- Robbins, John, seaman, 28:135
- Robert, Hubert, artist
- "The Maison Carree, the arena, and the Tour Magni at Nimes," 29:148*
- Robert E. Lee Bridge, Richmond, 5(3):8,9,11*
- Robert E. Lee Camp, Confederate Soldiers Home, 29:40,47*; 47:22
- advertisements for fund-raising (D)29:41
- Petersburg to Boydton, 1850-1853, 4(2):4-7
- Roberts,
- Amelia, m. of Joseph J., 23(2):5,6
- James, f. of Joseph J., 23(2):5
- James, Halifax Co., 20(4):8
- James, seaman, 37:31
- James, Jr., Halifax builder, 20(4):6,8
- Jane Waring, w. of Joseph J., 46:86,86*
- Joseph Jenkins, president of Liberia, 23(2):4,ll*; 46:86*
- dealing with native chiefs, 23(2):10*
- Joseph K., geologist (?), 4(4):19
- William, artist
- "View of the Potomac," 39:37*
- William J., guardian of William L. Herndon, 15(4):4
- Robertson,
- Absalom Willis, Lexington congressman, 45:76
- Archibald, artist
- view of New York, 1794, (probably by a pupil), 36:100*
- Beverly, ________, 35:92,93*
- Donald, educator, 1(3):27
- Elizabeth Lewis (Mrs. Robert Barksdale), 2(3):19
- Hopkins, actor, 2(1):6,7
- J. H., author
- "War Comes to Norfolk Harbor, 1861," 50:64-75
- James I., Jr., auth. & historian, 46:156*
- "The wreck of Old 97," 8(2):43-46
- "The Council of Three: Advisors to Governor Honest John Letcher," 26:176-183
- "Mexico and a Hero's Mantle," 46:100-117
- "Stonewall Jackson: The Man, the Soldier, the Legend," 46:101
- "Usable Surprises," 46:156,157
- "Civil War Va.: Battleground for a Nation," 46:156
- Exec. Dir. of National CWCC, 50:79*,85
- "Va. 1861-1865: Iron Gate to the Confederacy," 50:85
- John, artist
- "Jefferson Davis," 11(4):36*
- John, judge, 8(3):19,20*; 10(2):14
- Moses, tobacco merchant, 1(2):22
- W. Glenn, auth.
- "The siege of Suffolk, 1863: Another name for futility," 27:164-173
- William, clerk of the Council, 38:60
- William, quarry owner, 29:10
- William J., lawyer, 36:74
- Wyndham, governor, 12(4):8; 14(1):15; 18(3):13,14**
- Robertson Hospital, Richmond, 6(1):37
- register of patients, 1862-1863 (D)6(1):38,39
- Robeson, Paul, guest at Spencer home in Lynchburg, 46:66
- Robins,
- A.H. Co., Richmond pharmaceutical co., 46:45
- Albert H., Richmond pharmacist, 46:45
- Claiborne, Richmond pharmacist & businessman, 46:45
- E.L., contractor, 25:163
- Obedience, mem. House of Burgesses, 14(1):20
- Sally Nelson, historian, 27:132
- William B., Richmond, 14(3):44
- Robinson,
- Alcinda, child, 4(1):31*
- Benjamin, court clerk, 9(3):18
- Bill (Bojangles), entertainer, 27:97,100,113,118,123*
- birthplace of, 27:102*; 45:14
- Charles M., architect, 22(2):9; 49:7,8,14
- Channing, Richmond, 29:41,42
- Christopher, town trustee, 16(2):39
- Conway, attorney, 9(1):47*
- David, Montgomery Co., 27:30
- Elaine Plaines, 2d w. of Bill, 27:102
- George, tobacco factory worker, 39:138
- George Granderson, WWI black vet., 50:132
- Jackie, black baseball player, 48:104,108-110
- John, Episcopal clergyman, 16(1):31
- John, Essex Co., 16(3):44
- John M., Capt., topographical engr., 48:32
- John, Montgomery, 27:30
- John, Jr., speaker of House of Burgesses, 16(1):18-20*; 24:27; 30:4-9*; 30:172,174; 34:149; 38:61,63*; 50:161
- John, Sr., father of speaker, 30:8
- John "Jocky", weaver, 45:151
- Julian, CSA soldier, 19(4):27
- Mary, Richmond, 39:139,140
- Moncure, 4(3):5; 12(4):8; 29:130
- Morgan Poitiaux, archivist, 11(3):26; 38:102-104
- Norman, part owner of ship, 9(2):6
- Phebe, FABC member, 47:32,33
- Robert Emmet, militia officer, 17(3):9
- S.C., arms manufacturer, 12(2):32,33
- Samuel, nephew of L. Anderson, Petersburg, 50:34,35
- Samuel C., investor in mines, 7(2):41
- Samuel W., fire victim, 1870, 12(2):19
- Susanna Chiswell, w. of Speaker John, 16(1):18
- Thomas, Col., Continental army, 48:135
- Thomas, VMI student, 49:140
- Tully, justice of the peace, 17(1):31
- Virginia Morgan, opponent of football, 12(3):31
- William, Russell Co., 22(4):14,16
- William Murray, artist
- "Jamestown, 1865," 6(4):24,25*
- Mrs. William Russell, pres. Colonial Dames, 15(4):46
- Wirt, railroad manager, 4(3):5
- Robson,
- John S., Civil War amputee, 47:22
- William, Civil War amputee, 47:22
- Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de, Revolutionary officer, 7(2):20-22; 19(2):17-19; 24:49*; 31:56-58*; 48:183
- Rochefoucauld, Liancourt, duc de la, French traveler, visit to Nelson House, 1(2):46; 48:8
- Rochelle, Clements, judge, 20(1):13
- Rock Castle Creek Bridge, Patrick Co., 1(2):18*
- Rock Castle Mills, grist mill of S.H. Saunders, 50:89
- Rockbridge Agricultural Society, 45:153,160,162
- Rockbridge Company, hotel builders, 20(3):9
- Rockbridge County, (M)28:108
- agriculture in, 4(1):20-27
- courthouses, 15:118-125*
- 1800's - 1900's textiles, 45:148
- "Rockbridge County Artists & Artisans," Barbara Crawford & Royster Lyle, Jr., 45:148
Compiled by two volunteers, Rachel Marks and Lois Raymond, 1992–2008, this resource indexes articles and illustrations published in volumes 1–51 of the Virginia Cavalcade.
Volume numbers are followed by the quarterly number, in parentheses, followed by pages. Beginning with Volume 24, pages were numbered consecutively throughout each volume, so quarterly numbers have been omitted. Here are examples: