-1981
American Zoologist (ISSN 0003-1569)
from Vol. 38, 1998) to 2024 in JSTOR
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 1-20, 1973-1993 (some issues missing)
Americana Illustrated
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol12-18, 1918-1924, Vol. 31-35, 1937-1941 (some missing issues)
Americas (ISSN 00031615)
from Vol. 1, 1944 to 2021 in JSTOR
Anales de la literatura española contemporánea (ISSN 0272-1635)
from Vol. 6, 1981 to 2021 in JSTOR
Análise Social (ISSN 0003-2573)
from Vol. 1, 1963 to 2024 in JSTOR
Analysis (ISSN 00032638)
from Vol. 1, 1933 to 2019 in JSTOR
Anatolian Studies (ISSN 00661546)
from Vol. 1, 1951 to 2021 in JSTOR
Ancient Monuments Society Newsletter
paper copies in Current Shelves at JDR Library, Current Year
Ancient Monuments Society Transactions
paper copies in DA100 .A72 at JDR Library, Vol. 3-, 1955-
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2038 periodical(s) found