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The Rockefeller Library subscribes to a wide variety of online and hard-copy journals. Electronic publications are only accessible from Colonial Williamsburg Foundation computers.

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Southern African Journal of Demography (ISSN 1682-4482)
from Vol. 1, 1987 to 2023 in JSTOR
Southern California Quarterly (many previous titles) (ISSN 0038-3929)
from Vol. 1, 1884 to 2021 in JSTOR
Southern Economic Journal (ISSN 00384038)
from Vol. 1, 1933 to 2021 in JSTOR
Southern Folk Pottery Collections Society
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, No. 7-29, 1994-2005 (some missing issues)
Southern Literary Journal (ISSN 0038-4291)
from Vol. 1, 1968 to 2021 in JSTOR
Southern Studies
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 16-25, 1977-1986; (new series) Vol. 1-, 1987-
Southside Virginia
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 1-8, 1982-1990
Southwestern Historical Quarterly (ISSN 0038-478X)
from Vol. 16,1912 to 2021 in JSTOR
Southwestern Journal of Anthropology (continued by Journal of Anthropological Research) (ISSN 00384801)
from Vol. 1, 1945 to Vol. 28, 1972 in JSTOR
Southwestern Naturalist (ISSN 00384909)
from Vol. 1, 1956 to 2021 in JSTOR
Special Libraries
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 64-87, 1973-1996 (some missing issues)
Speculum (ISSN 00387134)
from Vol. 1, 1926 to 2024 in JSTOR
Spinning Wheel
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 10-38, 1954-1982
Spinning Wheel Sleuth
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, No. 8-26, 1995-1999, #39, #42, 2003, #43 2004 (some missing issues)
St. Louis Art Museum Bulletin (ISSN 0009-7691)
from Vol. 1, 1914 to N.S. Vol. 22, 1998 in JSTOR
Stanford Law Review (ISSN 00389765)
from Vol. 1, 1948 to 2019 in JSTOR
State & Local Government Review [includes Georgia Government Review] (ISSN 0160-323X)
from Vol. 1, 1968 to 2023 in JSTOR
State Politics & Policy Quarterly (ISSN 1532-4400)
from Vol. 1, 2001 to 2021 in JSTOR
State, Culture, and Society
from Vol. 1,1984 to Vol 1,1985 in JSTOR
Statistical Science (ISSN 08834237)
from Vol. 1, 1986 to 2021 in JSTOR
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2038 periodical(s) found