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The Rockefeller Library subscribes to a wide variety of online and hard-copy journals. Electronic publications are only accessible from Colonial Williamsburg Foundation computers.

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Theory and Practice (ISSN 0741-6156)
from Vol. 1, 1975 to 2024 in JSTOR
Theory and Society (ISSN 03042421)
from Vol. 1, 1974 to 2021 in JSTOR
Theory into Practice (ISSN 00405841)
from Vol. 1, 1962 to 2017 in JSTOR
Third World Quarterly (ISSN 01436597)
from Vol. 1, 1979 to 2017 in JSTOR
This Constitution
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, No. 1-18, 1983-1988
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation: Report of the Curator
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, 1957-1981
Threepenny Review (ISSN 0275-1410)
from Vol. 1, 1980 to 2021 in JSTOR
Tidewater Virginia Families
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 1-12, 1992-2004
Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis (ISSN 13837079)
from D. 45ste, 1995 to 2019 in JSTOR
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (previously Tijdschrift voor Philosophie) (ISSN 1370-575X)
from 1ste Jaarg, 1939 to 2019 in JSTOR
Tobacco Control (ISSN 0964-4563)
from Vol. 1, 1992 to 2021 in JSTOR
Tools and Trades History Society Newsletter (TATHS Newsletter)
paper copies in Compact Shelves at JDR Library, Vol. 2-, 1983-
Torrey Botanical Society, Journal of the (ISSN 10955674)
from Vol. 124, 1997 to 2021 in JSTOR
Town Planning Review (ISSN 0041-0020)
from Vol. 1, 1910 to 2019 in JSTOR
Traditio (ISSN 0362-1529)
from Vol. 1, 1943 to 2021 in JSTOR
Trama & Texturas (ISSN 1887-3669)
from No. 1, 2006 to 2021 in JSTOR
Transactions of the American Art-Union (ISSN 2152-6141)
from 1844 to 1849 in JSTOR
Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society (ISSN 0068-6611)
from Vol. 1, 1949 to 2021 in JSTOR
Transition (ISSN 00411191)
from No. 1, 1961 to No. 80, 1999 in JSTOR
Translation and Literature (ISSN 0968-1361)
from Vol. 1, 1992 to 2019 in JSTOR
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2038 periodical(s) found