WILLIAMSBURG, November 16, 1775.
It being judged necessary that a GENERAL CONVENTION should be speedily held, I have thought fit, pursuant to the directions of the last Convention, to appoint Friday the first day of December for that purpose, when a full meeting of the delegates, at the town of Richmond, is earnestly desired by their
Most obedient servant,
Virginia Gazette (Purdie) November 17, 1775
About this entry:
Robert Carter Nicholas (1729-80), Treasurer of Virginia, introduced the resolution for a day of fasting and prayer in support of Boston to protest the closing of the port by the British following the famous Tea Party. An active participant in Virginia's extralegal conventions, Nicholas was a man of influence and piety who gave up his successful law practive to devote himself to the revolutionary movement. He was an advocate of caution and compromise who gained the respect of those with whom he differed by his acceptance of the final break with Great Britain. He was appointed a judge of the new High Court of Chancery in Virginia in 1779 but did not live long enough to exert an influence on the new court.
Sources: ANB